What weird weather we're having #3

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful, Sally. Everything looks so orderly and tidy. Your hard work has paid off. I'll bet the view from those windows is great, as Jan said. Wish I was napping there now.

Sat outside at lunch today (10th floor of downtown Seattle building) without a coat on. The temperature was exactly perfect - not cold, not warm. It was amazing for mid-October.

Had ADT over today to tell me that Comcast cut and incorrectly re-spliced all the ADT lines when Comcast came out to set up the phone. ADT fixed it quickly once they figured out what Comcast had done.

Guess I'll be spending tonight writing a "nice" letter to Comcast (who's been out twice and both times insisted that they did it correctly) to accompany the $320 bill from ADT. And now I have cut and spliced alarm-system lines - I wonder about the integrity of those.

The bottom line is this. Don't ever go with Comcast for your phone. Their technicians and the people who answer the phone don't know anything about what they're doing. I'll be copying my letter to the BBB and to the FTC, in addition to my atty and anybody else who'll listen. If I'm feeling industrious, I'll do up a flyer to distribute in the neighborhood and copy that to Comcast so they can see what I'm doing.

Of course there's room for anger at ADT. They know this is going on with new Comcast subscribers and have not yet worked with Comcast to solve the problem, but they still call Comcast a "preferred" provider. So they'll probably be getting their own letter, as well.


southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Yuk Katie!! Is this for at home or work? Work, I hope. It would be nice if you lived in an area that didn't need ADT around your house! (I'm assuming this is ADT the security type company)

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I posted this in another thread, but oh well.

I'm still learning how to take night pictures and I haven't figured out how to overide the automatic settings for the shutter speed. One option is two slow (everything was toooo dark) and the other option is/was too long and left the moon looking like the sun. So, so much for getting a good picture of the full moon. But, I had two others that turned out ok.

This message was edited Oct 14, 2008 9:49 PM

Thumbnail by redchic01
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

the one up above was looking upstream from a bridge by my place.

this one is looking downstream from the same place. the orangish light coming through is light from people's houses across on the right side of the river and then across a street. In the upstream picture, there aren't any houses buy the river so the color was a little less wierd.

Thumbnail by redchic01
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Wow. Beautiful photos, Redchic. Given some of the vistas you see in your job, it's a great idea to have a good camera with you at all times when possible. I love to see what you've seen during the day.

I'm at work now and still seething from this whole phone/alarm thing which has to do with my phone and alarm at home.

I'm not frightened in my neighborhood (in fact, it's pretty nice here) but, as a single woman, I like to have the alarm protection as an option.

And I like the idea that there's a fire, break-in and carbon monoxide detection response that will take place even if I'm not there -- for the animals.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Thanks Katie. I agree with the whole camera bit. Many people have phones with them most of the time. I have a camera, that's the size of a phone! :-p

I agree with you whole heartedly about having that sort of stuff for all of your pets (and for you as well). I never thought of it that way before, but it makes a lot of sense, even if you live in a nice neighborhood. my parents used to breed Scottish terriers when I was pretty young. They had a new litter that was about 2 months old when someone broke into the garage (easier than the house I guess) and took the puppies. And we lived way out in the sticks in a very quite area. So definitely, better safe than sorry.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

You take beautiful pictures Red.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Actually I forgot about one time, about 10 years later when we lost our Scotty. It was the same dog that had her puppies taken. I fed and took care of her in the morning before I left for High School. She was out in the yard chasing something when I left. When I got back from school and sports at 6 or 7 that evening someone called and said that they had our dog! These folks lived almost 60 miles from our place. Can you see an old little Scotty walking 60 miles on it's own in less than 12 hours??? It had shown up in the yard next to them, dug under their fence and was now in their yard! They called the number on the dog tags and fortunately my sister her boyfriend were home with me. So my sisters boyfriend drove my sister and I the 60 miles to get the dog that night. The seemed like very nice people and took excellent care of her while they had her. We never did figure out how the dog got from our house to their neighborhood.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Thanks Zhinu.... I just get lucky every now and then. I "throw away" many, many pics that I don't like!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Wow. Yeah - that's a tough story. I can't believe that someone would steal your pets. That's the lowest of the low. Thank goodness you got her back.

It only takes one or two people who see you as an easy mark to make you feel unsafe. So I figure that I won't give them the opportunity and then I can live with the illusion that that would never happen to me.

Thank goodness that people are afraid of Bug. He has that Borzoi look and even though he's a sweetheart, I think he'd protect me if push came to shove. Ya gotta love that.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Yeah, the puppies I could somewhat understand why they would take them. But, the old half blind dog??? We loved her, but why anyone else would take her hmmm.... It was very strange.

I like your philosophy and it's very true! I had to look up what a Borzoi was! Bug, what a great name for him. He's large enough scare off anyone that's not bright enough to figure out that they can't out run a dog that looks like a stalky greyhound. He'd protect you, especially if Borzoi is his lineage.
I love those contradictory names. I have a cat named My Lady (she has a sort of "prissy" look to her) and her favorite past time is rolling in the dirt. Which goes really well with the white fur. lol

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Too funny. I love those contradictory names, too. My little Dolce cat (Italian for sweet) is very sweet, but she protects her territory with a fierceness and little Gemini, who is known to be a pest to most everyone is terrified of her.

Bug is short for Jitterbug. He's significantly smaller than a Borzoi, but bigger than most Silkens. He's primarily Whippet and Borzoi cross, but was born before the Silken Windhound "books were closed". His parents are Silken x Silken, but his grandma is Borzoi. Here he is as a puppy - he's Jordan in the J litter.


I don't know whether Borzoi are really guard dogs much, but they are fierce hunters (bred to hunt wolves) and they are big dogs.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

He's super cute. He'd be quite effective at keeping me behind the fence!

He still sort of reminds me of a greyhound, but with more hair and stalkier.

This message was edited Oct 14, 2008 4:38 PM

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Sahara, my littlest one, is only 30 lbs and doesn't have much coat. Bug and Magic are about 50 lbs are heavier boned and have coat, especially Magic. Bug has more of a Borzoi look than Magic.

I took Magic over to friends on Sat night just to keep an eye on him. Their lanky German Shepherd was there. I somehow expected them to be the same size, but Duke was definitely bigger boned than Magic and his head was way larger. I forget how agile and lithe sighthounds are in general.

Whippets are the extreme. Greyhounds are long-term faster, but Whippets can turn and accelerate like nobody. I do so wish I had pictures of Nick running before his accident. He'd make people stop and take notice. And he was awesome at chasing down or leaping for a Frisbee.

Just the same, it's nice to have a coat on your dog when you live in the PNW!! Redchic, I don't remember - do you have a dog?

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Your dogs sound way cool and very, very energetic! I don't have a dog anymore. It's good because I don't want to get another one until I'm really settled on where I'm going to live and work. the last one that I had was a chow that died about year and half ago. He was 13 yrs old. Looked like a little bear.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I think chows are so darling. They have the cutest little b__tts . . . There's one in our neighborhood and every time I drive past them I smile at that little hind end walking down the street. I'm sorry you lost your little bear. 13 years is a long time to be together.

I know what you mean about having the right space for your dogs. But it sure requires discipline to wait.

Sight hounds are great for go-go-go and then sleep-sleep-sleep. I love the couch potato aspect of them. :-)

Here's a fun rescue site to look at if you're into large dogs: http://www.gentlegiantrescue.com

I lived next door to a chow years ago when I lived in Ballard. He was such a sweetheart. And that coat!! I'm sad to say I'm not sure of his name anymore. I think it was Bandit. For a short time I considered asking if I could take him with me when I left (He was alone in the back yard a lot, but I'm sure they would have said no).

Thumbnail by katie59
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

that dog is way tooo cute. I would've had a hard time not taking him as well, especially given that chows should really be socialized some so that they're not overly aggressive towards strangers. But that dog does look as they he was groomed pretty well as they can become so matted if they are not brushed. Huey, my dog, just hated (and I mean hated) being brushed. So, I only brushed him during the winter. During the summer he got a buzz cut. He was sooooo funny looking. I didn't give him that hair cut to avoid brushing, it was to avoid overheating. Boy, did he ever love it. for several days after each of his haircuts he was the happiest dog ever! Sure looked weird though. I do miss him. But, I really do want to wait until I'm in a more stable place, it'll definitely be for the better that way.

That rescue site is awesome. It makes me get very mad at some people though. Every time I read rescue sites I get mad!! But, that is a really good one. And it's good at not sounding vindictive towards the people who caused the dogs to be rescued, which is probably good. It's definitely I dog that I'll keep in mind if I live in a place that has room to run! their coat looks so soft!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes, he was cute dog. Pretty well socialized, though I think he could have used more people time. His owner was a single mom (with a young son) who was a nurse and she did keep him and his space very clean.

Funny you should mention softness of dogs. I was at neighbors on Sat night and I took Magic with me so I could keep an eye on him (he'd had a seizure last week). My neighbors have a wonderful German Shepherd who is very, very sweet and so good with dogs and kids and people in general. Anyway, she kept remarking on how soft Magic was. Silken hair isn't nearly as thick as a Chow's is and it's fine like cat hair.

I have great images of short-haired Huey giving you "the look" just after he was trimmed. :-)

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I don't think I've posted on this thread, although I've been reading it all along.

Redchic, I really want to compliment you on your night photography - I haven't figured that out at all yet!!!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Thanks Murmur, I really don't know what I'm doing with it yet. It was a lot of luck and nice moonlight. All the pictures that I took of plants, I through out. Every time i tried to get a picture of the moon itself, it looked like the sun.... on fire! I noticed a typo I had above that said i had figured out how to overide the automatic settings. I ment to say I hadn't. :-p lol. But thanks. You should hang out over hear more often and discuss the weather and what ever. You know, the things we thought were so boring when we heard the old people talking about as kids!!!

I wish that I had a picture of Huey after his hair cuts, but I didn't have a digital camera then. I'm sure that your images of him Katie are about right on! What makes your dog have seizures?

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm with you - wish I had digital pictures of so many things. I had a scanner once, but no more.

Magic just had a seizure out out of the blue for no reason we have yet figured out. He had a second one about 5 hours later in the middle of the night. We're hoping that it's just some strange anomally or that he ate something he shouldn't have in the yard and that it won't happen again. He's a happy camper and from what I can tell hasn't had another one since then. Fingers crossed . . .

Sleeping boy (this is a couple of years ago).

Thumbnail by katie59
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

well, I really hope that magic is all right and doesn't have something long term. How tramatic for both of you.

I've been digging through some local history stuff lately and came across an interesting picture. Since this thread is about weather it's a good place to post this to remind me that nature has been really pretty darn good, even if; hot, cold, late, early or whatever. Does anyone remember the 1964 christmas flood? (I couldn't, wasn't around yet then)

This is a picture that I took today that is looking at the bridge that I stood on last night to take those pictures. i'm standing on rocks in the river of the bank of my garden. that bridge was built in 1965 after the old one washed out. when the water is even 5 feet higher than what it is in this picture, the valley towns downstream are flooding.

This message was edited Oct 15, 2008 1:12 AM

Thumbnail by redchic01
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

this is a picture of the old bridge, in the same exact location as the new bridge. The picture was taken just shortly before the bridge was undercut and one side slid downstream a little.

Thumbnail by redchic01
Eugene, OR

redchic...awesome pictures, especially the upstream. I love reflections in water.

Thanks for the comments on the house. Turns out we aren't done yet. We were going to fix a couple of boards on the steps from the deck. Well, one thing led to another and today we picked up 60 some boards to put in a new deck. And this isn't even the one we planned on working on! By the time we get done, we're going to have a whole new house!!

I sit in that window, along with the cats, every chance I get. I have 4 feeders that are very busy most of the time. Except lately the squirrels aren't showing up, coyotes are back.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Hopefully the squirrels aren't there because they are hiding and not because they are gone!!!

What a project! But, I bet that your deck is beautiful! And now you wont have to worry about redoing it anytime in the future!

So, do you know if your place stayed above the water in the '64 floods? The neighboring property on both sides of where I'm at went a little under. but solely at this location didn't (about 1' higher than the neighbors)

Eugene, OR

I am always amazed at the power of water or fire.

Today was beautiful again, a little chilly when the wind blew. But great for working outside, which is what I'll be doing for a while. We hired a neighbor to help with the deck, I can help but I don't know how to build a deck. Guess I will by the time we're done. lol

katie...Magic hasn't had another seizure has he? Hope not, poor baby.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Did you clear out Sally? It stayed cloudy and cool all day! not complaining though, nope. It was an excellent day, especially when I look at that black and white picture. If you ever want an extra hand with some of that, I'd be happy to help. I'm pretty decent with a hammer and nails! Really, I think that it would be fun!

Eugene, OR

The land we're on was raised up before the houses were put in. We're out of the 100 year flood plane but in the 500 year flood plane. Plus our house sits higher yet. Although it's not required just to be on the safe side we keep flood insurance, we do have a river behind us and it has gone over it's banks. Can't remember the last time, not too long before we moved here 10yrs ago. Mom and Dad had to leave, and the RV lot got flooded, (it's higher now) but it never got close to the houses.

With this deck done and two more that need work, we should be set for life!!!

Eugene, OR

I'll keep you in mind when I get to the other two decks!! Thanks for the offer.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

that must have been the flood in 1996. I lived in corvallis in 1996 and couldn't get back to my apartment. I went home for my mom's birthday for the weekend and when I tried to go back to Corvallis, roads that were open before I left were closed by the time I tried to cross them just an hour and half later. I can still see the 1996 water mark on the river bank of where i'm at. That mark is maybe 6 feet up on the bank (15' bank). I'm happy for you that everything is higher now. One of my co-workers was saying that the almanacs say that we are supposed to be colder and wetter this winter, that's what got me on the flood tangent. Ick.

Well, keep me in mind for any hammering on the work left! If I hit a finger with a hammer, it will only by my own!!! lol I'll bring plants that i'm digging and shuffling around.

This message was edited Oct 15, 2008 1:40 AM

Eugene, OR

Yes, that's the one. I'm note sure I believe the almanacs, it said that last year too. Actually it just lived up to the name of this thread....weird. We heard that flood was caused by someone opening up the gates incorrectly, not sure if it's true.

katie....forgot to tell you, I didn't take pictures of the messy stuff and more got added to the pile today for sure. I got half the tomato plants pulled up, still need to cover the beds (I'm going to try newspaper this year) and finish the rocks around the shed.

All this talk about dogs has me yearning again, need to go take my neighbors dog for a walk! I can't handle anything more right now. Never look at rescue sites....no,no,no,no!!

Time for bed, stay safe and warm everyone.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Naw, I think that they had to open the gates. That or risk loosing the dams. I remember it well because it snowed, lots, and early in the season too. I remember having snowball fights on campus and sliding all over the place. I went home (for 5 or 6 days), which is above all the dams. then it warmed up and rained, lots. It's easy to see when you live behind the dams since you can watch the water rise, and rise, and rise steadily. And then the rain stops and the water still rises, that's bad news. And you always know that the folks down below are getting it worse. Anyhow, interesting days to reminisce, that's for sure! Don't want to do it again. I like this weather, I like this weather, I like this weather!

(Judi)Portland, OR

Katie, sorry to hear the your doggie is having problems. It was difficult on my whole family when ours was sick.
Sally you are inspiring me to take on a few projects that need doing in my yard. Now if I could only find the energy! :)
Redchic do you live in Oakridge? It's not a very big town and you may know my sister.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Ok - can I ask a gardening question? Is it too late to plant any vegetables that like to cold & wet? Is there something (not necessarily vegs) I should plant now in my vegetable beds that will improve the soil for the vegs next season?

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Red, I throw away dozens for every “good” picture I keep, that’s how you get good pictures; a profession photographer told me that. You get good picture by, taking lots of pictures, looking at lots of pictures and figuring out what works, and getting lucky.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Brrrrr. Cold again tonight. Rains are coming, so hopefully it'll warm up a little.

Thanks, gals, for thinking of Magic. He's doing well so far - nothing new as far as I can tell. He and Sahara have been tearing around the yard today.

I picked off my only remaining seed pod from the Tweedia I planted this summer (something was biting them off as well as the little lemons on my tree) and put it on the counter in a folded paper towel to dry. Lo and behold "somebody" (Bug or Vana?) got it down and ate it. I found a little pile of black seeds in one corner of the kitchen floor. What is with my dogs wanting to eat everything.

Found some more of those purple mushrooms in the yard the other night. I broke them all off, but still need to make sure I've picked them all up.

Eugene, OR

It was cold today, very cold this morning when we started working. I have a problem when my fingers get cold, but dug out the Hot Hands, problem solved. Stayed overcast most of the day, but it did warm up some. Finished the steps and started on the rest. I got to spend most of the day taking out nails, we're going to reuse some of the boards on the back deck. And everything is going down with screws, I don't like pulling nails. Really tired tonight, so is DH, he isn't well and it's harder on him, but he did what he could. Our friend is a work horse and quite a character, so it was a fun day. Covered everything up tonight, expecting some rain during the night and maybe 30% chance tomorrow. Don't think I'll mind if it does rain, I'll get the day off!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I know what you mean about cold hands this time of year. Rain tonight, but it still feels cold. I wish I'd work more in the yard in the winter, but my poor little fingers can't stand it.

Hope you and DH are curled up by the fire tonight and staying warm, Sally.

Eugene, OR

Dh has headed for bed and I'm soon to follow. Have you ever tried Hot Hands? I have fingerless gloves with a pocket you can slip them in and I stay warm all over for hours. Just put my yard gloves on over them.

And we have the pellet stove on tonight!

Stay dry and warm.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Portland, very sorry about not getting back to you on that. I think that you mentioned it several weeks ago when I was running around like a chicken (still am, but not spinning anymore... just running :-p ) with a head cut off! I live about 20 min. outside of Oakridge, towards the pass if that makes sense. But, I spend plenty of time there as well as Eugene. I don't go to Dr. Griff ( i go to the only other one), so I probably haven't met your sister :-( but I'm sure that she's nice!

Sally, I'm with you on those Hot Hands things. I absolutely love those!!! Once in a while Costco will have them in the fall, the perfect time, and you can buy a whole box!! Which saves quite a bit. That will last me all winter if I use them wisely. I'm glad you have your friend to help out.

Bizarre weather though. warm for me today, when everyone else was cool. Then it dropped. It was about 42 deg at 6 pm and now it's 58 deg. I don't get it. Hmmmm.....

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