Weird weird '09... #5

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

This is at my place today. I planted this cyclamen 3 or 4 weeks ago and all of the flowers opened about a week before the last snow. they were all still on their sides on the ground today, so I stood them back up.

Thumbnail by redchic01
Eugene, OR

I had three cyclamen in pots on the deck, had them covered for the worst part. Then the bag must have gotten blown around and landed so it was touch two of them instead of covering. They died, but the other one is hangin in.

You stood them back up, how did you get them to stay up? LOL

Yep, the pot is up against the garage where it can hopefully get some afternoon sun.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

What kind of cyclamen? The hardy ones are usually good to -10 deg. or something like that. That's too bad that you lost them though :-(

Lol, I just sat the stems back up the way that they should be and put a little more dirt around the base of the stems. I'm still going to cover the little buggers tomorrow night though.

Eugene, OR

I'll have to check tomorrow.

I think it would have been fine if the bag hadn't touched it. I only did it for a few nights when it was really cold.

This message was edited Mar 7, 2009 1:02 AM

(Judi)Portland, OR

I also heard 500'. We may get a little snow here it won't last long. I hope the rest of you don't get too much and your plants all survive.

What is the touch touch touch commercial? Sounds a little risque.

A few years ago I was driving to work and the traffic report came on the radio. The woman said "There are cars everywhere" - what more needed to be said? Potential - everywhere. Suppose the rest of us hid behind potential. Potential food in the fridge. Potential medical treatment. Potential get the kids to school. I kind of like it!

I have a camellia in a big pot and it is full of buds. I think I will cover it tonight - just in case.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I am in San Carlos MX. This is my studio house on the cliff above the entrance to the bay. My Dw and I are now having coffee planning our day of sailing and snorkling. It will be a good day in the sun. The temps are 76F right now this morning. (Day Dreaming today)
We are actually thinking of renting this house in the winter next year. It is only $600 a month. Small and only a futon to sleep on but I think it would be perfect.

This message was edited Mar 7, 2009 11:04 AM

Thumbnail by Soferdig
(Judi)Portland, OR

Sofer has hypothermia

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)


(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Just a quick pop in before I head out....

The frost pic was the spoiler on the car across the street from my house....

Sofer, love the place....I am ready to head that way now!!

Well headed out to do my D@#*$est to get them out of that house toady.... I am going to confiscate the computer so my son in law cannot play any more games until every last little dust bunny is out of there!!! Hopefully I will get on tonight.....Laura gets her internet on Monday so maybe we will see her back also!

Have a good one all....sun is out right now but very windy!

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

My daughter who is a teacher and single, goes to a tropical place every other summer. Fuji, Bahamas, Hawaii, Spain. She even goes to the Bahamas for weekends if they get a good deal. They have a friend who lives in the Virgin Island. It's all so beautiful.

Eugene, OR

I'll have to join Steve's dream. Can't afford anything else. LOL Dream away Steve!!

The touching commercial is for tissue I think, or it could be TP. The lady is going through her day, touching things,, I don't watch commercials so I'm not sure what, but I can hear touch,touch,touch,touch,touch........feel. That's when she touches whatever it is they're selling. The touch part is a sing songy kind of chant, that's the reason I remember that part.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

They were right on for us, even though the temps last night were at least 5 degrees warmer than Thursday night. A little sleet this morning and then full-blow snow at about 3:30. The law is white, but it's sleeting right now.

I think the cyclamen may come back, Sally. They just retreat underground. The only thing they can't handle is sitting in freezing/waterlogged soil, so make sure they're draining okay.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Ahh what a beautiful day out sailing the winds were light but it wasn't far to the rocky point where we anchored the hobie and took a dip. The fish were most glorious in color and I so enjoyed the currents to carry me over the rock walls and to slam me into the rock outcropings with the surge of the waves. Tonight a little tequila before we hike into town for a long meal of snapper and salad while sipping on a fresh coffee. A walk on the beach and a hike up hill to the house.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

And the pull of a slight sunburn and the gradual sleepiness as you walk home. Then you and slide your legs between the cool, rough sheets. Ahhhhhhhh.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Then you wake up in the middle of the night and turn your head to look out the window and HEY!!! What's that white stuff doing here? Maybe if I go back to sleep I can recapture the dream.....

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Oh no once I get into the worm hole I can stay there as long as I wish. Time and space is bent so I can return any time I miss my honey bunn.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

There are sometimes that I hate you, showing all this wonderful SUN and beautiful beaches, But then I remember, that you are a very loving person, and a big tease.
And you love it.... LOL
I know the Meir Woman and the Meir Man thing.
I had a very good friend, that past away a few years, call me that once and said ' A Meir Woman came not beat me at a game of pool. My DH laugh at him and said " you are one your own my friend" I beat him 4 out of 5 games. So this became a joke between us for many years.

Eugene, OR

sofer....that was fine until it got to the

slam me into the rock outcropings
part. Not sure I like that. Snapper sounds wonderful, haven't had that in years. The hike on the beach is great. Now if I could just play this while I go to sleep somehow.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I think he is talking about the currant of the water and slamming the Kayak against the rock, no foul no gain as long as he maintains it. And dosent flip over. Ha

Eugene, OR

It would still be a nasty bump! I don't like rides that throw you around.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

At least you understood Sally! These antibiotics and I think most of all the prescription cough syrup, i thought were working Ok for me, but then when I read what Steve wrote up there about the rocks I just went......huh? Read it again and decided that the cough syrup was definitely getting to me!!

Eugene, OR

LOL uh oh, you've got the crud. Hope it's not the bad one going around. My neighbor was really sick with it. I've encouraged sofer, not that he needs it. I'm having a case of winter blahs myself. Got my seeds put up today, that'll give me something to look forward to. And woke up my plummeria, I had cold damage on those so I may not get blooms this year, might have to wait till next year, boo.

How's the weather up there, any snow yet? We've been awfully cold all day, the wind is freezing! Just rain tonight so far.

Hope you feel better soon.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

yeah..... I've got the crud. Well, the crud has me I think. lol. But, I'm trying to be a human most of the time. :-p Hopefully everyone gets over it soon. Glad that you got your seeds done. I think that they do help with winter blahs when you see them spring to life. Hopefully they'll be something really coloful soon! It's a good time to have the blahs with this silly weather system here at the moment. Hopefully the plummeria will come through.
So far it is just cold here. It's been hovering at 32.5 for several hours now. I'm glad I guess. I really didn't want to roll off of the couch and go outside to cover stuff, but I did cover everything outside that was blooming. the cough syrup helped me to not notice that it was nearly freezing outside and I was in PJ's. lol But, the plants don't care and I'm sure that they were happier for being covered.
Thanks, and I will get better.

Eugene, OR

Off to bed with you!!! Get some rest.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

oh man.... I went to bed. But, then I couldn't sleep. ugh :-p. However, i was awake to see the first snow flake start falling at at about 5:30 this morning. right now it's "misting" snow. (teeny, tiny, snowflakes). Hopefully it stays like that.

Eugene, OR

I hate when that happens. Hope it's better today. Your cold and the weather. No snow here, really cold this morning. Just checked the to see what's happening. Launch is scheduled for Wed. Go check that out sometime if that kind of thing interests you. Great space pics, not just shuttle launches.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

My beautiful 'red' you are on a antihistamine buzz. I cannot sleep when I have a cold if I take the OTC medications. It keeps me buzzing all night long.
No I meant what I said about rocks. When you snorkle you are on the upper surface of the water and when snorkling you have surf lifting and lowering you in a world of submerged rocks. When you are in a surf you are occaisionally surprised by a rouge wave and it smashes you into the rock. It is not painful because these rocks are washed by surf and are smooth. Up in Alaska they are covered with barnacles. Don't want to snorkle there (water temps 48-55 F)

Thumbnail by Soferdig
(Judi)Portland, OR


Eugene, OR

I was thinking past vacation!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Ahhh... that makes a little more sense to me know Steve thanks! They have me on amoxicillin and hydromet, it's definitely a very curious combination for me! I think I'm going to start vacationing like you do!!

Eugene, OR

I usually end up sleeping all day, then can't sleep at night.

Having a weird day here. Half an hour ago it was snowing like gang busters, now the sun is shining and the birds let me know their feeders needed attending to. We're in Oregon for sure. Think I'll join you and Steve.

Eugene, OR

But no "smashing into the rocks" OK?

Eugene, OR

Now we're getting hail that's coming in sideways and building up on the ground. I'm afraid to ask what's next. LOL

(Judi)Portland, OR

We are also having a strange day. Lots of hail - so loud I went out on the porch to see what was going on. Now sun. Last March was the same and I had just moved to Oregon. It's amazing!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Sun here and the snow's melting. So if the system is travelling south, you are getting some of the warmer stuff . . .

Eugene, OR

I think it's going round in circles. LOL

Lakeview, OR(Zone 7b)

It's 34d here, cloudy and sunny with a noreaster blowing.

Thumbnail by mortswife97630
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Sally, I know what you mean about the snow. This is what it looked like looking south around 11:00 and right after it stopped the sun came out. Typical early spring weather. I know there's cows and calves out there somewhere! I can't even see the pasture. It looks more like fog than snow.

This message was edited Mar 8, 2009 3:26 PM

Thumbnail by gardener105
Lakeview, OR(Zone 7b)

I hope this doesn't get worse by tuesday. I have to go north.

Thumbnail by mortswife97630
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Hee hee. I think you may be right. Don't know if you've ever read the Weather Warden series of books by Rachel Caine, but the premise is that there are some talented individuals, unbeknownst to the average human, who are regularly saving us from the tempers of Mother Nature. They're kind of fun.

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