The flowerpot cafe' XIII

london England, United Kingdom

The flowers and foliage are in great condition.

Hope we hear from our friends soon. I'm also worried about my brother who lives and works in the Bahamas, we haven't heard from him since Sunday.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

elle, lookin good in the teapot! It shall do well for you.
Terri, lovely spread looks like water undrneath? Raffle ticket my butt! You won it hands down I am convinced. How chilly are your evenings Terri = what do you do for a fire, wood, gas or what?
Sure will have your brother in my and our thoughts but bet the electric is out and all is well other than that!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, I heard from my brother today! He said they are expecting Ike on Sunday. He has been given a list of things to get to be prepared, it's scary, he's never been in a hurricane situation before.
Candee, Thanks, it's a relief to hear he is ok! me being a bit chilly in the evenings is nothing compared to whats going on!!! We have a gas fires.
Have a safe weekend all.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Gas fireplaces for heat Terri? One in each room? How cool are your evenings now? So glad you heard from your brother and glad to know he is prepared for Ike.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, 2 fires downstairs and radiators upstairs!! Temps down to about 14 at night.
When are you heading off to the cabin? I bet it looks beautiful there with the Autumn colours.
I added a new theme, Autumn Shades... have you seen it? I just looked and it has over 30 views since last night, where are all the lurkers? LoL!!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Help yourself to a sugar drink.....

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now those are some sweet drinks Terri, thanks for taking the time to bring them in. Will have to check out the thread. No autumn colors at the cabin yet, perhaps when there is we can take another trip up there with Karma and any other takers. The new boat motor is great just zips us across the pond, if the water wasn't so full of snappers and sediment would be a great time tubing LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, sounds good to me! an Autumn trip to the cabin, something to look forward to.
Did you see the tennis tonight? Poor Andy!! well, he won a million dollars, so thats not too bad!!
I Hope to get some arrangements in soon, noticed our tables are looking a bit bare!!!
Still raining, waiting for a sunny day to make my secret garden spot too.

Hope everyone is safe and well? Cissy, Yardqueen, Adele,Traci,Mittsy,elle,Steven,Karma,Star,Sue, Hi to Dianne on holiday. oops if I missed your name out!!!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hi there Sue, how is spring coming along over there?
Karma, sounds like the hurricane may not come your way, keeping my dirt covered fingers crossed for you and yours.
No tennis here Terri, it is football season again , do you believe it already Monday night football, where does the season go?

Was wondering about elle, Steven and everyone yesterday thanks for bringing them up Terri, hoping everyone is fine and just busy in the garden and with family!

Humansville, MO

hi elle here
been busy getting ready for the festival
will have picture
we got little rain but nothing
hurt here hope every one is ok

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Elle, cant wait to see what all you have created for the festival. That rain will help to keep you busy inside preparing all your great canned goods and arrangements!

london England, United Kingdom

Hello Lurker Sue!!!!! too busy with springtime eh? we need your help with some flowers in here please mate LoL!

Hi Candee, It was the US open I thought you would be watching it! Our football (soccer) started about 3 weeks ago.
My team (Liverpool) have been playing rubbish so far. Sue will fall asleep if we talk about football or any sports!!!!!

Hi elle, good to hear from you. Hope the festival preparations are going well. Will you be selling plants too?

I got a new floral design magazine, will pop in later with a few pics. Raining outside and the magazine shines with the flash indoors, any suggestions for taking magazine pics without the glare of the flash?

london England, United Kingdom

back again! just to say I'm going to stay at my SIL's house for a couple of days. Might post from her house if I can, under her DG name, which is ... flowertips.
See you soon, Take care everyone!

This message was edited Sep 9, 2008 6:31 PM

london England, United Kingdom

My nephew is picking me up in about half an hour.
Here's some pictures of arrangements from The Flower Arranger magazine.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

oops a bit wonky!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

low vase

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Floral Art in the garden..

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

here it is!!!!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

can you tell I'm trying to rush and it's all going wrong.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

gotta go, bye!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yes, I can see you are in a rush, but still trying to accommodate us with the magazine, thanks will read it here in a bit. So you have gone to visit sis, enjoy your stay.
I'll see what I can do for a table or two.
LOL, I knew it was the Open Terri, I just meant no tennis is generally watched at our house. Sorry Sue if you are lurking don't nod off, just a quick mention of "sports".
Now back to work and will be back soon to read the magazine.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here is something for one table for those of us liking a red combo of dahlias with sedum and a few zinnias.

Thumbnail by haighr
Humansville, MO

here for your table

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

elle, you have been so busy working on your festival. Should be a great day for you and yours. We shall use these in the cafe with much thanks as least until they are sold which will not be long! You are really gettin creative on us here!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I know I've been a bit of a snob, peeping in the windows but not coming in. I did wave though! Did anyone see me?
It is starting to get busy here now, coming into warmer weather, so if I go missing for awhile, you'll know why. I'll still tap on the window now 'n' then, but don't always have time to stop for a cuppa and a chat.
Today between jobs, I stopped in at the shopping plaza, and they had their Orchid Show on! Beautiful!
So I'll leave you with a pic of the Phalaenopsis's's's's.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

LOL, I can hear you slurring that phalaen all the way over here! I didn't see you outside nor hear you tap but am sure it was because I was completely engrossed in the latest magazine articles. Will definitely start paying more attention to the view outside, haven't seen Steven in a while either, guess he has been staying inside or just in his backyard?

Humansville, MO

i am making more dog basket
i need to get busy becase it next week
and i got to have about 100 differed
i am going to sell some plant too

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Better get steppin then elle. I am hoping you do a terrific sell job and come home with lots of stash!

Humansville, MO

here is what i did yesterday befor i went to work

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That would look splendid on that table by the window overlooking Steven's front porch. Think I'll set it there till it is time for the festival? Thanks elle.

(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone! I hope everyone in the south is safely weathering all these hurricanes! I can only imagine what they must be like. Yesterday we had the tail end of Gustav and today we're getting the remains of Ike and theres is a chance of tornados, but I doubt we'll get far we've only had lots of rain.

Elle, The flowers are really nice! I can see them from my porch.

Terri, Candee and Sue, I hope your all doing well! The Cafe seems to have been slow recently.

So, I sometimes do small landscaping jobs for people and just got one this afternoon. Anyways I was wondering if anyone hear can think of a blue/purple perennial that flowers all summer??? I'm thinking perennial salvias but am having brain freeze and can't think of any others. They're most likely going to be paired with pale yellow Sunrise coneflowers or something similar. Here's another Phalaenopsis to go with the ones Sue brought over.


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

Terri, I just read on the other thread about your brother in the Bahamas, I hope he's getting through these storms alright!
Same to Star and Karma, hope you're doing OK!


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Steven, wow, you guys seem to cop alot of bad storms over there eh? It must be very unnerving when the warnings start.
The cafe is quiet. I think Terri has gone visiting rello's, and I'm not sure of others, but I guess some are just busy with life in general.
I can't help with your landscaping, as I too suffer from brain freeze when ever asked for ideas, unless I can picture plants in y own landscape. The only purple flowering perrenial i have is a ground cover verbena that DOES go all spring summer autumn, but needs reining in!
Hi Elle, you've been busy with your arrangements. Nice stuff. Hows work treating you?
I'm busy with gardens and horticulture classes at the mo, so haven't had alot of time to sit and chat, but I will try to drop in more often.
Like steven, I hope everyone is ok over there in the land of tornados and hurricanes!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Humansville, MO

work is ok
i work the 2pm - 10 pm
i do not get home unitle
11 pm
i just got 3 more day until the festivle
it sun here today
hope every one is ok

(Zone 6a)

Hi Sue! We managed to avoid the storm last night, just rain and wind. Your garden is so nice! Very colourful! I think I had that verbena last summer(reminds me of allium), we grow it as an annual and it sometimes reseeds. Is that an azalea I see on the left? Its gorgoeus! I wish I could grow that type outside here, but they're just sold in grocery stores as pot plants :(

Hi Elle! Be sure to take some photos at the festival :)

Terri, Since you're off visiting "rello's" I hope you're enjoying yourself!!!!


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Looks like the cafe has weathered the storm and now the power is back on and we are up and running again.
I think the winds blew most of the arrangements out through the pantry in the back, I tried to salvage some of the containers for later use and have returned them emply to the closet in the lavatory. Feel free to grab one the next time you come in and make a pit stop and fill it with something pretty. (I mean flowers of course LOL)

Have missed seeing everyone and hope all are well and busy with fall and/or spring cleaning!

london England, United Kingdom

Hello everyone! Hope you are all keeping well? Any news from Karma?
All the arrangements looked lovely! I'm so glad you managed to save the containers Candee, well done!! missed you too.
Sue, your garden is looking gorgeous already so colourful. Did you buy anything at the Orchid show ?or were you just lurking!! Is it getting really warm over there now?
Steven, nice plant. I have a purple perennial geranium that flowers all summer, I think its called Johnsons blue or something like that. Thanks, my brother is fine and due to come home in October.
elle, Hope the festival went well? you certainly did put the work in, making so many lovely things

I did enjoy myself with rello's! but boy did she make me work!!!!!!
Here's what I had to collect....... a wheelbarrow of weeds for my supper.
Glad to be home...... need a rest!!!!! (only joking SIL) I know she lurks here!!.
Actually she's gone on holiday to scotland now. I have a lovely new vase (early christmas present). Can't wait to show you, when I've put something in it!!
Looking forward to catching up with you all and making stuff for our cafe.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Terri, I guess its only fair that your SIL makes you work, especially as you had her slaving for you in the lottie!
Yes, I did buy an Orchid. A lovely little dendrobium with buds about to open, yellow I believe.
its been warm here for the last two days, around 30-35 degrees celcius, or 100 degrees farenheit. I actually got into the pool yesterday, but only for a very short time, with alot of 'ooohing' and huffing and puffing as it took my breath away.
I can't wait to see your new vase!
Hello Candee, Steven and Elle.
I'm off for an afternoon sleep! Went to see a couple of bands out on a property last night, and didn't climb into the van to sleep till it was nearly daylight! (I had a great time)
See you all in a couple of days.
PS, be like Lily, and don't forget to smell the flowers

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue, S'pose youre right!!!!! it was my turn to help her with her lil lottie and garden.
Good to have a blow out sometimes!!!! sounds like you had a good night. Enjoy your kip.
Your garden is looking fab, Lucky Lily getting to smell the flowers.

Hope everyone is having a good day....

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