The flowerpot cafe' XIII

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

night Terri, hope you feel better soon and stop sniffling on the sandwiches as you can see I am still eating LOL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now Zany how did you get that effect and please don't say masks I have been trying to accomplish them for days and days!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Candee? what effect?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh, sorry no offense meant Zany, just thought the wall had a kinda of luminence effect? Thought you might have surrounded it with some white wash or somethin?

london England, United Kingdom

Lol Candee! You are so creative with your photo's! Love what you did there.
The bar looks fab .........cough cough...... sniffle soz atishew cough........sniffle....

Enjoy your rolls, hope to get raisin toast tomorrow!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

DOn't have any on hand Terri but would gladly go to the store if it will help you feel better??? Was going to bed but could wait? Pleas feel better dear friend!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL not offended at all, just puzzled. No the natural lighting in the room is odd and the white walls seem to change depending on the time of day.

As for that the same as layers that are "flattened"? the terminology is a foriegn language to me.

Terri, get into a nice snug bed with a toddy and get well!

london England, United Kingdom

A good nights sleep is what I need! Think I'm dreaming about raisin toast ......

Thanks for offering to go to the store, so sweet!!!! night night dear friend x

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Zany I'm going right now!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sorry could not get it fixed before you went to bed terri, sure hope this makes you feel better in the morning, have some nice orange juice with it if somebody can make some up real quick.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Zany, I am not the best person to tell you the difference between layers and masks as I am still studying up on the masks, but there are two different monsters!
Masks are more like what you get if you use a stencil and you can create some fantastic techniques, but there is so much to learn. I am gonna keep playing with them over on the framed not cut thread and eventually I will master something LOL!

The shadows in your room with the lovely dragonfly reminded me of a mask overlay, guess I have that on the brain. BTW you really did a fine job with the color combos from your sofa, pretty slick for a first attempt.

(Zone 6a)

Hi Terri!, Glad you like the idea...........hopefully you can find something thats not too many $$$, maybe take a drive on a country road and there might be some nice wild branches or grasses that would look nice? I guess you could make the arrangement 'zen' and put less plant material in it. Hope you're feeling better today!

Candee, thanks for setting up the arrangement on the bar, it looks very nice. And do you happen to have any of the rasin toast left? When I go the cafe the plate was empty........the sandwhich rolls are gone too........I guess the lunch crowd(everyone but me) came in early today.

Zany, Very nice job on the Dragonfly! I would definitely hang it up in my house, it would look quite nice in the tv room(once it's finished). Do you mind if I 'borrow' it from the cafe once and a while?

Here's my Brugmansia this morning, I'm really hoping tonights the night!!!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

heres a picture of the bloom from below.


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Steven, I would be honored for you to borrow it.

I bought that couch about 8 years ago. It was the first time I ever dared to buy a large piece with a bold pattern and I really liked it. But after 8 years I am ready for a change. I may slip cover it with a solid color fabric. The two chairs are both the same color as that one green throw pillow in the picture so I may pull one of the other colors out for the sofa.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh, Steven that is gonna be a beaut! Sorry, can't get any more toast made cause I have to do some work outside the cafe as on my way in I saw that the storm drain was clogged and they are calling for rain. Wouldn't want an overflow of water backing up in your basement!

Zany I love the bold in the sofa, I used to have one that was mildly bold but it was corduroy fabric and I tired of it after many many useful years as well. I am sure whatever you come up with will look marvelous as you have quite a good eye for colors and design. Steven if you borrow the dragonfly, be sure you sign it out so we know who has it. Enjoy.

(Zone 6a)

Thanks Zany, I'll be sure to sign it out :)

Candee, Thanks, I just took another picture, the bloom is even bigger then it was this morning! This is my first brug bloom so I can't seem to wait any longer.............I think tonight is the night it's going to open!


heres a pic taken about 10 min ago. hehehehe

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

oPEN, OPen, OPeN OPEN! Waiting is not my forte'

(Zone 6a)

Same seems to be taking forever.............not that I'm checking it every 5 seconds or anything................

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL is it open yet?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Ha ha, Candee makes raisin toast for terri (finally) and she doesn't come in to eat it!
Sorry terri, I've been flat out like a lizard on a rock! Not only gardening but playing in the 'Brom Palace' as I've called my new shade house.
Steven, we are in the first month of spring. Days are getting warmer and longer and everything is booming along!
I'll leave you with a pic of this afternoon in the Brom Palace. (Is it full enough yet?)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone...
Thank you so much for making me some raisin toast Candee.
I would like to know who ate MY raisin toast??????? I have my own suspects!

Steven, Thank you for your help with the parallel lines. I ended up with Gladioli and roses and used mums to cover the top of the base. I was quite pleased with it in the end, it's a pity the judge was so picky and marked me down for a stupid reason although once she pointed it out, I understood what she meant and it made sense, so I learnt something!
I forgot to take my camera with me, so I was mad at myself with that because there were some nice arrangements. A friend is going to email me with her photos, so when they arrive I'll show you. Will take a picture of mine later, if I find the energy!!!!!
I came home and went to bed early for a change! Still got a bad cough and not feeling too good. I'm staying in bed today!!
Has it opened yet?????
Sue, Brom palace looks fantasic! It will be our top winter attraction at the cafe. Thanks so much for building and designing it for us. Feel free to keep adding more!!!!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Get some rest Terri, hope you feel better soon. So what did she say the problem was with your parallels? Can't wait to see it.
So Steven, today? did it, did it?
Sue, your brom palace will soon outdo the one I posted at Longwood Gardens, sue keep more coming!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

(burp) OH! excuse me! I'm sorry, was that wonderful raisen bread yours? I saw it there and couldn't resist it.

Steven.... is it open? Can you smell it yet?

Terri, please feel better soon.

Weed, all those broms! What a beautiful sight they are. Do they bloom for you? Mine never would bloomafter 3 years. Gave them to a friend and they bloomed within 2 weeks. I guess they liked him better than me ;~P

london England, United Kingdom

Ok nurse Candee, I'm resting Thankyou!
The judge liked the ornamental gourds filled with roses, she said they were quirky and origional. the spacing and height was good, (enough room for the butterflies) and she said the cinammon sticks were a great idea. The problem was the colour of the tray I used!! how picky is that? so she gave me a 4 instead of 5. The tray should have been brown or the cinnamon sticks brought to the base. Apparently the green tray stood out too much!
I see it now!!!!!!

Has it opened yet??????

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Zany, I'm trying to rest, more raisin toast might help!!!

london England, United Kingdom

oh and I won one of the raffle prizes!
I'm sure we can find somewhere for it in the cafe. A pink and red arrangement with ferns.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

YUK! IT WONT BE STAYING VERY LONG, I'm going to re-arrange it tomorrow!!!!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL re-arrange away. Anything you do to it will be an improvement! Yours deserved a 6 out of 5 not a 4!

Ok, Terri is ill so I'll leave the raisin bread alone for her this time. But only if she promises to feel better soon.

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Zany, so kind!
Hope the raisin toast turns up soon tee hee!

Steven, Is it OPEN yet??????
We are all waiting..........................................................................

and waiting....................................................................................!!!!!!!!

london England, United Kingdom

When will our baby arrive?

Is my toast ready yet?......

london England, United Kingdom

I've been watching the door for hours waiting for my toast.
Candee is probably mowing lawns or something!
If you do bring me some, please stash it in our secret hiding place.
or you know who might eat the lot again!!!

I thought I saw Steven dancing in his yard. Maybe it's opened, either that or he was going through his dance moves for the next party!!
Goodnight all.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Poor Terri, no raisin bread and everyone seems to have abandoned the cafe for the afternoon.

london England, United Kingdom

Yeah, nobody loves me..... sob!

(Zone 6a)

It's almost open! YAY! It should probably be opened by now but it's been so cool out! I got a pic though but it's kind of blurry. Last night there was a faint citrus fragrance but tonight its very faint. Maybe because its cool out?

I love the arrangement Terri! The green mums with the babies breath look fantastic and the roses in the gourds and the cinnamon is very clever! Not sure what that judge was fussing about though. I agree with Zany and anything you do to your raffle prize will be an improvement! It's ICKY! But it'll no doubt be amzing by the time you're done with it!
Enjoy your toast if it ever arrives........Candee must like mowing her lawn in the dark :)

Sue, Love the Brom Palace! Please keep us updated on it and your garden through-out your spring and summer. OH! I don't think the Palace is full enough yet may never be full enough :)

Are we having another party???


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

Hi Terri and Zany! You two posted while I was posting! :)

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

OOOOH! It is starting to unfurl!!! Yippy !!! I think the scent of them is heavenly but it soes seem stronger when it is warm out. Just stick your whole nowe into it and breath it in...but check it first to make sure your nose is alone and doeesn't vacum up any unwanted guests.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, Terri, your arrangement was fantastic, and I wouldn't even have notice there WAS a tray if you hadn't pointed it out! How picky! It looks so professional! You should be a florist! imagine all the flowers you would have to play with! I didn't think the raffle arrangement was too bad, better than anything I can do, and really, I am just in love with flowers no matter how they're arranged. You would cringe if you saw how I cut and shove flowers into a conatiner because i had to prune something! LOL
I can't make any raisin toast for anyone, 'cause I haven't got any, but plan to remedy that with a trip to the shop tomorrow.
We have a long weekend here, (Labour weekend, don't know what it means) but I get Monday off, so 'me no complain'.
Ww have visitors coming. *knees shaking* a 70 yo, a 5 yo and a couple in their 50's. What a mix! It's been a loooong time since I've been around little children, so hopefully i will handle it all. I'm afrais it means i won't be at the cafe till possibly tuesday night?
I think we need a new one, (cafe) Do you want me to renovate and re-open?

Humansville, MO

hi all
sure miss the cafe
been helping around here we move chickern fix truck
and now fixing the barn
we raise rabbit for a living
oo dave does
i work in nurseing home
but off for vacation
hoping to get somr arrment
of my house plant

london England, United Kingdom

Hello everyone, I'm still sick so won't stay long!
Thanks Steven and Sue, glad you liked my parallel lines, wish you guys were the judges!!
Almost there with our Brug Steven, so it smells like citrus? I wondered what they smell like, haven't seen one in real life!!!!
Sue, I'm sure all your visitors will love being at your house, you have so much to see and enjoy. Thanks for offering to renovate and re-open, don;t forget to advertise our latest attraction....Brom Palace.

Has anyone seen the poster on the notice board about our up and coming trip to Australia? Sign up for a trip through cyber space to Sue's Paradise, Refreshments and transport will be provided. Sue has the details for our adventures over there!

Hi there elle, I had been wondering if you were ok, nice to hear from you again.
Where are you going on vacation? hope you have a great time.
Sounds like you have been very busy, all arrangements are welcome at the cafe!

Going back to bed for a while, bye!

Humansville, MO

just staying home
need to catup with house work

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