Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I figured it was you but didn't want to just make an accusation until I finished my investigation. thanks for coming clean, it means a lot to me. I love a person who tells it straight, no pussy footing around.

No, not left handed but am a bit ambidexterous as I do most everything lefty except writing, then I gotto go with the right. So glad you like it, wasn't sure about all the various yellows, but you know I like it now. I loved the creamy yellow stripes in the grass, wish I could remember which miscanthus that is I have a number of different grasses and this one is quite huge. I have never used this grass in an arrangement before now but surely will again.

I found the pot when looking for treasures around the house for arranging. You know I had it in the rec room downstairs on a bottom shelf, it too had been my mothers. I don't think I have noticed it for years until coming to this cafe and finding new ways to arrange. It just jumped out at me this eveing. I had to chuckle when I came inside and started posting my new arrangements and saw you needed coffee in the cafe, must admit I already had this pot brewing.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Almost forgot Terri, I just posted the memorial dried arrangement on that dried flower thread. They came out okay, Steve saved the day with that barnwood ladder.

london England, United Kingdom

I was trying to think of the name miscanthus! those grasses are expensive at the florists, you are lucky to have different ones to arrange with. I love all the yellows.
Everyone needs to have a good root around their houses, there's always some old basket or container you've forgotten about!

Haven't seen mittsy for a while, did someone help her home?

london England, United Kingdom

I wonder if your mother ever made a flower arrangement in it? LoL!

You made a good job of the dried flower arrangement, Thanks for sharing.
Hopefully everyone will start to dry their flowers, ready for winter arrangements.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh good thought Terri, hadn't thought of drying any of my own dah!!!
My mother wasn't much for arranging. She had some from the florist on occasion and did a splendid job of growing azaleas, but never much for having them in the house. Isn't that odd that I just can't get enough of them.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I had an old copper pot like that one. I tossed it when it started to leak. I think we may have gotten it for a bridal shower or wedding gift. Married in 1963.

Love your arrangement. My Purity zinnias are so pretty and the Green Envy should open in a few days. I'd like info on the best way to dry them. I have a lot of Thumbelina zinnias so should be able to come up with a few mini bouquets for the outdoor tables. Now to find some cute containers. I think I'll try some coffee mugs.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Mugs are a great idea mittsy, looking forward to them. Hope your head is back on straight this morn, I see you were up quite late or early and hope the coffee was strong enough for you.
As for drying, I just take the cuttings, tie them tightly at the bottom with string or twine and hang them upside down in my basement or garage for about 4-5 weeks. Most of mine keep a decent amount of color that way, some do better than others, don't forget to use some foliage as well. I posted the ones I just did on the dried flower thread if you want to go take a peek.
I have no idea how old this pot is, I know I have had it since mom died and that is 20 years now and she had it as an antique.

The zinnias are doing splendidly and producing like crazy for me!

(Zone 6a)

Hey everyone!!!

Candee, thats a really nice arrangement, the zinnas and the glads match perfectly with the varigation in the maiden grass! And the patio is looking great, I think I'll come over and have my lunch there and see what you're all up too since its so private I can't even catch a glimpse from my upstairs!!! I'm so glad you found the coffee pot. If Mizz Squash didn't take it then what did the neighbor see??? Feel free to cut through my yard as much as you have to.....although once the fences are up with some nice climbing roses I wouldn't reccomend it as you might get thorned.

Mittsy, Have you ever tried drying flowers with borax?

Terri, as promised here is todays vegetarian lunch!

Now, how does everyone like their corn on the cob? boiled? grilled?
it's already husked so once we decide to how to cook it we can start getting it ready!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Boiled with a pinch of sugar added to the water and then loads of Land of Lakes butter and touch of salt and a few slices of tomatos on the side would be an added treat.
Thanks for the warning about the thorny roses on the fence, but that may take a bit.
Thanks for you kind compliments on the mellow yellows, the grass inspired the rest of the arrangement. Went out front for something else and saw the grasses with the mellow yellow stripes, grabbed a few and voila'.
I'll bet the neighbor saw Mz Squash leaving with that teapot of Terri's cause I don't believe she can find it as she was asking others to make the coffee? I'll have to inquire with a few other neighbors.
Am sure you will enjoy your lunch on the patio to day as the weather is a perfect 80 and no humidity and no breeze to blow the napkins around and make a mess. Nice to know that it is even private from your second floor, guess we did a good job in creating that little oasis for our cafe family!

BTW I am off Friday through Tuesday so could probably use a stiff drink one of those fine evenings. Going to the beach with the grandbabies on Sun - Tues so should refrain then, but the other nights, whoopee!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Here's the mugshot! DH and I got these mugs as a souvenir when he taught at the Guild School in Castine Maine. He taught for 19 years and we always enjoyed the Maine Maritime Academy and the wonderful friends we made that came from all over the world to take his classes. Jigs and Fixture for 1/12 scale furniture making. Heirloom quality dollhouse furniture.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

They look splendid in there mittsy and bet you can tell us a few stories to boot especially with all those foreign students. You musta met a lot of characters during those years.

Hope you dont mind but I caught a photo of you in the cafe at 4:30 a.m. you werent' as tipsy as I thought, you look like you had a great time.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thought I better supply a bottle of Ibuprofen for the weekend and our next bash in case one of us gets carried away LOL!

Thumbnail by haighr
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Mittsy - nice mugful of flowers you have there. It was great that you sent in a photo so that we can put a face with your name, but once you do that, you"ll never know where you are going to turn up next :)). Candee has a way of finding us in some mighty strange places........

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh, Dianne I hope you don't mind me finding mittsy in the outside cafe, I got the photo just before she was gonna dance on one of the tables. If it is a problem please let me know, I realize I have not asked for prior permission to post those? Yikes, don't want to step on toes w/o even dancin LOL

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Candee - oh, I am sure no one minds. I did not mean to imply that at all. I thought it was very clever and funny what you have done. (you did notice my smiling face at the end of the sentence?)
And I am looking forward to dancing with all of you at the next night out at the cafe. Will have to be soon though. I am heading off in two weeks!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Love the picture. I'm toying with the idea of using some of my photos to make a calendar. I so miss my gardens during the winter months. Anyone ever tried that?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I didn't think anyone would mind, but had a second thought that perhaps I should have gotten permission from mittsy before using it. But alas, all is well, Mittsy loves it! I know everyone in here is a good sport and likes to have a fun time, but just wanted to be sure it isn't offensive to anyone.

So if anyone doesn't want their mug shot taken in the cafe, you need to let this camera bug know well in advance. You know I most always show up at these events and am always ready with the camera to find one of us in a precarious situation LOL!

Now how bout we have a bash upon your return, how would that be? You are going away and we are not available this weekend so perhaps while you are gone we can plan a happy hour that continues into the wee hours. If we wait until your return (when is that?), we shall have more time to get the hired help straightened out!!!

mittsy, I make a calendar every year. The flowers help get me through the winter months (just around our corners yuk) although it is a good time of rest and change of scenery. I have a hallmark program that I use to make mine, but am sure there are many available. I just print out the photo sheets with the pic and calendar month, I do one page for each month, and then holepunch or just clip them together or put in a little binder, nothing special and of course not like one you purchase all bound and stuff, but nice and personal just the same. I have made them for others and have gotten great reviews. Go for it!

london England, United Kingdom

Hello all,
Thanks for the sweetcorn Steven, it was delicious just the way Candee cooked it!
Lovey coffee mittsy, Thankyou. So it's you who does the deadheading for us in the middle of the night!!!
I love the idea of making a calendar, it's fun to play about with pictures as I discovered recently.

Dianne, as you will be away for a whole month and you are not going for 2 weeks, I think we could have a lttle Bon Voyage get together sometime before you go!
My friend Cissy, is having a Birthday on Saturday, was thinking we could have a suprise party for her here at the cafe.
Although she might not turn up because she's rather shy LoL!

I made a summer fruits trifle to add to the menu.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh man, I am gonna get the first hunk of that, or must I wait until everybody sees it? Nope, nevermind, not waiting, no patience gotta have it right now, right here and I don't even have a spoon, will have to dig in with both hands, yes I washed them first!

Party, did you say party, Saturday??? Sounds like a plan for Cissy and bon voyage, not sure if I can get over here but we shall see?

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Your Citrus Trifle looks yummy!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Candee and mittsy.

This message was edited Aug 17, 2008 3:26 AM

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey Terri - that trifle was delicious. Anytime you want to have your party - I'll be there. Sure beats dusting blinds and organizing a mountain of paperwork.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey Steven better get over here and bring your company, you don't wanna miss this. I 've been back in the kitchen all morning baking this nice Elmira Peach Pie, the top layer under the lattice crust is peach cheesecake!
Hope everyone enjoys, the peaches are perfect this year.

Thumbnail by haighr
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh, just rub it in. Our peaches are nasty, they look beautiful, but when you bite in to them they are brown inside. And so expensive. 65 cents for one medium size peach and you can't eat it. They must pick them green and ship them hard.

Your dessert is making me drool. Gotta get a towel to wipe off the keyboard.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, Glad you liked the triffle. Thanks.
Dianne, I too hate housework and paperwork, but enjoy a party!
Candee, your peach pie looks very tasty. Thank you! I had a look at the peaches in the supermarket today, they were 50p each, approx 1 dollar in your money!!!
Just bringing in another table arrangement, the lilies my SIL gave me last week are still looking good, the few that have gone over are now underwater.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sorry mittsy they are fresh here and you just can't believe how wonderful they are. Come on down and have some! I'll be getting a bunch more next week for pies for the freezer. This one we just had a sliver and is quite delicious and that cheesecake on the top just sets it off.

Lovein your lilies Terri and the bowl is fabulous!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Candee, Ohh the peach pie is soooooo yummy, please may I have another slice? think I'll have some cream with it this time......

Just had a stroll around the cafe gardens, the lily lantern adds a new feature!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

That lily lantern really shines.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sure does light up the area Terri nice job. Have all the pie you want but do you really want cream along with that cheesecake topping? Might turn a bit mushy? Your choice. Hope others get in here and eat it soon as I am tired of getting it in and out of the fridge!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I just followed the light from the latern in. Really a big help, don't have to watch walking and tripping over something along the path or takign a wrong turn somewhere.

Well, I will certainly have a slice, nevr in my wildest years would I ever have thought about havign a peach pie backed with cheescake. If ya get a chance sometime and don't mind, would you send me the reciepe.

While it cloudy, going back out to start turnign ground in another bedand gettign rid of weeds. If not too tired wil be bakc in later tonight for the party. Will have my dancing shoes on. ready to rock -n-roll.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Candee - peach pie for breakfast. what could be better. Glad that I was able to get in this morning and got the last piece. I would like the recipe too!!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Better post the recipe on this thread as we are all "HUNGRY" for peach topped cheesecake pie. Yum!

It's raining again so I had to take a break from my weeding and mulching. I think I should buy stock in Scott's at $4.97 a bag I've spent a small fortune and not nearly finished. Will have to post a pic so you can encourage me to keep going. I'm too old for this job. My teenage helper broke his foot so no hired help this year.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Looky whay I found

Check out this delicious treat

london England, United Kingdom

Hello everyone!
Thanks friends, pleased to hear the lantern works along the pathway!
Good find there mittsy, now we can all make Candee's peach and cheesecake pie.

Are there any volunteers willing to help out decorating the cafe for the party tonight???????
I've made a start in the garden with some balloons, but there's food and drinks to organise,entertainment, table decorations, someone to link Cissy over here when we are ready with the 'Suprise' party.
Any help would be much appreciated. LoL!!

This message was edited Aug 17, 2008 12:51 AM

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Balloons decorating our secret garden.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

The cafe gardens look quite inviting this evening!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

You can dance out here later Star!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

We shall have to keep an eye out for Candee dancing on the table LoL!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well I see you finished up the pie. Nothing left not even a crumb. When does the dancin begin, bit tired been with my grandbaby Eva swimming all day!
Sorry no pie left for breakfast or to take to the beach tomorrow!
Love the way the cafe is looking Terri, looks like a heck of a party is in the works!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I can do the link /Terri when we are ready - Great party balloons!

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