What weird weather we're having #3

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

the weather tonight. (ok, i'm really just playing with the camera)

now if only I could get those clouds to sit still...

This message was edited Oct 16, 2008 12:46 AM

Thumbnail by redchic01
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

anemones, for some reason to me they look as though they are watching a show in the sky.

Thumbnail by redchic01
Eugene, OR

Yeah, I have a whole box and I keep them in the car, in every jacket pocket, etc. Our friend is the neighbor we hired.
Strange about your temps. Sure warms up when the sun comes out, but yours are going up after dark. Just woke up on the couch, so I think it's time to go to bed.

Nice picture....looks like a Halloween sky!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

thanks. with the oddly warm temp., the halloween looking sky just seemed to fit. It was warm enough that I was running around outside for almost an hour from 1030 to 1130 in just jeans and long sleaved shirt. Seemed great.

I like your idea about keeping them stached, in advance, in coat pockets. Think i'll start doing that.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

You're right,Shelly, those anemones do look like they are watching something very interesting.

Glad you have help with the decking, Sally.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Sally, I’ve tried hot hands, or something similar, but my favorites are still a fire or hot cup of tea/cider/hot chocolate.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Redchic, I am again in awe of your photos - you inspire me to get working with mine again. Since my DH passed away in July and my mom last month, my ability to concentrate on learning something intricate is about nil! But sometimes all it takes is a little nudge. Your beautiful images just might be that nudge.

I have lots of those "hot hands" kinds of things, too, and do use them - but last night a fire in the stove and a cup of hot chocolate was my choice!!

(Judi)Portland, OR

Have any of you tried the silk liners that go under ski gloves? Really warm, washable and not bulky. Products like hot hands can make the situation worse IF they make your hands sweat - wet hands are colder.
Redchic your photos are wonderful. I think I know about where you live - east of Oakridge? It is so beautiful in that area.
Cold and gray here today. Brrrrr. Time to do a few errands and then read by the fire. I think I will make gingerbread cake but it will be an experiment since I can't eat gluten and will have to use a combo of flours other than wheat based.
The weekend is scheduled to be sunny!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I think Pixy uses those hot hands, as well. I have to check at Costco for them. How long do they last? They're not one-use things, are they? I'm trying to avoid anything that's truly throwaway these days. I'd use the liners, but if my hands are going to get dirty, then that doesn't help.

What's worst for me is picking up after the dogs. I do it on the weekends using plastic gloves (yes, I'm trying to find a less throwaway solution, but this works so well!!). But in the winter my hands get frozen before I can get finished. It takes twice as long because I have to stop halfway through to warm up my hands . Maybe with Hot Hands, though, I can find away to improve my process.

Could we be so blessed as to have another nice weekend? I do hope so.

Redchic (what IS your real name - do we know), your pictures are getting better and better. One of these days I'm going to get a nice camera and take a photography class. I've only been toying with the idea for about 20 years now!!!

Did I tell you guys that my Dad's dad owned a little mill at Pengra, Oregon in the 1940's? It's not longer there - I think Pengra road is all that's left. My dad tells some great stories about growing up in the middle of nowhere. Initially, before their house was built, my grandmother lived in Cottage Grove and my dad and his dad lived in Pengra and commuted to Cottage Grove on the weekends.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Shelly I love both of these pictures,you really need to enter some of your pics in the photo contest.....you would definitely have my vote.

I love the hot hands, i use them for winter bike rides...I would never survive otherwise.....they make some to go in your shoes also.

Picking up after the dog...isn't it a joy?...LOL! But our newspaper is delivered in a plastic bag during rainy weather...they are just the right size to slip over our hand, we pick up the mess pull the top down turning the bag inside out tie a knot and away it goes. I really don't like the plastic either but at least we are getting double use.... Actually my mother gets the paper, reads it at breakfast, puts it back in the bag and throws it across the courtyard ( we live in opposite halves of a U shaped Duplex), we read it then recycle it, save the bags and use them again to clean up after the dog. So we get double use out of all of it.

Just came back from picking up my son in law from work, starting to get a few raindrops on the window. A little chilly today but very little wind thankfully.

Eugene, OR

zhinusmom...love the double duty on the newspaper. LOL I saw the ones for feet at Costco last week, feet aren't as much of problem with me. I just use good boots when it gets that cold, or I use the Hot Hands in the side of my shoe.

redchic....my sis who lives near the Pendleton fire (out of danger now) sent me this site to look at some of the fire pictures. Thought you might like to see....http://www.thevillagenews.com/story.php?story_id=33332 Don't know how to link it, you'll have to cut and paste.

Another beautiful day after a damp morning, worked on the deck all day, finally got it all pulled up. We should finish tomorrow on the front deck tomorrow.

Eugene, OR

Here's DH asking "Where'd it go?"

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
Eugene, OR

And yes, all of you, I would rather have a nice fire and hot chocolate, but I can't take them outside with me. Darn it!
The Hot Hands last all day, so if I have yard work to do (it's raking time again and I have 7 trees) and clearing the street so none of the walkers slips on my leaves, they keep my hands nice and toasty.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I don't normally have issues with cold feet except on the bicycle. The DH is one of those die hard types the only Sunday we don't ride is if there is ice or snow on the road.......and the rain and sleet do get cold, even with neoprene shoe covers!

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Eugene, OR

Now isn't that a pair!! That's got to be great exercise.

redchic....in case you haven't heard, there's a dense fog warning for Eugene in the morning. Supposed to go all the way to Portland.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Wow, thanks Sally. I hadn't heard that. And I actually have to leave here at 7:15 or so to go to Salem. So, I guess that I should leave a little sooner to be safe. Thanks! Oh and thanks for the Link, i'll have to check it out as soon as I've finished writing here.

I love your bike and the picture Zhinusmom. And thanks for the compliments. I looked at the winning pictures from last years contest. OMG.... they are excellent!!! I don't stand a chance! But, I don't mind trying I guess just to see how they fare and how much I have to learn!

Murmur, you're wonderful and way too kind. I was reading about the challenges that you've, and others, had these last few months when I didn't have the time to sleep enough, let alone write. I'm just so glad to see you on the computer. I hope you do get out and take pictures and have fun with it! As Zhinu, I think it was, said, you can't be worried about getting it right on the first picture, take tons of them, mess with the settings, and if you have a enough time when you are doing it...write down the setting(s) that you use for the given picture number. That way when you see the end result on the computer you'll remember what you used to get there. At least I can never remember the settings when I see the end result. I'd love to see your pictures!

Portland, you pretty much got the location right on! And I definitely agree with you about the silk liners. Those things are awesome. Some days I end up using both the liners and the hothands. Do you have a place in mind to get them. The last pair I bought were very reasonable ($7.50) but I mail ordered them. I'd like to pick some off of a rack if possible.

Katie.... Hot Hands do last the day, there are several brand names. Hot Hands is the only one that I can remember off the top of my head. They all work, that's my experiance anyhow. Some last 7 or 8 hours and others say they last for 10. I like them all. However, they are disposable and good for one use only. If you go to an outdoor place though, they usually will have these "warmers" that have their own case (usually metal) of some sort, that are very much reusable. They are made of a different kind of activated charcoal than the hot hands and when you rub the pouch around and shake it it will then heat up. the down side is that you do have to replace the charcoal every so often which is a little messy. I think they make some other kinds that have a different sort of activitor in them. They of course cost more than the hot hands, but the last time I saw them somewhere it was a very reasonable price. Maybe $15. or something close to that. Anyhow, I know that both (GI) Joes and REI carry them off and on here. I even saw one once at Bi-mart. Oh, check out the photography forum, there's some very helpful info and people there.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

sally, did your sis have to evacuate?

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I have been reading all along, just haven't said much. Love all the pics.
Wanted to share this.
Moma was hit by a car, they did a caesarean (?) on her. and this is a new baby.
This was a E-mail sent to me from a friend, If you would like the full story I can send thru email.
He's to cute.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

ahhhhh..... How cute! thanks for sharing.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

tillysrat, that's too cute! Poor thing...

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

RE: Hot-hands-One of the snow board guys where my husband works says that take them and tape them on their wrist, which warms the blood as it passes to and from you hands. it keeps the hands warm without all the bulk being under your palm. Is a good idea when using you hands a lot (like cycling or gardening).

I don't know Shelly, I have dabbled in photography off and on since my 20' (i am not that good) and have looked at all the photos in the past contests.....I think yours are as good as any I have seen there, if not better!

That little fawn is priceless!!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

You have to look close but this is what I got to walk up and see this summer under a bush. Bambi.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

How sweet. Being very, very quiet, like mama told him to.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

To cute, Hope you didnt run in to moma? they can get nasty LOL

Eugene, OR

No, sis didn't have to evacuate this time. Just kept a nervous eye on what was going on. If the winds hadn't died down when they did it would have been a different story.

Taping the Hot Hands to your wrist may work for some people, but they come with a warning not to have them next to your skin. The half gloves I wear are called Wristies (www.wristies.com) and they have a pocket built in to hold the bag. They are a little pricey, around $11 plus s/h but are very well made, I have a pair that I abuse regularly and they've lasted 3 yrs so far. I keep one pair for good :-) Thought for a while they would be cheap to make, IF you could find the right material and IF had the time, etc. And yes they keep you toasty all over. I have Raynaud's disease and it's essential that I keep my hands warm.

Isn't that little fawn the one who had "mouth to snout" done to get it breathing? Just the perfect person came along that time for sure.

sofer....what a treat you had, spotting that little one! Thank you for sharing.

Finished putting boards on the deck WAHOO! Going to try and stain it tomorrow, if the weather holds. They're predicting AM showers, so I don't know. I've got it all covered to keep it dry, we'll just have to wait and see. The guy at Jerry's (local home improvement) said to wait until noon so it could warm up and he didn't know how happy he made me (yes, yes, I don't have to rush out first thing). I had planned to do that anyway, but he gave me a good excuse. Hot chocolate and cozy robe tomorrow morning. YEAH

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Sally, the little fawn from what the Email said was from a Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital in Buckinghamshire. Les Stocker founder of said above. Where ever that is.
Sofer, Laurie ... got any ideas

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Eugene, OR

Then that's a different one. The one I saw the mother had been hit by a car (don't remember where, but in the U.S.)and several people had stopped to see if the people needed help. They checked on the deer ( she was dead) but noticed movement from her baby. One of them cut her open, got the fawn and did mouth to snout and massage to get it breathing. A follow up several months later showed the little one doing quite well with a family that lived in the woods. Tiggywinkles...what an interesting name. I'm sure there's a story behind that one. Sounds like a name from a children's book maybe.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Tiggywinkles? A hedghog from Beatrix Potter? I'd have to look it up to be sure.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I know very little about anything on the news. I have only an hour a day to communicate with my DG members and rely on your news to keep me up to date. No TV here in Sitka and only NPR for about 3 hours a day with limited broadcasts. Who is winning the World Series and Who is buying stocks in the Dow?

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I like this thread also. It is very interesting. I don't think I've ever written anything here tho. RC10 your pictures are so beautiful. The sky with the leaves was awesome. Your river is so pretty. Love the tandem bike pic also. Tils that bambi is so cute. If you have my email send me a copy please.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I don't willow, send me a dmail, I will forward it. I think I still have a story of a baby moose to.

Eugene, OR

Does this help sofer? I'm ignoring the DOW, I refuse to look at our statements.

Red Sox force Game 7 in ALCS by topping Rays 4-2

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Good Morning Sally, I'm glad that you told Sofer the news, I lost attention after game 3 for some reason. And I don't want to see the Dow either!! I'm glad that your decking is on! hurray!! Not and black and blue fingernails I hope. Now, hopefully the weather cooperates on Sunday.

Thanks so much Zhinusmom and Willowwind. Regardless of the outcome, I look forward to seeing everyones pictures and getting new ideas and inspirations! You're welcome to hang out on the river any time you wish. Winter and spring tend to be a little on the....... really, really cold and rough side though.

I'm so glad to see you here Sofer, Tilly, WillowW2, and Mauryhill! Then of course, the others who've been hanging around her. So far, I think it's the best place to vent the days trials, weather or else! Then maybe work on the next days in advance! I wanted to get some good weather related pictures today, but overcast does absolutely nothing for me as far as inspirations go.

The Bambi pictures are sooooooo cute!

Sofer, so are you the actual watchperson of this lighthouse or what? It sounds to be such an interesting place if you can stay warm!

Katie, I can't find those reusable hand warmers that I had in mind initially (haven't looked more than a few places though) but I did see this on the REI website. I used to carry one of these in a first aid kit. It worked well. Mine was really toasty the first hour or two and then just fairly warm for the next 2 or 3 hours. Definitely read the user reviews to see if it fits. But, I did like mine. http://www.rei.com/product/608751 Ohhh... and you can call me rc, redchic,or shelly. I'll most likely answer to all of them or neither of them!

I swear I'm forgetting something.

I don't have any deer pictures, but I did get this one today. i didn't think that it would turn out because it was getting dark. But, it turned out ok, especially given my distance away.

This message was edited Oct 19, 2008 1:54 AM

Thumbnail by redchic01
(Judi)Portland, OR

Redchic I ski a lot so I always get my silk glove liners at ski shops. I am hoping this will not be my last season on skis since I now have a titanium hip due to skiing since I was 4 and I am beginning to realize that if someone runs into me it will not be a good thing! I ski only during the week and never on holidays to avoid the out-of-control crazies. Anyway, those silk glove liners are always on sale in the spring.

I also stopped looking at the DOW numbers and never never never look at my own account balances. It is useless since we are powerless to affect the economic mess right now. It is cold here in Portland and rain for tomorrow but on Tuesday I think I will take a drive to the snow. Need to get bulbs in the ground today!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Woke up cold this morning.....sun did not come out until well after we returned from our bike ride, which did not warm me up either!!!! All I could think of the whole ride was had warmers and glove liners!!!!! When we went to lunch later DH stoped by his workplace for a few minutes....I stayed in the car and turned the heat on HIGH till he came back and finally got warm!!! Tonight dinner is Lamb/Barley soup with hot cornbread in front of a big fire. The temps aren't really that cold.....I am just that cold!!!

I love the Squirrel Shelly!! I think they they are so cute and entertaining! I have a squirrel feeder one of the neighbors gave me.....they are all happy that I feed them...I think because the squirrels stay around my house and don't get into their bird feeders quite as much as they would otherwise.
Not the best picture....I am still learning the quirks of this camera. This is the OLD Olympia Brewery down where the Deschutes River and Capitol Lake meet at the lower falls. It was taken from the Capitol Way Bridge over I-5.

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Eugene, OR

Sofer....Here's tonight's AP Headline....Rays beat Bosox 3-1, advance to World Series Article said it was a down to the last minute struggle.

What a beautiful squirrel redchic....what kind of camera do you have?

zhinusmom, what a beautiful shot!! Fantastic old building, almost looks like a picture from England.

Cold here today too, way to cold and humid to stain the deck. DH had the pellet stove on most of the day, turned it off after dinner. I made a pot of French Onion Soup this morning, that warmed him up!! He's been neglected since I've been working so much outside. Just saw the forecast, looks like I might get my chance Tues and Wed. Rain tomorrow, if I don't get it then, the next chance is Fri - Sun.

This little guy didn't want his picture taken.

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Just love those pics.
I got a new camera, and I live in the woods and never get to see such neat wild life activities like you all do.
I would like to know what camera you have, Red. You take such great Pics.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

OMG Portland.... I'm not sure if you're nuts or fantastic for still skiing!! But, that's a great way to help minimize potential damage, only going during the slow times. I used to skii as a kid up until I was about 15, at which time I had most of the ligaments in my knee reconstructed. Docs said that they wouldn't be able to do that surgery twice, so I had better make it last. It's probably the only time that I've listened to them!!! Anyhow, that's a great thought though, and since Willamette Pass is fairly close that makes it even better.

Zhinusmom.... Sorry that you were so cold today. Did thinking about the hand warmers and liners make you feel warmer or colder? But, it's great to be out for a ride, even if cold I guess. I love that picture of the Brewery! It looks like a countryside castle from England, as Sally said.

Sally, sorry to hear that you didn't get your deck finished. But the good news is that most of the rest of the week (minus just one day) is supposed to be much warmer and Sunny!! That grey squirrel is super cute. It looks like one that probably hangs out around your place often and has character.

Tilly... where are your critters if you are out in the woods? If it's any consolation, It's not often that I see interesting critters around my place. I usually find them elsewhere. Although, I could get a picture or two of the deer, but when I see them I become too busy running them away from eating plants. What kind of camera did you get? Would love to see what you're doing with it.

My camera is a Panasonic DMC-LZ8. When I finally decided to get a dig. camera of my own I figured out what I planned to have to spend, $130-180, to get the features that were most important to me. And.....if a camera did meet those specs... then it also HAD to have very good reviews and consumer reports for a camera in that price range. There were 5 or 6 camers that rated very well within my criteria range. I had had a lemon before and wasn't going to spend a dime on one again. I also really like Picasa for a photo editor. I just switched to Picasa3 from Picasa2 a week or two ago. I like the changes the made to the new version and both are free!!

Eugene, OR

My sis uses Picasa, I still haven't tried it. Sounds like I should check into it further. But then again I have Photoshop and seldom get around to using it. lol

Yes, that squirrel was hanging around for awhile (no pun intended) but haven't seen him/her lately. I miss it, I put out corn for him, but of course the feeders were better. I do see them in the filbert grove across the field from our place though, busy burying nuts. So the coyote didn't get them all.

Tilly...I'm surprised you don't see more critters. We're in the country, but not really in the woods. We have woods across the field, but the local wildlife wander up regular. Mostly after the garden. Right now it's the deer coming for my apples, we had a really good crop this year, I don't mind sharing.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

You definitely should check into picasa if you found that photoshop was too much or too time consuming if all you want to do is a few minor edits, and not necessarily adding/removing things from pictures that were never there to begin with.

It's too bad that the coyote is keeping after them. I had a squirrel living in one of the trees a ways off in the yard. I saw him pretty regularly in the spring and fall hoarding treasures. i was surprised at how much I missed him when he was gone.

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