Christi's thread.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Gooood loooking guy! You always lift all of our spirits, Sylvain. Haven't the nerve to post my picture. would creep you out. hahahaha

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Made My day! I'm gonna make those plum pierogis.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

My mother had a recipe much like the plums that Sylvain's grandmother did. Dried apricots into a pot and reconstitute with just a little water and steamed. Put in a pretty jar, add sugar and vodka. Gave them away at Christmas. Sometimes add a few cherries just for color. I may have to revive the tradition this year.

Can't sleep. I get all anxious for the others who are the road to escape Ike.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Christi,
I am more concerned for those not wanting to evacuate! This one may be a bad one for TX.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

So am I. I would be reluctant but would still get out of dodge.
Are you putting plants inside and securing things? I haven't been sure we will be involved. Besides Mike will have to do it all with me in the background giving orders.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I wish you had mentioned that this morning early, or called me. I could have helped today, but in the morning we are going down to Glen Rose and picking up my Great Nephew. He will be 4 next month, so there wouldn't be a moment to break away and come help. We will have him Friday night and maybe Sat night too.
We thought about that earlier and put it on our list of things we need to do tomorrow. If we have time in the morning before we take off, we will set plants down on the deck off of stands, bungy cord some of the tall ones or just lay them over. The big pots in the yard we will set in the shop and the little ones too. I have racks in there to get them up off of the floor. When it flooded before here, it was two foot high inside our shop and three foot above the water of the Koi pond! Everything that floated ended up at the end of the yard covered with debris; in the shop it floated to one end. So now we put everything up two foot off the floor.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh no, sweetheart. Wouldn't let you do that. Mike has expected to do it and has been very good. Only thing I would want for you is to share anything I have. I have reached the stage where I want to do it myself. Asked the doc yesterday about gardening and he said no for two more months. Too much strain on the bone graft. yuck.

I love, love Glen Rose. No one left there to visit and have been going to relatives my entire life. Enjoy your nephew.
Great grandaughter will be 2 next month and she is at a really precious stage. Of course, I get to love her and play and when she is cross....send her home with her grandmother, our daughter. Her turn. chuckle

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

We wear ourselves out with him and as soon as he is gone it is nap time for us! Well take care sleep well, we will pray our friends are safe.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Wish you were my neighbor. As I do so many others on DG.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

HiChristi! Hope you are doing well! The good news here is that now H. Ike is a Cat 2 and may go into land as a one . Bad news is that it has shifted, so now it may cross over Galveston, get into Galveston Bay, and come straight up the ship channel.

We are not evacuating. Tomorrow I will be at my Mom's (three streets over). We are a few miles from the coast and are at 26 ft above sea level. During Alicia we did not have any problems with the storm surge. DS will be here at the house with my sweet little boys, Dusty and Rusty (cats). DD and her family will be at her house.

Please say a prayer for all of us. We have three big trees near our house. I am praying they all stay standing. LOL!

See ya later, Gator!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

All you people in Ike's path: may you all be safe, may the wind blow just enough to clear the dead leaves off the trees, may it rain just enough to water the greenery and may He take good care of all of you. You are all in our prayers.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I second the motion.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'mmm baaaccck!! Computer went kaput several weeks ago and didn't get a new one til last week.

Christi, glad to see you are doing great on recovery. Just keeping smiling and laughing and time will fly by. :~)

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hello, everyone.

It's a glorious day in Delray Beach (FL) today. The sun is shining, there is a sweet breeze blowing, the grass is freshly cut and the world spins gently upon its axis.

Best yet is that I finally got a 75-gallon aquarium delivered yesterday. I will finish installing all that today. If you want something hard enough, the universe will give it to you. I paid pennies on the dollar for that aquarium. Oh, I am so pleased. I will need a bit of hardware to complete the setup, some pebbles and some fish but it will be gorgeous. I had been saving space in the new house for that aquarium and now it's here. At the risk of repeating myself, Oh, I am so pleased.

Take care, all.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Post pics when you get it all set up and filled with fish. 

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh gee. PolarBear. I was going to call for my reservations to fly tomorrow. Will just have to change my plans. (chuckle, chuckle)


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Nice job Polar Bear! Sounds like you got a great deal!

Christi hope you are doing well, dear!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Jeanne. I really am. Still being very careful so nothing is undone.

Sorry about your plants. The sago and bananas you sent to me are growing wild. They like it here so far.

Don't overdo in trying to get things back in order.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

I worked on my aquarium setup most of the day yesterday . I installed an undergravel filter, the canister filter, filled it with water, added a layer of crushed coral for the under gravel filter, a plastic mosquito net over the crushed coral and large river pebbles over the mosquito net. That way, if the fish decide to dig, as they so often do, the mosquito netting will stop them before they can disrupt the undergravel filter's efficiency. I have introduced 5 baby african cichlids in there this morning. They are quinda lost in the 75 gallons of water but they'll grow. I also plan to add more small fry in there in time. I have posted a request for african cichlids on Craig's list. People are responding nicely.

I still have to take some algae-covered rocks and coral to be pressure-washed before I introduce them to the aquarium. An african cichlid aquarium requires quite a bit of rocks and hiding places for them to feel at ease.

I will certainly bore you with pictures of the whole thing when I am done; brace for it. There's nothing worse than a cichlid enthusiast's doting over his fish.

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

We are anxious to see it. Glad you are enjoying your new home and space it has given to you.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

This came to me this week and I thought I might share it.

1. When geese fly in the "V-formation," they create an unplift for each other. A flock flying in formation can go 71% further than an individual goose flying alone. When we share a common goal and work together, we can get much more done.

2. If a goose gets out formation, air resistance causes it to get back into place. We need to remember that life is more difficult on our own,.

3. When the lead goose tires, it drops back and another goose flies at the point. We sometimes need to give room for others to helps us to avoid "burn-out" and gives them an opportunity.

4. Geese in formation honk to encourage the ones in front to keep up the pace. Encouragement can come in many forms...don't recommend honking...but words of encouragement are always appropriate.

5. If a goose has to drop out of formation, two others follow it down and stay until it is able to fly again. This reminds me of the wonderful people that inhabit DG.....ready to stand by and just "being there" when the need comes.

We can learn a lot from the geese. The hurricanes of the last 3 years gives me pause to witness how we desire to help each other.

Have a blessed day.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

So true, Christi... So true.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Polar Bear, so happy to hear that you have your aquarium set up, and YES, pictures please! I had an aquarium in Arizona before we moved and had to give to to a friend - and although I only had goldfish in mine, I thoroughly enjoyed watching them, better than TV! It funny how the fish become little personalities after a while!

Christi, really enjoyed you goose facts - I am going to print it off to read it to Mom...D-mail on it's way to you...

Pepper, nice to have you back! We have missed you - how is everything in your part of the world?

RJ and Jeanne, (and all of you in Texas) so glad you are okay, despite the devastation to your paradises. I expect with your energies you will soon have everything cleaned up and fixed up...If there is anything we can do as far as restocking the gardens, please let us heart was with all of you during the hurricane - it SHOULDN'T be, but it is so much worse to watch the news when there are people you know in so much potential danger...

Shari, John, where are you? I miss you...


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Christi, love your story about the geese. As far as this goose, she's taking a "time out" for awhile. No energy to fly at the moment. My "get up and go, got up and went!". Must rest for awhile........

Hope everyone is OK!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I'll be glad to rest beside you. Not so energetic myself.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Christi, we'd make a good pair! I spent all day in bed today. So weak and shakey. Can barely stand up. Haven't even been to the kitchen or living room.

DS went to the grocery store. I have had no desire to go before now. I wanted to make sure they got all of the bad out first. We pretty much need one of everthing, but I told him just to buy a few things and then we will go back next week and get a few more. I don't even have an appetite. I guess that would actually be a good time to go to the store!

Take care of yourself!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm sorry you are feeling so punky. I'm sure it is all of the stress of IKE. I had no damage and I was stressed for my friends.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

BHM, people think we are SO weird! Some of you will think so, too. It's OK. Here we are with this 4-foot long, 75 gallon aquarium with state-of-the-art filtration and we keep 5 baby cichlids in there.

Someone on Craig's list was giving away baby pseudotropheus socolofi. I decided that the nitrogen cycle had not been established in the aquarium, the babies' bioload would be no threat to their health. As the babies grow, the filter will become biologically established and noone will be the wiser. When they are grown up, I have found a cichlid hatchery in Homestead (FL) that will gladly sell us the same species for a reasonnable price. Then, we'll be able to introduce those newcomers to a fully established aquarium without worries.

Meanwhile, we dote on these 1/2 inch babies and the world spins gently upon its axis. Cichlids are incredibly "intelligent". They can already tell who feeds them (me) and who doesn't (Gail). They're a riot.

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Glad you are enjoying your "babies", Sylvain. Because my koi required so much attention I gave them to the next door neighbor that has a replica of the San Antonio RiverWalk in her yard. Mike has had more than enough to care for in me and didn't need to have fish as well. She feeds from her hand so they are more than happy.
Probably get some babies from her next spring. At least I can visit them next door.

Got to google "chiclids".

Have fun.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

aah...that reminds me Sylvain,
When my brother and I were in The Gambia, we use to catch Cichlids in the Lagoon. "Jewel fish". I would agree on their intelligence, they were clever little buggers to catch. We had an aquarium that we put them in. There was another tropical fish ..I've never seen them here for sale, but they were about the size of swordfish, and were very shimmery with specteral rainbow colors as the light hit them. Tails similar to guppies.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

We used to see more aquarium in doctors' waiting rooms. That helped keep a serene atmosphere among the patients waiting while their doctor smooched free samples from pharmaceutical representatives, instead of seeing their patients. At least, you could take an interest in the goings-on in the aquarium.

Now, they have done away with aquariums to install TV screens blaring the latest ads for imaginary diseases like Restless Leg Syndrome and the heartbreak of psoriasis. That caters mostly to hypochondriacs and people with not enough to do with their lives.

When I offered a series of the American Orchid Society's magazine for the nurse to leave in the waiting room, she had to get the doctor's permission. When I returned a few weeks later, I couldn't find the magazines anywhere. Apparently, they put them out for patients to read and they were stolen. Nobody stole the fish in the aquarium. No wonder the waiting room is always stocked with a wide array of at least 8-year old Selections of Reader's digests lying around. People don't steal those.

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Having had an unusual number of visits to doctor's offices recently, I agree Sylvain. Have taken to carrying my own reading material with me. The wait is a guarantee.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Whenever I have to go somewhere where waiting is a given, I carry with me my Sony Personal Reader: an electronic library that currently holds about 20 books with loads of spare memory to upload new books. I love it.

Off to bed for this polar animal now. I have to be up early tomorrow morning. It's garbage day tomorrow: there's a holiday for everything. If I set the garbage out tonight, the evil creatures of the night will have their way with it and I will be shoveling detritus. That's really not pleasant.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Have just completed reading this entire threa. Hard to believe it covers only a few weeks as so much history has been made during that time. Most impressive that of the passing over of Hurricane Ike.
It was so much worse than what anyone was anticipating. RJ got power back only yesterday (Friday, 9/26) Jeanne had lots of damage to her garden and many others that I haven't mentioned did as well.

I must have been in a worse fog than I realized because most of the posts I didn't even remember. WHAT A GLORIOUS GROUP YOU ARE!!!! Yes, I am shouting it from the rooftops. I'm quite sure that the reason for my quicker recovery is due to all the good wishes from each of you.

The last two days have been a contrast. Left the house at 8:30AM yesterday and didn't get back until 8:30PM with lots of activity in between. Today I have slept all but 2 hours. Couldn't get awake no matter how hard I tried. That is all without meds. Hope I can sleep tonight.

Just want each of you to know how special, special you are.

God bless you,


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

You are special to us as well Christi! Hope you are feeling better.

I am beginning to get a little stronger. I went out into the garden today for awhile. It is still so disturbing to see things so battered. Come Spring, I'm sure they will come back nice and rested.

Been trying to figure out how to "over winter" some of the more delicate house type plants if we do not get another canopy. We have a swingset that can serve as an "A" frame for plastic. I saw one of the other DG'er's do it last winter. It's a thought. I'd bring some of them inside...but I have cats. They like to nibble on anything green. I guess I could bring them into my room and the master bath.

In a few weeks we'll know more what is happening, and we shouldn't have a freeze until Nov. or the first of Dec. so we should be OK.

Randy once said that his attitude in the garden was "It's like moving furniture". Well I guess it's time to move the furniture in the garden! Who knows, maybe I'll even like it better than before. I'm trying to stay positive!!!

I keep telling myself that "It WILL look good again!. It just takes time!"

Our home is intact, so we have much to be thankful for. Just a few minor repairs and it will be good as new!

Have a great day tomorrow y'all!


(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

8:30 AM to 8:30 PM! Wow, that is quite a step forward! No wonder you wanted to sleep the next day away. I've been watching and mentally celebrating all the small victories that are leading you back to full good health again!

I remember well the first time I was able to walk around the block without stopping after a serious surgery ..... and when I was allowed to drive again I was over the moon. Funny how you appreciate things so much more after you're without them for a little while.

Glad to hear that you're getting stronger too Jeanne. It's been heartbreaking to see some of the damage that darn Ike did.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Mary! I pretty much slept Wed, Thurs, Friday, and this morning. Feel like I could sleep for a month! Just exhausted.

I drew out a plan for the garden today on paper, so at least in my mind it is organized. DS promised he'd put the roof back on my hut. Once that happens I know I will feel much better. It is a sign of "hope"!!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Tgal. Don't know if it is possible or not, but, two years ago about this time I found a screened canopy at HD on an out-of-season sale for only $89.00 It is 14x14 and I have really enjoyed it's use. I was lucky that it was at the store nearest my house. It has a hole or two in it now thanks to the squirrels but still works pretty good. I will probably get a lot of flack for being such a grouch but our paper has an article today of volunteers in Houston feeding up to 10,000 baby squirrels. Would they feed baby rats? Both are rodents and do considerable damage to a household. Vet told me I could never be completely rid of fleas in my yard as long as we have squirrels.
The bushey tail rather than the long skinney tail seems to make difference to a lot of people. We deal with their destruction all the time.

Going to birthday party for great-grandaughter to day. She is 2. Wonder what kind of world is ahead for her.

Love ya,

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Christi, thanks, I will go look. That would definately work. Happy Birthday to the little pumpkin! Hard to believe she's already "2". Wow how time flies!

I understand about the squirrels. Last year the little rascals over at Mom's stole most of my daylily seedpods! Little THIEVES!!!!!!!!!

Hope Grandbaby had a great day. My daughter's birthday is this Thurs. She will be 29 again. LOL!!! Then my youngest granddaughter's is Sat She will be 10! We will probably do cake Fri.

Aloha y'all!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hello, all.

Let me bore me out of your skull with this, if you will.

I have just purchased our 22nd cruise: 7 nights on Mediterranean Shipping's newest ship, Orchestra leaving Fort Lauderdale on Jan. 24, 2009. We booked a handicapped-accessible cabin with a balcony. This will be a first for us with that cruise line.

A few statistics,
Built in 2007
Actual weight: and is one of the most modern cruise ships. MSC Orchestra has a Actual ship's weight: 100,550 tons.
Length: 961 feet
Width: 105 feet
Decks: 18
Maximum speed:26 knots ( 29.9 mph)
Cruising speed: 23 knots
Passengers: 2,550
Crew: 1,017

Well, that's about all for us today. Take care, all.

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