Noooo Friday again that quick?
It always seemed to take forever as I recall in my younger days ...that saturday night dance seemed to take years to come around instead of days ...gee things change don't they?
beautiful pics shell ...what a lovely creature, we only get hawks and the sweet tawny frogmouth here.
Yep steve has turned up ...he said we have been quiet ???? ^_^
The yard is full of workers so no pics today ...just some homework (notes on my plants) and the dreaded housework ...plus cooking for the hoards.
So I will pop back after to see what everyone is up to.
Enjoy your morning everyone.
Last spring ...just to remind you of what is to come

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barmera, Australia

Morning everyone. The plants are all in the ground now so I can just sit back and wait. Beautiful pic Chrissy. I never have much luck growing them. Had a white one for a while but that sucumbed in last years heat. Will probably try again. Lovely pics of the sea eagle Shelley. We have some Whistling Kites that fly around here looking for food now that the rabbit population has diminished. We even have a couple of crows. For the amount of cats that I have I'm quite surprised with the birds in the back yard. Magpies, Murray magpies, Wattle birds, Miners, Eastern Rosellas, Willie wag tails, Doves, Topknots, Blackbirds, Starlings,silver eyes. Spoggies and the black and white butcher birds.The swallows fly around the trees morning and night getting the insects as well. Jean I have never seen a black Arum and the Zanties what are they? Will have to look that one up. Well had better go and do some work. Be back later. All have a lovely day. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
townsville, Australia

Good morning all, as yet another lovely day in paradise, much to nice to be at work, oh well one and a half more days and its the weekend lol.
Chrissy, I have that dreaded housework thing to look forward to on the weekend yuk, and I love the pic, beautiful colour. Oh and by the way the babies are doing really well, they must love the warmth.
Colleen, what a wonderful array of birds, we have a few of those but not all, I dislike the Indian minors and the sparrows, but fortunately I do not get either in my yard, the rainbow lorakeets keep chasing them away.
Jean i'm with you I love the jungle look, alas I fear it will take years for me to get it, although I have no intention of moving so I will see it in my own yard one day lol.
I do not think I will ever figure out how to use all the functions of the new camera, the man who sold it to me told me it was a simple one, I would hate to see complicated, you need a pilots licence to operate the #%^^&*) thing lol.
cody love the new name it suits you, and how are all your babies going.
Helen I do love that frog of yours he was a bargain. It would be nice to find out what he means, the asian statues usually all have some form of significance with in the culture.
have to go and do some work always busy at the end of month.
have a wonderful day all
smile and stay safe

Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,thanks,well enjoy your day and take care.

Hi Shell,thanks,they are doing great.Hope your day at work is going good.Well enjoy your day and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Sydney, Australia

That's an odd looking Budgie Shelly! Look at the "Manly" emblem.
I have been sitting back thinking "I thought only bears hibernated"
Seems I may have missed some (lots) of new links. Don't know what happened but if
I go missing again can someone please nudge me! (or direct me back to the nursing home).

All is well. Head down bum up trying to make a profit (or at least cover costs).
Got some new plants to show you. Table manufacture is coming along. Possums have given up
(now what will I do with my Saturday nights?). About to start the budgies breeding. Wisteria soon.
Good sign that I can take off my beanie! Can't wait.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Hello everyone!

We have been having some fantastic days here on the Sunshine Coast. Not a cloud in the shy and around 22 /23 degrees.

I have my grandson's second birthday party on Saturday. Boy they grow up quickly. My eldest grandchild is twenty-four.

I was wondering if anyone knows the name of this flower.

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. I just lost my entire post. Grrrrrr.
We are having a problem with Firefox crashing randomly still and this time the darn thing has picked DG to throw me out of.
I am not going to do all that typing again. I will just say hello and go away and sulk for a while.
No not really, I am not the sulking sort.
I will have another go and hope it stays put.
It is a sunny morning here after a miserable wet day yesterday. Hubbys sister and her husband came up for a visit so that passed the afternoon in a nice way..
I may get out and do a bit of weeding if the day stays fine.
Hello Chrissy. A yard full of workers again ? You will be busy.
Hello Colleen. We used to get some of the larger raptors here when the bush rats were more plentiful We would have eagles and kites sitting up on hubbys radio tower watching for a meal. Now with the dry, the bush rats are all gone and so are the bigger birds. We still see facons and kestrels, but only a few.
Its so nice to watch all the birds around the garden.
You asked about the Zantes and arums. My black arum ( more a very dark burgundy ) is as far as I know Arum Paleastinum. It flowers at the same time as the common white arum and Green Goddess.
The Zantedeschias are usually called Calla Lilies ( but aren't ) and bloom a lot later in the year. They have all died down now. They were a mystery to me until I looked them up on the internet. Amazing what you can find on the net.
Shelly, with all your warm weather you should have a jungle in no time up there.
I like to wander around in the spring when the garden is really growing and hubby has to come and look for me among the plants.
Hello Steve. Glad you came out from hiding under the table. We are waiting for your photos of the table and other projects. You will be lonely up there on the roof without the possums.
Hello to everyone else on and anyone watching.
if you look over on the Angel thread, you will see that we have found we are linked to a sister site of Daves and lots of people are viewing what we have to say.
We'll have to watch our Ps and Qs won't we ?
I'm going out to enjoy the sun so will leave you all something nice to nibble on .. Apple Strudel.
have a great day,

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Beautiful morning. Sun is shining birds are singing and all is right with the world. Had a lovely couple of hours visiting a cactus and succulent lady yesterday. She used to judge at the Adelaide show. She's going to come and visit me and have a look at the cactus that I have. She has a Pachypodium which is about 1 metre tall. She has different plants to me so it was very interesting seeing what she had. How are you going Marleneann? Face all healed I hope. Awchid how are you over the ditch? Dalfyre not too cold for you? Jean did you see the Epi on the cactus site? It looks as though it needs a drink to me. What do you think? Chrissy the angels are putting out a beautiful show for you, hope mine do the same come spring. Shelley I agree with you about the instructions to use things. They are all double Dutch to me. I like to be shown how to do things. I have trouble if I dont do things for a while then I forget. Oh well I am a Granny. Well had better go and get the boys off to school. be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris

I lost a long post too Jean grrrr

I think if two people are trying to post the thread at the exact same time it may throw one out ...probably wrong but ...it's all I can think of ...
If anyone did not see this http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/f/dgfaq/all/
in the angel thread have a look ...Who knew ...I am such a dope!
Anyway it did remind me to get over there and help the new gardeners every now and then ...I first spent a few months over there until some fairy god mother joined me up and made me a subscriber ...what a wonderful shock and surprise that was. So I promise to get over there and help out a bit ...I have been so caught up in my angel journey I forgot, I promise to do better from now on.
So pop in there and have a look it's very informative (though I feel a bit of a goose)
marleneanne I hope your little bloke enjoys his day lovely age even if they have just figured out how to say NO.
Shell glad your babies are going well ...don't cook them though ...arvo shade.
cody lovely yellow rose is it golden celebration?
steve is that soot in your hair mate? glad the possom has gone.
elaine,brian all the gang and all the shy lurkers ...enjoy your day!

This message was edited Jul 31, 2009 8:58 AM

Sydney, Australia

Hair! What hair? If it is soot then I am back to my black haired early days. Nothing but grey and shiny scalp these days! Table bits are sanded awaiting cutting. The boat in the garage which was going to sit on it's end and be an outdoor shower may now be a fish pond. Stay tuned for further developments.
No possums banging around on the roof now. I don't miss waking at 4am.
Just finished sending emails to Telstra / Bigpond re. the charge to me for the privilege of paying them by cheque.
It might only be a few dollars but we have 3 internet connections, internet hosting, 2 personal phone lines and 2 businesses with them. I would guess we spend about $800 a month with them. Time for a change? or is this the way of the world? (maybe we should start charging our clients) nah! too honest!
Have a great weekend

Coushatta, LA

Hi Chrissy,thanks,no it is called Teasing Georgia.She has a very sweet smell to her as well.So everyone have a bless weekend and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. A dry morning so far and a bit of wind which may dry up yesterdays showers. I need to weed. I will be knee deep in capeweed and grass soon.
It's nearly time to get out all the plant food and throw ir around too. I like to start around the middle of August down here. I have kept up a feed of well diluted Thrive during winter for the Angels and Chrysanthemums though.
I will be making copious amounts of the molasses recipe for all the plants. They love it .
Hello Chrissy. My computer trouble is nothing to do with DG, but an argument between Firefox and our virus thingy, Trend . They don't like each other and theres nothing we can do about it apparently. I'll see what happens later when the new Trend goes in. They got on very well together until a new version arrived.
I must get into that beginners area too Chrissy. I must admit, I have never gone in there. i must remedy that later this morning
Hello Steve. Glad you are back with us and still getting those projects going. The boat sounds interesting. I have seen one done as shelves. Great talking point anyway.
Cody, that is a beautiful rose. Your garden must look lovely.
Hello and goodbye to Sue as she is off and also Leisa. Lucky people. Enjoy those holidays.
We expect lots of photos.
I expect everyone else is busy with work and picking out plants for spring.
I am off to see how dry the weeds are so I can get a start while the sun is out.
Hello to everyone out there and any lurkers are welcome to come in for a chat and a cuppa.
Try this Fruit Cake with your cuppa.
Have a great weekend

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,thanks,hope you are having a great day.Well enjoy and stay warm and take care.The heat we had made the flowers stop growing for awhile.Some stuff is starting to bloom again,but don't know for how long because the heat is going to return again.


This message was edited Aug 1, 2009 12:53 AM

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl

Brrrrrr ...but the sun will warm things up ...it's August!

Happy Birthday to all the horses
Bank Holiday Monday here in NSW ...anywhere else?
Time to start sowing seeds here ...anyone else starting their veggie seeds early? ...if so which ones ? I know up North it's been time just about all the time, but down here like jean said in the next couple of weeks.
Off to buy blood and bone and organic life today, I am very lucky here because we get large bags of many different aged manures for only 3.00 a bag.So it will be on for young and old around here shortly ...talk about making your eyes water!
Well look at the frost on my grandaughter's car ...I asked her to park in front of the Brugmansias to protect them last night ...

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It's been such a strange winter ...some things like my pink hoey suckle are still blooming ...I have seen some agapanthus in flower up the mountain ...yet some trees dropped their leaves way before normal ...if I had to take a stab I guess it would have been considered a mild winter compared to the last two. This has surprised me a lot ...cestrum gave me some darling champaca seedlings and I was terrified they would die in the winter but two have continued to grow and are now over a foot high ...I do have them in a warm position but nevertheless it's quite a surprise ...I might add a very happy surprise, the other ones were sheltered on the verandah and have just sat quietly hardly any growth ...if only I had been braver.

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I have to go call my brother shortly so bye for now ...glad you found your way back steve ...wow you have been busy ...elaine too.
I hope you all enjoy your sat., morning I know I will ...here are some of my frosted angels ...still lovely anyway.

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barmera, Australia

Morning everyone. Have been baking for the last hour or so. Have made nutties and a strawberry jam slice. My Mum used to make nutties all the time but I cant make them like her. The boys like them so that's okay. No frost here this morning Chrissy. It's all overcast. Not too cool though. I dont plant vegies very much. I'm not a very good vegie grower. Ive got spinach growing, nearly ready to transplant. I also had some snow peas but they didn't come to much. Jean I started chucking some manure around yesterday. I bought a pink/mauve Hardenbergia to climb on my new arch from one side and I have put the white/pink Mandavilla on the shadier side. They're both in pots so I can move the whole thing if the sun is too hot for them. That's the plan anyway. Last lot of biscuits to come out so had better go and clean up now. Be back later. Everyone have a great day. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Coushatta, LA

Hi Chrissy,love your brugmansia.Well enjoy your day and stay warm and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Bendigo, Australia

Hello all, well its been a while since I posted anything here. glad to see some new members too!
had a good burn up this morning of bush rubbish on our block. Sat and Tues the only days we can burn. not always able to due to work and weather. so good to get a few areas cleaned up. major risk again for this summer and hopefully i wont be so nervous this time round. we missed out on any damage earlier in the year although we had a couple of serial fire bugs strike quite close by.
my succulents are coming along well and the swaps from members here are thriving. always looking to help out with swaps with others. frost hasnt been so severe this year thank goodness, Ive started sowing vege seed, chard , silver beets and lettuce, and will put some tomato and capsicums into the heat bed to kick start them, need to get the cuttings that are inthere out first though.
rain is our biggest issue , so hope that by planting into foam boxes that broccoli come in will give me a better chance this year.. last season i planted into the foam vege boxes but they are not tall enough and the water ran out of the sides. I cut the bottom out of one and stacked them on top of each other.it worked to a degree but think the brocolli boxes will be better.

wil post up some pics soon.

Thumbnail by garden4grace
Bendigo, Australia

flowering gum.

Thumbnail by garden4grace
barmera, Australia

Hello gardeb4grace, whay if the plant with the yellow flowers? colleen

Bendigo, Australia

agave filifolia

Thumbnail by garden4grace
Bendigo, Australia

it is a cactus Dolichothele longimamma, Colleen

Bendigo, Australia

this is one of our larger column cactus

Thumbnail by garden4grace
barmera, Australia

Thanks for that name. Beautiful flower. Have you got more. I'd be interested to see. Colleen

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. A cold dull morning here. We are expecting more strong winds. I hate wind.
A few showers yesterday and overnight. Just enough to stop any work being done outside. The weeds are having a ball. Growing madly and laughing at me. I hope that last lot of Roundup I was able to do will knock a lot back. At least until I catch up anyway.
Hello garden4grace. It lovely to see you again.. It has been a while. i do hope you are successful with your vegie growing. I use those poly boxes for my bigger succulents. Great for growing and movable.
Don't get Colleen started on your cacti. She loves them and has a beaut garden of them.
Hello Colleen, that cactus flower certainly is pretty. I see you running out to see if you have it.
Hello Chrissy. My goodness, that was a decent frost on the car. I'm glad we don't get much here. We do get some bad frost, but mainly down in the town and valleys. Your Angels are looking lovely despite the frost. Hardy darlings aren't they ?
Hello Cody. I love your azalea. They don't like it here which is a pity because i really like them.
I struggle to keep my 2 camellias going and lost all the azaleas I have tried to grow over the years.
Hello to everyone out there. . Brian, a little more wine please. I think Shelly has been in again and 'borrowed' some.
Keep warm and dry where ever you are everyone.
Better go and see what's in the kitchen. . Try this Pecan Pie
Happy gardening, Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

I think everyone is still snuggled under the doonas this morning ...it's very icy here but the sun is going to fix that ...bad time for some of the plants ...warm days icy nights not the greatest thing because it damages the new leaves.As always don't you just love the gentle winter sun?
I haven't ventured out yet as I think my toes will turn blue if I do ...perhaps later.
I have really enjoyed the pictures ...hi bendigo ^_^ pull up a chair and have a nice hot cocoa.
I will come back when it's a bit warmer hopefully with a picture,
a big wave to everyone.

Barmera, Australia

G'Day All,
Couple of newer varieties under trial here.
Gruner Veltliner a white from Austria, we don't usually associate wine with Austria but they have 58000 ha planted of this.It will be better suited to the cooler areas.
The red is Monastrell a Spanish selection of Mataro.
Looks like the wine better go up in half dozen batches so all who want can get a taste.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Good morning!

Another fresh start to the day. I was going to do some watering in the garden but I will wait until after lunch when the weather has warmed up a little.

Jean I will also be doing some baking so will pop the extras into the Tea Room for everyone to share.

Chrissy I have planted those Angel seeds you sent me so I will be expecting them to germinate well.

garden4grace do you grow any Epiphyllums?

Hi to Colleen , Cody and everyone else

Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,thanks,but it makes me sad to say i have lost that one.Through the times when it didn't rain i lost alot of them.I do still have some that is alive.It seems like the prettiest ones are gone.Well enjoy your day and take care.

Hi Marleneann,how was your day good i hope.Well have a bless day and enjoy and take care.

Hi Chrissy,thank you for answering my question about my seedpods.That really helped alot.Well you also have a bless day and take care.

Hi Elaine,hope you had a great day with your family.That is good that you have been doing stuff with your family.Well enjoy your day as well and take care and stay safe.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
barmera, Australia

Garden4grace just checking in to let you know that the Dolichothele has now been changed to a Mammillaria . I did have this but it was one of a few cactus that I have lost in the last couple of months. I think that they were too wet. We've had a looooong dry and then we had some nice heavy showers and the softer cacti didn't like it. Have remedied that now. Colleen

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. I do hope you all had a great weekend and are all fresh and ready for work. It looks like being a better day here after some strong winds during the night. If the weather holds, I may get that weeding finished.
My Angel babies are getting bigger in the lounge. I told hubby there will be another batch to replace them later. i think he's getting used to having a tray of plants on the table watching him eat his meals.
I will be planting out a rose today. It was an orphan from a few eeks ago. A Blushing Pink Iceberg. It is going in the cottage garden with Freesia already a resident there. I am gradually going to change the rose garden as even though they do well on little water , it does get exceptionally dry in the front where they all are. We used to be able to use more water when the rose garden was first done but now have to ease back. I will keep a few favorites and move them to other parts that seem to have a bit less clay to dry hard.
The ones out along the shadehouse do really well as they get runoff from the epi waterings.
I have opium poppies coming up everywhere which is great as last year was a poor show. I was given seeds of a white one so hope they grow.
Hello Cody, thats a gorgeous Angel you have there.
Colleen. your babies here are all going really well so far. The cold and wet hasn't bothered them as yet.
Thanks for the cakes Marleneann . delicious.
Brian, thank you for the wine. Even though it seems everyone is busy, they seem to pop in late for a sip of wine.
Hello Chrissy. I hope you are keeping warm.
Better go and get my cuppa now and leave something here for you all.
Pretty Chocolate Hearts , Yummy.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,thanks,it is my ES X MM that is blooming again.Well enjoy your day and take care.


townsville, Australia

Good morning all, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, just a quick visit this morning the phone has not stopped ringing, and mondays are my busy day.
Cody lovely flowers as always, we have all come to expect this from your garden lol.
Jean as always your orphans are very lucky babies to have found you.
garden4grace, stunning cactus, how big is that flower???
Chrissy I have never had any luck with vegies, so after many attempts I have given up lol, I don't think the garden mix I buy is any good, the water never seems to get through very well. And look at that horrible frost, that you can keep all to your self, that is something we never see up here, I get cold just looking at it lol.
Brian thanks for the wine I needed a top up.
Colleen I am coming to your place for a cuppa and slice, I have never even seen a nutty let alone know what one is lol, but I will happily give it a try.
Steve I am running at 100% for the weekend for my footy tips so far except for the stupid draw lol.
Now it is time for me to bore you all but I can not help my self, I lifted my patio mat on the weekend to clean it and this is what I found under it.

Thumbnail by shelly61
townsville, Australia

and this is closer to some of them

Thumbnail by shelly61
townsville, Australia

and luck last close up, I LOVE this new camera lol.

Thumbnail by shelly61
Barmera, Australia

G'Day Shelly61, Those blokes look friendly enough, share some wine with them and that make sure they stay friendly. In fact I'll put a special bottle of Port up for them.

townsville, Australia

Thanks heaps Brian, I do love port, but I am a little greedy lol, so I can not see me sharing with them.
I was quite amazed I have always had lots of frogs around my house but never this many in one location there were 17 of various sizes and shades of green, mother nature never ceases to astound me.
have a great week

Save the Port for me brian ...though I prefer the Tawny thanks (the brandy makes it medicinal in cold weather ...well that's my story and I'm sticking to it ).
Love that little frog! I love my frogs here too ...we have all different kinds (we don't have that nasty cane toad though ...yet)
like you I think mother nature is wonderful (sometimes terrible) and awesome.
Well looks like every one is sleeping in or got a fright after seeing that sister site of daves garden ...lots of missing people out there ...yooo hooo
We're in the garden!
I never could flower orchids until Awchid told me how ...here are my first mini yellows starting up ...for me it's a big deal and I am very chuffed. I have one in the nursery that has eluded all attempts to get it to bloom and it has a shoot full of unopened blooms ...it was saved from my uncles garden after he passed on, he was my favourite and adored uncle and the fact that this once shrivelled and half dead plant will bloom soon (I don't know what it is) is also a huge thrill.
Veggies well you can grow them in polystyrene boxes or pots ...but it might not appeal to you ...I love it!
jean that icebug will be lovely ...
pretty angel cody
hope the seeds do well for your marleneanne
Speaking of veggies, my chokos did not die off this winter , I am really surprised ...looks like they may give me a spring crop.I hope you all enjoy your day (Monday not withstanding) ...

This message was edited Aug 3, 2009 10:34 AM

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