Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

You should have seen it this year. Had sunflowers everywhere. They really liked those, I guess they were big enough. lol Course I've been known to give them some to plant, just imagine 2 little sweet faces looking up at you. One would be bad enough, but with 2 I have to give in.

Could you not give them a seed? lol (I didnt give Kaleb the black eye. It was the little darling standing beside him. But to be fair, it was an accident. They were both rounding a corner and ran smack into each other. Guess Ian's head was harder. Kaleb tells us quickly "It was an akydent. Ian didn't mean to. (Yeah, right. I* believe that!)

Thumbnail by LorraineR
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

They just look like little characters.One of those things like what one doesn't think of the other one will. LOL They really look sweet though!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Yeah, they are cute, but you just never know. lol Is Ian's arm around Kaleb cause he loves him, or so he can back hand him and throw him off the porch. he he.
I'm joking, they are sweeties, and never spend more than 5 minutes apart. They are kinda like one kid with two bodies.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

You gotta love'm.

North Richland Hills, TX(Zone 8a)

Can I still join in as a newbie? I joined DG last June and I'd love some new seeds to try my hand at germination! Let me know if there's still some available & I'll send my envelope & stamps out!


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Jen, yes you can, just send me the envy and I'll get you some seeds. Give me an idea of the sort of things you like and I'll try to get you some stuff you can really use.!!!

I know I keepl harping on this, but all you guys who are sending seeds for this are just too cool. You're gonna have the best gardens on the block in Heaven. LOL

Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

Lorraine I didn't tell you what I wanted for seeds. About anything you would send would be great but I do like perennials and I did sent some seeds. Now if you could send a couple of strong backs up my way I could then have the best garden on this dirt road.

Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

Heavy reseeders work also.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey girl, already sent your seeds out, but I bet there are reseeders in there I love those.K!! lol
Sorry about the strong backs, but if any show up my way I'm keepin em!! lol

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Hello Lorraine When do they have to be to you by? I am not a new member but would love to share I have so many.


Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

Lorraine I just want you to know that I just checked in the mirrow and I have a very big white beard.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL boy leave it to Lorraine !!!! It is hard to know whether you are talking to a man or woman!!!!

Rochester, NY(Zone 6a)

I feel so dumb--I can't find any address exchange to get your address from! I'd love to get some seeds. Can you direct me?


North Richland Hills, TX(Zone 8a)

Kim - the addy exchange is found by clicking the 'Home' tab at the top of the screen, then click the 'Extras' link. 'DG address exchange' is 5th on the list.

Rochester, NY(Zone 6a)

oh cool! thank you!

North Richland Hills, TX(Zone 8a)

Lorriane - I just sent my newbie envelope to you! I put a note in there on what types of seeds I could most use. I also included a few baggies with Hyacinth Bean Vine seeds that you can pass along to other newbies. These were a great started plant for me!

Thanks again - I can't wait!!


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

hey guys. Sorry I was outta pocket yesterday. drs. appts day. lol Not but one, just took all stinkin day.

James, any time you'd like to send seeds is great. I'd like to keep this going a long time if I can and so far there hafve been lots of generous "oldies", so thanks for thinking of it.

Gee, none of ya'll know any women with beards? LOL

Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

Lorraine. Thanks a bunch. I received my seeds today. I have so many I now need three strong backs. I also must apoligize for how I sent the seeds. I now see how to package the seeds. Sorry for any extra work I may have caused.
Larry the bearded lady.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

ROFLOL Thats funny !!!!!!

Mid North Coast NSW, Australia

Wow - thank you Lorraine. What a lovely surprise. I'm in Australia and so I know the postage would be a lot more. We have very strict quarantine laws here, so I'd need to find out whether your precious seeds would be destroyed before they got to me. I'll check out the rules and reglations. But what a great thought. Hope I'm not responding inappropriately. Like I've just posted to whole group & used up people's bandwidth. Thanks again.

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Lorraine 6 out of 7 canna seeds have sprouted. Doesn't get better than that. Thx a million! Looking forward to the flowers in the summer.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Yippee!!! 'Glad to hear about the canna's. You know, I can't guarantee the seeds so it's always good to know they are viable.!! I know we are all really ca reful when it comes to harvesting, but you still can't be sure about them.

Larry the bearded lady , indeed. lol Now you know you have a new name. Always that will be what we call you!!! Glad ya'll all got your stuff.

Sent off 5 this morning. Let's see, Patti, Cindy, Claude, Winter Holly, and Mary. Kristen, got yours today.

I've been packaging seeds up for a couple days, so haven't been on as much as usual. But just keep them c oming, even if you don't hear from me. I've been lax and now am making little envies like crazy and filling them up. Want ya'll to get the newest stuff!!

Here's a scary picture. See my "workspace" (the couch). there's little envy's, little tags, more stuff on the floor. Some seeds, my coffee cup. Even a pillow in case I get tired and a blanket so I can stay warm. My goal is to have all that stuff packed up , arranged in the "seed trays" and ready to go. Only want one container left.!
Think I can do it. Nahh, I don't either, but I"ll try.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok ok, forgot the picture!!! Can't ge t it to load. Wouldn't you know it. Oh well, will send it when I can get it to load.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Here we go!!

Thumbnail by LorraineR
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

At least you are keeping busy! :P

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I dont know why!! But, that room looks somewhat familiar.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

It's the seeds!!! lol Robin, all us addicts are the same!! My whole house is like that!!!

If any of you happen to have any sweet pea seeds or know someone who might wnat to send some to newbies, please let me know. Getting lots of request and have "nary" a one! lol

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Lorraine did you get the dmail I sent?

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Going to check the d mail now. I noticed a couple of times people have said they sent one and I didn't get it, I think maybe somehow they get deleted

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Lorraine we need a new thread stared on the swap thread

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

They do get deleted I thought it was me losing what mind I have left!! Mine I find in the delete all the time.

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Hi lorraine
I'am a newbie thanks for the welcome. I guess I'd say I like tomato, gourds.or cucumber. But will be happy with any thing you send. Thanks also arejay59 sent dmail about this. Did't respond as quick as I wanted.
I hope to be able to contribute to your stash in the future.
Envy is on the way.


Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

So many seeds. So little smarts. I have received so many wonderful seeds I am overwhemled. Thanks to everyone. I have had to research several plants to see how to germinate the different seeds. A good learning experience. I do need some help with one the packs of seeds. The seeds I need help with are from the generous Mixed Nuts group, the Mixed Perennial pack. The pack has hundreds of seeds of many different types and sizes. How should I proceed? Since larger seeds needs to be covered with planting medium and some of the smaller ones need only to be pressed down into the medium and left uncovered. This newbie does not know which way to to to to to.........
Lorraine, I did trim my beard last night.
Larry the bearded lady.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, now, you could have just planted that pack of seeds in the beard.~~~ What a waste of facial hair!!. lol

The way we all did the perennial trade was to just fix up a perennial bed and let em go.!!. Just plant randomly, and as they come up if you wnat you can move or throw away, but you might just end up with lots of stuff you like!! Also, when I first started, I got lots of my "seed" plants from those mixes. I just used them for seeds after they came up. I will try aand find you a picture of one of the little beds we made with them.

KGonna go start a new thread FF. Sosrry I'm missing in action. My daughter's sister in law died Saturday, so have been trying to spend as much time with her as I can and keeping the twins and Tucker so she can do what she needs to do. Believe me, when those twins are around, it's Katy bar the door!! lol Sweet boys. I should be ashamed of myself.

Got several newbie envy's to go tomorrow!!! Be looking for yours, tubbietee!! Gotta know where you got the name. lol

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Ok Lorraine will watch for a new thread LOL . I am terribly sorry to hear about your DDs friend . My sympathies to her.

Trinity, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi Lorrraine!!

I received my bundle of seeds today. YEEPEE. Have already statred surfing through Plantfiles to look them up. I shall be very busy with them soon.

Thanks so much! I received many more packets then expected. Your the best.


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Glad they got there! And even more glad yuou like. I try to send stuff I would want sent to me, but sometimes I have bad taste, so you know, might get terribale stuff if that 's the only criteria.!! lol

Guys, if ya'll know anyone with lots of veggies or hang out with veggie forums, please let them kjow we need veggie seeds here. so many request, so few seeds. lol

Slidell, LA(Zone 8b)

Lorraine - I just posted dwarf grey sugar peas and brocoli rabe for sase on seed trading forum - want those? I'll take the listing off till I hear back from you.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

I would LOVE them. Thank you so veryh much!

Central, ME(Zone 5a)


I have some packets of Italian veggies that contain hundreds of seeds. Would be happy to send some of them on to you.

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