Christi's thread.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

You can always make anyone see the very best of every situation. Thank you.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11) I hurt too. And I am tired. And I came in for a nap. But this is is just 'part of it' and I refuse to be discouraged because I can't do what I want to do, because my legs still have no strength, because because. It just is what it is and when my body aches I know it is asking me to be gentle and lie down. Altho my surgeon said it wouldn't make any difference, I still ice my back because it makes it feel better!!! You might try it....

You can't imagine the wonderful feelings of conquest you have ahead of you.... every challenge met is another reason to celebrate! Like....walking across the room!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL....oh my mumble mumble you are making me laugh!

Guess what? the first Hibiscus you brought back from Hawaii bloomed today!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

oh gee guys, you are such good, good friends.

think maybe my main problem this evening is fever. Hurt ALL OVER.

Ok! Now that's enough. I am truly, truly miserable tonight but will not mention it one time tomorrow. May be really quiet on this end while I commit to that thought.

(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

see what happens when you do all that gardening in your dreams..*giggles* everyone says take it slow it will come in time...little steps

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I wish I could say there was a quick fix pill you could take. I know DH is just this week really feeling like doing some getting out. This hopefully will be over for you this next week and you can see some relief.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Christi, dearest. Hurting all over is not fun but it is OK at this stage of the game. It will improve as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow.

Gail is in tremendous pain today. The pain has been increasing all week. Last night, she told me she would ask her rheumatologist for stronger medication because it is getting unbearable. At times like this, I try to be supportive but I am crumbling on the inside. She is sleeping now. She will do so most of the day, in that limbo state that is the slumber of the heavily drugged. Jokingly, I tell her I could place firecrackers in her nostrils, light them and she wouldn't feel it. Well, almost jokingly; there is a bit of truth in there.

At any rate, laughing is better than crying. Laugh, Christi, laugh until tears run down your cheeks. Your pain will pass slowly. To my chagrin, Gail's will only increase with time. One day at a time, one step at a time, one pain at a time. Let's all be strong here.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Sylvain, I am so sorry Gail is having such an awful day....please give her my love.

Christi, if you think you have a fever I hope you are going to call the doctor that doesn't sound right to me. I hope today is a better one for you. Hang in there, my friend.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Christi, today the pain will go away with pills, but every day will be better, and soon you'll be pain- and pill-free. Just have as much rest as you can, and keep looking at the bright side! You are the sweetest and youngest Grand-grandma, and Erin will bring sunshine everyday!
Dear Tropical Polar Bear, I am sorry that Gail is not feeling well, and I'm hoping for a better today and tomorrows for her as well.
Praying for beautiful, happy, pain-free days!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Oh agonizing it must be for you to see Gail in such pain. I sincerely think that if Gail didn't have you to be with her pain would be a lot worse!!! You are such fun and so caring!

Christi....aching all over is part of the package! It comes and goes. To me it says I have done too much and need to sleep and rest. Sitting up will do it big time!!!


Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

christi, glad to hear you are home, but did you say fever ? make sure you tell your doctor about that and get on some antibiotics sounds like an infection possibly
nurse cassandra

Thumbnail by candela
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Cassandra is right Christi. The Dr told my DH if his temp was 101 to call the office. That is an indication of what could cause an infection. You have a lot of hardware there that your body is treating like foreign objects trying to fight against it. With your strength down and your diet probably not up to par right now, you may need antiobiotics if you aren't taking them now.
Think of you often. When you feel up to it, give me a call.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hi my dear, dear friend! I am so glad to see that you are home and under the care of wonderful Dr. Mike. Like the others I urge you to call if you really do have a fever, but check, because (for me anyway) pain makes me feel hot. Since as Carol says, sitting is a big pain - but as our huggable polar bear indicates, laughter is a good medicine - why don't you have Mike pick up some of those AudioBooks...preferrable fun your nearest library. You can rest, even your eyes, but still enjoy some mental stimulation and maybe even a giggle or two. Were I closer, I would read to you, but alas the telephone bill would break the bank on that one. So sorry that I haven't been here much, but you have been in my thoughts daily.

Hello to everyone...been missing my DG friends bigtime!

Yokwe yuk and hugs all around...special squeezes for the newest member of the BBC!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Checking in today to see how you are doing Christi - did the fever go away?

Hey Shari, so nice to see you back. I hope your work load is getting less now and you will pop in more often.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Feeling really lazy. Have gone from one nap to another today. Eating protein when I am not hungry for anything. The lazy immediately follows another pain pill. Tomorrow morning go to surgeon for checkup and to have the staples removed. I'm told that is not as bad as it sounds. (I've been told a lot of things)

Still grateful to each and everyone of you for your concern and love. That's what makes everyday worthwhile.


Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

It did not hurt a bit to have my staples removed. I'm confident that you won't have a problem. Just take it slow and careful getting to and from the Doctor's. The extra activity will tire you and might make you a little more sore.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Just came in from from 1st doctor visit. Good news! I didn't have staples to begin with. Just the butterfly bandages and "something else". She took off the top bandage said the rest would just dissovle. Am progressing very well. Feel like the dickens but that is par for the course. Mike is preparing lunch and I am going to sleep the rest of the day.

Feel so sorry for my friends that are in the path of the hurricanes.

Praying for each of you now.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Christi - I'm so excited for you! I just now found this thread, and want to send you my thoughts and prayers for your continued recovery. Hope the surgical pain leaves soon and your back pain becomes just a bad memory.

I don't know where to wish this hurricane to go since I live in the "cone." It will be awful for whoever is in its path.

God bless you, Christi.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Christi, now there's good news. A good visit to the doctor, good news, food and sleep the rest of the day. It doesn't get any better than that. Rest and laugh. To achieve that last goal, here is a picture of my great grand ancestor, Johann Bear Bach.


Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

And, a few centuries after, my mafioso ancestor: Bear Capone.

I will not be held responsible if your stitches give out.

Take care.

Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

So fortunate to have such a wide range of infamous/famous friends. I believe all have been mentioned except perhaps Mr. Smokey Bear. Indeed yu have taken my mind to a number of places. Sure wish I were going to attend the open house next weekend. Will be thinking of you.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Christi...Randy just got here!!! Wish you were here, too!


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Randy, so glad you got there safe and sound! Have a great time Y'all! Aloha!

Christi, so glad to hear that you are doing well! Just take it easy so that your body can heal. I know that it is difficult (like hitting a brick wall), but just sleep as much as you can. Don't worry about "anything", and just allow your body to use all of it's energy where it needs it right now. You'll have plenty of time later to do other things! You and Mike are in our prayers, Sweetie!

This message was edited Aug 30, 2008 12:38 AM

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

What a lucky guy Randy is. Never fear I shall arise like the Phoenix. This morning feels like that may be a whole year from now but I shan't give up. You two have a good time. I still haven't even been outside yet.

They took xrays yesterday and I got to see the scaffolding. Very interesting.

Gonna have to have the "nail girl" come to the house. Not up to riding to the salon yet. they should consider adding that to Medicare (yeah, right).

Seem to really be rambling this morning. Guess that means I am getting back to my old self. Carol, don't wear Randy out. He's not used to your fast pace. chuckle, chuckle.

Love all of you

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Glad to know you didn't have to get stiches out and that everything is going as it should. When are you going to start therapy did you say? I know that will be tiring at first, but it sure helps with mobility. I went in using a cane to walk and after a week of faithfully doing the exercises was able to get around so much better.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Christi, you sound SO much better and brighter - it sounds as though the worst is over now, and although you have a long way to go yet, you are on the road to recovery! Whoo Hoo! Keep up the good fight!

My first Saturday off in 17 months, apart from the one I took while you were here, and I have great plans for today starting with going to La Perouse bay to see if the dolphins are in this morning. Wish you and Mike were here to go with us.

I hope each day is a little better for you - you have a wonderful "nurse" in sweet Mike.

Love from all here.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Hurray for Christi and the good visit to the Dr.! I'm so happy to hear it! You are in my thoughts and prayers for a quick and complete recovery.
I want to share my ray of sunshine these days (I'm again in Miami for 2 weeks) - my godson. He is a self-proclaimed knight, but no horses are allowed in the house!
Wishing everyone to be safe, dry and away from Gustav's path!

Big hugs,

Thumbnail by goofybulb
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Enjoy your day, Jen. You certainly deserve it. All of my big family is off in different directions, including Mike. Going to close the shutters, turn down the AC and sleep all afternoon so next time they are on the go I will be in the front seat.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

What fun! I know have a Knight to protect me as well. Just played the "I feel good" card for the 2 year old ggd and she wanted to take it with her.

Must be sure that all of you know how much I appreciate the cards, gifts and sweet wishes. Makes my heart very tender and I cry from the joy of being surrounded by the best of the best. Hope I will be up to guests real soon.

Sheila, Thank you again and again for all that you have done....and Herman recovering from back surgery as well.

Jen, Randy brought sapling Papaya in April. Today Mike trimmed the extra leaves because it appears we have baby fruit. Takes me right back to your lanai. Oh what a happy day that was!!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Just took a very short walk around the garden for the first time in 3 weeks. Lo, and behold, the brug Jen sent is blooming. The trunk is about 3 feet tall now. I could not bend down to read the name but I seem to remember it is "dreamsickle" or "creamsickle". so beautiful with a double bloom and a sweet aroma.

Feeling bad for all of friends that are in the path of the hurricanes. Jen, what about the fires?


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

Christi, I hope you had a laugh with those ridiculous photos I posted. Let's try to keep your mind away from your operation.

Aren't these troubled times, weather-wise? There is that awful hurricane Gustav that is on its way to Louisiana and that nefarious Hanna on its way to who-knows-where. Yesterday, Hanna's track would take her down to Hispaniola and Cuba. Now, it seems to be headed a bit more towards Florida. Only time will tell.

And best yet, after crying for year upon year that lake Okechobee's level is too low, they're now saying there will soon be too much water in the lake. I say we each buy a 5-gallon plastic container and send it to the good people that administer lake Okechobee's water level. If they have too much water, they can store the excess until there is not enough for their taste. What is this, Goldylocks and the three polar bears? Too high, Too low, Just right - no, just too high again. Hello, people... make up your mind, already!

I have installed a miniature pond by our patio set. I have made one of those homemade filters I had discussed earlier. It works very well. I'll post pictures of this contraption soon. We can now sit outside and listen to the sound of water as it exits the filter and cascades into a fountain at the surface of the water: very soothing.

Gail and I are still suffering from that crazy flu bug we caught a few days ago. We had to cancel the housewarming party, which would have taken place today. We'll reschedule in a couple of weeks. There is no way we could have entertained today.

Take care, all.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Morning all!

Sylvain, loved the photos of your illustrious ancestors, now we can see where you get your good looks! Sorry to hear both of you are down with a bug and had to cancel your housewarming - I hope you are feeling a little better now. I am looking forward to seeing pictures of your pond when you feel up to it.

Christi, so very happy to hear that you were able to take a spin around the garden, and happy to hear that Creamsickle is putting on a show for you. Don't bother about bending down to smell her as brugs put out their best perfume at night, and then you don't have to do any bending at all, you can smell them in the air!

The fires are still popping up in small areas, but nothing the 'chopper can't handle. We are so dry on the hill that the fires burn right down the roots and travel underground and then flare up again as soon as the embers come across a patch of new vegetation...We had a pot luck at the firestation last evening so that we could all meet the firemen and thank them. It was a great turn out, and I believe all the station was very touched that the neighborhoods turned out to thank them personally for their hard work and to give them our Aloha. The fire had come right up to the back fence of the station, and six of the firemens personal cars had melted from the heat, it was very sad to see.

Aloha to all!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

That was a good deed you did for them Jen. A shame that they suffered a loss while out trying to save others' property from fire; but it is their job. Glad to know your oasis has been spared.
Christi.... I can just see your face light up when you finally got to take a tour of your beautiful yard. May it be a daily desire and keep your mind off of the still present pain.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Christi....remember that gutsy gal who insisted on getting that boogie board to ride the waves....and inspite of the rough water almost made it.... Well, your surgery is that boogie board and it is time to get on and ride that wave!!!! You CAN do it, PK....

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm tryin'. All of the vital signs are gooood......but ...I feel terrible. Trying to cut back from Hydro to Darvocet. Think that may be what makes me feel so yuck. Also afraid of addiction to Hydro.

Should not be complaining about anything at all what with so many being moved to avoid Gustav.

Carol, gal with the boogie board has a big purple scar for her efforts.

Bet Jen and Frank were the instigators for the firestation potluck. Such super people all of your are.

Of course, my prayers are for the good health and safety of each one.

Off for a cool shower and another nap. Perhaps I am being a little hurried about being all well again. It will only be 3 weeks since surgery on Tuesday. That's not bad for an old woman. chucke....

Princess Kilikina

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Randy, Isn't this near your home? (I need to learn how to do the blue letters )

west Houston, TX
(Zone 9a)

August 31, 2008
10:21 AM

Post #5490469

My brother is in Groves and the police dept over there actually told him to wait until about 5pm to leave--if at all--because I10 is so clogged up with people from LA. He says about half the people in his neighborhood are still there--he is close to 39th (maybe 37th street?) street and pure atlantic hwy (or at least that's what they called it when I lived over there 25 yrs ago). Traffic is fine in Houston, once they get here anyway and they said on the news this morning that Houston (esp the west side) still is only about 70% booked and full in the motels/hotels.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Hey Christi, how's this week going? Are you guys expecting any fall out from Gustav?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good Morning, Jen. Much better, thank you. Stayed up and dressed in street clothes all day yesterday. Three weeks from the "D day". Can walk (not very fast) standing straight up and looking forward.

It is almost 8 AM and it looks rainy. pretty windy right now. Forecast is for a high of 81 and winds 20-30 with gusts of 40. That sounds like a winter day here. hahaha

Sure hope those that have been run out of their homes can go back soon. I'm afraid many of our DG family has had lots of destruction. I often lurk on the Mid-South forum and there is a lot of heartbreak there. I am blessed in that I am warm and dry with my nest still in one piece. I pray that the aftermath will be better than Katrina. It appears they have learned something. My neighbors brother and family came from Picayune, Miss. Said they passed acres and acres and acres of the trailers that were built for temporary housing after Katrina. They are literally falling down where they stand while we (taxpayers) are still paying rent on the land to store them.
Pitiful porkbarrel. Need to get off of this or I will be deleted.

Wish you could get some of the rain to soak the ground.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

Christi, knowing you're able to dress and be mobile again is such great news. Gail sends her best. Speaking of Gail, we are celebrating 31 years of mariage today. How can that be? I'm only 42.

Concerning the evacuations in New Orleans, I was reading in the newspaper this morning that it all went very well. However, the residents are going to be kept away from the city for a while yet because the authorities are cleaning up the debris brought on by the storm. The storm is over and people want to go back right away and tend to the properties they left behind.

However, those foolhardy people that didn't evacuate and stayed behind are free to go wherever they want and do whatever they want. That's another case where defiance pays. In the light of that, it seems that next time, people are not going to be so willing to leave and they'll be right back where they started.

Keep getting better.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Christi...glad to hear you are up and staying up!!! Do you feel stronger????

Randy just left to return home!! We had a great visit and I found he was comfortable to be with just like family (the kind you actually LIKE!!!).

Unfortunately, most people don't understand statistics and are angry they left. It was a statistical event that caused them to get the people time they may be right and the folks won't have left. Too bad. And we all pay for it either way. Oh's only money.... :(

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