Whitethorn Acacia is a deciduous shrub or small multi-stemmed tree, native to the Chihuahuan deserts of New Mexico and Texas, and the Son...Read Moreoran deserts of Arizona and Mexico, elevations 1500-5000 feet. Grows in full sun and is tolerant of sandy or caliche soil with good drainage.
The tiny feathery foliage and soft puff-ball flowers are a nice contrast to the strong white thorns. (Not all of these plants have the white thorns they’re named after, especially if they’re older plants.) Young branches have a pleasing reddish brown colored bark, older branches are gray. The seed pods are long and slender, 2-5” long, and constricted between the seeds.
I added this plant to my desert yard because the seeds are supposedly a favorite food of quail. A prickly plant, but visually very delicate! I only wish it was a bit faster growing.
Whitethorn Acacia is a deciduous shrub or small multi-stemmed tree, native to the Chihuahuan deserts of New Mexico and Texas, and the Son...Read More
Also known as mescat acacia, largancillo, chaparro prieto, vara prieta and vinorama.
Acacia constricta is Native to Texas and other States.