Sylacauga, AL(Zone 7b)

I want to give a big THANK YOU to LorrainneR and all the generous folks at Dave's for the "newbie" seed package I have received. Your packaging and labeling of the seeds is really neat. Just goes to show what kind of good folks you are. Hope to "pay it forward" this fall with seeds I collect.

Edon, OH

I just want to say Hi and thanks to all you oldies for doing this. A great friend got me silkiechickie got me a subscription here and then arejay59 pointed me in this direction. You all are great. My envie will be going out in the mail tomorrow.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey guys. Glad all of you liked your seeds and will look for yours Justin.!! ^_^
Those purple datura's should be just fine!!! I think they do well about anywhere. They are really beautiful.
I may be out of pocket for a little bit today. GEtting the hummingbird trade out today, so work work work. lol
Arejay will be around if youhave any questions and can't find me. lol
I will check in tho.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Can we have a new Link??? Thank You !

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Will do a new link in a bit. Wanna find a good froggie picture.
Sent out 5 envy's today.
One other one, but didn't write the name down. Brain drain again. If it doesn't stop, I'll have none left at all. lol
Will get the new post up.

Machesney Park, IL

Lorraine or Sidekick. So neat. Sent out my envy Wed. There is Hardy Hibiscu seed for you to share, A friend has some different kinds of flower seeds she is going to give me, When I get them I will send some of those too. I love this site.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

That is great zinnia. There is a new link for this thread here you go . Use this one
Robin( sidekick)

Friendsville, TN

Hi Lorraine,
I am going to mail my envy tomorrow. This will be my first experience with starting seeds and cant wait to get started. I have two huge Empty raised beds in my front yard and am looking forward to filling them. I love colorful flowers but being a beginner I'm not sure what to start with, so far all I have is a dwarf alberta spruce and an ornamental tree (I think it is called Orange Peel). I so appreciate your help getting started and any advice you could offer would be great too!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Holly You need to go to the new thread. Link is in one post above yours.

Campbell, CA(Zone 9b)

Hello LorraineR, Thank you for your offer of seeds for a newbie. Wading my way through Dave's garden is a bit mindboggling. When I find the location of your address, I will send you an envelope, with your very good directions on how to do it. Is there an easy way to sort out the threads? I haven't even finished my homepage, or webpage, or whatever it is. Too many interruptions. When time permits, I will explain myself on a blog, or a journal, if I can find it.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Earlyburd, this thread has been expanded and the new one is at

Lorraine's address can be found at

If you don't have access to the address exchange you can DMail her by clicking on her name on her posts and then click on send her DMail.

Apparently she has been ill for the last week or so but it looks like people are watching her back.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Michael ,
It is great to see people helping each other find the things they need isn't it?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Michael ,
It is great to see people helping each other find the things they need isn't it?
earlyburd check your dmail.

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you so much, I haven't done this before, It looks like it would be a lot of fun, Tradeding seed, Plants, and even bulbs.
I have some seed ,I do succulents, cactus, I have orchid tree seed,moon plant (white) seed,some ferns,Honeysuckal plants, I will upload some of my plants and send some pictures. I have Bluebonnets Blooming now.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

It sounds wonderful Pat again welcome.
The new thread to the newbies is here.

Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

dont know how to get a sticky done so...I hope everyone that knows and cares about Lorraine find this. Please dmail me if you would like to get in on the group effort to send her a card . I am not sure how we are going to do it yet and am open to all suggestions. But I feel like she needs our support in any way we can give it to her. As she would support any of us. Newbies too. You are all a big part of her day. She would I think be given a boost in whatever is going on. Just hearing from us. Wishing her well and prayers and whatever else we have to help. Pictures poems. Like I said all ideas are welcome.
Please Dmail me if you are interested.

Thumbnail by arejay59
Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Everyone
Thanks to Robin and flowerfantasy for letting me know about the free seeds offer. I am sorry to be so long answering but didn't have the time I thought I would after I joined.

Anyway, I wanted to let Lorraine know I sent my envy out today with 6 stamps (yes I know you said 5 but I didn't want to mess up a nice block of stamps LOL and figured you could use the extra anyway) a mailing label with my name and address and a short note on perferences. I really appreciate the offer and can't wait to see what I receive I love surprises when it comes to seeds.

Thanks for the welcome

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Your welcome. Lorraine is ill right now so it may be a bit b4 you get them but as soon as she is able she will send them.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Hope Lorraine feels better soon. No problem on the wait the earliest I can plant is April 15 for the early stuff unless I start indoors.

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