Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Lorraine, I was just lurking around looking for larkspur seeds when I saw this thread.
Here is a website that anyone can go to, pick 6 packs of whatever tomato seeds they want from the list, send loose 2 loose postage stamps and receive free seeds. I did it and it works. I got most of what i asked for plus extras. All labeled in little ziplocks with info. Amazing.
Have fun.


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

I"ved gotten stuff from wintersown .org too, Chris 6 packets of misc stuff tho, not just tomatoes. Thanks for the link, I'm sure some here would like to send for them.
Free seeds are always cool!! lol
Cindi, would love the seeds. Thank you so much and the newbies thank you too!!!

Ya'll all be sure to tell any newbies you come across to get over here and get their seeds.

Houston, TX


I got a email from rjay59 with an invite for the seeds. thank-you!! where do I send the SASE


roma :)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Roma,
Right here click and register and then find LorraineR her address will be there.

Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

Hey guys. I sowed 6 of the hibiscus moscheutos seeds I received on 1-16 after soaking the seeds in water for 3 days. Two of the six seeds poked their heads up this morning. Let me do the math, that was 7 days in the dirt. I am tickled. Thanks for the seeds.

North Richland Hills, TX(Zone 8a)

Lorraine - I got my seeds today! Thanks so much!!! I can't wait to do some research and get some started. I'm hoping to get my indoor setup started this weekend.

Thanks again for organizing this for us newbies! I promise to pay it forward once I get a good harvest (hopefully this year!)


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Glad you got your seeds!! And "Wildcat". I'm glad yours are coming up. ont' you just love to see those little noggins stick up out of the ground.
Hi Roma, will be looking for your envy.
I am still so impressed with how generous everyone has been who is sending the seeds I'm using. It does my heart good.

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

I will send my SASBE tomorrow. Thanks so much! Have a great day. Gary

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Barnbuilder, I'll send you seeds if you'll build me a barn. lol Wouldn't that be cool.
Hi, these are going out today. Patricia, N.Raisman, Terry, Sonna
Sent out several Friday as well, just didn't write the names down. But if you haven't gotten yours, it's probably on the way.
Here's what I've been doing,
I'm sending them out twice a week, on Thursday and Monday. The reason is I've started getting lots of them and I'm trying to keep seeds all seperated and new and so I have quite a little "inventory" and it's just easier to do it twice a week. So if it takes a few days to get yours back, that's why.

Againk it's all the "oldies" fault that youare getting good selections and I have a "good inventory" They are so great,f I can't tell you. I thank each and every one of you for the generousity yet again. This project has been going so well and it totally warms my heart to know how many people care and want to help.
I've been surprised at the quality of the seeds and the amounts and just everything. THANK YOU

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

We got DSL installed today, if I could send a Barn via the Internet I would, a visual image of on anyway

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey, the way technology is going, we'll probably be able tosend one through a fax machine. lol Wouldn't that just be cool. Ahh the things they'll do after we are dead and gone. How did you come up with your name?

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

All the other fun names I tried were taken. I like to build things, covered bridges, barns-large & small, rural fire stations. I like to repurpose the castoff materials of a bygone day to peoples needs of today and tomorrow. My daughter, Rachel, posted a thread in the pacificnorthweat gardening forum titled "My new Barn" ,her DG name is rachierabbit. Thats where you can see some of my creations.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Here is the link to thread that my dad talked about in the above post: I am one lucky daughter!

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

Hello all! I'm new and was directed to this site by Robin (arejay59). I'll be sure to send an envelope to get myself started. I just had to stop and say you 'guys' are a riot! Just reading this one thread kept me glued to this chair. I look forward to a long and fun relationship with you.


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Dee, Barnbuilder and Rachier.. welcome (and welcome back!)

DG is such a fun site and you'll be addicted in no time at all! Lorraine is the best and she'll send you a lot of great seeds! I've gotten mine already, but I stick around this thread just to see what's going on.

Make sure to check out both the swaps and the co-ops.. you'll love those!

Rachier, that barn is adorable! I can't wait to see it all finished :)

Barnbuilder, the 2nd story door- did you build that door from scraps? Or did you find something with them done that way already? (I love weathered wood!)

I'm stuck at home today due to an ice storm.. darn the luck! I'll keep busy getting the jugs ready for WSing, making my Valentine swap buddy a "gift" and checking back here to see who's around LOL. It's like having a snow day from school! woohoo!


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

rachierabbit if you get a kick outta this thread make sure you go take a peak at the seed addicts thread and the seed nuts thread.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes Rachel, you are a lucky girl. I hope you keep him busy. That's what Dad's are for. LOL Ok, don't kkeep him too busy, he won't have time to plant seeds!
Dee, glad to have you on Daves! Will look for your envy.
Yep, Daves is a fun place to go. Especially when you are in for those snow days, or in my case "hot days" No snow days here. WE just have to hope we don't have a heat stroke. lol Although it is 27 today. My poor winter sowed stuff doesn't know what to do. One day it's 30 and the next it's 70. This is one crazy winter here.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

We're doing a cook book on the seed nuts thread, so come visit. Lots of cool people there and they will take you under their wing!
Here's a link if ya'll would like to lurk around and visit. You can lurk even if you don't visit, lol, but they'd love to hear from you. Always need some other crazy people.

Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

Lorraine speaking of seed and nuts. I have a forehead slapping question. The kind that causes the one asking to slap themselves in the forehead, while mumbling I should known, when the question is answered by a knowing person. I have murdered so many seeds and cuttings over the last two years I now ask for help. The mixed perennial pack needs to be sown in the ground, how many sq ft will the bed require. I can already see that question will create many questions. I hate not knowing enough to ask questions. The only seeds(that lived) I have planted straight in the dirt outside has been the easy garden veggies, that statement covers 65 summers.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Maybe it is you . Maybe its something in the water, do you have a rainbarrell? Do you add fertilizer thinking it will help? Do you compost?

Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

arejay my problem in the past which was many years ago was ground prep I am sure. I was just whining and wanting some direction of how large of area I need to prepare to germinate the seeds outside. I will probably transplant some or all. Since I don't have a clue what seed I have I need suggestions on when and how to proceed. Planting perennial seeds and germamating outside is a new trick for me to learn.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I was in several of the "piggy" seed exchanges last spring and I still have tons of seeds from it that I am wintersowing and starting in my greenhouse this spring (I ran out of room in the greenhouse last year!) I have also done several round robins and gift exchanges here on DG that are always alot of fun.

Yes I am a very lucky girl and yes between my mom and I we keep dad very busy building, he's trying to find sometime in there to build himself a bigger woodshop, along with everything else he does.

Chris, stay warm and enjoy your snow day :0)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh my goodness Wildcat I meant maybe it is not you that was why all the questions I am so sorry that was a complete accident!!
Forgive me?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Wildcat, I have at least three differant spaces and I am adding as wee speak to the available gardening spots. My lawns shrink as the grass grows never seems to be enough room. But you could start with like a 10 by 10 make it doable and grow from there. Plant 6 or 8 seeds from each envelope. add as needed. space I mean. even if you figured an inch per seed and 6 inches between them. 10 by 10 would be a good start.

Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

Arejay the pack of seeds I am refering to is one that has many,many seeds of all types and sizes, not all the same seeds in one pack. I guess what I need to do is wait until right before the last normal frost date and stir up the dirt, scatter the seeds and give them a light raking in not worrying about planting depths of the seed. Then I will be surprised and happy with what comes up. I sometimes make mountains out of mole hills.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh yes I like that idea best of all!!

New Milford, CT

YES!!! Got my seeds, Lorraine you are the BEST, followed right on her heels by the DG vets who contributed the seeds. Can't wait to figure out what to do with all of them. This weekend I'll be setting up my first-ever WS containers with the help of DH and his drill/Sawsall, so a lot of them will be "in the ground" shortly. It's certainly a comfort to be thinking and planning all this as I sit here watching the snow fall. [sigh]

Thanks so much, everybody here ROCKS.

Chesapeake, VA

Hi. Are there any seeds left for newbies? Not me...but I know of someone who might be interested...a newbie...

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes there is seed . Lorraine takes care of it and she will be on here sometime today or tomorrow and will take care of it for you.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Plenty of seeds for newbies. Just get me the info.
Sent out over 13 last week.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Lorraine lets paste a new link down here free seeds for newbies!!!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Sorry, I'm a little bit new to this concept. I'm a Master Gardener with Cornell Co-op Ext here in NY. Work with a lot of 4-H kids and adults, also trade and swap with many others for my personal use only. My main interest is in tomatoes, however I do plant other stuff. Trying to find out exactly where to send my envelope and stamps for your wonderful swap? Sounds like a great idea, you must be up to your ears in this project. I do have some various surplus tomatoes and other veggies to donate, what do I do with them?

Also looking for a great tomato "McKenzie Starfire" from Brandon, Manitoba. It's apparently distributed only in Canada, not in the US. I grew a few years ago from seeds brought back on a tourist trip with excellent results. I need to find a friend in Canada, I guess.

Thanks for your help. Good Gardening!

Connellys Springs, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh, my! Just what I could use on my 4 sunny, barren acres! I'm sending out my SASBE tomorrow! I am so grateful I found this thread. I've been planning my gardens since the first frost last falll. LOL

The gardening juices are flowing! Thanks in advance!


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Here is the link to the seeds Lycolad
I sent yo a dmail also if you need more help feel free to ask.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay Robin, I think I'm getting the hang of it. I found Lorraine's address after "carefully" reading the instructions above, boy am I a dummy at this! Thanks for help.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Your welcome

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Lorraine you have to go see this 1anjil's post. Everyone go and see. You will be glad you did.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

That is one really nice looking flower garden she has. This is killing me people. Everybody showing what beautiful gardens they have and I don't have one yet. :(

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I have one but it is white white and white.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well if I had one it would be white white and white too arejay. I couldn't see it if I wanted to LOL

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