The flowerpot cafe' XIII

Coffs Harbour, Australia
Heres your destination for the weekend, while the Flowerpot Cafe' undergoes renovations.
I hope you can make it Elle, Steven, Terri (hope you feel better), Candee, Zanymuse, and if you see Adele, Karma or Traci, please tell them to drop over for a warm weekend rest! If I left some one out, please feel free to drop by and admonish me! (have a brain like a sieve)
There will be (hopefully) regular sightseeing around my garden, and maybe some around Coffs too.
The renovations to Flowerpot should be complete by tuesday Oct 7. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Candee, Terri is not feeling too well, do you think you can organise tickets for everyone, and I'll get Terri on the royal Flying doctors flight ASAP
Everyone welcome, young and old and new, and lurkers too.
(so says Sue)

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue,
I used to love watching the TV programme Flying doctors!! I never imagined I would actually be flying with them.. It's so exciting to have the VIP treatment, Thankyou!
Better go and pack my bags, suncream,sunglasses,Bikini (do I even have one?) LoL!!
I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone there, it's a trip of a lifetime folks!!

Looks like Candee is still mowing lawns! so you'll have to catch the cyber bus which will be along soon.....( I managed to hire one for the weekend).

london England, United Kingdom

Here's our cyber bus to take you to Cafe' Coffs Harbour, dont worry if you miss the first bus, before you know it another will be along!!

All aboard ........ ding ding....

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I always wanted to ride in a bouble decker bus...can I sit on top with the roses or would someone mistake me for an aphid and break out the bug spray?

(Zone 6a)

TA DA! It finally opened the other night! I've been taking loads of pics so we can stare at them through the winter :) Apparently they all have different scents, some smell baby powderish(?) and others different still. I like the scent of mine, but apparently that might change too as well as the weather changes. I've been sticking my nose up the flower several times a day and so far I like what I smell!


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

and here it is from below

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

good news!!! I just went out and checked and it's opened up even more! It's huge now! And the smell is stronger then yesterday a sort of peppermint/citrus........its about 10C out now so it'll probably be amazing when it's actualy warm out!!!!! Would love to take a pic now but after dark they always seem to come out blurry or over exposed.

So make sure you all pop by tomorrow! I'll leave the side gate open in my yard so everyone can come by to see/smell this beauty!


Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

HOORAY!!! It opened and it looks wonderful. I don't have any Brugs at the moment but was able to stop and smell them for awhile at a friends place. She is giving me some cuttings to replace the ones I lost moving.

london England, United Kingdom

Steven, Great! it's opened at last. It looks like a big flower, be sure to bring it back when we re-open. See you down under, G'day !!
Zany, I saw you on the top of the bus earlier!!

C'mon lurkers............ Flowertips, Cissy,Mittsy,Yardqueen,Sally,Marcia, come on over to Sue's for the weekend!!

Hope Dianne gets back from Europe in time for this trip!!!!!

london England, United Kingdom

Anyone heard from Star? hope she comes to Coffs harbour!!

Happy Birthday to our Traci, she would love it at Sue's.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ask and you shall see. : ) Now how's that for timing? Just finally gettign time to get back over here. Been so thirsty so finalyl able to come and grab a couple of flower cocktails I see are still hanging around.

Sorry folks just been busy as all get out, when it come sit come sin bucketfuls and also been busy with benefits and such for Ike and Gustuv victims and had mid term finals and a host of problems going on here.

had to take time to sit and catch up and boy it felt good too look at all the lovely flowers. benn so busy my mums have bene blooming without me. Hoping to find some still in decent shape to gather for a vase for a corner.

Steve love your brug. Just got hooke don them this year and got a coupel of sticks and have them growing. and got some seed and gonan see if I cna get them to germinate and grow.

Those brug flowers are so huge they could be used for an outside vase for a small boguet inside of them.

The trees are turnign here, so hoping I have time to gather some leaves to try and get some arrangemnts made. Anybody know what the best way to try and dry some leaves is?

Sure have misse dya all, wil try and pop in more. Still got thinsg going on with Ike victims and helping them, but wil pop in as much as much as I can.

Just keep the coffe pot full and I will follow it. : )

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well as always a day late and dollar short and LOL, missed the bus. There is no cyber at the cabin, it is a rough in the woods, lucky a cell phone operates there.
Terri, that arrangement is one of your best ever - I don't know who was judging that but they are obviously not of the artful eye culture!
Steven, that brug has done you justice, I am sorry you never had luck with them Zany, but go visit Steven's (in case that cutting you got doesn't promulgate).

elle, so glad you are having a holiday at Coff's Gaye, you will have the time of your life.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I did pick a couple dahlias before leaving friday for the cabin. Think they will look good as ever in the cafe kitchen.

Thumbnail by haighr
(Zone 6a)

Hi Everyone! Just popping in quick, thanks for the compliments on the brug!!! I've got more pics to post for when we re-open after the renos!
I had the same idea as you Star for putting flowers right inside the brug bloom. It would look awsome!


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Star glad you are getting caught up and enjoying all the arrangements.
That is a clever idea to use the brom in a clear vase with others inside? You all are so ingenious. See ya soon.

Steven, we are not supposed to be in here while we are vacationing at Sue's, the travel will knock us off our feet if we are not careful!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi star, Good to hear from you. Sounds like you've been busy and need a break!
The coffee is sooooo good at Sue's, I'm sending the bus back for you! (and anyone else).

Glad you liked the arrangement Candee, Thank you darling!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

went to our round up and here is some picture of the plant

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Humansville, MO

and here

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh elle, what a busy vacation you have had, going to aussieland and a RU as well. Looks like you got some great finds.
Lucky I can see these as I am still over at Sues and just popped in to check the mail. You got some really nice coleus and others. Good job, so how was the RU and where was it! How long is your vacation, glad to see you enjoy yourself and not be quite so busy all the time.

Coffs Harbour, Australia
The Cafe is open and ready for customers! Get your good frocks on. (except Steven) and everyone gets a turn making cocktails! Wahoo!

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