The name Dahlia refers to both the genus and the flowers commonly grown as garden plants worldwide. These bushy herbaceous perennials hail from Mexico, where they were originally grown as a food crop. Today, dahlias are grown more for their beautiful flowers than for their edible qualities. Over 40 varieties of hybrid dahlias are found worldwide and are highly prized for their variety of forms, shapes and colors.
The name Dahlia refers to both the genus and the flowers commonly grown as garden plants worldwide. These bushy herbaceous perennials hail from Mexico, where they were originally grown as a food ..Read More
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American Painted Lady
(Vanessa virginiensis)
Red Wattlebird
(Anthochaera carunculata)
American Painted Lady
(Vanessa virginiensis)
Red Wattlebird
(Anthochaera carunculata)