london England, United Kingdom

Hi Star, So pleased to hear you are safe and dry. Looking forward to our surprise on Saturday!!!!!
Hope Karma and Traci are safe and well and that we hear from them soon.

Those cookies look tempting Candee, think I'll take one to the next cafe' thread and have it with a coffee, Thank you!
elle, I think the African violets will be cute in your teapot, hope you take a picture to show us.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

So glad you popped in Star. I am very anxious about Sat., I love surprises!!!
Karma asked me to hold off on sending some bloodgrass her way just before the storm hit, haven't heard since, but imagine she is surely w/o power. So hoping they can check in soon and let us know they are at least okay.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi everyone. We are well. New Orleans was spared as our levees held up to the surges. We have power, but other parts of New Orleans are still doing without. It seems Hurricane Gustav have affected the entire state of Louisiana as well as surrounding states. Thank you for all the concern. That's not the end of it though. . .Hurricane Ike may be coming our way as well. Here's the projected path. Please keep us in your prayers.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Glad ya checking in Karma. Been having ya in prayers. Sorry folsk ya gotta wait til tommorrow and that if this storm passes. Hanna went north of me but it been thundering and pouring rain here all day. Popping in quick just to let ya know can't get out in the garden just yet.

Gott aget back off of here cuz of the thunder and lightning, but ya wante dya to know.

Ya Karma I worried about Ike too, not knowing which way she gonan blow east or west or right up the middle .

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma and Star, I'm so Happy to hear you are both safe and well. Thanks for letting us know you are both ok.
There hasn't been much information on the news about your hurricanes over here, it's very annoying!!
I have been watching with great interest on the weather forum, it's so helpful to see the weather maps.
My brother is in the Bahamas, I think Ike is on it's way there.
Please keep in touch and take care.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

So glad to hear from both of you and that all is okay your way. Terri I am sure your brother is ready to take cover in the Bahamas and will heed any and all warnings. Keep in mind it may be a bit before he can contact you so just be patient till the worst passes. Karma hoping that you don't have to evacuate again, perhaps you will be spared and Ike will calm down in the gulf. Star glad you checked in and have weathered the thunderstorms that came with Hanna.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, looks like it's over Cuba. Hopefully your brother won't feel it too much.

Candee, I hope it's okay to ask you to hold the blood grass another week. We haven't even reached peak hurricane season yet! If Ike comes this way, I'm making plans to move. Now, if everyone will help me pick a city, state, I will really appreciate it! Not ready to move out of the country though!

Star, we were too busy after Gustav, and forgot about Hanna. Hope you've recovered from all her thunder and rain.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I love NO but surely would have moved myself. These storms are just way too much risk and pressure for me. Western MD is real nice if you don't mind the snow. If I could go anywhere would likely be AZ I like the hot and/or VA is nice.
No problem with the blood grass, watching it for you is fun. It is actually starting to sprout new shoots that are about 1/2 tall which makes me feel as though the shipping will be fine and not traumatic at all for them when we are ready. Got the box n paper and stuff and addy on the fridge, will just add newspaper, water and baggies and away they will go to the Po on a Sat morn.

london England, United Kingdom

We are getting rains and flooding from Hanna over here now!!!!!
Stay safe Karma and Star.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Wow that Hanna really got around. We had it on Saturday, not so bad at the cabin but apparently was quite a downpour all day back at our house in Hagerstown.
Hope you aren't too much in any path of flooding Terri, keep the drains open on your street if you can.
Be careful everyone of Ike, sounds like he is a mean one.

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