The flowerpot cafe' XIII

london England, United Kingdom

Sleep well Candee, I'm off to bed too, night night all!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Sleep well, I will be up for at least 6 hours yet:~) So if you find me passed out behind the bar when you get back just prod me a little and I'll stumble off out of the way...

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Geez, thanks for the "heads up" - I almost broke my fool leg stumbling over you when I went to wash the glasses this morn. How many glasses of that did you have anyway? I picked up 5 from the most odd locations. One was on the shelf with the animals, musta been when you were staring out the back door; then I found one out front and on the way in I picked up 2 in Steven's front yard. Good I got them before he found them, you know he is putting up a fence and likely for good reason. He let's us cut through there once in a while on our way to the cafe, but would likely put a stop to it if he got up and found glasses in the lawn!
Terri, that looks great at the entrance, where are you getting glads this time of year! Thanks for your compliments, that was my favorite as well all the colors are quite cheerful!
elle, are you working nonstop these days? Or are you out selling your lovely items?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, Thanks. Glad you like the Glads!! from the supermarket. I don't have much in the garden now.....
Looks lovely in here today with your new arrangements.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well, I just wanted to spiff the place up a bit. Good thing I did when I did as the winds were already beginning as I finished the last arrangement and today it is rainy and expected all weekend, so much for mowing at the cabin. Guess I'll need to borrow a plow by the time I can mow.
You sure get pretty flowers at your market, our "supermarkets' are expensive and not the greatest looking flowers, guess I am a bit spoiled.

london England, United Kingdom

Sorry to hear you are expecting rain for the weekend. Today is has been sunny here for the first time in weeks. Hope it stays nice, got lots of clearing up to do in the garden.
Those Glads are very reasonable at £2.00 for a bunch (8 stems) at the supermarket here.
I think they are imported from Holland.
Yay! it's Friday, have a great weekend everyone!
I'm making some new items for the menu, any special requests?????

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Just something warm and dry! Nice dry vodka martini for when I get home to sip on the way to the cabin if we go? And if we don't go, I will likely need more than one!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL, I didn't leave the glasses on the lawn...that must have been my evil twin...she is quite the prankster and just loves to make people think the worst of me. The one by the window was mine though, Did you know those critters come to life at night and they love to party! You should hear them sing too! They really howl!

london England, United Kingdom

Good evening all,
Special Martinis tonight...... enjoy our ' Candee dry ' cheers!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Now that's a great martini!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Zany, Thank you. Be careful now, these are quite strong. LoL!!

london England, United Kingdom

Here's something to sit on the wooden cabinet we have from Sue. A new straw basket with some garden flowers and leaves.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now that I have had a drink I am stimied! How did you do that Terri? What is that blueband? Looking good as always, I love coming here to learn somethin new every day!

(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone! I just had a martini....there was an extra one in the fridge.

Candee, those are beautiful arrangements, what kind of clematis is that? I want to get one last arrangement made this fairy rose is just opening a fresh crop of blooms......which would add some colour to the garden..........but I think I'll cut them anyway. So did you get most of your tropicals brought in? I've been trying to leave mine out as long as I can but it's almost October so I'm starting to worry we might just get a frost without warning so they're coming in..............which for some reason always makes me feel sad cause they always look so 'happy' outside.

Sue, those garden pics you've been posting....are they of your 'winter' garden? Either way...I'm envious.......and thats shade house is very nice aswell! But I think it needs more inhabitants! :)

Terri, love the white martini!!! It's so beautiful! And heres a pic of the red coreopsis 'redshift'.........its red and yellow but still a bit different.


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

This Bougainvillea needs to come maybe it can overwinter in the window by the animals?

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

hahahaha, that last pic gives a false impression of the shape of the bougie.....that picture makes it look small and round but it's actualy bigger and 'longer' if that makes sense???

I found a few of glasses Zany left behind in my backyard..........but on the other hand, who wouldn't want to stare at this fine specimen? I started it back in February of this year so it's my proud achievement of the should open anyday!!!!!! I'm CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

and heres a mum I bought and planted in the garden in front of the cafe for some fall colour but the grass hoppers came and ate all the petals off :(

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey Steven! I must say I really like that redshift, such an unusual combo. The bougainvillea looks splendid by the window. Sorry I took the critters out so, well you know, they wouldn't get knocked around ^-^. Now is that a brugmansia? I don't know much about them other than they are spectacular in showing, please post when she opens. I am sure Zany's mouth dropped to the ground along with the glasses when she spied that. Very pretty mum you have added to the cafe.

I have brought most everything inside and agree, it all looked happier out, but what is one to do. I still have the passiflora and vigna caracalla out as they are full of blooms, but will surely bring them in regardless in about one more week as we can get a surprise cold snap with little warning here in the mts.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Psssst, Candee, don't tell Steven but I dropped the glass when I was sneaking a cutting ;~)

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You know I am no good with secrets Zany, so he is bound to find out sooner or later.

(Zone 6a)

Thanks Candee, redshift was 20% off and I actualy passed it by the first time as it wasn't on budget...........but just couldn't get it out of my head and had to run back and get it :)
Yup thats a Brugmansia, and this will be my first ever Brug bloom! Its supposed to be pink but looks like it will start out yellow and later change to pink which is apparently quite common. It should open any day seems to be taking so long....probably teasing us on purpose!

Zany, hope the cutting does well :) I'm going to be taking some soon myslef cause if I brough in the whole plant it would hit the ceiling!

Heres a shot of the whole plant!


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

Bringing this over from the 'Autumn Shades' thread. Thought it might ad some colour to one of the tables :)

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Thank you, glad you enjoyed the Martini's.
Candee, the blueband is a fabric collar from the hand tie I won in the raffle a while back!! Did you get your mowing done at the cabin?
Steven, Good idea bringing your bougie over here, love those, so exotic with the paper like flowers.
The splash of colour looks nice at the front, critters get hungry at this cafe too!! The red coreopsis is very unusual, looks a bit like cosmos dont you think?
Thanks for your pretty table arrangement, hopefully it will inspire more!!!

Any cakes around here? raisin toast? anything?..........
Here's a fresh pot of flowers. I 'found' the fuschias!!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
(Zone 6a)

Terri, I never really thought of it before but they do look like cosmos! I just collected a bunch of seeds for the pink ones so maybe I'll try and grow the together next keep giving me all these ideas! :) Glad you like the Bougie. ANd those darned grasshoppers are starting to eat everything.........theres a meadow behind our house so there must be hundreds of them in our small yard.
I do have some sandwhiches if anyone wants a nighttime snack! But raisin toast does sound rather good.............Mmmm.....


edited to add that they have lettuce and chicken breast on them. Thought I should say incase anyone was a vegetarian.

This message was edited Sep 29, 2008 6:55 PM

This message was edited Sep 29, 2008 6:56 PM

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
london England, United Kingdom

Thanks for the offer, think I'll hang on for Sue, she makes great raisin toast!!!!!

(Zone 6a)

ok, I'll put them in the fridge then and whoever stops by tomorrow can have one for lunch :)


(Zone 6a)

plus I kind of feel like some rasin toast myself :)

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Chicken...yummy! Thanks Steven, it is almost my lunch time and that chicken is going to taste mighty good.

terriculture, aren't the fuscias lovely? Mine are blooming still also. In fact the never stopped this past year even in December. The local hummers have made them a regular stop on their daily rounds.

I managed to sand and stain the wood frame for my dragonfly over the weekend and hope to get it knocked together and hung soon. The boards I used were redwood and I used a cherrywood stain (3 coats) The wood looks wonderful against the pictures colors. Even my critic DH has decided it "doesn't look bad" LOL if you knew him you would understand this is a HUGE compliment!

(Zone 6a)

Zany, Can't wait to see the finished dragonfly!

Terri, I forgot to say how much I like your teapot! The fuschias and the dahlias are a great contrast!

london England, United Kingdom

Good, I'm sure they won't go to waste, hungry night owls visiting the cafe might enjoy a snack later!!
Funny, I don't know where the raisin toast idea came from, just feel like some. LoL.

Sweet dreams................................. zzzzzzz .........

london England, United Kingdom

Yes Zany! where is mr Dragonfly?????!!

Thanks Steven, the fuschias just 'fell over' the fence from my neighbours!!!!!! thats my story......ok!

(Zone 6a)

hahahaha Terri, I think if the fuschias "fell" into your yard I think some cuttings might have fallen too :) he he he

Have a good night, I'm off to get ready for bed and watch some telly. Coco and Bella say 'hi'!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Terri, I am glad you partly fessed up about the fuschias cause I had a pretty good idea how they landed in that pot! They are really pretty and I like the dark teapot contrast.
Steven so nice of you to bring over your autumn shades, they look marvelous on the windowsill. As a matter of fact I am looking at them right now munching on a wonderful chicken sandwich, I love chicken sandwiches and since you have so many and nobody is watching, I think I'll have two!
Now are you talking about raisin/cinnamon toast, cause Pepperidge Farm has a wonderful one that I love to toast and gob with butter (real butter of course)! Now I may have to find some of that in the kitchen for a snack later myself.
Zany, I am impressed that you made the frame and finished it yourself as well, bet you are quite proud, we can't wait to see it.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone.
Looking forward to seeing your Fuschias sometime Zany!
Lol Candee, you know I can't keep a secret either!! Real butter for the raisin toast of course!!!!!!!
I was in such a hurry to get home today, I forgot to get some raisin toast!!
Think I'm coming down with a cold, feel a bit 'crook' (as Sue would say).
It's the flower club tomorrow and as yet I don't have any flowers or ideas.... Please HELP!!
cafe friends!!!!!!
The theme is .... Parallel Lines ..................................

(Zone 6a)

Hi All, glad everyone is enjoying the chicken sandwiches! Are you going to share some of that delicious rasin toast Candee???

Hmm, Parallel Lines


Maybe some tall and straight blooms like gladioli and perhaps some coloured branches and ornamental grass in a rectangular or square container? I made a quick drawing of what it might look like from the top, the different colours being different flowers, branches, ect. . If you use tall blooms with lots of stem you could tuck some pompom mums or dahlias at the base of the stems to fill in the bottom.
Hope I managed to type that out so it makes sense! hahahahahaha


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I enjoyed the chicken sandwich and then ate a thick slice of raisin bread for desert. Then of course I just had to take a nice nap.... but not before I hung the dragonfly. I feel like a kid all excited about showing off their refrigerator art... so TA DA!!! Meet Pffft the Magic Dragonfly

This message was edited Sep 30, 2008 12:27 PM

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

OOPS... Try again.... TA DA!!!

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Steven, Thanks for the sketch and ideas. I like the idea of using mums to cover the base. The trouble with this design is..... you need loads of plant material!!!! Luckily I have a rectangular dish for this one,
I will go and see whats available at the shops tomorrow, just hope I can find tall stems!

Zany, Thank you for hanging such a beautiful work of Art in our chill out zone! you did a fantastic job and the frame looks great with it.
This cafe is so cool and trendy, I'm so happy to part of it!!

Well, I've had some hot honey and lemon drinks, but think I need to shake this cold off in bed. Don't want to be coughing my germs in the cafe.!! night all.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well first let me say the sandwiches were marvelous, thanks so much Steven, as you can see I had my share. Now for that parallel line arrangement, Steven, now that is one clever idea when we have so few blooms, great job as they are lovely and quite parallel.
Zany that is wonderful!!! You must be so excited to sit under that and be so proud that it is your own creation and done so exquisitely. Steve and I, as you know, do artwork and it always amazes us how lovely it looks in our home as well as others, pat yourself on the back.
Now for the sandwiches did in there are still a few left!
BTW Zany the sofa colors really make it stand out well.
Now Steven you have a unique sense of style and so I put your lovelies on the bar but hope you don't mind I changed the vertical and forgot a vase!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

As for the sandwiches I ate! Well what can I say , small hungry and sitting round!

Thumbnail by haighr

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