london England, United Kingdom

Hi Steven, Thanks, I am quite pleased with those sunflowers I grew from seeds.Your flower bed looks like it's growing nicely. I wonder what crafty creation young Connor will make? if you can get him away from the video games that is!!
Enjoy your sunshine.

Humansville, MO

yes the puppy will go with me
did you see the one i make of just the head
the pie sound so good need to try to make some
i see the bridcage
how did you make it

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, I used 2 baskets for the birdcage. One with a long handle the other basket fitted inside. The sticks around the cage were tucked in between the two baskets and tied at the top of the handle. I pleated a long phormium leaf to make the swing. Added some leaves and a little corn. Are you going to make a friend for Sweetpea?
I'm sure the puppy heads will sell, they are very cute.

Who's a pretty sweetpea? Sshhhhhhhhhhh that birdie is noisy tonight!

Thumbnail by terriculture
(Zone 6a)

Terri, I love the birdcage! The sunflowers are really nice, for some reason flowers always seem prettier when you grow them yourself.
Next year I want to start a cutting garden...........I've got so many seeds that will be perfect for cutting..........but right now I'm just starting a few morning glories to grow inside. If they're started now they'll be in flower when the snow starts to fall........ :)


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Pretty bird, pretty bird, tweet, tweet, tweet sweet pea!
Steven - morning glories good for you. Frankly I rue the day I planted one seed. I swear I have a bank that has ivy and arborvitae on it and they run rampant. I just took the rake to them the other week to get them out - they just won't go away. Pulling them makes them spread more and there just isn't enough RoundUp to get rid of them.
Bet your cutting garden will be great next year. As for the rain I don't know the last time we had any of that, what does it look like again? I have been trying to water but the ground is like cement.

LOL at the video games. I think we were better off without them, but realistically when we were young, if they were available I would have likely had one. I remember never going anywhere without my transistor radio (for those of us who know what one of those is) !

I have the fireworks display ready to "blast off". Terri, thanks for the ideas on the canna leaves. Now must think of a theme to utilize them???

Elle, you and your family will love the pie. I am gonna do a few more peach pies for the freezer this weekend as it is a holiday, least when we return from the cabin on Sunday. Then the following weekend we are headed back to the beach I believe for Steve and Mike and a few others to go deep sea fishing so will make one of the Elmira pies with the cheesecake to take down there. Bet you will sell your puppies at the festival, they are irresistable.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,
When is the firework display???????
I have a flying teapot ready to take Dianne to Europe!
Looking forward to the blast off, think we are waiting for young Connor and Uncle Steven to create fireworks!!

Wonder if Mizz Squash will be working, has anyone seen her recently?


Humansville, MO

it would be nice
i will be busy making thing to sell at our festival

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, Steven had the idea for a drinks and fireworks night out on the cafe patio. He has his nephew staying and they are going to make things that look like fireworks. Hope you can come!
Also, Dianne is leaving for a months holiday in Europe, we will have happy hour drinks and fireworks to wish her a safe journey and Happy holidays!

(Zone 6a)

Candee, are Morning Glories perennial for you? Or are they the kind that reseed? I had those ones at my old house and they were a major pain and I refuse the grow the reseeding types outside here. Especialy since theres a wild meadow behind us, wouldn't want them to escape!

Now, I'm off to see if I can get a cocktail glass so we can have something to drink when we watch the fireworks! When are we setting them off?


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Steven, you need to pick the party date, appears all of us are geared up for a smashing time!
Steven mine are the reseeding kind and I do wish I could get rid of them, yuk a royal pain every season. They never did take off where I wanted them to, but are everywhere else.
I think Dianne is leaving tomorrow am? Have a safe and splendid trip, wish we were tagging along as it sounds fabulous. Good for you on a much needed R&R!
We must remember to take sweet pea over to Stevens before the fireworks begin, wouldn't want to make her hard of hearing from the noise! Mz Squash???? I tell you it is really hard to get good help these days, they start out with a bang and then peter out before the first paycheck, we did remember to pay her didn't we???????????

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Steven, Any luck finding a cocktail glass? we are ready to get this party started whenever you are dear!! it's going to be fun and I can't wait to see what you and Connor have made.
Hiya Candee! Good idea to take sweet pea over to Stevens house. I hope we did pay Mz Squash, Traci always took care of things like that.
Hope mittsy doesn't miss the fireworks!!!

Just having a sound check for the fireworks.................................

SSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBANG BANG!!

london England, United Kingdom

Dianne, Have you packed everything?

Passport check
Tickets check
Teapot (you never know)!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi All - I have all the essentials in a big ole pile in my room. Will discard about half of them since I tend to pack too much, and then start packing in earnest tonight. Was hoping to work half a day today, but since half the day is already gone, I will be here quite a bit longer. One of my kids will be taking me to the airport at 4 AM in the morning - my flight leaves at 6 AM. So, I will be able to check into the cafe and join the festivities tonight. I doubt if I will even get to I may as well party LoL.

Terri - what's this about an flying teapot? Can I take that with me????

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Dianne, pleased to hear you are almost organised! Take the teapot with you? you're flying away in it!!
Flying Teapot Airlines, better check your ticket again!!

Here's a Happy hour cocktail to get you in the mood!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Terri - that cocktail was delicious. Just what I needed to finish off the work day. A flying teapot - even better than a flying Dumbo!!! Can't wait to see it.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Dianne, good to hear you are ready to go. I don't know where everyone is, I've made a jug of Rocket fuel to keep us going while we are waiting................
There is a delay with the flying teapot due to technical difficulties, but hopefully it will be ready for take off after the fireworks!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone!!! So sorry I wasn't here on time!!! Not feeling so well tonight.
I got some firework art made yesterday though, but completly forgot to take a picture.....but heres cocktails for everyone once they're done drinking the round Terri made! Which is delicious!!!

Dianne, hope you have a great trip!!!!!



Thumbnail by SW_gardener
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Steven, Sorry you are not feeling too well. Thanks for the cocktail, just in time! we have drank drunk all the jug!!
Not to worry over the fireworks, I made a few for us..... enjoy the display!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
(Zone 6a)

Terri, Wow those are way nicer then what I came up with!
Thanks so much!!!

Have a great night!!!


Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Terri and Steven,

I just got back from a dinner with the kids. What a great followup to a dinner - cocktails and fireworks. Thanks for those delicious concoctions.
Steven - hope you feel better real soon.

Great fireworks display, Terri. Must be quite late now in London???

london England, United Kingdom

Yes it's late but you will be away for a whole month......... we will miss you Dianne!
Hope you feel better tomorrow Steven, sleep well, hope we don't keep you awake with all the noise!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Terri - how neat!!! LOve that flower pot cafe sign. What I am actually doing now, in between yours and Stevens cocktails and fireworks, is watering my garden. I wanted to make sure everything gets a good soaking. Unlike many of you, we have dry,dry,dry summers. and we're expecting three days in a row of over 100 degree heat. So, I am watering in the dark THEN I will buckle down and pack. any irish coffee out there to keep me awake ???? LoL

london England, United Kingdom

Lol with your midnight watering! Hope the kids give the plants a drink for you while you are away. Leave notes!!
Well I found us an Irish coffee, cheers and safe journey.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Enjoy your cruise.........

The teapot will be arriving next, please make your way to the departure lounge!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks so much Terri - I needed that extra caffeine boast. You are a such a dear person. Now, go to bed and get some rest. All your efforts tonight was very, very much appreciated.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Wait. WAIT..........................i'm not packed yet.....HOld the plane....

What a nifty boat - what is it all made of???

london England, United Kingdom

Ok! you are very welcome. Have a great time, see you when you get back.
Take care!

the boat is made with leucedendron(sp)? and cress. Your flying teapot will wait for you, don't panic!! Byeeeeeeee so long....

note to everyone... I will be sleeping for 2 days!!
Someone please start a new thread, this one is too long for Star.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

And a very well deserved two days of sleep..... Terri - I am so touched that you stayed up this late to make the most stupendous flying teapot there ever was in this whole wide world. Why, I can go anywhere and everywhere in it. I am really going to miss seeing all your ingenious creations - will try to get to a computer when I can though.

Garden is watered, am half way packed....I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks again ever so much for such a great send off, Terri. :D.
Found something in my garden that I will have to post before I left - it will be in the what's blooming in my garden thread.

Coffs Harbour, Australia
your wish is my command!
OOOhhhhhh, Aaaahhhhh, WWoooooooowww! I can see the fireworks from here Terri!
Burgers at the new cafe'

Humansville, MO

i bought a tea pot and broke the lid
can i put a small african violets into it
will it grow

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi all. Just a quick pop in. Keep Karma in mind and all the rest of our southern coastal friends. Looks like Gustav gonna make a nasty time of it again like three years ago when Katrina and Rita hit us.

If it like last time, I wil get rains and being in country will lose power maybe, but Karma right in the path, so hope she has evacuated.

Well just wanted to let ya all know why ya may not see some folks around for days or maybe even weeks in the hard hit areas.

So somebody remember to keep the place clean and turn off the coffe maker at night for sure and if ya all have a party think of us other folks and have one for us. Nerves sure do get rattled during hurricane season.

Got some of my mums that are just starting to open, but don't know where the proper place to cut them is. Do you cut the whole stem to the bottom leaves and all or just a portion of it. Maybe by the time the storm is over, I wil have some blooms for ya all.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hoping that everyone has fared okay through the hurricane. Sounds like it is a terror still on the news. Please stay safe and check in when you can Karma and Star.
Don't know much about mums Star except that I have little to no luck with them. Steve just brought some the other day from his work that were being sold and sure I will only have them this season and then they will be nowhere to be found.
Elle, should grow in your pot as long as you put some stones or something in the bottom for drainage. Never know till you give it a try.
Here's some chocolate chip cookies I made - enjoy!

Thumbnail by haighr
Humansville, MO

thank i will try
cook are so good will take
picture of it

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi all. I am fine and dry. Gustuv didn't come this way, but been busy helping evacuees and now getting ready to help Hanna folks, so wil just be popping in and out when I can, but got a surpise to show ya all saturday. : )

Stil worried about Karma. She in a bad hit area. Hope she checks in soon somewhere, but them folks gonan be without power for quite a long while yet.

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