Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 40, 1 by 77sunset

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Image Copyright 77sunset

Subject: TEA ROOM # 40

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA ROOM  # 40
77sunset wrote:
Time for a move to #. 40. It seems no time since I first opened the Tea Room . I am so glad you all find it a pleasnat place to sit and relax.
I had a quiet day yesterday while hubby was away. It was too wet to do much so I caught up on a bit of reading and genealogy.
Hubby arrived home full of news about his day . He won first prize for the linear amplifier he built. This is what he does for a hobby . He is well regarded in the world of radio amateurs in many countries. . The prize was a quite expensive machine that he can use in his workshop . He was very proud as this is the fourth year he has won.
A bit later as he was unloading the car , he realised he had lost his wallet. He must have left it on the counter in the service station where he stopped for a coffee. It was a bit of mad panic then as he rang banks and police to notify them of the loss. We are hoping it was found in the service station and not dropped elsewhere. We won't know until they open this morning.
Not a nice feeling when you think of the cards etc that you carry in your wallet. . I think men need handbags instead of shoving things in pockets. I had better get moving and help him unload the rest of the car. He always takes a few things to show and comes home with more than he took over. A bit like me and plants.
Have a great day all.
I'm wishing for spring so used this lovely photo of my cousins garden.