The flowerpot cafe' XIII

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue, you are bloomin now, that is spectacular. Sniffin the poseys is a great photo! Glad you had a fun night out on the town ! Haven't done that in a while - lol, anythin past 10 here is a late night!!!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Heavy breathing and panting...I can't believe I finally found my way back to the cafe! I have been looking for it in the wrong forum and thought you had dropped off the map! Now I can get back to enjoying all your fabulous arangements.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

OMG you found us, we have been looking for you in all the wrong places - so glad you have come by to say hello and have a cuppa and seeing our arrangements, can't wait to see yours!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I stopped in the cafe and took this pic of all the friends who have been lookin in the window for you Zany, they are so glad you found your way! They will remain in the window right by your favorite table !

Thumbnail by haighr
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Candee, those are adoreable! I don't know how I got so lost but I kept looking under the Artisan forum fo the cafe and of course it was not there! I'm going to pour myself a big glass of sweet tea and kick back and play catch up with the old threads while I wait for the paint to dry on my mixed media collage. What a trip it has first artistic effort in like a hundred years! LOL notice I say effort and not achievement!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Can't wait to see the "achievement" - you may want to take a look at my giant pickle on fire LOL - Can't say this was much effort and certainly not an achievement either, but fun to look at!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Zannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyy ! Great you found your way to the cafe. I have been watching the progress with your beautiful fabric collage over on Artisans. Please bring it to the cafe so we can hang it here for us all to admire when we pop in for a cuppa!
Hope to see you around here lots.

Hi Candee! Thanks for the ornaments on the window ledge, hope they don't get knocked over when we party!! Dianne will be back soon? Spring is in the air down under and we have warm shades of Autumn to enjoy! Lets hope the cafe will be full of gorgeous arrangements soon.

Good evening Lurkers!!!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Candee, I love the bird of paradise! I am always drawn to the bold graphics and bright vibrant colors.

Here is the dragonfly, but be kind, he is my first try and he is a bit self concious ;~)

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the reminder Terri, we need to put them away before the next blow out bash of ours as they are a keepsake of my mothers. Whenever my dad travelled he always returned with some bone china animals for my mom's fountain.

Zany, I like it, quite colorful. No need for him to be self conscious he is quite an interesting subject. I like that blue leaf, really makes it stand out against the oranges. What medium is it? Watercolor? Oil? Thanks for the compliments on the fired up pickle LOL! Serves the purpose to fill in that blank area on the fence where we love to sit for dinner and/or coffee.

london England, United Kingdom

Lovely rich colours Zany. Is the fabric glued to a board? Did you paint onto the fabric?
The dragonfly looks very 3D, great contrast. Thank you for bringing it in to brighten up the cafe.

Hope they will be safe there Candee!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh, so it is fabric, how clever? I think it would look terrific on the wall next to the window.

They won't be safe, I know how we get, I have witnessed us partying before. I will take them down and put them in a safe spot this evening, just in case karma or sue drop in and have a few nips (if you know what I mean)?

london England, United Kingdom

yep, I know, oops a daisy........ not saying anyone is clumsy or anything!!!!!


Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

It is mostly fabric with acrylic paints and felt tip pen. So I suppose it would me called mixed media. I glued it up on a piece of backer board from an old poster frame. I want to frame it out with a flat, wide board frame. Maybe next weekend when I have time to drag out the saw.

I want to hang it on a wall that has no window...if the window was there it would be overlooking a pond where the local dragonflies congregate so this will be my pretend view.

Kathleen suggested adding eyes over on the other thread. I think I have figured out how I want to do that. Hopefully he'll have a new head with eyes before I go to bed tonight. It should give him more depth and interest.

(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone! Welcome to the cafe Zany! I like your dragonfly! Very nice!

Terri, I completly forgot about that geranium! I think I'll put it on my own want list for next spring :) Glad to hear your brother is doing well and your trip was enjoyable :)

Sue, Your garden is so nice and Lily seems to be enjoying it! Please show us lots of pictures cause while you have summer we're going to be looking at several feet of snow. :(

And Hello :) to Elle and Candee and and Terri's SIL who is here lurking ;)

Today I was a 'big' spender and splerged a whole 12$ on a white fall mum and a red and yellow coreopsis(sp?) called 'Big Bang'. It looks sooooo good though and really spiffed up the garden. Some annual blanket flowers I started in the spring are starting to load up with blooms so maybe I'll still be able to make another arrangment yet! YAY!


ps: After I charge my camera I'll take some pics of my new plants!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Zany that is a mixed media but sounds delightful and looks sensational!
Yes do please Sue we will soon be dormant here and looking for any blooms we can get!
Steven, so nice to hear from you , guess we will be hibernating around the same time LOL. So would love to see your final arrangements of the season when you can get "charged up" LOL, then guess we shall soon settle in and just party all the time LOL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I'll see if I can find some poseys later today and perhaps that will draw a crowd in our cafe!

South, TX

I have really been enjoying all of the wonderful pictures!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hi there Sally, glad you have been lurking and having a good time. Well I never got around to it, went to the PO to mail a package and then came home and started getting the tropicals ready to bring inside for the winter. Will try to put somethin together tomorrow, but it is my mowing day after work and weed wacking and then to the cabin on Friday to do the same. Haven't mowed up there for 3 weeks so can only imagine what awaits me there.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Candee, before you head to the cabin to tackle 3 weeks growth you may want to leave word with the local search and rescue teams to come looking if you don't come back by Monday. Jungles can grow rapidly this time of year and we don't want you lost in a grass jungle!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hello Zany, Candee, Terri, Steven and Sally! Gosh the cafe is busy today!
I've been lurking, but just don't have the time to stop and chat these days, with all the spring growth in the garden and cutting the lawns!
All is well here, although we are coming into our storm season. Nothing like you guys in USA! But we do get torrential rains and strong winds through spring. *sigh* I'm not looking forward to picking up the piles of gum bark that blows down.
The garden is looking really nice, but I feel like you've all seen it before? I don't know what part of it I can show you that you haven't seen already.
Did I tell you I have finished the new shade house? It is a very bright and sunny one for the colourful foliage bromeliads. Today I put a table and chairs in there so i can have my cuppa while gazing. Here are the first inhabitants! I've been re-arranging them almost every day! *rubbing hands with glee*
I really ought to get a life!
Zany your fabric art is gorgeous. I love dragonflies! I can't wait for the day when I can get all artsy and make some nice stuff!
Candee, your little animals are too cute! Terri's suggestion to move them is a wise one me thinks. I'm not taking offense when you mentioned my name as I'll admit to be a tripsy, tipsy sot! LOL
By the way, when is the next party?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Zany, it may get even worse before it gets better, they are calling for rain here beginning today through the weekend which means another week of not mowing. It may soon be time to consider a goat although just to get an initial start on it. Afraid the search and rescue teams would even have a problem locating this place unless I am wearing a gps system!

Sue, we love seeing your gardens, they never bore us, don't be so silly. I love the brom house, what a great spot for a cuppa and book and prop your feet up!

I am busy getting things ready to bring inside for the winter and must remember to put my one measly little brom in a shaded area. I pulled the majestic palm and cane yucca from the island yesterday along with the pineapple plants, the baby pineapple and the pineapple lily. In addition all the caladiums and ee are potted and ready to head in. I took in the star jasmine last evening and have only to pull the vigna caracalla and passiflora and get them ready to head in. I never even took the plumeria outside this season, it went by so quickly I just never got around to it LOL! One less thing to haul back in!

I have dug and washed the hymenocallis bulbs and the tuberose. The dahlias are blooming profusely so won't be messin with them just yet and my canna are just beginning to bloom so they will remain out a few more weeks as well>

Busy, busy, now what was I saying, I have stuff to do at the cabin???

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Welcome to the flowerpot cafe' Sally! Look forward to your lovely arrangements in here!!
Zany, 'eyes ' sound good for the dragonfly, he's really beautiful. What did you use to make him look so luminous (sp)?!
Steven, would love to see your red coreopsis, I have only seen the yellow one, sounds lovely in red! Is your camera charged yet?!!!!!
Sue, your shades house looks FANTASTIC, wow! it looks like one of the stands at the Chelsea flower show!!!! very impressive darling!! It's a honour to see it develop and grow! Never bored of your garden, always enjoy seeing every bit of it.
Candee, you work too hard!! chillax girlfriend!!!!

Party? did somene say PARTY???? I'm here!!!
How about a welcome Party for Sally and Zany when Dianne (soilsandup)gets back from her holiday? ... we can welcome her back too!!!!!
Ideas please!!.........

I'll be back in a while with some flowers for the cafe.
Have a good day all.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Good morning everyone! I am sitting here feeling lucky that my plants can winter outside without moving them :~) I am afraid this lazy gardener would end up having to replace everything each year and everything would be treated as an annual.

I dug up a thimble berry bush yesterday in the woods and planted it in the back corner of the yard. If it makes it I'll be delighted and if it doesn't I'll just try again in the spring.

I gave the poor dragonfly eyes and he is now soaring over his pond in search of mosquitos. I hope to have time to make his frame this weekend.

Steven, you have a red coreopsis ? That sounds pretty!

weed_woman, It is always fun to read your posts as you start spring in our autumn. It lets us have eternal spring at least on the internet!

Sally, these gals do post some great pictures don't they!

Well, Pyxle is trying to tug my arm so she can go to the park. Guess I'd better go before she pulls it off.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well finally got at it and made this for the patio, hope it isn't too chilly to enjoy it out there this evening. I have so many dahlias I don't know what to make with them.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

The dinner plate dahlia is a bit eaten from the stink bugs, but did like the vigna screwing around in this one.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Then I made this one with some of the clematis hangin round so we can enjoy it over on the wicker table by the mirror opposite the kitchen.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

This is zinnias and those undisclosed blue flowers in the background and more of the clematis vine.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I am so pleased with the colors in this one this shows the hibiscus on the side.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here is a closer look at the zinnias

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

And just one more of it sitting over at the bar! Now I can concentrate on the upcoming party!

Thumbnail by haighr
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

The flowers are beautiful. While your there at the bar could you mix me up a Bacardi sunset please? I haven't had one in years and it sure sounds good right now.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well coming right up for you there Zany, prop up your feet, have a sip and chill out! Sure this isn't as good as the ones that Terri and others usually serve up, but best I could do on such short notice. I had just gone over to the bar for a minute when you spotted me there and hadn't intended to bartend this eve, but always happy to fix a quick one for a friend in need!

This message was edited Sep 25, 2008 8:33 PM

Thumbnail by haighr
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Yummy! Mixed perfectly too!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here a bit better capture of the true red in this dahlia.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Do we have any idea of just when Diann is due back? Has anyone seen or heard from Traci or Adele? Steven - what are you up to? I hope all are out making their end of season arrangements to bring in the cafe. I have hearrd that the arrangements keep much longer in the cafe than one would imagine. Some can survive right through the winter. I think it is because is is a cyber cafe and the poseys are in a time warp just like the one that brings us all together for the parties and so the flowers continue to live on and on,
bring them on, we need all of them we can get to carry us through the winter months almost upon us!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Lovely. The clematis look like butterflies homing in on the prize.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You know, your're right, does look like a butterfly invasion. Hope you enjoyed your rum - there is a picher of the rest that is left behind the bar, just get back there and squat down, you can't miss it! Enjoy and now good night. Must get to work early tomorrow.

london England, United Kingdom

Good evening!
Candee, Great arrangements, they look lovely in the cafe and on the patio. It's a gorgeous red Dahlia on the wicker table, (pretty mirror) btw! My fav is the one at the bar, the colours work so well together and it has great height!!
You made a good job of Zany's drink, very creative. Cheers!

Just bringing in a vase of Glads.......

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I made a tree of Glads for the entrance....

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I used a collar made of vines, decorative wire, beads and moss.

Thumbnail by terriculture

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