Sydney, Australia

Hi all!
Encouraging to hear about your Grass Tree Chrissy. I'll have a good look
at it over the weekend because, as opposed to your's being trimmed, my tops (double headed)
came out with a light pull. I will wait until I am sure it is devoid of all life before doing something
with the trunk. Got to go. I have homework again. Have a good night / day gardeners.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.. We are still here after a rather quiet night. So far the forecast gale force winds etc have not visited here. We had a few strong gusts and a little rain but that was all. I hope noone else was hit by it.
I came home with no plants yesterday, but I did see a few around the nursery that were definitely past their use by date. Poor things. I may find one over in Mt Gambier next week when hubby goes to have his eye exam. He will then have the eye done the following week. Do you all find that any procedure with a doctor these days requires multiple visits ? I fail to see why all they need to know is not taken on the first visit then you just go back for whatever is to be done. It can be very expensive travelling back and forth.
I am going to throw a bit more coo poo around today while it looks like raining , so it can be rained into the soil.
Hello Steve, have you put up possum houses yet ? I hope you can salvage your grass tree, they are very slow growers so will take quite a while to get another to any size.
Hello Cody, that is a very pretty flower. Yes, I found that ducks and geese were very messy around the place when I used to have them.
Hello Louise, I would love to live with all those autumn colors..We do have some pretty areas over here where autumn color is about , but nothing like the trees in their natural forests as you have. Your garden definitely is very pretty. I hope the deer don't do too much damage. All I have to worry about here is the neighbours cat chasing the birds. We haven't got any large plant eaters. There are grubs and slugs but not a major problem.
Colleen, my cacti babies are weathering the cold and wet very well. Thanks for the tip anout watering. A kind someone mentioned that over on the cactus thread too. I like the small dwarf sanseviera. Looks a bit like a bromeliad.
I am still watching my bromeliad flower bud. It is growing but very slowly.
I am off to do some washing but it won't be going out on the line in case that wind picks up again. I can hang it on the clothes horse under the wall heater. Dries really well there.
Hello to eveyone else out there. I hope you are all going to have a great weekend in your gardens.
Enjoy this Raspberry Cheesecake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Colleen, thank you for that advice about rooting the geranium! No wonder they never did well in water for me! LOL I'll try to save it by putting it in some soil tomorrow. Hopefully, it hasn't drowned already!

Cody - what IS that beautiful flower you posted? That doesn't look like any flower I'm familiar with. Very beautiful!!!

Jean - that cheesecake is very decadent indeed! I agree with you about the beautiful forests of New England. I adopted the area as my home in 1980, and find it impossible to imagine not being here in the summer and fall. My DH finds the New Hampshire winters just too much for him now, especially in the somewhat remote and unforgiving area we are in, so my childhood neighborhood in Florida in a modest little home in view of a 2-mile-wide tropical river fits the bill much better for us, as we like to get out and walk a couple miles each morning.

Happy Day to you all!

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Here's a shot of the pond at the bottom of our hill (where we take our morning walk) in those pretty autumn colors. I found my first red and yellow maple leaf on the road this morning. It's coming!

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
Christchurch, New Zealand

that is scene I would like to step in to...
I love horses!
and it looks a wonderful day for a ride.
my old dally would have been up for it too - she was true to her breed & adores horses too.
Now a quiet stagger to the park is her limit, at 15 she is going well to manage that.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Hi Dalfyre! I'd say she is doing very well at 15 to take her quiet stagger to the park! Enjoy her!! We have a horse farm (our closest neighbor) across the road at the top of our meadow. I love to hear the whinny'ing and other horse sounds early in the morning when we are sitting on our porch having breakfast. Lots of riders meander down our road, and it makes for a pretty scene with our forest as a backdrop.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

This was a shot of the mist on the pond that I took this morning on our walk. There is a summer camp at the far end of the pond, and this shot was taken of the waterfront of the camp.

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Beautiful pics Louise. Do you catch any fish in the pond. I think I could live where you live quite easily. Jean I couldn't remember where I saw that hint about not watering into the vase of the Sansevieria, but when I went to look at your post over in C&S there it was. My memory span isn't very good is it? A bit windy here today. I dont like wind, makes me crabby. Have 2 little boys in bed today with very bad coughs. They haven't been up yet, had breakfast and morning tea in bed but they're itching to get up and watch a video. I think that they're not feeling too bad now. The cough will probably get worse again a dusk. Hope everyone's feeling well. will be back later. Colleen

townsville, Australia

Hi to everyone, have not been around much this week, it has been a sad one for me, but I won't go into that.
Loiuse if ever you need a house keeper I am there lol, my what a beautiful place to live the photos are just lovely. Yes I think 18 is quite old for a Border Collie, she was just to spoilt rotten, she ate, watched tv and slept with me, to want to leave it all to go to sleep permanently, but in the end she just could not stay awake any longer, and went to heaven, I still miss her, I don't think that will ever go away, but at least now I don't cry everytime I think of her, I know I am a pathetic sook.
Steve the midget picked the titans, so another one up on him, getting closer lol.
Brian I think I need a drink or 3 and the cupboards are empty sigh!!!!!!!!!!!
Have to go won't be here on Monday have to go to a funeral :-(
Have a great weekend all
Please stay safe and smile

Sorry everyone I am crook with a dreadful tummy wog ...feels like someone is twisting your inards.it's something we all get around this time of the year ...I reckon it's in the water, the schools are all empty.
Back later when I feel like a human being again, sorry shell re whatever has happened ...and to anyone not feeling happy for various reasons ...hugs to you
... and to those happy gardeners in your beautiful gardens, keep the show going it cheers up the ones feeling icky
...it's extreme wind here and a looming storm.

Thumbnail by

weekend ahead! Have a good one!

Thumbnail by
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Knock, knock! ... ... ...

Just asking if I can enter the "Tea Room"? :)

I snooped in quietly and thought this might be a lovely place to call by on the way home from work. Did not want to just barge in! :)


Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Barmera, Australia

Hey get those kids out of my Tea before they pee in it.
Shelly61 there should be wine in the Tea Room I put a half dozen of each in there last time. You should still have some of that Port left as well.
Chrissy the crook stomach is what you get for fraternising with the PM and his Wife.

barmera, Australia

Wayne that's a beautiful pic. Did you take it ? I love the tea cup. I have quite a few lovely cups saucers and b/b plates sets. Will take some pics to show you. Colleen

barmera, Australia

My sister gave me these.

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Good morning to you all! So sorry to hear that some of you are feeling so poorly! There should be a law against anyone being ill on a weekend!!

Colleen - yes, there are fish in the pond, and a white sand beach where we swim. The water is so clear (and cold) that you can see your feet quite clearly. Lovely spot, especially on a hot afternoon after working up a sweat in the garden! I hope your little boys are feeling better soon!

Shell - thank you for the kind remarks on our place. I would certainly not consider you a "pathetic sook" for loving your sweet dog so much. They are just impossible not to love, and even more impossible to replace. Molly was my garden supervisor, and as you can see in this photo, she was the bean picker as well!

Chrissy - hope you are feeling much better very soon. Sounds like a dreadful malady to me! "I am crook with a dreadful tummy wog." Yikes....that is not an expression I'm familiar with, and I'm thinking you REALLY need a good cup of tea!

Wayne - very lovely photo! This is a very welcoming place to stop by! I know you'll enjoy the fare here!

Brian - LOL! A good laugh will cure what ails anyone!

Colleen - those are very pretty china cups/saucers/plates! I also like your embroidered cloth. I have one made by my Grandmother that is very similar.

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Can't leave you all with a bittersweet photo.....When you leave the Tea Room, please stop by my "Cuppatea" garden shed and come on in for a cuppa for the road. Here's the inside of my Cuppatea playhouse.....you are all welcome, and you don't even have to wipe your feet!

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Thanks Collen. No not my photo, just a scanned card a friend sent some years back. Rather cute and I thought appropriate for a tea room! :) Like your cups, make mine a green tea.

We came by a 5 hp 4 stroke mulcher this week. I have had it reconditioned, so into our hard/winter prune today. I think the risk of frost has passed here. Looking forward to putting all that great material back into the soil!

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Merino, Australia

Good morning all. It is a good morning here so far. The sun is shining and the day is supposed to be mild, but we are forecast awful weather for the rest of the week. It must be winter ????? Ha ha.
Louise, look for a large influx of Tea Room people moving into your beautiful yard. Your pictures are so inviting. The lake must be a very pretty place to walk.
Hello dalfyre. how are you over there across the ditch ? Any warmer in NZ ?
Hello Colleen, I hope your boys are feeling better today. It's no fun for kids being ill. ( no fun for mums either )
Shelly, so sorry you have sadness at the moment. Keep your spirits up and know you have friends here.
Hello Chrissy. I hope you are feeling a little better . Go sit with the angels and have a chat, they will make you feel better. ( oops,sorry, that doesn't look right, does it ? I meant the earth angels not the heavenly ones )
Wayne, how lovely to see you in here. I do like that cup. There is always plenty of green tea as that is all I drink. You are most welcome and we do like to see your garden pictures too.
I like your mulch. I have wanted a mulcher for years but thery are a bit beyond me. No good bargains around here.
Brian, I don't know where the wine goes to. It seems we may have midnoight visitors . Maybe we need it by the case instead of just a few at a time.
I am going to try and get some weeding done today while it stays fine. I have some cuttings of B sanguinea that I was given, so will get them going. I have had no luck so far with any of this Brug. I have a lot of iris seedlings getting bigger. They are going to be beautiful i hope but I wont see flowers until next year. I was given the seeds so the flowers will be a surprise. My own iris are coming up well among the weeds. Lucky they are srtrong growing things and the weeds don'r bother them. I have to make a space for some of the big Angels to go in the ground next month when it warms a bit. I have a little lillipilly to put in a bonsai pot along with a seedling wisteria.
Better move from here or nothing will get done. Enjoy the weekend everyone.
Hello to all those I missed.
Try this Plum Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,thanks,well enjoy your day and take care.

Hi Louise,thanks,that picture that i posted and you wanted to know the name of it is a Wisteria (Frutescens)Amethyst Falls.It is beautiful when it blooms too.Well enjoy your day and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
melbourne, Australia

hi everyone,
haven't popped in for a long time - winter finds me inside and looking longingly out the window at the garden. went to the market today though and got two pots of tulips with about four plants each pot for 2 for $5.00. also got another plant that the lady didn't know the name of but she had a flower there. gorgoues large purple one.

have been out in the garden weeding for a few hours! my garden is so overgrown with weeds.

hope all is well,


NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Hi Jean, thank you for your welcome! A great day today winter pruning and then the mulching. One of my boys came over to help, so work halved and done in no time! We processed just on one cubic meter of mulch from Xylosma, Melianthus, Salvia and Tagetes. More to go tomorrow!

We were very fortunate to have "found" the mulcher. One of the care facilities that I work at has an old shed. I went there to find a rake and found tucked away at the back the mulcher. I discovered that the property once had a full time gardener on-site fully equipped. Long story short, the mulcher was off the books and free to take. A mechanic friend gave it the once over and a clean bill of health! :)

It will be handy not only here, but also with work. We can take it with us to work sites and the boys can use it. Talk about "win win"! We really could not afford to purchase a mulcher with this power.

The photo here was taken a few years back. We built a three bay compost system out of old cyclone fencing, star posts each bay being one cubic meter. Gosh, so many happy memories there with those compost bays, hard work combined with joy knowing where our fruits of labour would bloom! I love my work in disability service. :))

Time for a cuppa now.

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Sydney, Australia

Hi all.
At Sussex for a couple of days. Maybe even 4!!!!! Wow. First time off since Christmas. No possum boxes yet Jean but still on the list. They are quite happy in the garage roof next door. Watched them exit again tonight. Like clockwork. Right on dusk. Working on the table first. Ready to cut the wood into bits and think about assembly. Have decided the old boat we picked up will be a fish pond. Looking forward to that project. Before that I need to set up irrigation here. Some of the potted plants are suffering. Rain gauge was empty after two weeks. The Pink Nerine is flowering Jean. Will send a pic tomorrow along with this year's surprise - Daffodils are flowering. Lots of them. Knew they were there but no flower last year. Heaps of snowdrops too and Hyacinths.

barmera, Australia

Evening everyone. I thought that I would just drop in with another of my cup pics to have a quick cuppa before everyone goes to bed. Hope you're feeling better Chrissy. Tummy wogs aren't much fun are they? Anyway hope you're feeling better. Jean glad to here everything is growing well down there. Shelleyto4 it was great to see you pop in this morning. Yes, it certainly is weed growing time. The boys had some friends over today and I was wondering why they were so quiet. I went out to find them with a little wheelbarrow and a couple of pairs of tongs and a couple of little hoes and they were getting the stinging nettles out. That must have been my reward for taking them all for a walk and getting an paddlepop for them. They all really like the garden because I've got little tracks everywhere and plenty of places for them to play hidey. They dont worry about the cactus too much. They're as fascinated with them as I am. My son rang earlier and told me that he bought me some plants off e-bay. The reason I haven't posted anymore pics of his brom house is he's having trouble downloading his pics onto the computer. He has to get someone to have a look at it for him. Hi to Mya, Brical, Budgie, Shelley Marleneann, KK, Kat, Dalfyre, Awchid, Cody, Steve's Mum, Wayne, Leisa and Sue are away I think[lucky girls] Louise with her beautiful walk into pics. and anyone else Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Christchurch, New Zealand

nice cups there...
Any markings on the undersides?
I had a bit of fun looking up some china that we got after Grandma passed away -aged 100!
Nothing valuable but some collectible 'names'
Meakin, Carlton ware among others.
MY Carlton Ware plate is really pretty, pale green with a dog rose on it.

barmera, Australia

Hi Dalfyre. Nothing of too much value I don't think. Most are English china and some of them have numbers underneath written in gold. I have some Johnson Bros china as well. I like some of the designs of the johnson ware. I have a 4 piece dinner set with salt and pepper and sugar bowl and a flower vase called Fresh fruit by Johnson Bros. I also have a Tea set, cups saucers BB plates and cake plate of Weatherby Handley of a Crinolin Lady in blue. I'm missing 1 cup of the six. Will take a pic of it for everyone to see. It's really pretty. I have some large roast- turkey platters of Meakin. I like old china and I don't own an everyday set.It's just made up of pretty plates that I picked up at the op shop. The boys love the pretty plates and if they get broken it doesn't really matter. They are really careful with them though because they like them. Colleen

barmera, Australia

Forgot to include the pic. Here it tis. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Coushatta, LA

Hi Colleen,pretty Teacups/Coffee cups.Have a great weekend and enjoy and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. We had a very nice day here yesterday, It started out very cold but the sun stayed out and it was nice to work out in it. I managed a bit more weeding and I can now see the irises.
Hello Shelly (V) great to see you back again. How are all your bits and pieces growing now. I bet there are lots of weeds too. It seems a great weed year with all the showers . I like tulips and did plant a few somewhere once. They gave up after a year or so. Probably too dry. They do tend to push themselves way down in the ground, so may have gone to China.
Wayne, what a lucky find that mulcher was. I built a set of compost bins like yours years ago but they never worked because I just didn't have the variety of stuff needed to keep it going. I still have a great pile of old half composted stuff sitting down the back. . It may rot away one day. Most of my prunings (except roses) get cut up and thrown down along the back where they eventually rot down or as some bits have done, start growing. All the small clippings I just drop around where I am clipping.
Hello Steve, a boat pond sounds interesting. How does the neighbour like the possums in the garage ?
My nerines are out too. I love the way they flower in progression. The red , the pink then the white. Lots of daffies here too . My pretty double jonquils are all coming out now and I love the perfume.
Colleen, your boys are so helpful. It's nice to have them enjoying the garden. Mine always did and still do.
I like you cups. Once years ago , before I ever met hubby, I used to do a lot of collecting of antiques, especially china. My favorites were the Royal Winton crinoline ladies.
Hello Dalfyre. How grows your garden.
Chrissy , if you are peeping in, I hope you are feeling better.
Hello to Shelly (Q) , Brian, Mya, Louise, . Sue is away and I think also Leisa.
Kat, are you still with us or did the turkeys have a Kat dinner ?
Hello to anyone else out there . I will leave something nice out for you all. These photos are from a fantastic site for recipes. http://www.joyofbaking.com/index.html
Try these Banana Muffins.
Happy gardening , Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Good morning all. A lovely morning in Sydney, clear blue sky and just a nip in the air... Roll on spring!:)
Getting Sunday morning breckie on, then out to the garden. More pruning and mulching. I have discovered a place for Chrissy's Brug 'Fire Fighter Angel'. Currently occupied by white flowering ginger, next to the aviary. Remember the Zebra finches Chrissy? Your wonderful plant will be serenaded morning to dusk by those busy little fellows. I hope you are feeling better today.
Love all the tea cups and saucers ladies. Gosh, none here, just "beakers"! I am thinking of poor Elizabeth in "Keeping Up Appearances"... Hyacinth Bucket (Bouquet) would be horrified by our humble collection!
Heres cheers! Two "beakers" from our collection, summer in the garden earlier this year.
Have a happy day, and in the words of the late and great Allan Searle, "Good gardening"! :)
PS. Happy "City to Surf" to all the boys and girls, off in an hour!

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
barmera, Australia

Morning everyone. Cool and overcast here this morning. The heater is still on and the boys are watching Animalia. They're still not 100% but getting better. Branden's teacher said that there were 10 kiddies away on Thursday so it must be going around. They have really nasty coughs. Jean I haven't seen a white Nerine. I believe there is a yellow one now too. I have a yellow Watsonia nearly ready to flower. When I go out the back all I can smell are stocks and out the front the mauve buddliah. The birds are having a field day. I have a pair of Murray Magpies nesting in the Norfolk pine this year. They usually nest in the big pines up the back but must have decided to come closer to the house for some reason. I think there are Willy wagtails nesting in the same tree but haven't spotted their nest yet.The redthroated Wattle birds are having an easy time collecting fur for their nests. There are going to be some really cosy nests around this year. Will take a pic of the Crinolin Lady teaset later for you all to see. Be back later.Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Wayne, I think Mrs Bucket would be extremely " impressed" with the surroundings though...I don't think she would even notice the "beakers/mugs"lol!

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Hi Cody - thanks for the ID of the Amethyst Falls. What a beauty that one is! I also love that pretty shot of the brug above too!

Wayne - what a great mulcher you happened onto! I have a chipper/shredder in our shed that hasn't come out in about 15 years, much to my chagrin! DH doesn't want to repair it, and I'd just love to have it so I wouldn't have to buy mulch!!

Colleen - what lovely cups you have! That one with the fisherman is so unusual! I really like the approach you have with using the china with your kids and not worrying whether things get broken or not. I'll bet they'll learn to appreciate beautiful things that way!

I hope the weekend is treating you all just splendidly!!! We had our new driveway put in and DH and I have been out there "repairing" the front lawn all around it by seeding, fertilizing and putting hay down to get the grass to grow back. If you imagine the hay as green grass, you might get an idea of how it will look when the lawn comes back.

Cheers! Louise

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Good morning everyone!

Beautiful day here today.

Wayne nice to see you here. Hi also to Louise

Jean thank you for the recipe link...I will go back and take to take a good look at it.

Cody, Steve,Brical, Colleen,Dalfyre & Shelly...have a wonderful day.

barmera, Australia

Good morning again. Have been going click, click, click. The apricot tree is in flower. I thought it was a Morpark apricot but Brian reckons it a bit early for Morpark and he thinks it's a Story. Tastes good anyway. Makes nice jam too. Here's the pic of the crinolin teaset. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Colleen, your teaset is gorgeous. I do miss all my crinoline ladies. Sadly I had to sell all my antique stuff due to , as they say, 'cricumstances beyond my control'.
I will enjoy looking at yours.
wayne, I too am a mug person for my tea. I love your garden. I used to also love watching Hyacinth and her antics. I wish they would bring her back on TV.
Louise, I would be getting that mulcher fixed somehow. You would have so much mulch for your garden. Maybe if you drag it out and leave in full view, your DH will feel sorry for you and get it done.
Hello Marleneann.. there are some lovely recipes on that link.
I have been weeding again as the weather has not deteriorated as it was supposed to. I am just off to do the last little bit. Heres another of my hellebores.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coushatta, LA

Hi Louise,you are very welcome.Thanks,the brug is a noid double white.The second skirt won't drop because it doesn't open so it starts to rot in the middle.Other than that the outside open pretty.Well enjoy and take care.

Hi Marleneann,enjoy your day and take care.

Hi Colleen,hope your boys start to feel better soon.Enjoy your day as well.

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Hi one and all.

What a day, what a fab weekend here in Sydney! A beautiful clear blue sky, just a nip of "ice" this morning and the "City to Surf" running. Next year for sure I will get my boys motivated and do that thing... a walk that is from the CBD to Bondi Beach. Good intentions... a bit like New Year's resolutions! :)

A big day here in the garden winter pruning and mulching. My arms look like they have been flailed! I had better wear long sleeves tomorrow to work, lest the boys think that I have been into "self harm" over the weekend.

Weekends are not long enough. Mousaka tonight, so I had better get off and set the table, or I will be in trouble.

Hope you find the "Cabbage Patch" post card fun!
Now where do babies come from? :)

Have a happy week.

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Christchurch, New Zealand

well I had a great day today, training with the dogs form 9.30am - 12.30pm, it got nice & warm after a foggy start.
Once home I got stuck into the garden, weeded, put up wire frame for climbing rose & swapped a few plants around.
It feels like SPRING!

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Good morning or evening to you all!

Cody - what a lovely photo! That little guy of yours is quite a handsome boy!!

Dalfyre - How nice that you have that wonderful feeling of Spring!! I hope you are all feeling Spring in the air. For us, we will have our warmest day in 2 years here. It's finally summer in New England!....just in time for Fall! LOL

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