Fall RU 09-Plant swap

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I did sort of cut straight down or cut toward the outside. Just the opposite of the diagram. It looked like it might have had one root maybe, couldn't be sure. I put the pup in water and so far so good. It has rained so much at my house that everything is floating in water until I get home to dump it. That is the type of banana but I was afraid to plant it. So if I get a spare pup I will try planting the "big" one in the ground, it isn't BIG but the Mommy. I will save a cutting for you Will.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Ok, thanks happ. Don't jeopardize the parent though, I'd hate it if the mother banana didn't make it, really, only do it if you feel confident in it. I'd offer to do it at the RU but I've never separated a pup. Theres a guy down the street that get pups off of regular banana plants (not even hardy) and sells them for $35 apiece. He digs his up every year and puts these big plants in his garage, seems like a lot of work to me. If you mastered the 'basjoo' pups you could probably have more success selling them if you wanted, having planted your parents in the ground.
The good thing about digging them up and replanting them is the corm and root systems are much smaller than regular plants.
I planted a 'basjoo' in the ground and it came back the next year, tho I'm not sure if it would've if I hadn't mulched real good over it and put plastic over that to keep it dry. My method of mulching was pretty extreme, I had 2 empty tires over it and tey were filled with mulch and plastic over everything. I think its entirely possible to have 'basjoo's planted in the ground here and have it come back in the Spring.
Heres a photo of how I did mine that made it thru the Winter here, in the ground. I even tried (unsuccessfully, it must've got wet and just rotted) to overwinter the pseudostem, which would be nice because then it wouldn't have to start from the ground every year, and could get more height. -

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Heres the plastic draped over it..lol

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have already done one cut and so far Mom seems to be fine. Checked the pup and the bottom doesn't look quite so good. .....not sure I got a root or not. No I don't want to lose the Mom......I will think about it....LOL They aren't hugh yet and by what I read it would be better to wait until they are bigger. We will see come October.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I was able to overwinter a basjoo outside.. it came back in late spring (seemed like it took forever) once the ground warmed, but didn't grow big like I thought it should. I do have an "ensete?" I don't think it fruits.... ???? but I bring him inside. I think part of the challenge to winter them over in zone 5 is to keep their roots relatively dry so they don't rot while the plant is not growing... I used an upside-down laundry basket filled with leaves, I cut a re-closeable "tab" on the bottom of the basket (to keep the rain/snow off the trunk) and really stuffed it tight. Will, a few of us do suffer extreme zone denial, so taking one or two more plants inside for winter is not really that much more work ;) right Joyce? Deb? (don't ask my son and his friends, tho) lol I do remember cutting off a pup, and I used the illustration Will posted up there as a guide.. (don't remember what happened to the pup, I think I gave it away)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

One way you can keep them dry is to make a tent over them. Open on 2 sides, though covered in mulch, covered on 2 sides and top and you should be good to go. :~) And no I've never done it. All the animals around here would just rip it. lol

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

No guts no glory. I bring her in. I have a hard enough time with roses that are suppose to be zone 5 and 4 let alone a "tropical" zone 5. Much easier to haul it in the garage and hide it from DH....LOL

At a car swap meet I found the coolest plant mover.......course everyone told me it was a 55 gallon drum mover (little did they know), but for 5 dollars I can move any big pot anywhere I wanna (dh was so happy he bought it LOL).....

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah happ, from what I read it might be good to wait until the pup is a foot to 2 feet tall before separating.
It sounds like a good idea to brush away some soil right before severing so the corms and roots can be viewed and sized up okay before cutting. I don't want one so bad that all of them might be at risk, its fine if you wanna wait.

Yeow the 'ensete' can get to be large, like 35' or more I think I read. Yeah, I saw the fruit is unpalatable or something.
Its a different kind of banana than the rest I think.
No pups for the 'ensete'
Heres what somebody said about it -
"Musa and Ensete are different genus'. Ensete grows a single pseudostem, then flowers and dies.
I think there about 7-8 species of Ensete, most coming from Africa, and alot of those are drought tolerant.
The hardiest seems to be Ensete ventricosum, followed by Ensete glaucum."
I think I saw zone 9 for the 'ensete', so maybe like a big houseplant.
Heres some more pics of it I saw, that is a large plant. -
Heres a google search I did on 'ensete'.
Heres what somebody else says, they don't have pups -
"It is normal for banana plants to lose leave like that nothing unusual. I am not familiar with Musa Ensete, normally they are eithere Musa which produce pups/suckers or ensete which do not and produce only from seed. Therefore I would not cut it until I know for sure it will come back.
You might try bananas.org where a lot of my questions get answered.
Oh, I AM in zone denial, I brought in like 10 plants last Winter! : )
Maybe some year if I win the lottery I'll move to Key West and grow a coconut palm tree! : )

I've seen photos where people in Iowa and other northerly states have big lavish tropical beds with palms, bananas and other tropicals with Christmas lights on them, regular lights, heaters, tents built over them with lights inside and more! Its a lot of work but to have a tropical look like that out of zone would be kinda nice, they must enjoy the curiousity seekers!

I think a problem with a covering of plastic like I had was, if it is in standing water (like I think mine occasionally was, its hard to keep water out), but luckily for me it must not have let as much water in because the one time I did that, the 'basjoo' came out alive in the Spring. I realized later that spot is always water-logged after a hard rain. lol

I'm gonna ask if I can share the guys drawing of separating a pup up there, he's in the banana forum at Gardenwe b.
I'd like to put it in my photo album for everybody to look at, its a good drawing, diagram and how to I think.

With me, if theres a chance that its supposed to make it thru the Winter, outside it stays thru the Winter! lol

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Now Will, what's the prob bringin' in a FEW plants? teeheehee I started a king palm from seed last winter... I like the ensete for the big colorful leaves...(and I got a good deal on it) I hope mine doesn't get 35ft... guess I need to prepare myself (for its death) IF it ever blooms... I'll just keep it growing as long as I can. There is a guy here in my little town that has one about 10 ft growing in his yard.. but they bring it inside for winter.. it looks kinda "out of place"... but in a great way.. Here's a pic, the nanner is on the right.

Thumbnail by AuntB
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Love the nanner, but is that maya all in bloom? Beautiful! Beautiful!

We got 5 inches of rain over the weekend and more yesterday and today and on and on. Instead of watering I am dumping water out.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

A friend of mine had a Norfolk Island Pine in his house, almost to the ceiling. It would be tempting to start growing palms and other tropicals. Heck, I have a small Sago Palm in a pot. I was just musing at it today, it has a new set of leaves unfolding.
A few plants to bring in would be okay, but I got more than a few. They are houseplants, the bad part is I don't have a house! lol
All joking aside, I'll get them inside around mid October probably. Speaking of houseplants, anybody want an Aloe Vera? I have 2 to find homes for.
The rain here has been crazy like happ says. I need to mow some grass and I'm having to put it off because of the rain. They'll probably get a notice from that small city in KS. saying its overgrown with weeds! I kinda doubt it though because its just an empty lot..lol
Nice pic there AuntB, thats a nice variegated something or other in your photo AuntB.
I don't mean to discourage you AuntB about the 'ensete' expiring, that would be neat having such a large banana plant.
Those leaves are definitely excellent.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

shortleaf, there is a house up by me and they have a sago palm in a pot that goes in and out every year. It is probably 6 feet tall I am guessing. Has the trunk and then the palm leaves on top. It sure catches my eye when I drive by.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I went to Wally World today and got some plants for 2 bucks to bring. A forsythia, rhodo, and astilbe. Those are in gal pots. In the HUGE pots they have forsythia and passiflora for 6 bucks. If you want a passi I can grab one. There's a few left. They also had a hardy hib called Chablis in a gal pot for 7.50. It's a white one with big blooms. Might be a dinner plate one when it gets older. If you want any of those and can't get it at your WW let me know and I will grab it tomorrow.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I'd like to grow my Sago Palm big too, but its poisonous to pets and I can't have it here easily. I'll have to try to sneak it to a relative's house perhaps. I've seen Sagos in landscaping like in zone 9 and up on tv, they get large and are quite attractive.

Thanks Pepper, but I oughta scale my collection down a little.
Speaking of Forsythia, I'm still waiting on my Forsythia and Philodendron cuttings to root. I thot they were supposed to be easy from cuttings! lol Oh well, maybe they'll surprise me yet.

I looked at what I wrote up there and I can't believe how many times I typed AuntB.. sorry AuntB.. : )

Is there any interest in seeds from fall seed dropping plants? There is a lot of seeds available coming up.
Mimosa seeds, Baldcypress, oaks (Bur, Chinkapin, White, Pin), Purple Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan, Redbud, Sycamore, Wisteria, Thornless Honeylocust, Persimmon, Ginkgo, Walnut, Kentucky Coffetree, tomato and Hedgeapple. Those are just ones that I've grown from seeds successfully and I can get locally I'm pretty sure. I'm fairly sure most will be ready by Oct. 3rd. And of course, rooting Weeping Willow cuttings is always a piece of cake, I could get many branches of that stuff, if somebody wanted to root many around a pond perhaps.

Speaking of tree movers, I've seen the "Tree Toad" mini tree spade, it can make about a 3ft rootball, but it can be done by 1 person with some pretty big shovel-like motion effort. $5 is a steal for a big plant/pot mover, those things retail for like $200.
I've used those tree dollies (round shaped near the bottom for trees), and they would be nice to have for trees and shrubs that are quite heavy with a big rootball.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I'm really liking your willows, Will.. I dream of having a "big" pond, (not farm pond big, although that would be NICE) I just have a 1/2 whiskey barrel and an old rusted out oblong horse tank, but when my "in-ground big pond" dream becomes reality, I could plant a willow around it..
I need to get some kind of apparatus for moving big pots... right now it's the 20 yr old and a few of his friends (they don't require monetary reimbursement) ... I figure I've "paid" them many times over. lol Seriously, Great Deal, Happ! The variegated plant w/blooming trumpets is Brugmansia, (Angel trumpet) Maya or Sunset as I've learned is the same as a Maya.. She's had blooms since June this year.. barely stopping between flushes...even blooms in the basement thru winter.. (so refreshing when the snow is blowing and winds are howling) but..

WARNING: Brugmansia can be the major factor in suffering zone denial... causes people in (actual) zones 5 and below to fill their basements, spare bedrooms, not so spare bedrooms and garages with plants in winter. Also can cause back pain.. ;) I'll bring some to the RU. Joyce, I have an Antique Lace rooted for you.. do you need Monster White? I was admiring a pretty white bloom last night..

I know some year the nanner won't "work out" for me, but I'll cross that bridge then... it has brought me much enjoyment and education.. and I've met a guy in Lawrence with a HUGE greenhouse..I could give it to him... Unless Happ wants it.. I've had a saga for about 7 years, it was really late getting started this year.. I thought I'd lost it... but low and behold after I sat it aside (to reuse its pot) and gave up on watering it, the new branches/fronds started uncurling.. (shame on me, thinking it was dead) It is so neat looking when it puts out new growth.

So Will, I'd like to try some Baldcypress seeds... I LOVE those trees. I'll bring my box of all kinds of seeds and I know Deb has (at least) 4 times the seed collection I have and she is one sharing caring lady! Oh, it's so exciting preparing for the RU!

Hibiscus Snow Queen- (I love variegation) the blooms hang down, so I "posed" one.. and yes it IS tropical...Joyce, want one? Deb? I clipped some tips a couple weeks ago...hope they rooted.

Thumbnail by AuntB
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

AuntB you twisted my arm on the beautiful varigated hibiscus........OM
That warning on the brugs should be MUCH BIGGER, can't believe how expensive these brugs are....lets see, big pots, lots of soil, fertilizer, brug, GARDEN ROOM....lol
I do want a start of the Monster White, but I think Deb is getting one for me last I heard.

Will, I would love some seeds, that is what I am doing this winter, is play with seeds. I am going to get my 84 yr old Mom to help at her house. She loves messing with them. Tried to get in the seed swap, but those folks scared me with all the trading and stuff, I am not knowledgeable enough and they are way out of my league since I don't have many seeds at all yet.

I love my pot mover, all the guys tell me I did really good for $5.00. I can find all kinds of things at the car swap meets. DH says I am the only woman that has to be dragged thru a swap meet cause I am checking everything out....LOL Found one of the counters in my garden room at one. It was a counter out of a ice cream shop and I even got the stools....LOL

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Okay AuntB, I'll get those Baldcypress seeds. How do you plant seeds? Do you plant outside to cold stratify in the Fall like nature, or in the fridge? I just plant outside in the Fall then they come up in the spring. And I have stored seeds outside thru the Winter, then their stratified and ready to be planted in the Spring. I have stored seeds in the fridge and then planted them in the Spring, but I have done that far less. At room temperature, in my experience, seeds will dry out and makes them unviable. Just so long as they get cold stratified, they are ready to go. Stratify is just a fancy word for what takes place normally in nature, leaving them outside thru the Winter. I don't mean to sound condescending, but maybe it'll help anybody else that might be reading. : )
I know where several mature Baldcypress trees are to get seeds. I know where 2 are at at McCoy park in Independence (those 2 are marked with plaques after Vietnam era local war heroes, you'd think they are fairly young trees by looking at them but they are nearly 40 years old), 2 at Bur Oak Woods park in Blue Springs, 2 at Mt. Washington cemetery in Independence. The Mount Washington cemetery trees are huge, they must be around 100 years old or more. I like visiting that cemetery, its like a paradise for the tree lover!
Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) has excellent Fall color too, it is one of only a few conifers that is deciduous.
I think the Fall color is right up there with Sugar Maple. Get ready for sticky fingers! The Baldcypress seeds come in like these resinous globs of a cone. What I do is just crumble a brown cone up into a big pot or can or something, then in the Spring after they sprouted I'd separate the seedlings. I always had a problem telling the seeds apart from the rest of the cone pieces, so I just planted it all! Heres how I grew mine, thats them in the blue can with a pile of snow on them! lol - http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v243/w4i0a/?action=view¤t=baldcypressseedlings.jpg
They make the fingers all sticky and I didn't really want to spend a lot of time looking for the seeds in the cones! lol
After they are potted (if their not planted right away), they require watering every day. I had some in pots expire (my only guess was because I watered them too seldom).
The seed cones on Baldcypress trees are probably on the trees now, just green still. They should be brown enuff by Oct. 3rd. to get them.

Thats a nice Hibiscus 'Snow Queen', the only variegated plant I have is this ficus - http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v243/w4i0a/?action=view¤t=DSC08415.jpg

Thanks for the belated birthday wish, really its just another day! I'll say I'm holding onto 29 because I'm kinda close to 39. "The Quad show"! Sure, just like Octomom's reality show!

Here is the Mount Washington cemetery Baldcypress - http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v243/w4i0a/Mount%20Washington%20cemetery%20trees/?action=view¤t=DSC04704.jpg

Here is a photo of the Baldcypress trees at Bur Oak Woods park in Blue Springs, MO., they are much bigger now, nice Fall color (I think that yellow tree to the right is a Tulip Poplar). -

Sure happ, I'd be glad to get you some of those, which ones do you like? I'll try to bring them all to the RU.

This message was edited Aug 20, 2009 12:17 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I love Mt. Washington Cemetery, when I was young we lived not far from there and we use to walk in the cemetery and read the headstones....it is a very old beautiful place. Even then it had huge old trees and that was back in the late 50's. Then as a teenager in drivers ed in the middle 60's they taught us to drive in there....LOL OK, I am older than 39 but just barely!!!! One time a caretaker let us go in one of the old huge mausoleums when they cleaned, which was odd. Then there is also a place that is dug into the hill with these huge doors and had monster chains on it and padlock and a sign that said something about it being a Federal Office to tamper with and something about the FBI....always wondered what was up with that. You know how kid’s imagination can run wild. Course it still does now that you made me think about it.

Always liked old cemeteries, guess that is why I have decided to take care of the old cemetery that my great and grandparents are in. It is in the middle of a farm in Platte City, with several families buried there but no one visits except my Mom and me. I have been trying to collect period plants to replant in it. There is a white peony bush in the cemetery that has to be at minimum 50 years old. I find that amazing. I bought a concrete bench so my Mom would have a place to sit. I have a long ways to go to get it under control, but at least it is started.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Me too! Love the cemetery that is! For several years in my boyhood we lived in Fairmount, and I'd ride my bike there.
I've got at least a hundred digital photos of that place. Cemeteries are like second to arboretums in assortments of trees and shrubs. We'd just kinda go in mausoleums unescorted, yes they are all dark and creepy! It makes you think
about life and death, and how people respect the dead.
I know the mausoleum you speak of in the hill! The money some families put into some of those things is amazing.
Yeah, as a kid I would wonder too about "who's in there"?, "whats the secret"? lol
I think vandalism has been a problem there. Not that I ever did, but I would see where stuff that was all tore up.
I think wannabe vampires and devil worshippers would even congregate in some of those places! lol
They used to be open 24-7, now they close the gates and close everything up at 5 in the afternoon.
I think theres been a problem also with people driving and parking up in there all hours of the nite, probably using the bathroom willy-nilly in there and whatnot.
Taking care of a cemetery is nice. I always thot groundskeeping in one would be a neat job. A few years ago I had inquired about working at Mount Washington even, to no avail. Having access to the cemetery's records and the landscape would be awe-inspiring itself.

This is just a photo of a super large evergreen shrub there, I think its Korean juniper something or other.
I was always amazed at how large some plants get in cemeteries too.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I do genealogy and old reconds are just wonderful things. About the only thing that is archival is paper and pencil. How many people have floppy disk and no equipment to read them any more. Even if you have the equipment most people don't have the software to read them with. The government has reels and reels of tape that can't be read. Two big problems, the tape breaks down over time and can't be read, then of course there are few computers left that can even read the tape.... OK I am off my soap box....sorry everyone.

Super cool tonight, enjoy cause my tropicals are not happy....LOL

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I love cemeteries.. they are so peaceful. I find them very interesting in many ways. Joyce, 3 cheers, a pat on the back and a big hug to you for your efforts at restoring and caring for that cemetery! I've seen many with deteriorating headstones and that really bothers me.. Bless your heart.
Will, I love all the tree and plant info and interesting things you (and everyone) are sharing with us.. my dad owned a sawmill when I was a child, so one could say I was raised in the timber.. (lol-I was country girl, and a tomboy) Wish I would have taken more interest in trees back then, but I was busy looking for worms and critters and playing in creeks. I think your outside bucket is the best cypress germination technique for me... let Mother Nature do her thing, she does it SO well-(and I won't disturb them by continually fussing over them) Any advice you can offer is greatly appreciated. Trees are great... the perfect ones and the not so perfect ones..
Your variegated ficus is beautiful. I've got a dark burgandy one and one with pink in the variegation. I want to try air-layering some to get new starts. Joyce, I'll bring rooted Snow Queen hibiscus or I'll bring cuttings for you-- which ever I have... need to check for baby roots on the ones I cut a while back, maybe I can bring you a potted rootling! I'm potting up a new ginger - it is variegated, nothing fancy (well I think it is the bomb-lol) Do you have that one? If I can get an off shoot I'll pot it up for you. Not quite sure what it's like under the surface, but I'll find out. Do we need a d-mail swap list...do we have a dmail RU swap list? lol - I'm also bringing some (fancy and not so fancy) coleus cuttings. (rooted or fresh cut...depends on our first frost- OMG, I said it...FROST)
Amanda, you are the sweetest, offering to go to wally world for the bargains for us. Thank you, but I'm kinda skeered I have too much (I mean a lot) and too much (I mean a lot) coming already... those are (were) some great bargains! I need to get back outside and get perennials in the ground... the sun is shining, the air is cool, I'm airing out the house..., it's going to be a beautiful day. I felt fall in the air yesterday... (guess I'm not in denial anymore?) on an outing to photograph a barn... now THAT is scary-Fall. It IS a lovely time of year -RU season, one of my 5 favorite seasons ;)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

IT IS STILL AUGUST, even tho it is going to be in the low 50's tonight......holy moley!
I don't mind it feeling like Oct if Oct still feels like Oct not Nov Dec or Jan! LOL

Will we are many moons apart in age but have walked the same trail it sounds like....LOL

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Wow 53 degrees tonite! Can turn off the ac again!
I guess it'll be time to rake leaves and clean gutters soon.
Yes we have happ! Or is it Joyce? I''ve been interested in plants and exploring and stuff for a while.
Many moons apart in age? I doubt it, I'm no spring chicken!

Thanks AuntB, that ficus photo was taken in April, it has grown a bunch since then. I think its 2 plants in there but I think they are too intangled to separate now. I hate to cut one off at the base but I don't really want 2 of them in there.

I hope the bucket technique works for you with the cypress seeds AuntB. I think that blue metal can started out as a popcorn can, then it was a cat-food can for years. Then it finally ended its duties as a seed growing can for Baldcypress..lol
I think it was pretty well done after that! : ) haha.. it was all rusted at the end!

I'll try to bring a seed collection to the RU misself.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Happgarden, I agree with you one hundred percent on the records issue.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I forgot another tree seed I can get is White Ash.
Dare the Emerald Ash Borer beetle to kill your tree!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Thought I'd bring this thread back up to the top... (TRYing to get/be more organized) I think Pawpaw trees do best when dug in Spring after they are growing... (I know we were talking pawpaw trees somewhere on the Midwest forum) Will...? Do you know about Pawpaw trees? Seems like you would.. teach us some more, please!

I'm going to have to limit myself to the number of threads I can post on--- just no keeping up..(I have been keeping a Swap list in my personal journal- what I'm bringing for specific DG'ers) I'll bring a lot of things to pick from... Pepper, I'm getting a collection of house plants for your sister-in-law... having much fun.. Peace lily, begonia, mother of 1,000's and more.. nothing too complicated. What do you think about an African violet? (if I can get them to live once potted) She needs a little challenge...My mom grows them like weeds... maybe they are just challenging to me? lol. I'll see if Mom has an extra all potted up... mine are still youngin's.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Teach more..haha! Actually, the one time I tried to grow Pawpaw from seed, they didn't come up. I may have picked them too early. I heard the pawpaw is very popular with wildlife, its like a bitter banana I think. I think if one can somehow wait until the fruit is brown-ish in Oct, it would grow. And if one can find a pawpaw with fruit they might be doing good. From what I understand, they don't pollinate or set seed real often. I could offer to bring some Pawpaw fruit to the RU if anybody wants to try it. The thing is beating the wildlife to the fruit. By the time it ripens on the trees, it could be gone! I know where one stand is in Independence
Pawpaw really is an interesting tree. Did you know its the northern-most member of a tropical family of plants? -
http://mdc.mo.gov/forest/IandE/MOConservationTreesAndShrubs/pawpaw.html I'm all interested in it again now, shame on you guys, I might have to try to grow it again! lol
For some reading on it, I went here - http://www.nsl.fs.fed.us/wpsm/Asimina.pdf
My 87 year old great uncle nominated the Missouri state champion Pawpaw tree 3 or 4 years ago. He's got a plaque at his house.
I looked at their site, apparently it isn't the champion now or they never entered it yet. I've seen the tree, its across the street from the Truman home in Independence and about a half block South of there. Its an impressive tree. I doubt that a forest Pawpaw will ever be champion because their kinda thinner in the wild.
I am just hitting "send" simultaneously. I'm not really a super fast typer! I have 2 browser windows open at the same time, thats why my 2 posts will say the same time or close. Btw AuntB I looked at some Baldcypress seeds yesterday and their still green, maybe in a week or 2 they'll be ready.

This message was edited Sep 2, 2009 1:12 PM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Will, you need to get out to PG again. lol If I remember right we have pawpaws there.

AuntB, I don't think they have enough light in their place for an african violet. She keeps it a bit dark in there to keep bills down. And I've tried growing them. They're impossible!!! LOL

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

My Moms apartment faces east and because it is an apartment those are the only windows she has and she grows african violets in the window ledge. They are blooming constantly. I got an orchid plant in a swap and am excited to start them. I use to grow them along time ago.

Virgil said pawpaws to him taste like banana custard sort of. He really liked them.

Maybe we could post something we are really looking for cause maybe one of us has extra at home......what do you think?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My own place on a ton of land so I can grow all that I want. LOLOLOL

If it's hardy and grows in either shade or sun I'm interested right now. Especially sun. I have a big spot that I'm slowly trying to fill in. I'm even interested in short/small bushes.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I have 2 7 year old PawPaw trees that finally bloomed this spring. But strong winds or something prevented any fruit from setting. I remember them from childhood. They did taste like banana custard. Yes, oppossums love them.

I would love to have some different cultivars of Wandering Jews or something like them.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yes, I do need to get to Powell Gardens again, Pepper. I don't know where the Pawpaws are at, if you're there maybe you can be like a tour guide! I love that place, such a variety of plants and the seeds would be endless.

I looked thru my photos and found my uncle's Pawpaw plaque. - http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v243/w4i0a/?action=view¤t=DSC06765.jpg

Sounds like a great idea happ! I can't really think of a whole lot. I'd just like to improve my roommate's house a little inside and out. Myself, I should become a minimalist. At the height of my plant insanity I must've had around 1,000 plants.
Then events changed and I quickly didn't have a place for even a fraction of it! lol
I have a bunch of the regular Wandering Jew EvaMae, I like it, but I know theres nothing overly neat about it.
I like the Setcreasea because of its purpleness and its 10 degree hardiness now (because I shouldn't have to bring it in theoretically until Nov.!). Oh, and its ease and quickness of growing by cutting!

Philodendron starts anybody?

Gobs of room eh Pepper? I could bring many different tree seedlings and tree seeds to the RU. That place could be a forest in 20 years..lol I'm gonna try to bring an assortment of seeds (mostly tree seeds) to the RU.
I have some Forsythia starts that appear to be gonna root, they are taking their time rooting. I've always liked Forsythia, its like a great reminder when it blooms that Spring is here!
Heres a photo of entirely too many plants! What a mess, I was an addict! That pic only shows about half of it or less! lol
Just think about having all that when your landlord passes away and its time to go! -

Thumbnail by shortleaf
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

well now Will, I wouldn't go as far a calling yourself an addict.. plant enthusiast? Even so, its a healthy addiction... your pic looks wonderful to me, like there is a lot going on. I won't go dig out my winter basement pics... I'm a big tropical enthusiast.. lol That is very interesting about your uncle's pawpaw tree. I was hoping there was a pic.. can a person drive by and see it? As I understand, my friends dad would keep an eye on the fruits and snag some that way.. he was just a boy, what fun he must have had.. I didn't mean for you to be so... enthusiastic about them.. but I will sure get as many small plants as I can next spring.. for the RU, or a separate trip to KC to get them to you guys. I would try to get everyone at least 2 plants, hopefully 3. So, I've got Joeswife for some, Happ and.... Will? That's 9.... if mine make it.. 12 if not.. I did learn that it is the northern most tropical fruit, very interesting reading about them.. all these years, I didn't know they grew here.. but honestly, I want it for the foliage. If I get fruit, I'll feel pretty special. lol
Happ that is a great idea on people listing their wants... guess I'm not really wanting for anything in particular.. but like Will, I get caught up in conversations and find I have new interests.. like a Dwarf Pomegranate, it fruits and grows 4'X4' contained.. I haven't actively tried to acquire one, yet.. but I think I would enjoy having one.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Leaflady, do you have a pic of your pawpaw tree? Is it there on your property?? If you find any seed heads on that pretty fuschia? ROS, I'd like to try some.. or a lil baby one next spring? Oh, I'm just getting started on ROS.. I did get a new Blue Chiffon one planted, well my garden bud did.. bless him, he planted all but a couple new perennials I needed to get "buried".. helps to have someone to bounce ideas off of, but when they dig the holes too!?!.. I'm thankful to have an interested helper close by. We planted fresh petunias (white) in the half barrels on our Main Street last night.. it was fun and we tidied them all and they look a lot better. I'm going to bring some six-packs with a coleus mixture.. here are some that I am/have started working on. I'm keeping the plant and 1 fresh cutting over winter.. some of them offer many cuttings, others... not so many.. I was playing with them and my camera when the rain let up for a while today. The orange "bloom" in the top left isn't coleus.. my aunt called it hardy poinsetta.. it reseeded from last year, and I used the last of the seeds my aunt gave me to add to the grouping. I hope to get some seed off them.. and the 2 leaves under it are some kind of perilla...new for me this year.. Deb brought me a hardy perilla and it is doing great down where the cedar trees are. (I need to research the one I bought, maybe it is hardy, too)... Deb's is deep maroon-ish purple, looks real pretty - sure hope it comes back next year. I also have some Lion's Tail down there and it's new for me this year, too (long winter.. started lots of seeds, lol)

Thumbnail by AuntB
Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

AuntB, I heard it called summer poinsettia when I got some several years ago. They reseed quite well here.

My PawPaw trees aren't that special looking. Yes, they are in the yarden. Next to the LP gas tank just outside the bird yard. I want them for the fruit.

I'd like some starts of the Wandering Jew, Will. I like having a hanging basket of different types and colors of them.

Lots of yarden work to get done. GOD bless and keep each of you.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yes, a plant enthusiast does sound better! lol
AuntB, I am pretty sure the Missouri state champion Pawpaw can be seen from the street. Theres a b&b or something
next to it also and I just drove up in its parking lot and looked at it then. If its still the champion, it should have a plaque on it by now.
When I was there 2 or 3 years ago the house whose yard it is in was vacant.
Yes AuntB, sign me up, put me down for 2 please. I love new plants! I talk like I don't have a place for stuff but I always
find a place for most plants. Even if bulbs have to overwinter in a plastic bag, like my Elephant Ears did last year! lol
Good luck with the Dwarf Pomegranate AuntB, I bet it makes you a fine specimen as a big houseplant. That does sound nice in a big nice pot, it might even get fruit. Speaking of Pomegranate, I've used the word Pome in the game Scrabble and got challenged and they lost a turn! lmbo
I did a google search and got this site - http://www.alchemy-works.com/punica_granatum_nana.html sorry about all the story telling there.. : )

Sure EvaMae, I have bunches of Setcreasea aka Wandering Jew.
I like that multi color look too, I want to put together some pots of all different plants for that look.
This photo in the post is the mother Setcreasea plant and a cutting from it, all the cuttings
from it take right off and even bloom most days, like they were today.
I'll insert a photo I took today of some, they are doing very well, the mother
plant is just huge. I also got some other pics of Pepper's 2 Weeping Willows out there, which are coming along nicely,
and also AuntB's Mimosas which are doing great too. I don't think that Aloe Vera cutting is taking, its looking pretty pale and crispy! lol
Anybody want any Aloe Vera? Sycamore seedlings anyone? Philodendron rootlings? Mimosa seedlings? Pin Oak seedlings? Anybody want a big Philodendron plant, the mother plant? A big Swamp Fern? (Not sure if thats the name of it).
I'll have to link to those photos because only 1 photo can be inserted in a post. -

Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I will tell my grandma to get a pot of wandering jew cuttings going. She has a bunch different colors and is always rooting some for other people as gifts. We get a new pot of it every couple years or so when ours finally bites the dust. LOL

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Will, that swamp fern looks like night blooming cerus - a cactus, kind of... beautiful healthy plant you have.. does it bloom? I just have white ones... I took the pic on a cloudy morning, once the sun hits them they wither.

Thumbnail by AuntB
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi AuntB, it has never bloomed. A cactus? It doesn't have needles. It feels kinda succulent-like, those "leaves" are much thicker than an actual leaf. It has grown like gangbusters. I started it from 2 of those "leaves" (cuttings) that I got from a co-worker at the time. She called it Swamp Fern so I just go with that! : ) It doesn't look much like a fern or that it would thrive in swampy conditions, but hey, I've been wrong before! lol
Do you want it? I'm sorry, but I remembered that that pot isn't mine, I'd just have to re-pot it, no biggie. A couple other plants that I displayed are in my house-mates pots too (the big Setcreasea and the big Philodendron). I'd just re-pot them, no big thing. I have plenty of the big black plastic pots around.

That state champion Pawpaw that I was telling about is only about 5 miles from here. One time I'll try to get a photo of it when I'm out soon. Right now Santa-Cali-Gon is going on and the congestion is pretty awful around there. Although, the Truman home is a little on the outskirts West of the Independence square, where Santa-Cali-Gon is.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks in advance for the starts of the Wandering Jew type plants, everyone. I will have a lovely mixed pot with all the offerings. I'll have to move a wind chime again. Or get Kyle to install another hook in the ceiling.

Nice and overcast today.

AuntB, I can bring some potted ROS sprouts. Quite small so they should transplant or overwinter very well in the pots. No promise on the color but I'll try to remember to take pics of the mother(?)plants so you can see what I have.

I got some lopping of large plants done yesterday late in the afternoon and thru the evening. Perfect weather for working outside. I may do some this evening too but since tomorrow is a day off for me I may just rest today and work more tomorrow.

Who ask for the thorny blackberry starts? I'll dig them as close as possible to the RU day. They will be cut way back almost to the ground so they will sprout new growth next year and bear the year after that.

I'll also try to have some fushia colored shorter Spiderwort, Hollyhock sprouts and maybe seeds, plain green loriope(SP) and I don't remembe what else. I know I have things for DD Kris and need to keep that list separate from RU swappings.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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