tell the truth marleanne you have been into the sauce :)
So nice to see some fun!
KK you need to put yourself first sweetie ...
I have just come in for a drink ...you won't believe it but I am hot! In back of the home it is lovely enough just to sit and enjoy the sun ...but too much to do, feels like a warm cuddle out there though.
River sand is heavy ...been moving a lot of my babies into a warm place, they look green and happy.

Coushatta, LA

Hi Sue,thanks,glad too know that my pictures puts a smile on your face and think of the sunshine and warm.Talk about warm it was in the 90's today,it was so hot.This weekend they were saying it will be close to 100.I hate to see it get that hot,then it gets so dry and that is when you say were is the rain.Well enjoy and take care and stay warm.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Christchurch, New Zealand

I've been getting inspiration over in the Cut Flower & Floral Art Forum...
there are some neat ideas of how to display flowers & some very friendly supportive members.
So this is an underwater arrangement using my brand new frog...
$1.00 from the Sallies...
And just mere months ago I would not have known what it was let alone bought it :)

Thumbnail by dalfyre
se qld, Australia

So dopey here scrolls up and down the pic looking for the frog swimming in the vase, and then the penny drops. lol

Your arrangement is lovely Dalfyre. I might have to go check out that forum.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. It's not a good morning here though. The wind has been blowing all night with a little rain. It is 6C at the moment. I won't be doing much outside . I have taken over the lounge for doing some planting of seeds into my small plastic propagating boxes . These will stay inside for the winter. They are only cheap from the Reject shop and stack well in a corner . They contain enough trays for plenty of seeds. I alreadt have one in here with some epi seedlings doing well.
Hello Chrissy, thabks for the diabetic tips. Hubby can't eat much cheese or eggs due to him having to lose weight. He is not partial to any of the' light 'cheeses . I give him a home made pizza or spaghetti bol. once a month as he does like that and he can then have his bit of cheese.
Hello Colleen, love those winter glads. So bright. can you spare a corm or two ?
KK, lovely to see you in here again. Thanks for the link to the tradetracker. Like others, I tend to forget what and who I traded with at times.
Marleneann, now I know where all the port has been disappearing to. Hmmmmm.
Cody , love your bright pictures, hope the little goose is still coming along. Enjoy your warm days.
Dalfyre, that's a pretty arrangement. At least I knew what your frog was as I used to have a few myself years ago. Did you know that the glass inserts with flower holes that came in many old vases were called frogs too.
Gardengal, you are too late with your warning about going out after my fasting for the Dr. . We actually went from here to Coleraine where the Dr. is and then across to Casterton for a few things from the shop. There is a lovely bakery there. I just could not resist, after all, it was a half hour drive home. I needed sustenance badly. ha ha.
I bought a lovely pastie. Yumm.
Time for a cuppa and a start on getting those seeds planted.
Keep warm everyone. Try this Mocha Cake. Should go well with your glasses of port.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Sunshine Coast, Australia

dalfyre...that is an unusual way to display a flower. I'm going to try it too. Thanks for posting.

Cody...I could do with a bit of your warm weather at the moment. It got down to 1degrees (C) here at Buderim and that is unusual for the Sunshine Coast. The coldest since we have been here since 1996.
Lowest is about 8 degrees (C) in winter.

Chrissy...I was just pretending at being our Prime Minister as the news reported he said this the last week three times. And yes... I am into the drink...but only tea. *G*

Jean I tried to get into the "Tea Room" last night but there was such a line up for hot tea & coffee I gave up in the end and went to bed. Sure is a popular spot.

Be back later.

I know that marleneanne ...just teasing ...certain people in the papers look like real dills when trying to bung on true blue sayings I reckon.
How cold is it up North they said it was freezing cold up Toowoomba way ...even colder than here. I hope you don't get another freeze like you did a couple of years back ...I remember all the damage done to the beautiful tropical plantings, Daley's suffered terrible damage to their stock ...
I am off to see whats what out there back later.

Brisbane, Australia

Morning All,
I've not yet had breakfast, but I'm being naughty & having a sliver of Jean's lovely cake as a starter!!! I think it's too early for port, just as well all the bottles in the tearoom are empty anyway ;-) I'm tucked up in bed with a cuppa - another good thing about virtual cake - no crumbs in the bed!!
Jean that's a lovely frog from your husband!! Here's our patio frog. He was a present years ago from my paents to my husband. He normally hates bric-a-brac but it very protective of this frog.
Re the crab & lobsters etc. Yes once such things were plentiful!! And because they were locally caught, they were so tasty - no freezing invloved. Around Bris we have Moreton Bay Bugs, which are now expensive to buy. Years a ago a relative had a local prawn trawler & got bugs as bi-catch but used to just give or throw them away!!
Teresa that's a lovely arrangement -is that a camelia? That's a good way to display them, as they don't do so well with a normal vase. I too went looking for the frog!! Doh!
Marlene, my cats get skitish with cold & particularly windy weather. My husband says his dog used to be the same. I guess humans are no different. I love windy weather - it makes me feel more alive!! Go you frisky thing ;-) Just be careful if you start racing around the yard & running up the trees like my cat does!!! If that happens, a bit of "sauce" might calm you down.
Jobs today: rearranging a few pots to display near the front door, putting together some cheap garden shelves, putting up a low wire fence to keep my crucifix orchids from lolling all over the lawn, maybe buying some tomato seedlings, making a banana cake.
I hope you all get out into the garden today (weather permitting)!

Thumbnail by LeisaD
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Okay I'll be the dumb one. What is the frog Dalfyre? I looked everywhere for him and I thought that I even could see him at one stage. Duh! Jean yes I should have some more corms to spare for you. Is it best to let them die off first? KK haven't the foggiest how to use the tradetracker. Will have to get someone to show me. Have been to Auskick with the boys this morning. They got their backpacks this morning so that's keeping them busy. Am going after lunch to see a man about some plants and cuttings, hopefully I can get some nice pieces. He's trying to downscale as he's got heart problems which is not good. Will let you know if I get anything after. Colleen

western sydney nsw, Australia

Good after noon to all,
There is my newest idea why not do tipsy pots hanging I used baskets with wire .

Have a great week end all.-------Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
Merino, Australia

Thanks Colleen, probably better to let the Glads die down then dig the corrns. That way the plant will have built up next years energy.
Sammut , you are a clever one. Great idea.
Leisa, I like your hubby's frog. I collect them and have all mine in the fernery keeping an eye on the plants.
Marleneann, I'm sorry you missed the cake last night but you have to be quick in the Tea Room. I usually keep a spare cake or two in the freezer but don't tell anyone.
Going back to the heater. The day has not improved here. I get the feeling winter has decided to stay a while. Roll on summer. I must remember never to complain about the heat.
Jean. .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Sydney, Australia

Hi all!
At Sussex. Fire going. Cab Sav in hand. Putting stickers onto cards?
Sounded ok until the last bit. I mucked up a print job and the client said
just put a sticker on it so that's what i'm doing. We love our clients. So accepting of human error and willing to accept compromise.

Spent the day trimming Geraniums and other wild bits. All mulched.
I remember as a child reading, or being read, a book called "The Nasturtians That Were Too Proud For Their Boots". It was about someone planting seeds into a pair of old boots and the plants grew up the wall across the roof and down the street.
I don't know why I remember it but I know now what they were writing about. The Nasturtian down the back is taking over so some of it ended in the mulcher too.
Have a good night all

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Steve,
"Nasturtian"??? Mind you, I have a tendency to call Nasturtiums "Nasty-Turtiums" so I really shouldn't pick on others. As for the taking over; yes, they do that. And they self seed VERY happily. Unless of course you deliberately plant the special variegated ones and the gardener runs his whipper-snipper over them (Don't laugh, it happened to me a few years ago - I was ropeable!). If you are cutting them back or mulching them , watch out for the juice as it is fairly caustic. As a salad accent the leaves are quite nice though, peppery and intense - try picking a leaf and sticking it between a couple of cheese slices - Yum!

Ciao, KK.

Christchurch, New Zealand

the flower in the underwater arrangement is one of my last frost bitten roses...
the frog is the heavy metal spiky thing in the bottom of the vase that holds the flower stems & stops them floating up.
I had no idea what they were until a few moths ago.
Odd thing is that I have a memory of seeing one at a trash & treasure & being fascinated.
Funny what appeals to young children.
the outer bowl part of this frog comes off which is good or it wouldn't fit that vase.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. We had a bit more rain early last night but the wind has dropped for a while and the sky is very pink this morning. The garden is looking green . All the selfseeded wallflowers are growing fast with a few flowers already. I just leave them grow as the stronger will soon flatten out the weaker ones. The cornflowers and californian poppies are everywhire too. I see lots of daffodils poking up through the other plants. I sometimes forget where all the bulbs are so I have a small hebe and a lavender that have bulbs growing up through them now. They seem to coexist happily. The Angels are still looking pretty good despite the wind knocking the large leaves around. I have just planted some Pacific Coast iris seeds and hope they grow. They are something I have never tried before so it will be interesting to see how they do here. Another collection coming ?? Hubby was looking at the back gate area yesterday and suggested that when we start on doing it up, we move the fence on one side. Now how did he know that was what I wanted ? It will give a larger area around the back veranda and make it easier to come in and out. I have an old cottage type gate that i can use instead of the heavy tin gate there now. We need the gates everywhere as sometimes the odd sheep or cow will escape from someones paddock and wander in. We usually keep the large main gate open as it is a job to open and shut it all the time being large and heavy.
Isn't it funny how many times we say back door or back gate when it is the main means of entering. Our front door is right around the far side of the house . One would have to walk right around the house to get there passing the back first. I find this in a lot of places. I think with muddy boots and raincoats etc, it is usually easier and closer to use the back doors. Most people I know are so used to using the back entrances . It is different in towns where the front is actually facing the road.
Hello Steve, sounds like you are all comfortable there. Go easy on that wine, you may have to climb on the roof again. I have heaps of those large triffid nasturtuims here. I let them roam at will all over the back paddock. Nothing much will grow there so they cover the ground. I like them all lovely and green with the bright flowers sticking out everywhere. When they die I leave them to rot into the ground where they are.
Hello KK. I have tried the leaves but a bit too peppery for me. The flowers are nice in a salad.
Hello to everyone else around. Kat , are you still chasing your turkeys ?
Leasley , hope you are feeling okay.
Brian, the cold weather is getting people in to the port. I had better leave more cakes out for those coming in for a tipple. Going out to talk to the plants now. I like to do my morning prowl around., encouraging or chastising as needed. Just as well I dont live where people walk by in the mornings, They would be a bit worried, seeing me talking to plants.. Happy gardening everyone.
Try this Lemon Sponge Pudding.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,thanks,well Angel is going real good and i had another duckling hatch this morning.It has been HOT!!!!here not warm.In the summers here the heat index makes it so hot that it is unbareable to go outside for a long amount of time.Well enjoy and stay warm and have a bless day and take care.

Hi Marleneann,believe me i would be glad to sent you some of this hot weather we have.I hope it don't get know colder then what you have been getting.Well enjoy and stay warm and have a bless day and take care,


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Christchurch, New Zealand

my new garden - at work.
I commandeered the space.
Just put my own plants into a bare spot.
time will tell as to how well it does

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Coushatta, LA

Good day everyone!!!Hope you have a bless evening and stay warm.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Sydney, Australia

Hi all.
Spelling error noted KK.
Will try it in salads. Knew you could eat the flowers but did not know you could eat the leaf. Found heaps of plants under it as I pulled it up. This is it's second year of coming up where we pulled down the dead tree and yes it is no longer just one plant.
I did go easy on the wine Jean. I don't think I will need to hang around on the roof any more. I think they have given up for now. We bought a book on attracting wildlife to the backyard and it outlines the making of possum boxes so I will put it on the list of things to do. (project number 840).
Speaking of possums Chrissy. While I was on the roof preparing a few weeks ago I found a She Oak growing in the front gutter. It is now potted and waiting to be 6m tall and attracting those black cockies. This morning I watched 8 of them land in the Pines a few doors away. Also had a discussion with a friend living at Woronora and the possum problem they have. You can relate to that!
Bye for now

se qld, Australia

I made Dolmades using nasturtium leaves once, as I had no grape leaves. It turned out quite respectably - a slightly peppery taste.

The bridge hubby made last week got a nice cement footing made for it this weekend, so shall get some pics to post in the next couple of days.

This message was edited Jun 14, 2009 3:58 AM

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Just popped in for a nice hot "cuppa" and to say hi to everyone.

Will take some pic tomorrow if I get time.

barmera, Australia

We've had some really nice rain here this afternoon. I can actually hear it running into the rainwater tank. Wont have to water again for awhile. I still have to give the pots a bit of water but am starting to worry about the cacti in pots. Maybe I'll have to put them all into the ground. Have your parcel all ready to send tomorrow Jean. Some nice surprises in there for you. Hope you're happy with them. Well had better go. Nearly time for the boy's bed time and then a few hours nice and quiet for me. Good night talk tomorrow. Colleen

Christchurch, New Zealand

I used tiny baby nasturtium leaves in a salad & hubby never realised that it was 'weeds' from the garden...
they look nice too, I picked thumbnail size ones.
Good contrast with bronze perpetual lettuce.
Or as I called it mean cruel lettuce - it was heartless ;)

barmera, Australia

morning everyone. We've had a lovely lot of rain. I can just about hear all the plants sigh with relief. Now I know what a frog is. Thanks Dalfyre. We're never too old to learn. I have an Arum lily ready to open and the bird of paradise is flowering. The roses are still putting on a show. The chrysanthemums are still flowering and geraniums are looking great. Has anyone got a white Violet? I have it growing out the front and it thrives on neglect. I have had to put the normal one in a pot because they just wont survive in the ground for me or if they do survive they dont flower. Any tips of what I'm doing wrong.? Well had better go and get the boys ready. Be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. A fine morning here with a light fog. Very chilly though. i hope it stays fine as I have washing to do that has been waiting for a dry day. Hubby did mention that a clothes dryer would be handy so Ill have to remember that when he asks what I want for Christmas.
Colleen, your parcel will go this morning when the PO opens. I have flowers popping open now that are a bit out of season. The agapanthus looks nice but lonely with all the others still sleeping. Some of the roses have flowers while some are totoally bare. I left the last lot of flowers go and now have some lovely red rose hips around the garden..
I have white violets among the usual purple. They are a smaller and less aggressive plant than the purple which just runs amok along the side. If I pull out the plants I still get seedlings so I leave them there. Nothing else is around that side to bother with. They thive on neglect and flower every year.
Hello Dalfyre,, clever you with the leaves. Hubbys will eat anything if you disguise it.
Hello Marleneann. Hope you enjoyed your cuppa. Was there any cake left ?
Gardengal, looking forward to seeing your new bridge. .
Steve, still holding that glass and contemplating the possums I see. . Are you the typical male with many projects started but not finished ? Hubby usually has his radio bits on the go at the same time but manages to get them all done. I do know a few that have had half finished things laying around for years.
I just have to finish something I start so I can see the finished thing. Comes from having a 'tidy gene' I think. I hate to see anything not in its place. .
I see the sun rising over the hill so the day may be fine. I will take a couple of pics later of the zygos. They are looking very pretty and a couple I have not seen before too. I have just bought a cutting of a 'yellow' one. I hope it turns out to be yellow . I am now looking for a pure white but I don't think there is one. All I have seen are pink tinged.
I do hope Lesley is feeling better and Sammut too. Kat will be chasing turkeys or neighbors.
Hello Cody, as always your flowers are so pretty.
Chrissy, and Sue, hello. Is it warming up there at all. You poor things getting cold after all that rain too. Think of all the weeds growing . I can see mine growing by the minute. Plenty of different fungi around. I see them in pots and in the shadehouse , around the garden too. All sorts of sizes and colors.
Better put out some more food for the hungry people coming in for a cuppa.
Enjoy your day everyone , happy gardening.
Try this Coconut Cake ( with icing , Brian. )

Thumbnail by 77sunset
se qld, Australia

Hubby's bridge - there's still a bit of 'finishing off' to do, in the way of landscaping, mainly, but you get the general idea. I think he's done a terrific job. He had big plans of making an arched bridge for the spot. I didn't really think it would suit, but said nothing. On the spur of the moment he decided to knock this one together using some logs I'd asked him to move, and I think it's perfect for the location, so it worked out well.

The signs read "No fishing" and "No Painting". Our neighbour is mad keen on painting. If it stands still for too long he is liable to paint it. I'm surprised he hasn't painted their dog yet. lol

This message was edited Jun 14, 2009 8:29 PM

Thumbnail by gardengal
townsville, Australia

Good morning all, well maybe not so good its Monday and I am still sick, I just can not shake this rotten flu, did I mention I Hate Being Sick!!!!!!
Jean I am afraid that I have a few unfinished projects I have a jumper I started knitting about 5 years ago, (I have made about 7 since then) I did not like how it was turning out so it is still sitting unfinished maybe one day and a quilt that I started and have not finished for the same reason (and again i have made about 6 since I started it). I may just finish them both and give them away lol.
The weather has been ok the nights are getting down to between 14 and 17 and the days are still 24 to 27, so I can not really blame the weather for my flu.
I had a wasted weekend on my couch, so hopefully better by the weekend, as I can not stand the thought of 2 wasted weekends in a row, when I have so much to do in the yard.
Going to go and take some drugs and see if they can get me through my day, this is one of the times I hate working in a one woman office, no one to do your work when you are not well lol.
Love everyones frogs I have quite a collection of them, about 200 in my loo. (don't ask lol)
Dalfyre love the flower arrangement, I will give that a go.
Steve glad you critter problems are a thing of the past.
Elaine you are very clever, you must be running out of room for all you projects by now lol.
Have to go, may pop back in later for a cuppa.
Smile and stay safe all
Shell (cough, snifflel)

Barmera, Australia

G'Day Shelly61,
When I was a lad I worked with a bloke who reckoned he had a sure fire cure for Colds & Flu, I pass it on because it might work for you.
The cure, Drink 40 Rum & Cloves one after the other. He swore that every time he did this, by the time he sobered up the Flu was gone.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Good afternoon everyone!

Cute bridge gardengal. Maybe I rent your hubby for a few days to build for me.

dalfyre I once used nasturtium leave in a salad and hubby's comment was...."did you miss the compost bin again" ...men!

Colleen...that's a pretty yellow chrysanthemum

Jean...keep those cake tins full....lots of folk are visiting the Tea Room.

Must go and see to a few of my baby plants. They need me.

Coushatta, LA

Good day Jean,thanks,hope you are staying warm today.It was another very hot day today.I think it was like 95 for the high.I was out mowing today i got so hot i had to call it a day.Well enjoy your day and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. A very cold morning here but the day should be fine. At the moment it is -1C. Yesterday was sunny and enough breeze to dry the washing. I would say there is a frost down in the town this morning. There is a light fog too.
Yesterday, hubby was eyeing off the area we are going to tackle next. It will be a completely redone shade area out from the back veranda. It has been very tatty and tired looking for years . A relic of the previous owner who used old patchy bits everywhere. I will end up with a whole new shade area and more room for baskets. Some of the existing plants will be moved and the old protea will go.
I am amazed at my alstromerias being still in flower. They were so beautiful during summer and never quite died down. I found a miniature lavender that I thought had been overgrown by them but it was still there struggling. I moved the poor thing where it can see the sun.
My irises are looking yuk at the moment. They always do during the damp winter with all the splotchy and dead leaves . Come spring they will put up lots of new leaves. . I see that there is a confused bottlebrush out the back too. It has a couple of flowers.
The wattles are all full of buds and I hope the rain doesn't arrive right when they all flower..
Hello Gardengal, I love your bridge. I wish I had a dam to have a bridge on too. The planting will look very nice when you are done.
Shelly, you poor thing. I sympathise with you. It's no fun being ill. Rug up well and get out for a little bit in the garden. It will make you feel better if you are pottering around the plants.
I wouldn't try Brians remedy. . It would take ones mind off being ill though . One would never remember being ill with that presciption Hubby says it sounds pretty good. Ha ha.
Marleneann, I have made sure to leave more cakes in the kitchen. I think we need comfort food during winter . Its nice to come over to the Tea Room where the weather is perfect , before going back out in the cold.
Cody, another lovely daylily. Hope your little feathered friends are doing alright.
Hello to Chrissy, Sue, Lesley, Steve, Kat, Colleen , Helen and Sammut. I know I have forgotten a few but hello everyone.
I am going to sit and be domestic. I have a hem to take up on a new pair of pants I bought for winter.
Do you others find it hard to buy good winter slacks ? Here where it gets really cold, one finds most of the slacks being more suitable for summer. Same for a lot of the shirts.
Don't you feel silly too, having to buy summer clothes when the weather is cold and vice versa. I wonder at the trade buyers and their sense of what a customer wants. I know I feel more like buying clothes that are right for the season we happen to be in.
I'm glad to see that common sense is finally prevailing on size too. Goodbye to those absurd skinny models. Lots of real women now. If we could only get the fashion gurus to make more clothes we real women like to wear too. Can you imagine walking down the street in some of the things they have in the fashion parades ?
Oh well back to the garden.
Enjoy your day and keep warm.
Try this Chocolate Pear Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
se qld, Australia

Good morning Jean and all.

>Do you others find it hard to buy good winter slacks ?

It's hard to find any slacks, shorts or anything that doesn't have a low waist these days. All well and good for fit young things without a' waist' but I find them incredibly uncomfortable, especially when, if you have even the slightest tummy, they creep down at the back to accomodate it. grrrrr!

We had a couple of short but heavy showers during the night, just enough to freshen everything up. The local wattles here have been flowering for nearly a month now, and are looking their best in the nearly 3 years since we came here. Their perfume is quite heady though, just enough to remind me that I should not plant any more wattles. I've put in a few different varieties, including the red one, which has been in bud now for several months. One day it might get around to flowering. As much as I love the look of them I've resigned myself to the fact that Cascade and the likes don't do well here, and after the fourth failure I've given up tring. There seems little point in molly codling something that doesn't want to grow.

Hubby spotted a pair of wood ducks on the dam this morning, checking out the island, hopefully as a potential nesting site. A pair turned up last year, not much later than this with day old babies in tow - incredibly cute! They stayed for nearly a fortnight until the babies were feeding themselves well, and then one night left as suddenly as they came.

It's a beautiful sunny day, so I shall go make the most of it and do something constructive that doesn't include housework for a while.

Have a great day all.


Wonthaggi, Australia

Hello Everyone,
I have been lurking, but felt like I'd been hit by a truck after the busy weekend. My Garage/Plant Sale went well. I wish I had more Parrots potted up, I'm sure they would have went too! Only have small cuttings left at the moment. I was happy to make a few Hundred $$.
My daughter Kym is going to Europe for 20 days at the end of July. I can't be thinking about Swine Flu. Then she'll be in Japan for 4 months studying. She knows to get some Tamiflu as soon as she feels unwell??
Shelly~ We have always taken Garlic & Horseradish tablets when we feel a cold/flu coming on. I swear by them. Might be worth a try for you, even tho you already have it? I'm sure they will help, hope you feel better soon.
Brian~Plums in Port do the same too! For both ends!Hahahaha!!
Cody~ Lovely pics as always. I'm so glad little Angel is still coming along.
Jean~ Might hop into the cake for Brekkie! Thanks.
Gardengal~ Yes, Pants are hard to get these days, where the fly is more than an inch long!LOL!! I just got some jeans from Just Jeans when the girls took me shopping for Mothers Day. They are really comfy. Love your property with the bridge, how relaxing. Lucky you!
Hi KK~ Thanks for the Recipe. I made it last night for Dinner. Also added sliced mushrooms, Yummy! Thanks again..
Ok, I'll admit it, I was looking for the frog!!DER!!! Hi Dalfyre...
Hi Sue, Colleen, Chrissy, Leisa, Marleneann & Sammut, busy as usual, you'll run out of room soon??
And Hi to whoever I have forgotten, sorry...
Must run & get into the garden while the sun is shining, very nippy tho.
Take Care all,

townsville, Australia

Good morning all, another glorious day here to day, sorry but I have to tell it is 27c.
I am feeling a little better today, but still not well sigh!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Brian although you cure sounds exceptionally good, I do not think the police will let me drive to and from work and except my excuse as a "flu remedy" lol, so although it does sound like probably the best flu cure I have ever heard of, I will have to give it a miss lol and stick to Jeans it sounds a little safer for me lol.
Pam the only problem with our shops up here is that they stock all the clothes for southern winters, our winter usually lasts about 3 weeks and they wonder why very little of it sells. There are a lot of huge sales of winter woolies up here in September, you can usually grab a great bargain lol. What a great bridge, I have no water to put a bridge over but that does not stop me wanting one lol. I have created a sort of doorway into my new side garden and I would like a bridge from my patio to it. Hubby likes the idea but getting it built in the next 20 years will be another thing lol. I am going to attempt it myself I will just design it and google for how to's lol. how hard could it be ughhhhhhh!!!!!!
I best go and do some work have a great day all, I hope you do not all freeze in your horrid temps you are having.
Smile and stay safe

Christchurch, New Zealand

Whisky mac is great for colds...
double whisky with a shot of ginger wine, dilute a little with ginger ale if you can't take neat whisky.
Watch out for herbal 'immune boosters', some forms of echinacea they are using can cause nausea.
Ranging from mild queasiness to violent vomiting...
I was at the extreme end of the scale the other night after only half a tablet.
Good thing we had a bin beside the bed...
not nice!

On a happier note this is my latest Sallies find.
I was looking for vases but came home with a swan

Thumbnail by dalfyre
townsville, Australia

Teresa great find and nice wedding photos as well.
Helen you plant sale went very well, I would be rapt with that sort of money as well congrats. You will miss Kym while she is away and worry sick, but the time will go by fast and then she will be home safe and sound, my yougest went to New York for 6 months, and I was a complete wreck before she left, but the time came, I cried lol, and then it was no time before she was home to a very happy and relieved mum, and that will be the best day for you as well lol. I thought once they were all grown up and moved out of home my worries would stop, but alas not even close sigh!
I am on cold and flu pills at the moment, those adds on tv lie, you do not feel better in no time at all lol.
It has warmed up here to day no need for long sleeves.
have a wonderful evening all

se qld, Australia

I can't take cold and flu tabs - they make me ill, I think it's the codeine that disagrees with me.

Well done on the plant sale, Helen. There's nothing quite like a bit of extra plant money to play with is there?! I sold a few spare plant bits and pieces on Ebay for a short time, and looked at it from the point of view that it was 'play money', so used the proceeds of those sales to buy other plants that I could never afford (or justify) in the 'normal' world. Yes, our place is very peaceful. We've had (and still have) a lot of hard work stabilising (and repairing) a steep, eroded site, but every bit has been worth it. I love hearing the birds instead of the traffic, and watching the antics of the local wildlife. We're less than 20km out of town, and are really not far off a busy highway, but we quite often have kangaroos and wallabies jumping down the street. We have resident bearded dragons, amongst various other lizards, native bees and goodness knows what else. It's wonderful.

Shelley, there are free woodworking plans for just about anything on the net, and I know there are bridges amongst them. Because we'd stored the timber from an old cubby house we'd pulled down, the only cost for ours was the screws, and they were already on hand, so we didn't really have to fork out anything other than a bag of cement, which was already on hand too, so ...... lol

Sydney, Australia

Just love the sound of Stake's flu cure. I never get the flu but might just try the remedy anyway!
I tend to finish projects Jean. Some may overlap if I get another idea. Currently working on a hardwood table for the back room at Sussex. When I get tired of sanding I go outside and dig new gardens. Sounds a little strange when you type it out. Sanding v digging?
Anyway my son is off to Europe in two weeks. You never stop being a parent do you? We will worry until he is back in the nest!
Have a good night

Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,thanks,yes they are doing really well thanks.I hope you are staying warm their.It is hot here.We haven't had no rain in a while so it is dry here.Well enjoy your day and take care.

Hi Helen,thanks,she is doing great.Well enjoy your day and take care.

Hi Shell,sorry i didn't get back to you yesterday.I didn't get on last night.I hope you get well soon and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
barmera, Australia

Morning everyone. Brrrrrr cold here this morning.0 degrees. Jack Frost is all around. Nice and warm inside though. Shelly hope you're feeling better. Nothing worse than feeling sick. You can see all these things that need doing but you just haven't got the energy to do anything. I found a whole heap of cactus yesterday in a garden centre and they just begged to be brought home. Will take a pic later. I'm in a bit of a dilemma? at the moment. I have to move all the little potted cactus but don't know where I'm going to put them. I'm getting overrun by little cactus. It's all Brian's fault. Cody, I'm glad that your little gosling is doing well. Your daylilies are beautiful. My Asiatic lilies are poking their heads through again. They were beautiful last year. I found a lovely dark leafed Geranium yesterday as well. I think it will be a rich cream coloured flower. Should be really nice. Jean hope your parcel arrives today. Chrissy how are the angels faring with this cool weather. Brical did you find a Crinum in your parcel? Are you okay? Shelly in Vic How are your plants going? Mya are you having any luck with the geraniums? Everyone else hope your plants are going well. Have a great day and will be back later. Colleen

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