Weird weird '09... #5

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Dang, that's one busy place that you live in there. I can't believe you have time to do anything else! I would need a calendar too. I"ve been around several of those card groups, my gosh... they mean business!! I'm that way about volleyball instead of cards. It's the highlight of my day and there had better be an excellent reason (i.e. car broke down on the way there! I'd still walk if close enough) if I'm going to miss it. Other than that, I'd rather be digging in the dirt (well, clay) than any where else.

Eugene, OR

Yes, clay!! Other than that I do my needlework, met with my neighbor tonight. We meet once a week for 2 hrs. sometimes 6 or 7, sometimes (like tonight) just 2. We all work on our own projects and work together on problems and ideas. Just like DG!!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

it sounds like a really fun group, but a lot of work for you! ugh. cold med's need to kick in here soon so that I can sleep.

Eugene, OR

Yep, me too. Have a good one tomorrow!

Renton, WA

G'morning all (hey Redchic, coffee's on)
candy tuff starting to blossom and mahonia (my favorite-well oneof them) ready-
have a nice day all
nice thunderstorm mainly to the south of here last night.

Thumbnail by dirt_in_ozone7b
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Good morning DIO. Thanks for the coffee. I was up around then, but I called in and have someone covering a few hours of my shift today. I'll take however many hours covered I can get. But, I drink luke warm coffee too when necessary as it is today. So, I take it with much appreciation!! I love a good thunderstorm!!

Right now though.... snow. YUK!!!

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Sorry you're getting snow again. We're supposed to have some this morning, then rain this afternoon, but haven't seen any of the stuff yet.

(Judi)Portland, OR

It's been raining off and on for a few days and more of the same is expected. Possibility of snow in Portland on Sunday.
I like the DST changes - for me it signals the change in seasons. Having long summer evenings is awfully nice!
Red I never knew very much about volleyball until one of my sons played on the team in high school. I've loved watching vb games ever since. Didn't you love the Olympic games!!!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

We have had rain (downpour) and sun. On and off for the last 2 days. I love this kind of weather. We always love the rain (in the valley) because it means lots of snow in the mountains. That is good for all you Columbia River power users. Our soils, watertable, and air quality all need the rain. Love It!

Thumbnail by Soferdig
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Portland, yep..... I love watching the olympics. I always play more enthusiastically after watching some of them play. It's great to have another supporter. So many folks think that it's all like watching family picnic volleyball. Not at all the case! Some of those folks hit hard enough that if you're not paying attention, you'll be off your feet in no time! That's great that your sons went to a high school where they had mens volleyball. Most school here don't offer it.

The weather this morning:

Thumbnail by redchic01
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Pretty pics Steve and Shelly. It's snowing just a bit here and the sun is trying to come out! Go figure!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Hey there, Shelly. I used to be an avid VBer, too. 4 or 5 nights a week with as many weekend tournaments as I could fit in. It was all recreational co-ed after college. That's back when I didn't have any animals and didn't need much sleep. :-)

I made some good friends and had a great time. Unfortunately, we all kept get older . . .

Hope your cold skedaddles.

Dirt, keep an eye on that beautiful Mahonia blossom. Once the rain stops you should have some hungry little hummingbirds.

Still cool at my place - my H. 'Goldfinch', H. 'Snow Bunting' and H. 'Ivory Prince' have all finally opened. But H. 'Kingston Cardinal' and 'Blue Lady' NOIDs are still waiting for another day of sun. Nights are warmer, though. The frogs finally started about a week ago and I saw bees last weekend. My Mason Bees are still sleeping . . . had a raccoon or rat or bird pry off their cover and get a few last weekend. I think I'll have to put some protection around them from the roof of the shed.

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Hey all! It's another boy! Need help with a name please!
Born at 2:08 and trying to get up at 2:15!

Thumbnail by gardener105
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

With the white face and dark ring around his eye, he reminds me of The Joker in the latest Batman flick. How about Joker?

Lakeview, OR(Zone 7b)

Congrats! How about "Bandit". Beautiful calf.

Renton, WA

Our dear friend Sonny named these bulls,
(they are still bulls)
Durham and Shep

so he could yell,
Bull Durham
Bull Shep.....
pretty funny,
I guess everyone does that.
the charolais was real friendly
I like Bandit.

Thumbnail by dirt_in_ozone7b
Lakeview, OR(Zone 7b)

DIRT-that bull Durham looks like PBR material to me.

Thumbnail by mortswife97630
(Judi)Portland, OR

I can't think about naming something that I may eat someday...
Red the high school had a surf team as well. I was the parent sponsor for the surfers and drove across the mountain at 5 am to sit on the cold beach at Zuma. But the boys were cute, dude.

Thumbnail by Portland1
Renton, WA

mortswife-- Durham was like a dog.-tame-- looks like me, ugly but a sweet soul in a 2 bagger.-
he would follow us and liked to be around people.
Sonny had another bull, an alpha, in a field to the left of the pic which was an angus.
Lordy, quick temper big mean chasing type -- thru fence, over if he had a notion. I never saw
an old man run so fast when that bull caught sight -- and it happened to me and his boy-
u know dive under the fence and into the pickup just in case that thing didn't stop.
In fact he was so mean John his boy named the bull Sonny.LOL It was an inside thing
shared with his other bro and sis. Now that was pro stuff.
In fact the rest of the story,
I was at my uncles place for 2 months getting ready for a sale and Sonny flies up
in his 454 chevy pu and is just irish red mad yelling for me to drop everything and get in so
I can take his truck back to his ranch to fetch his rifles and for him to get another truck
hooked up to the trailer and backed in to the corral chute and go after that bull and load
him up and sell it.
That bull went thru the fence and crossed a big highway jumped another fence and fought
the neighbors bull, which broke thru his fence and on to the highway and the state patrol
and people had stopped. Sonny had just got back to herding the critter back in to another field-
over the hill of that pic-- not a smooth field when he got me.
I took off and told his wife why I was in his truck and I needed his guns because Sonny said
if he couldn't get him loaded he was going to shoot him. His wife just gave me the guns and
I hauled tail back there and he was pacing back and forth -- his older boy was there to guide
the gates and Sonny took off and chased it with that truck and shooting a 22 at it and cussing
and I mean right out of dukes of hazzard flying over terrain and just beat himself up and the
bull gives up and trots to the loading corral and Sonny is still hot and gets in the rig and goes
and sells him that night.
Since I was city folk that was on a mission people looked after me, and when I got back to my uncles cabin
there was cousins and neighbors all over the place looking for me cuz I did drop everything--
doors were open, barn open gates, they thought something happened.
Something did, it was Sonny.
gotta go-- later
and nice double rainbow-- thar's gold in them hills

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Goodness, Judi, I love that picture. Did you take it?

(Judi)Portland, OR

No I didn't take that pic - my sister sent it to me and I thought it was funny. LOL

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh Judi - That looks like one tuckered out mama. They must have to eat in shifts!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Years ago in Oregon I was babysitting three little boys. I had just (finally!) gotten them into bed, and as I was walking past the parents' bedroom on the second floor, I happened to look in.

Across the room and outside on the railing of their bedroom porch was a mama and succession of opossum children making their way somewhere at the top of the house. There was a near-full moon behind them making a row of little black silhouettes.

It was very Disneyesque. And since then, I've had a soft spot in my heart for these little guys.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

gardener, Lucky you with all the cute babies. I love calves.

Cute opossum pic. We had one here last year. He was out eating birdseed. I think they are cute. They look so soft.

Love the mean bull story. I've been chased before, no fun.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Hey Katie! Yep, gotta love the Vball! I always tell folks that I'll never quit playing. I'll be 80 and trying to find a senior citizen team somewhere. :-p At the present I have a coed 4 person team (it's a 4person/team league) and am on a regular 6 co-ed as well. The 4 person is my favorite though.

Susan, I love the new little one. He's cute.... for now! and a nice picture too!

Awesome pic and story DIO!

Mortswife. I love the rainbow. did you take that while the car was moving? Mine would be so blurry if I tried to do that!

Portland, i would have loved to have went to that highschool. It sounds quite progressive which would have been a great fit for me. I'm not so sure about the surfing though. Although, I probably would have giving it a shot if I lived there. However, I fell sorry for you and any of the parents who had to sit in that cold at 5 am! although I know that it was all worth it. It's still cold though!!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Has anyone else taken a look at or heard the extended forcast for the next week? On the news tonight, they said that the snow level should drop to 700' by on Mon. and last through Tues. That's well below me and actually will get most of us pretty good. Darn, I might have to get out the chains again to get to work on Tues. I was hoping to be done with those. Oh well. It will be good for all the folks here who love snow!!! Do we have any here that love snow? .......Other than Steve :-p

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

They said some chance of snow on Saturday on the news tonight, but that it would then warm up quickly. He didn't actually say whether the snow would stay or not.

Last year was the latest snow we have on record up here - April 19. Let's hope we don't have a repeat of that.

(Judi)Portland, OR

I love snow!!! It is my favorite. The snow level is forecast to be down to 500 ' here on Sunday.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Judi....How come you didn't move to one of the higher elevations towns in the mountains? There's so many of them that are pretty that you would love. I think that Leavenworth Wa, is absolutely beautiful in the winter. Although, I could never afford to actually live there. But, it sure is pretty. Actually I wouldn't want to live in that snow in the winter, I'd just like to be able to drive to it when I felt like it!!

Yep, that's my snow style....I like to drive up to it when it strikes me! there were a couple of nights between now and then that the news said it would snow at night here, but disappear during the day. It sounded as if Monday and Tuesday was supposed to continue through the days as well.

I agree Katie!! my plants were pretty freaked out by last years late snow followed by record high temps 3 weeks later. I had both frost and heat damage on some plants! well, I think that quite a few of us did. 2 of my hydrangeas looked weird for the rest of the season.

This message was edited Mar 5, 2009 12:01 AM

Eugene, OR

Nice pictures everyone! And I loved the bull story, remember years ago watching my brother trying to get a half grown calf in a trailer. It was the best laugh I'd had all year. Poor opossom mama!! We used to have one in CA that sat on a fence and teased the dogs....she knew they couldn't jump that high. LOL

rc...sorry about the white stuff again. I love looking at it, hate driving in it. Hopefully it won't be too bad. I just hope we don't have another late one that ruins the tomatoes! Didn't have hardly any nice ones last year except for the cheeries.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Yeah, I forgot about folks's tomatoes. that was not a good thing at all. I don't mind looking at it, or skiing in it, but I was really hoping to not have to get the chains out again for the season, and.........I want my hellebores to bloom darn it! and no more of them to turn to much!!

Jan, how much snow do you have left from your last storm? hopefully it's all gone!

Lakeview, OR(Zone 7b)

It has been overcast and snowy here all month. Right now it's 28d. But I have a couple of new AV buds so I'm a happy camper.

Thumbnail by mortswife97630
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the congrats everyone! I really like the name suggestions.
James, I don't think I could name him Joker since that was my horse's name when we had horses.
Cheryl, you win! Bandit it is!^_^ He will be the second Bandit we've had.
Judi, as I've said before, it's not hard to name them since by the time they're butchered, THEY'RE FAR FROM CUTE!
I must say, it's going to be hard to tell Valentino and Bandit apart. It's easy with Zorro, but those 2 look like they could be twins.

Lakeview, OR(Zone 7b)

Yes, Susan. He could grow up to be the meanest critter around. Specially if daddy is Charlois. A friend in Pleasant Hill had a Charlois calf, not more than 2 months old; he tried to take me. Luckily I was much stronger then; but he was one tough youngster. Cheryl

Thumbnail by mortswife97630
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Yep, VB fan here too, but I don't play anymore. Got hurt one too many times. LOL.

That was quite the bull! There were 2 Brown Swiss steers on the farm, Dad raised from a pail. That was fun. He named them John Henry and Paul Bunyan. They were raised as pets, cuz the owner like the color of them. They got to be huge and loved my dad. They only got out a few times. Don't think they realized their strength.

Still some snow here. This was the biggest snow we had all winter. Should melt more today, it's up to 34 now.

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

No, their sire is Polled Hereford and obviously their dams are Black Angus. This is Lucky the bull. As I told you before he got his name since he was a twin we kept him a bull, banded his twin brother and named him Not-So-Lucky. I'm not sure, but I think we have half of him in our freezer.

Thumbnail by gardener105
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Too funny - Lucky and NotSoLucky.

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Well, it's fitting isn't it?

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I don't like snow after March. Well at the ski area yes. But that is at 5000 ft. We are melting away and lots of garden becoming exposed. Compost is starting to warm up and lots of melt water running down deep into the soil. Spring is here. Sun set was beautiful and was after 6pm.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Lakeview, OR(Zone 7b)

Out here in the west, we will get nice weather, the fruit trees will bud, then we'll get a frost. Happens every yesar!

Thumbnail by mortswife97630

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