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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 40, 1 by 77sunset

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA ROOM  # 40
77sunset wrote:
Hello everyone. Its raining here. This time it has been a bit heavier and kept up most of the night. Yesterday was very cold because of the wind. Without the wind it has been a bit milder. Usually around August the wind will really come up. All the wattle trees are ready to bloom . Always when the wattle blooms at it's best, the rain arrives to spoil the look. I was going to plant more Cootamundras along the fences but as they are supposed to be triffids, I will look for a different one. I have only ever had 2 seedlings pop up from ours but I know they are triffids in different areas. Any suggestions on a nice wattle that will stay bushy from the base and grow to around 12' ? It has to like our dry and cold .
Hello Colleen, hope all is well over your way.
Hello Steve (possum man) I see a possum village rising around your cottage. I never had a problem with feeding the possums. I used to use whole slices of bread so they could take it from my hand easily. Never had one try to run up my arm or leg but I suppose, like kids, there are the cheeky ones. My biggest thrill was when a ringtail started coming down too. They are so beautiful. One cheeky brushtail would always come down and hang over the roof to see if I was there yet. They had their trail from roof to trees to ground.
Hello Chrissy, I am shouting so you can hear me, we have moved the Tea Room to over here.
Tonight is our AGM and election meeting for our local CFA group. As I am secretary / treasurer, I will be handing down the annual report.
Not going to be nice in the hall as there is only a small heater. so I do hope it is a quick meeting.
Hello to everyone popping in. I hope the weather is being kind to you where ever you are. I don't think I will be outside much today. Might be a good time to do a bit more in my genealogy file.
I am going back near the heater in the other room to warm my fingers.
Have a great day everyone and stay warm and dry.
Have some Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies.