Merino, Australia

Time for a move to #. 40. It seems no time since I first opened the Tea Room . I am so glad you all find it a pleasnat place to sit and relax.
I had a quiet day yesterday while hubby was away. It was too wet to do much so I caught up on a bit of reading and genealogy.
Hubby arrived home full of news about his day . He won first prize for the linear amplifier he built. This is what he does for a hobby . He is well regarded in the world of radio amateurs in many countries. . The prize was a quite expensive machine that he can use in his workshop . He was very proud as this is the fourth year he has won.
A bit later as he was unloading the car , he realised he had lost his wallet. He must have left it on the counter in the service station where he stopped for a coffee. It was a bit of mad panic then as he rang banks and police to notify them of the loss. We are hoping it was found in the service station and not dropped elsewhere. We won't know until they open this morning.
Not a nice feeling when you think of the cards etc that you carry in your wallet. . I think men need handbags instead of shoving things in pockets. I had better get moving and help him unload the rest of the car. He always takes a few things to show and comes home with more than he took over. A bit like me and plants.
Have a great day all.
I'm wishing for spring so used this lovely photo of my cousins garden.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barmera, Australia

I wonder if the Port drinkers would like a Muscat. It had a bad reputation at one time for being the drink of "Winos" when it was bought in glass Flagons and the whole half gallon consumed in one sitting but there are some quality Muscats around and they warm you up nicely in cold weather.
True Muscat is made from Muscat Gordo Blanco (Gordo) or Muscat a' Petite Grains AKA Frotignan of various hues.
I had to come back because I forgot to put the bottles in the Tea Room.

This message was edited Jun 7, 2009 8:29 PM

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Jean that is bad news about hubby's wallet.

I spent all morning shifting the palm leaves my son cut down for me. I took two loads to the dump. My 1981 Falcon XD does a mighty job. I will miss Felicity Ford when she no longer goes.

Just had lunch so I may have a few hours rest before I do some weeding.

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend.

Merino, Australia

Good news, Hubby's wallet was found by the service station owners when closing and it has been returned by a friend this morning. Hubby can relax and I no longer have a very stressed man on my hands.
More good news It's still raining.

se qld, Australia

Happy to hear it has turned up Jean, A bit of a pain for him dealing with new cards etc though. Congratulations to him for his radio win.

Hubby is currently in the process of building me a post and rail fence to grow my Pandorea Sassy Bellz and Jazzy Bellz upon (yes, I finally managed to get them both.) I can't believe it - I sort of mentioned this morning that I really DO need something for them to climb on (I think when I've mentioned it a few times to date he must have figured I was joking - much rolling of eyes here). And when he's finished there he's making lunch - cool!

And yesterday he made a bridge!!! I'm not complaining in the least, but he doesn't usually do outside 'jobs' on impulse. I asked him to move some rather large logs that he and a neighbour had used some months ago to stop water flowing over the top of a garden bed. The flow has been considerable slowed since then and they no longer needed to be there. So instead of just moving the logs he used them to make a bridge to the little island in our dam. Next weekend he's planning on putting in concrete footings. Getting all this landscaping work done voluntarily feels a bit strange, but boy, is it great?!

Merino, Australia

Gardengal, make a list quickly, the urge may wear off hubby soon. Ha ha Congrats on getting your bridge and fence. Show us photos.

se qld, Australia

I shall, Jean.

If I make a list though, it's guaranteed not to happen, so I'll just count my blessings for what he has done. The fence is finished now, and it looks great.

This message was edited Jun 8, 2009 12:38 AM

Sydney, Australia

Hey! I had not finished with the last tearoom!
Of well. We must push on.
Back from Sussex where I reenacted the 'Battle of the Boug' and the ongoing 'Possum War'!
The Boug was trimmed on Saturday with the final scene being me feeding it into the mulcher.
It was not until shower time when I viewed myself in the mirror that I realised it was a more torrid battle than I had thought!
The possum war took a turn! Everything was readied for dusk. I had prepared my ammo and left it all on the roof. At 5.45pm I sat with wine in hand and waited for the exit from the chimney. Realised I had forgotten the torch so went inside to get it and heard a noise on the roof. Raced out to see nothing. Heard growling in the tree and looked up to see the mother and youngster on the garage roof nextdoor and the male (who we have not seen for a while) in the tree. So, all three visible, went up on the roof and did my thing!
Started dinner and as I cooked I picked up the torch to admire my handiwork and thought I saw movement in the chimney. Nah! Just the wine! Shone it again and there was the pink nose! I had locked it in the chimney. We have FOUR resident possums. It was suggested I let it out immediately but dinner was half cooked so it could wait. After dinner, removed the wire and released the critter. I expect that is the last we will see of them in chimneys but we certainly heard them in a disgruntled state at 4am.
Bought more plants which I will share later.
p.s. Gardengal - us guys will let things ride until we get THAT look! Then it's full steam ahead!

Merino, Australia

Steve, you need to build a large possum annex up there for the lot of them. I remember the first time I heard a male in full vioce. I thought the martians had landed and were invading the place. Partner at the time was not going outside to investigate so I did and made a few great friends that would come for a feed every night from then on. Never touched a leaf in my garden either. They ate other gardens . Never bit the hand that fed them.

Sydney, Australia

I agree Jean. Horrible noise!
I have decided to build some possum boxes as a compromise.
We have not fed them yet as we have heard horror stories of them spiraling up your arm!
They eat what the birds don't. The feeder had Crimson Rosellas, Galahs, King Parrots, Magpies, Wonga Pigeon and Rainbow Lorrikeets today. The possums get the dregs and the rose buds.

Sydney, Australia

Jean good to read about Hubby's exploits! Pass on my congrats!
Have I asked about this beast before? After a name.

Thumbnail by Budgieman
barmera, Australia

Maybe Bergenia Cordifolia. Steve

Sydney, Australia

Thanks Colleen.
I have had a look and think it's the one.
I will name my pic. It's in the front yard at Sussex. Another ticked off the list.
While I think of it the broms are well, all of the succulents have taken and about
six geranium cuttings.

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. Its raining here. This time it has been a bit heavier and kept up most of the night. Yesterday was very cold because of the wind. Without the wind it has been a bit milder. Usually around August the wind will really come up. All the wattle trees are ready to bloom . Always when the wattle blooms at it's best, the rain arrives to spoil the look. I was going to plant more Cootamundras along the fences but as they are supposed to be triffids, I will look for a different one. I have only ever had 2 seedlings pop up from ours but I know they are triffids in different areas. Any suggestions on a nice wattle that will stay bushy from the base and grow to around 12' ? It has to like our dry and cold .
Hello Colleen, hope all is well over your way.
Hello Steve (possum man) I see a possum village rising around your cottage. I never had a problem with feeding the possums. I used to use whole slices of bread so they could take it from my hand easily. Never had one try to run up my arm or leg but I suppose, like kids, there are the cheeky ones. My biggest thrill was when a ringtail started coming down too. They are so beautiful. One cheeky brushtail would always come down and hang over the roof to see if I was there yet. They had their trail from roof to trees to ground.
Hello Chrissy, I am shouting so you can hear me, we have moved the Tea Room to over here.
Tonight is our AGM and election meeting for our local CFA group. As I am secretary / treasurer, I will be handing down the annual report.
Not going to be nice in the hall as there is only a small heater. so I do hope it is a quick meeting.
Hello to everyone popping in. I hope the weather is being kind to you where ever you are. I don't think I will be outside much today. Might be a good time to do a bit more in my genealogy file.
I am going back near the heater in the other room to warm my fingers.
Have a great day everyone and stay warm and dry.
Have some Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Sorry I haven't been around for a while. I have been following the goings on. We have been having some nice rain as well. The garden is looking decidedly happy with the extra moisture. I still haven't got my shade house done. I made myself a little hot house out of a big plastic bag. The angels seem to be quite happy in there. I haven't any seeds up yet but will keep my fingers crossed. I hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend Jean and congratulations to hubby for his win. Glad he found his wallet. I hope everyone has a lovely day talk later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris

Sorry jean ...there I was banging on the door early this morning ...no wonder the door was closed.
I am so glad you got the wallet back ...I think most people do the right thing and it makes us all feel good to know that. Congratulations on your hubby winning ...what a kick!
I am jealous ...my hubby is always in demand by everyone else, I feel guilty asking him to do anything for me because he is on the go all day and half the night (semi retired ????) so good luck to you having handy and available fellas, I might have to wait until my dearest is 90! hopefully he will retire by then.
Gosh it's cold (snowing in Oberon they say) is anyone getting snow? we have frost warnings for Thursday. So I will be wrapping the trunks of my exposed angels in bubble wrap today and tomorrow ...just in case!
steve posting my ginko again for you.
sounds like everyone is busy ...me too off to the bubble wrap in a little bit! just finishing up my coffee here ...
I like the Tawny Port Brian as it is blended with a drop of Brandy ...I find this warms me up (probably considered plonk too ...it comes in a carton ...from Italy) that'll do me =) I think Dorrie Evens from number 96 used to drank Muscat didn't she? I have never tried it. I don't really enjoy the taste of most booze ...but sometimes you just have to have something to warm you up.
Cheers ^_^ everyone,

Thumbnail by
Barmera, Australia

G'Day All,
Jean, I wouldn't worry too much about the triffid thing, the Cootamundra is a beautiful wattle and you can interplant the green foliage one with the purply one. You might like to give Acacia pendula "The Weeping Myall" a go or A. pycnatha "The Golden Wattle" it could be a local in your area. I like A. saligna "The Golden Wreath Wattle" that could be a triffid in your area but what a show if it got loose along the roadways.
Chrissy you should be supporting our wine industry not the Italian one they have enough people to keep theirs going.

My American friends love Australian wines brian ...they do alright overseas, the amount I drink wouldn't support anyone. ^_^ The flavour is important to me and sadly I don't enjoy the Australian Tawny Port (guess it is the peasant in me) ...glad to try one you would recommend ...one that does not bite!

Barmera, Australia

Only having a dig Chrissy, you drink the one you prefer. Personaly I'm not that keen on Tawny either.

townsville, Australia

Good afternoon to all, It is a glorious day, the sun is shining and 28c, and I have finally caught up on all my work Yahoooooooooooooooo.
Jean very glad hubby got his wallet back, my purse got stolen a couple of years ago, what a nightmare to cancel cards and to get a new license was near on impossable, I now keep a photocopy of all the cards I possess at home. I did try to explain to the lady at main roads that my license was stolen along with my purse, but she insisted that I needed it as id to get my new one, thank goodness I saw a lady that I knew out the back and she verified who I was, and a major disaster was averted. Jean I do hope your meeting was a short one and you managed to get out of the cold.
Pam congrats on getting all the jobs done, would love to see photos. I have a spot where I would love a bridge but unless I figure out how to build myself I will never get sigh.
Steve I still reckon that your 'creatures of the night' will get you in the end lol. They always win eventually, one way or the other.
Cody I am glad to hear that your little cuty is getting a little better.
Brian I have never tried Muscat, (or sorry even heard of it) I will have to have a look and give it a go lol.
Oh by the way Jean that is a beautiful tea room photo, that is the only thing that I miss about not having a winter, is scenes like that. But you can't have it all lol.
I have to go and do my afternoon chores, have a great what is left of the day everyone.
Smile and stay safe

Thumbnail by shelly61
Coushatta, LA

Hi shell,thanks,enjoy the rest of your day.

townsville, Australia

Buggar I can not even spell imposable what kind of cruddy typist is that, I must be brain dead lol.
I looked at the above and this photo last night and found a bee in one and a spider in the other, kinda cool lol.

Thumbnail by shelly61
Coushatta, LA

Shell,that is pretty.

Sydney, Australia

Shelly - that reminds me of Ralph in The Simpsons. 'Me fail Inglish? Thats unpostable!
Yeh yeh Chrissy! Rub it in! I have a green light to plant my Ginkgo at Sussex. So watch this space!
Stake - many moons ago we used to place our glass of Tawny Port or Muscat on top of the combustion fire to heat it up. Supposedly as they do in the UK. Have not had either lately because it is not 'kosher' to drink either out of a tankard!
Meantime here are my purchases on the weekend.

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Wonthaggi, Australia

Good Evening All,
It's freezing, rain, hail & thunder here in Wonnie!
Shelly61, I am so jealous of the weather you have, at the moment!!!
Firstly, I should say, I am so sorry I am late on saying "Happy Birthday"!!! Queen of Green, Jean!! I'm glad you had a lovely long weekend to celebrate!!!
It's lucky I found you all had moved, having a wine or 2 to warm up, LOL!!!
Cody~I hope your sweet baby, Angel is improving??? mya I love your sunset pic, will post to you tomorrow, has been too foul to go to the PO today. Although I did have to go to the VET! No Steve & Brian, not for me, Chilli needed vaccination boosters!!
Marleneann, I miss our Ford, Betsy!! She died a few years ago. She was a Ghia, 198?,
I saved the badges, as a souvenier, Hahahaha!!
Hi Lesley, Thanks re the shirt, you are naughty!! No I won't wear them out, all the old fogeys will stop me in the street!! Sorry??
I have a Frangi cutting from my Grandmothers place. She passed in 2000, in Sydney. It is going Ok, but has never flowered. Must go & put it in the shed out of the harsh weather.
Sue~ I wonder about football too, do you have to water it??
Rosebudgal~ Love your Zygo. Mine are really slow this year, only have one in flower??
Brian, a Port would go down really well at the moment, Thanks??? & Steve, I must find my Possum pics to post, varmits made short work of my Plum tree last year!!
I've lost track of my notes, Yes, I'll blame the chardy! hello to Kat, sammut,Colleen & all that I have not mentioned, sorry...
Will see if I can find a nice warm & Tropical pic to post?
Take Care all,

Thumbnail by helens5162
Sydney, Australia


Thumbnail by Budgieman
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Anyone know the name of this Hoya?

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Wonthaggi, Australia

Hey Marleneann,
Is it a Krimson Princess or Krinkle 8

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Thanks Helen!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Look at the size of that Frangipani trunk in helens photo! where was that taken Helen. As for football, I reckon it should be used in the compost. Its a bit expensive for my liking.
Hey Steve, I have the same variety of Federation daisy as you I think. What do you reckon?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Merino, Australia

Good morning all. I am freezing this morning. It does take a while for the lounge to warm up enough for me to feel warm. Snow is forecast for low altitudes over the next day or two. A few years ago, we had a sudden cold snap and you could see snow flakes falling but they melted before landing. I don't think they would melt at the moment.
Our CFA meeting was last night and believe me it was no fun going out of a warm house to a cold hall. There are 2 small electric radiators but they can't do much. I took my own small air heater down and had it on my feet all night.
made me very cosy. After the meeting , it wasn't as bad outside as the freezing wind had gone. Shopping tomorrow and it sounds like the weather will be terrible.
Hello Helen, sounds like your had the weather we are getting tomorrow. You could have pushed it out to sea from your place.
Steve, that's a pretty daisy. I 'borrowed' a few pieces from one the same over in Mt Gambier. They are growing very well now and are flowering.
Hello Sue. I think the footballs would make good compost especially with all the extra. b******* that comes with them Ha ha.
Brian, it seems your port has taken off with a few people, we'd better have a supply for winter. I think I will plant those Cootamundra wattles I have as they don't seem to be a triffid in our area. The 'Black' wattle is a pest here though. A lovely ferny leaf but it selfseeds everywhere.
Hello Marleneann. Thats a very pretty Hoya. I have a few plants of the common one and they just wander around . They do flower well and have a lovely scent.
Hello Chrissy, I am not doing anything with my Angels in the cold. As it has been cold here for so long , they should be used to it by now and I am interested to see how they do. With no frost actually in the yard, it is only the low temps that will affect them. At least. I will be able to say which ones seem to handle cold better which should help other gardners in similar areas wanting to grow some.
Hello Cody. I hope you are warmer than we are at the moment, although your winters would be much colder than we experience.
Hello Colleen, hope you are warmer than I am.
Shelly, you are mean, waving those lovely temperatures if front of us. You may find an influx of southerners moving into your backyard. Ha ha.
Better go and warm my fingers before they fall off. A nice cuppa should do the job .
I will leave you something nice so sit on the patio and enjoy. One thing about virtual worlds, the weather is always perfect.
Enjoy your day. and some Hot Scones.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
se qld, Australia

It sounds like a wheat pillow would do more than sooth sore joints at the moment Jean. I hate the cold. This morning is the first time we've started up the wood heater in the morning, just to take the chill out of the air. It will warm up to a lovely day again by about 10am.

Re your Federation Daisy Sue, I seem to recall that that one was called Hotlips or something similar. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it in a NSW nursery, but I left it behind when we moved north.

Something I did bring, but which hated the climate here and succumbed in no time was my chocolate Cosmos. It really did smell like chocolate. :)


barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. It is 8 degrees at the moment on my front verandah. Give me the cold weather anytime, but I don't like the wind. Will pack your Stapelias up today Jean. KK said it not wise to annoy them in the cold so if they don't make it I'll send more later. The one that I posted the pic of isn't Leendertziae but could be a hybrid of LeendertziaexGettliffei. I hope you like it anyway. Shelly what is the white with yellow and black centred flower? Re the Cosmos, I don't have much luck with them here but when my sister used to live only about 1k away from here she used to grow them every year and they would put on a brilliant show. Might have to try again I think. I hope you all have a lovely day, catch you later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
townsville, Australia

Good morning all, sorry Jean but it is yet another lovely day here but it is only suppose to get to 25c today and it did get down to 14c last night, it was our coldest night so far, I had to fish out a jumper, I do feel for you having to go out in that miserable weather for your meeting, I hope it was productive.
Sue and Steve your daisies are so pretty, I love the colours.
Marleneann, I love that Hoya, I am going to have to find me one of them very very nice. I only have about 6 different hoyas, but it is not enough, I am an addict lol.
Helen where is the resort in your photo, I vaguely recall seeing that bar somewhere but for the life of me I can not remember, maybe a magazine or was I actually there, or maybe I am thinking of a similar one I went to in Port Douglas, what does everyone say the memory is the first thing to go lol.
I have to do some work have a wonderful day everyone.
Smile and stay safe

townsville, Australia

Hi Colleen, I would not have a clue what it is to be honest, I bought it at the markets in January for the meager cost of $2 and in 5 and a half months it has gone from the little thing at the very bottom next to the slab

Thumbnail by shelly61
townsville, Australia

to this, it is very pretty and very fast growing, I found an all yellow one at the markets 2 weeks ago and it is very pretty as well.

Thumbnail by shelly61
barmera, Australia

Wow Shelly that's my kind of plant. Hope someone can put a name to it for us. Colleen

se qld, Australia

It's Turnera subulata. It requires sun for the blooms to open.

Enough procrastinating! Back to the planting.

This message was edited Jun 9, 2009 8:57 PM

townsville, Australia

thanks Pam

barmera, Australia

Thanks Pam. It's also called Turnera trioniflora, Cuban buttercup, White turnera, and sage rose. You can take your pick. he he.

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