Christi's thread.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I think people lost so much in the hurricane before that they didn't want someone telling them they had to leave everything behind again. I think most would have left on their own, but come back the next day. They forget too; without electricity and gas you don't have a way to cook, clean, and stores aren't open either.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, but if you do evacuate on your own it costs money. With the price of gas and motels, and food, it gets to be very expensive. Our plan is "Cat three and under stay, "Cat 4 or more, GO!" We've ridden out Cat three's before with no problems.
Hopefully we won't have to evacuate this year. We do watch the storms very carefully. We have great respect for what they can do. It's a difficult decision to make. We are in the storm surge, so for Cat 4 we would be under a mandatory evacuation. 37 hours on the road for Rita 2005, was a most unpleasant experience that I don't ever want to go thru again. Then Rita turned and didn't come here. I thoroughly understand their frustrations, believe me!

The one thing about living here is, "at least you can see it coming". It's not like a Volcano, or Earthquake, so it does have it's advantages. We've only had to evacuate once in 31 years, so we have much to be thankful for!!!!

Christi, so glad that you are improving. My prayers are with you "Sweetie". I know that it is difficult being in pain and moving slowly. "This too shall pass", be patient.
Next year you will be so glad you made the decision to do this! God bless you!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good Morning!!

Glad to see everyone is up and about. Two days of staying dressed and moving around has caught up with me. Had my first outing last night as we went to our daughter's for dinner. (only 3 miles) My mind and body are not yet in sync. I want very much to be on my own but my body tires soooo easily. Literature they gave me says it takes equal energy for this to heal as it does to run 5 miles per day. Never did that at the peak of my life. Will probably do a lot laying flat on the bed today.

It is 66 degrees this morning. Can you believe it? Were things different I would be outside in the jungle. Bless his sweet heart, at my direction, Mike straightened our little greenhouse and readied it for sudden occupancy. I wanted to do it myself so badly.

Carol, I can picture all of our friends here on DG the same as to the bone. He was here last spring and I am ready anytime for a return visit. Sheila, Phyllis, Mitch, Broncbuster have all been here and I wanted them to stay much longer. Our visit together with Jennie was much too short and made me just want more and more. The day at RJ"S with Sharie, JB, Jeanne and her son was like a family reunion. Anyone heard from Pepper lately? My conciousness comes and goes depending on how much pain meds are necessary and I seem to be taking inventory today. There is a long list of friends that I haven't specifically mentioned and it is not because of lack of caring. The above list is ones I have had the privilege of meeting and hugging their sweet necks. I plan to meet every single one of you in the future. Maybe my intentions for the months to come. Wouldn't you be surprised if I just showed up at your doorstep?? Actually, so would I. chuckle

BTW, there are good side effects to this experience...20 pounds lighter...woooohooo! Now if I can just keep that in line.

mulege, Mexico

Hi Christi - You are sure sounding much better. Continue to pamper yourself and to allow others to take care of you.

I like what they told you about the healing being like running five miles a day. Helps you show some respect for that body that's been carrying you around all these years.

Continue to take care and let your body - not your mind - let you know when you're ready to do more, It will happen.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

That goes for you as well, Katie. Somedays I am sure you do much more physical labor than would be recommended.

Have a great day in the neighborhood.

Wow! My personal chef just sat down a plate of bacon, egg, toast, Maui jelly and V8. Breakfast and then a short morning nap. Best part is I am once again able to sleep naturally.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Good to hear you are being "served by a chef" lol!! Cootos to Mike for taking good care of you. As for the yard and plants, please let me know when you are to the point of moving stuff in and I can help Mike. You can always use a second set of hands I know.
DH should be released today from the Dr. He is ready! Still taking a few hydro. but doing so much better.
Well take care....later my friend.

mulege, Mexico

Yes, Christi, I am always looking in the mirror when I am talking to you!!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sheila, you are to be commended as well for being a good care taker. Sure hope DH is back on his feet and not thinking about how much it hurts. I am still concentrating on that. I am definitely better but am anxious to be best.

I take that as a compliment, Katie.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm baaaaaackkkk!
whew...what a ride...I left at 2:30 Yesterday from Hilo, got into Honolulu and layed over till 9:10pm - got on the flight..there were 80 standby (staff) and ya know your getting up there in the seniority department when your number 3 out of 80! Squishy squirm 7 plus back 9:50AM...went right to bed for a 4 hour nap. LOL...ask Carol about my naps!
We really did have a good visit. Fortuneatly I've been to the islands a few 40 times or so my priority 1 was visiting with Carol..was a fabulous time. Like she said, it was though we had known each other all our lives and I was just popping in for a visit. Just like when I visited with you Christi! When Carol would politely ask me to get something for her ..I finally told her...Hey..just say BOY! get that for me!...then when Mark and Kevin arrived we had Boy 1, 2 and 3! Great guys!.
I'm posting photos. on the Tropical Forum.
Christi, your sounding so good right now! Good energy readings !

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

About time you checked in. Mike can tell you all about "Honey, will you peel me a grape?" hahahaha Carol deserves it, remember she has just had surgery herself. We must make the most of this while we can, right, Carol?

I thought you only had to fly first class? The seats between Dallas an LAX were the smallest I have ever seen. while I was carrying extra weight, I 'm not all that big to begin with and I thought I was a sausage in a veinna sausage can!!!

Glad you had such a great time. Bet Carol is the ultimate hostess....unless that could be Jenny. Bet you saw fantastic tropical plants. I'm sooooo ready to get back to the garden. Still barely walking so guess will just have to wait a while longer.

Are you on vacation or had to be back for work?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

You know...first class finally hit the "too much trouble" zone. I would have had to go through LAX...non stop trumped first class.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

don't blame you

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

And so it came to pass on the 8th day of the month of September in this, the year of our Lord 2008, that Sylvain Forest became a permanent resident of these glorious United States of America.

All in all, the process took a full 2 years. I say it's like Christmas because you prepare and prepare for it and it's over in a flash. I can now live here, work here, travel abroad and return here unhindered by the good people at Immigration at the airport or the harbor. In a few words as in a thousand, you're all stuck with me. Gnaa, Gna, Gna!

This thread is rather quiet these days, isn't it? What's going on? Christi, how is the recovery?

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hallelujah!!! That is great news, Sylvain. However I have always thought of Canada as a brother/sister so don't know that it makes all that much difference. But then I have never been hassled either. Wouldn't think of you as someone we are stuck with, rather a great addition to the family.

Feeling much better, thank you for asking. 4 weeks tomorrow. Getting really bad cabin fever but don't really feel like getting out either.

Watching Ike and praying that he will just plain die out. Sure don't want any of my friends to suffer any more.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Congratulations Sylvain!!!!! I agree with Christi, not someone I consider "stuck with", rather a wonderful addition to the family.

Well done!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank you, thank you so much. Now that this is done, I'll wait 7 years and request my citizenship. But that's a long way off. I'll take a break from procedures and regulations in the mean time.

Ike missed us completely. We should feel its outer bands tonight. Where it will go, noone is quite sure right now. I imagine somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico. I hope Cuba wasn't too battered. Haiti sure got its share again. To all in Ike's wake: good luck and keep safe. Our prayers are with you.

Take care, all.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Great to hear are one of us!!! But then...Canadians arent too much different, eh?

Christi...good news from you too! Funny thing going on here...I am in PT learning how to walk again... For so many years with the back pain I walked and moved in ways not to aggrevate it...and now I have pulled muscles etc.... Have a bunch of stretching I have to do... Reckon you may have a similar adventure!!!


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

From one Residential Alien to another - congratulations Sylvain! Fancy it taking two years nowadays! I am seriously considering on getting my citizenship, after all it has been nearly 40 years....

So glad you are feeling so much better Christi - getting cabin fever is such a good sign! Keep up the good work!

Hey Carol, fancy having to learn how to walk again! I hope all is going well for you,

Aloha to all,


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning Christi...and everyone!
Hoping the day goes well for you Christi! Like BHM said...getting cabin fever is a GOOD sign!!
Have a wonderful day!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Carol, I see the doc tomorrow for the 4 weeks checkup. Will ask him about PT. It is probably a little early for my circumstances but it does sound reasonable. Glad you are still going forward.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

The PT I am given is to length/shorten muscles in legs and hips that had grown used to the 'old' may have to wait until you are walking around more.... I know now that when I start hurting, I need to get out and walk at least 1/2 mile...continuous walking...and the pain goes away!!! Still doing the 'trapeze bar' exercise as it works only the tummy and core muscles, not the back. This has been a learning experience!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Carol...would you describe the 'trapeze bar' exercise please? I would like to know how it is done?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Will try to take some photos today. It is really a good exercise.... Describing it is hard!!!!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ok thanks so much!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Lots of questions for dr. visit tomorrow. Actually will see the PA once more. Don't actually see the surgeon until 3 month anniversary. Today is 4 weeks.


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Christi, are you getting to walk out in the garden now that it is cooler? I hope so. If help is needed to put things inside yet let me know. The hurricane Ike is bringing us a lot of rain and wind they say this weekend.
I still have the wheeled walker if you want to use it. I used it with both surgeries and it is so much better than a cane or holding onto walls. It was also good to move groceries in after I was better but couldn't lift much. It made me feel more productive at least.
Hope everything is in place for tomorrow.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Haven't used the walker that a neighbor loaned me. Inside I have plenty of access to other things to grab if necessary. Mike is so protective I don't lift Anything. When he is near I go down the steps into the garden but just to look. Am walking better everyday.
Biggest problem now is being able to go to sleep at night. Don't sleep very much in the day time so don't know what the problem could be.

How is Herman?

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

He has been released now and is back to about 80% of activity. He is taking less and less of his meds too. That new proceedure was really great. I wish they had done that for my fusion. He has been hard to hold down lately.
On this walker, I leaned into it and could walk faster without the fear of falling. It was wonderful exercise for me.
Did I understand you haven't started PT yet?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Not yet. See the PA today for assessment.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

At first the PT will be tough, but they know what you need. Stick with it. Prayers your way.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good news. Doc says I am ahead of the curve. Come back in 2 months no mention of PT. Still says no Gardening. yuck! No supplements. He is really a great person and always lifts my spirits, just like you, Sheila. Stayed up too long today and having twinges tonight. Quite normal.

Have 5 different brugs blooming in the garden tonight. Oh what heaven. May be never again but for tonight..what joy.

The last two days of rain has revived everything. Hoping and praying for the best for those that are anticipating Ike.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Isn't is so nice with the cool evening and the extra blooms! Glad you have a good progress report. I didn't have PT on my last one, maybe when it is a fusion it is better not to have therapy. I have one pitiful brug that doesn't know it it suppose to grow. I think I have it in too much shade. I believe I will dig it and move it inside this year and replant somewhere else in the spring. My Plumaria is doing great. It has put on two sets of leaves this last month. I hope it will do as well next year.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

My plums are from the spring co-op and they are going great as well. Did I give you or Phyllis one...or both? I don't remember much past this afternoon. Questions: Have never had brugs or plums. Do they have to be dug and brought inside?

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Yes Christi they will both need to come in your wonderful green house for winter ^_^

Glad to hear you are doing better - you are daily in my prayers Mitch

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm glad to hear you're ahead of the curve. Stay there and surf all the way to full recovery, Christi. We're all rooting for you.

I love fresh plums. My grandmother used to harvest the ones that grew wild on our property in Montreal. She had this great big pickle jar that she sterilized. She would rinse the plums and pack them tight in the jar. Then, she would pour sugar into the jar until it filled every nook and cranny up to halfway up the jar. Then, she would fill the jar to the very top with rhum, close the lid and set them in a cool dark place. The jar would be opened at Christmas, where it was served over ice cream, drunk fruit and syrup. HMMM, how good that was.

Just sharing a childhood memory here. Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sounds wonderful....makes my mouth water.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Try it with a dozen or so black plums, cut in quarters with the pits removed in a glass jar. Now's the time to try if you want to have them for Christmas. I tell you, you'll make a full gallon next year. Plus, they keep indefinitely. Not that they ever sat around for long, but yes they do keep for an awful long time; the longer the better.

Just a little something to look forward to.
Take care.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

How about fresh plum pierogis? My Hungarian grandmother would pit plums, wrap them in home made pierogi dough and drop them in boilng water. They were done when they floated to the top. After draining and cooling a little she would brown them very, very quickly in hot butter and roll in sugar. If we kids were around they ofen didn't make it to the butter, sugar step. We ate them as fast as they cooled enough.

This dough recipe is from It is pretty authentic.

4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup warm water
1 egg, beaten

In a large bowl mix together the flour, salt, and baking powder. Make a well in the center.
In a separate bowl mix together the vegetable oil, warm water, and beaten egg. Pour into the well of the dry ingredients. Knead dough for 8 to 10 minutes.
Cover dough and let rest for 2 hours. Roll out and fill as desired.

Worth every bit of the trouble!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh man! Here I have lost 20 pounds and you guys are helping me put it right back on. Oh well. what is life for if not to eat. hahahaha

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Eat, drink and be merry: the three pillars of a sybaritic life. I'm all for that. Oh yeah, baby!

When I sit at the real estate office, I get to watch people walking by on the sidewalk. Some of them there quite mature ladies look like they have been sucking on lemons all their life and their husbands are not much better. There's a yiddish word for that but I forget. I don't ever want to look anything like that. At 53 years old, I still have my boyish good looks and I am intent on keeping them as long as possible.

When they finally drop my remains in a great big cardboard box and turn the incinerator on, that blaze is going to burn steadily for at least 3 days, melt the firebrick and the whole neighbourhoods will smell like baking brownies. I just took a picture of myself. If I do say so myself, I am just too good looking for my own good. Remember, Christi... laugh, it helps the healing process.I hope this brings a smile to your lips.

Take care, all.

Thumbnail by lourspolaire

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