london England, United Kingdom

Hi Star and Steven, well, Thanks for the cookies! I counted 11 so thats 3 each if no-one else comes in tonight,
(better save a couple)! Are they homemade Steven? they do look good.

(Zone 6a)

Thanks Terri! yes, they are homemade but sadly the only real cookies left in the house are storebought..........So lets hope no-one else shows up so we can each have 3! :D

london England, United Kingdom

How many you got left? ......... soon no-one will even know we had them all LoL!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Here's one for you.


Thumbnail by kqcrna
london England, United Kingdom

WoW! Welcome to the Flowerpot cafe' Karen, A lovely vase of beautiful flowers, are they from your garden? I can tell you have 'arranged' before, such a fantastic shape!
Thank you! You arrived just in time, there are 2 cookies left!
The tables are filling up nicely, it smells bloomin' wonderful in here!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Sweet, terri. Yes, they're flowers from my garden in early summer. I like to bring flowers into the house, usually I just stick flowers in a vase, nothing special. That one did come out especially well.


Thumbnail by kqcrna
london England, United Kingdom

Ohh so nice to have a new friend come in the cafe with pretty flowers!
Will you dry the Hydrangeas? Karma will lurve them.

What can I get you to drink? First drink is on the house, we have teas, coffees, cocktails, beers, ice cream, selection of cakes,vegetarian Sushi,kebabs, fruits,pasta,stuffed peppers and a whole lot more!

Mizz Squash (our waitress) will be here soon! or she's sacked!!!!!!!!!!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Bud Light, thanks.

I like coffee, but it's way too close to bedtime.


london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I've got a pillow waiting for my head, so I'll say goodnight and nice meeting you! Thanks for the arrangements.
There will be fresh coffee tomorrow if you call in. LoL.

london England, United Kingdom

OOOOpppppss! better brush up those cookie crumbs before Candee gets here!

(Zone 6a)

Hi Karen! It's always nice when someone new stops by. I live just across the street from the cafe so feel free to come over for a visit!

Terri, I've been keeping an eye out and I haven't seen Mizz Squash................maybe we should hire Rosettagourd on full time???


btw, the feilds behind the cafe were looking lovely this afternoon!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Here I am looking for a late night snack, AND NO MORE COOKIES!!!!!

Thumbnail by mittsy
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Everyone.

I like that Bud vase. The lily is beautiful. A deer ate all of mine this year :-(


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Morning and welcome Karen. Your combination arrangement is a wealth of beauty and species. What a great way you put it together. Hope to stay with us so we can continue to enjoy your creations. Those hydrangea are very nice as well, will you dry them?

Ms. Squash came in really late, but least she showed up. I was back in the kitchen throwing out one of my wilted arrangements and couldn't help but notice what appeared to be cookie crumbs in the trash can? Are you holding out on me Terri?

Steven, sounds like you had a great time with your nephew. We have a pretty good doughnut shop in town, but we never seem to get over there much so we occasionally buy them in the store.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Steven, for the cookies and the name of the flower. Gonan look for some Ivy seeds today to start for next year.

This is such a cool forum. I probably the one wiht the least experience and design knowledge, but sure do love seeing how differnt things ya might never thought of can be used for making arrangements and sprucing up some vases.

I think I need to learn how to expand my vision for things. Wish I was more artsy.

Karen, your arrangement is lovely. : )

Mittsy.. LOL now ms. squash shows up when there food around. We got her number now. LOL

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Steven, forgot to mention your table arrangement by the window, didn't see it when I first came in must have had my head in the clouds worrying over those cookie crumbs. That ivy geranium looks like velvet and the vine around the vase sets it off. I think I'll move it over to one of the tables by wall that has the wood paneling as I think it will really make it stand out!

Star, believe me I had no clue what I was doing when I first came to the cafe. Everyone one here has been such an inspiration to me and given me a whole new way of looking at flowers and turning them into a presentation. You will expand before you know what hit you! (LOL especially if Steven brings in more of those delicious cookies!)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I have never dried the hydrangeas, but plan to try a few this year. What's your favorite method for drying? I know some people stand them in a vase with a little water, some hang upside down, etc. What works best for you? At what point do you cut the blossom?


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I just finished drying a plethora of different flowers that were in a number of different arrangements. I hang mine upside down in the garage for about 6 weeks and most do fine. I had 12 different groupings with 6 or so flowers/foliage in each and only had to toss 2 individual flowers. I'll have to post a photo as we did this for a friend who recently lost her husband, Steve made a ladder of old barnwood and I attached the swags to the ladder. We just gave it to her last evening, I'll try to post the photo when I get home today for you Karen.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I was so in hopes that Mizz Squash's cousins could drop by. The petite Mizz Cucumber, she a cool one. And if she isn't too busy Mizz Zuchinni, unfortunately, she really been putting on weight recently. If any of you have seen them please send them on over.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I will keep a watchful eye. As I recall it would be hard to miss Mizz Zucchini!

london England, United Kingdom

yeah she's one fat mama! oh I mean marrow.........LoL!

(Zone 6a)

Mittsy, Sorry that we...err....ate all the cookies before you got here but I brought something for lunch today!

Candee, Thanks, we did have a good time! We also took him to the airport to see the planes come and go, but sadly, it was so dark and rainy and cloudy that we only saw about 3 planes :(

Star, I hope you find some nice ivy seeds!!! We're putting up a chainlink fence either this fall or next spring so I'm going to have tons of vines and ivyish plants next summer! I'm excited about it already!

On my way home from errands the other day I bumped into Mizz Zucchini and her second cousin Mizz Pumpkin (I hear she's a giant atlantic! ) and she makes Mizz Zucchini look thin!


Here's some Sushi for everyone!!! Theres more then enough to go round :)

This message was edited Aug 12, 2008 11:30 AM

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Man, keep her outta here Steven, she will knock every one of these lovely vases off the tables! I think she needs to start eating that sushi and get rid of that extra baggage. Lovely of you to provide lunch, think I'll dig in. Oh, that is good, believe mine musta been stuffed with Beluga!

So what are you fencing in or out Steven? Sounds like you will have a wealth of vines headed your way. don't forget to add clematis to your vine list, but stay away from trumpet vines, least my experience has been it spreads everywhere and is a bugger to get rid of, also have the same experience with morning glories, sorry for the first seet I ever planted.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, Inspector Ironside working here now?, checking the bins!

Star, I remember the delicious banquet you made for us one evening, that was arty! maybe we could have that again for a treat? if your not too busy, because I know those banquets take a lot of preparation.

Seems to be a tradition with this cafe people sneaking around the back to eat Sushi... eh Karma and Traci???????
Looking forward to seeing your dried flowers Candee.
Sorry mittsy, Steven ate them all. I was too busy doing Mizz Squashs chores! Hey, the cousin Mizz cucumber sounds nice, when will she be coming in for an interview?

Has anyone seen the coffee pot? I promised Karen coffee today. Steven, if I can't find it I'll be over in a while to borrow yours, ok?!


Tequilla slammers..

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Gladioli, lily stems and limes

Thumbnail by terriculture
(Zone 6a)

Woooo Hoooo! Tequilla slammers!!! But...........I have to go out tonight! Could somebody please save me one with my name on it?? Otherwise Mizz Squash will come in and drink it.

Terri, I'll be home all afternoon! Just becareful cause the traffic is pretty busy today. I haven't seen the coffee pot but a neighbor told me they saw Mizz Squash carrying one out.....maybe thats the one you're looking for?
BTW, whats the name of those Gladioli?? They're just beautiful!

Candee, Mizz Zucchini said Mizz Pumpkin went back to the farm. Apparently she wasn't done ripening or something.
The fence is going to be great, it's going to fence in the garden and stop people from constantly cutting through the yard. :) hehehehe. Its sort of a townhouse/condo setup so people constantly cut through yards.

This message was edited Aug 12, 2008 1:47 PM

(Zone 6a)

Oh, I hope everyone is enjoying their Sushi!!!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Delicious sushi and the tequila slammer is a perfect go with drink. After a couple of these we won't care if Mizz What's her name comes in to work or not. I miss Tracie.

I always get sad when I drink. BooHoo.

london England, United Kingdom

C'mon now mittsy, Traci wouldn't want to see you in a state LoL!

Anyone got a coffee pot we can borrow? Just stick a few weeds in it!, mittsy needs coffee quick!

I hadn't thought of Mizz Squash walking away with our coffee pot Steven, is there anything else missing?

glad you are all enjoying your sushi, please don't leave the cartons outside the back door again!

london England, United Kingdom

Oh the Gladioli are called ' Supermarket gladioli' sorry I don't know LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Does the garden look a funny colour to you mittsy?.....

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Does the tequilla look a funny colour too?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

maybe it was the type of tequila that has the worm in the bottle?

(Zone 6a)

If Mittsy is drinking her Slammer now then so am I :)
Here goes.........


wooo, I got it down with out even stopping for a breather!!! Normaly I don't drink booze that fast but that waspretty good!

Terri, did you say there was a worm in the bottle.....or there is??? Cause I think I might have just drank it....................Ooopsie


ps: I'm bringing something else for lunch tomorrow!

london England, United Kingdom

WAS... hahaha!

Good ,will it be vegetarian? because I didn't have any of the BBQ either!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I found the pot, I am a great inspector! It wasn't Mz Squash who had taken it. Mittsy got so tipsy she put it in the closet, she thought she was gonna make a pot, but she went to pot before it got made and it wound up misplaced. I found it when I was looking for more cookies! I made quick pot for Karen to enjoy this evening, hope she comes back soon.

Can't drink tonight, still have to make it to work tomorrow, but must admit it is tempting. Terri those blues are stunning, never saw anything that vibrant! Steven, you may have mine, don't let mittsy get it, she is seeing a bit blurry already. Good idea for a fence I would hate having people cut through my yard. Hope you don't mind us using it for a shortcut to the cafe every once in a while though? If so we can go around.

Mittsy please don't get too sad on us. Have a cup of this fresh coffee and take a chill pill. We have lots to laugh about. Traci will return when she is able.

This message was edited Aug 12, 2008 8:20 PM

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Just a little bit closer.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

With all of these beautiful arrangements the outdoor patio is looking splendid. Can you see it from your house Steven, without having to peek around the side of your place?
I took the liberty of taking the coffee outside so we can enjoy it through the sunset.
Mittsy can you make it out there or do we have to assist???

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

My oh my ,your arrangements get better everyday! Thank you Candee.
Are you left handed Candee? it's just that the way the coffee pot is arranged it looks like a lefty did it!!!!!!!
Love the beads, the lid with the foliage on it, the flower colours go so well with the copper pot AND love the grass!
Our patio is looking fantastic! this is the best looking cafe in cyber space!

OK candee, I feel bad and I'm going to own up......... Sorry we ate all the cookies last night.
Thanks for saving the day with the coffee, dear friend!

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