What weird weather we're having #3

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

ZhinusMom (ZM ok?) I'm so glad to hear that you're keeping your camera (I really didn't doubt that :-p) and that your going to use it often and enter pictures!! I think all families go through rough patches, it's not normal if they don't, but I think once they get through those rough patches that it helps hold them together later on. and the fact that you talk on the phone about stuff currently on your computer is even better! My mom calls to ask me why her computer is being weird and then gets agitated (at the computer and me lol) when I tell her the solution is going to involve sitting and waiting a few minutes while the computer reboots.

Sally... they have a $2 sample tray? I didn't know that!!!! I love that kitchen store, even though I rarely buy anything :-p I'm so happy for you that your deck is done. And of course you did a great job, inspite of the fact that your a woman! You have to wonder how something like painting/staining became considered solely a guys job when it's only a combination of art, some precision, and lucky weather all balled into one. I just watched a movie a couple weeks ago about women suffrigists, it's a fantastic movie that is a true story. I highly recommend it. It's called "Iron Jawed Angels" I haven't met a woman OR a man yet that hasn't said that it was a great movie. I was amazed at some of the reasons that people gave for not wanting women to vote such as: 'they have too much on their minds already with kids and home stuff to be able to comprehend political agendas' Sorry for the rant guys!! But it's really good. Your job with the satellites sounds really interesting Sally. You'll have to share pics some time if you have them!

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Ok everyone, we need more room, so...

Come join us in the new room http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/915791/

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I don't take enough pictures of the yard and garden - seems I spend most of my time commuting, digging or cleaning up after the critters. And a lot of my pictures are critter pictures.

Some day I'll have a new camera and will get back that extra 1 1/2 of commute time, I hope!!

I'll look through what I have and see if there's anything remotely respectable for submission. Participation is key, I know.

Zhinu and Zhinusmom - I think it's great that you two make such an effort to participate in the same things and keep you relationship tight. So many people don't realize that the secret to any good relationship is work, work, work.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Katie, Come join us in the new room http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/915791/

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Silly me. Yes, I saw that (and then promptly ignored it). See you there!!

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