Christi's thread.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

oh, I must have misunderstood... but I stand by my wishes and prayers!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Have been here in this beautiful, wonderful, lovely, special place called home for all of 30 minutes. My eyes are still crossed so please don't mind the spelling.

Without the care of Michael and several good nurses don't believe I would still be here to harass the most beautiful people in the world. I won't even try to thank you because words are too obtuse Am tired beyond measure at this moment and my own bed beckons. Tomorrow...tomorrow.

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Rest dear......

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Yay! She's home for real!
Christi, have a good rest! We're here for when you are ready to chat. Speedy recovery and best of wishes!

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Happy Day!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

welcome home you....when you awake in the middle of the night due to whatever....get online as so many of your loved ones live where it's daytime!! glad your home.....fight the good fight kiddo....sea water makes you neutrally buoyant....water temp is 84 now and will climb another point or two....have room at the INN next month.....advise when possible.....


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Great to hear you are home. Rest and relax in your own bed. We know you will have good care from Mike.
(((Hugs!!))) Sheila

(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

YEAHHHHH She's home!!!!!
Remember get your rest and do what you are told LOL

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Welcome Home! Get plenty of rest! Don't overdo!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Christi, your returning home is one of the greatest news I have heard this week. Speedy recovery. Rest, be serious about your medication and your physical therapy and you'll be back puttering around your garden in no time.

Take care.

mulege, Mexico

Hi Christi, Glad to hear you're home and on the road to recovery. Remember that recovery - especially fron a major surgery like yours - can be one step forward and two back sometimes. Rest when you're tired - and even when you're not. It will speed your recovery. I think the body does most of its repair work while you're sleeping so do that a lot.

We are all here and thinking good thoughts for you. Come back to read and comment when you're ready.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, rest is very important. Listen to your body, as the saying goes. However, I find that laughter is also extremely important in healing. That's the trouble with people nowadays, they don't make time to laugh. So, dearest Christi, have a good laugh as often as possible. Don't make me post pictures of myself doing impersonations of Arnold Schwarczeneggar (sp?) in his bodybuilding days!


Dallas, TX

I knew you would do it Christi!

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Christi! Hope the surgery will help you lead a happy pain free life full of dancing and gardening. Not this week, of course. It will come in time:0)

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

You are on the home stretch....enjoy!!!

Love you,

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

Welcome to the better backs club Christi.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Keeping the well-wishes and prayers going!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

That's good Mary.....the BBC - Better Backs Club!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm quite sure you are correct with the label BBC but I haven't gotten the hang of it yet. Been up about 10 minute and I am headed back to bed. ahhhgggg.....

mulege, Mexico

Hi Christ,

When you're sleeping your bady can heal better. Do lots of it. I just had a marathon - Four hours yesterday afternoon and ten hours last night. Toady is the first time in weeks that my knees aren't killing me. Listen to your body - if it's telling you to sleep - just do it. The healing will come.


mulege, Mexico

P.S. If the Olypics had a sleeping contest Iid go for the gold. Do you care to try for the silver?


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I think I have already gotten you beat! Having muscle spasms today.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Christi.... there is NO WAY you are going to come out of the surgery you had and be able to trip the light fantastic immediately. Katiebear is right...listen to your body. 10 mins is a long it will be 15 and you will feel so proud! Only YOU can heal YOU...


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Although.....if I listened to my body, I wouldn't have gotten out of bed the next day after the hip operation. Those meanies got my fanny out and made me walk around the hospital with crutches..ouch ouch ouch week later, after doing the excercises prescribed..I tossed the crutches and was on a in all things of life ..
love ya

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Christi, 10 minutes is all you could muster today? That's great news. Tomorrow is another day. Who knows, maybe 15 or 20 minutes tomorrow. We're pulling for you, sweetie. If I were nearby, I would make you some of my homemade chicken broth made with real chicken (who knew?). You'll get better, give it time.

Big kisses.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Each day is different...start counting the 'good' days and soon they will all be good days. T & Ps your way.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Keep it up, Christi! 10 minutes today, 15 tomorrow, and then all day! You can do it!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thinking of you each and every day...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Jen, are you there?

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Good morning LouC - give me a call some time once you feel in the mood again!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Having never had surgery nor anesthesia, did not really know what to expect.
Feel like I have been run over by a Mac Truck. 12 days out and I feel worse rather than better. Others that have had anethesia tell me that it is really the problem...being out for 10 hours. Had lots of company yesterday here at the house and the thread is a real upper. Still stayed up too much. Monday or Tuesday start formal PT.

Time we started a thread with the adventures of Mitch Fitzgerald and family.

I'll do it....

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Morning! Now I am here! Big fire last night which started on the other side of the Pi'ilani and jumped the road with the wind, to our side. It ran up the fields at the back of our neighbors homes and for a while it looked as if their homes would catch fire. Luckily the wind died with sunset and the firemen managed to get it under control as far as the homes were concerned. We had four helicopters using water from peoples' swimming pools to dump water as it took a few seconds less time than to get it from the ocean. Thick smoke everywhere. Local contractors send out their machines to scrape firebreaks, and also their water trucks to fill the pumper trucks on the spot - wonderful the way everyone comes together on a small island with limited resources. I spent most of the evening taking out food and drink for the firemen and volunteers, and we had a houseful of nervous neighbors. The helicopters stopped flying at nine oclock last night as it was getting too dangerous, but this morning (it's now 6am) they are starting dousing again - I guess trying to put out any embers before the trades get up at noon. There are quite a few kiawe trees on the hill and they will smolder for days and then suddenly burst into flame.

I hope this morning finds you feeling better Christi, I am sure that the anesthesia has probably depressed your whole body system, and you are still under the influence - I hope my silly chat will help take your mind off your pain, even if it's only for a second or two...

Off to work this morning, my co-worker, Gerry, who has had some major medical problems with his wife and son, has now come down with severe stomach problems and has been hospitilized, so I am filling in.

Love and hugs to both you and sweet Mike...


Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Praying for a pain-free Christi!
Jen, so happy that you're OK!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, Jen. How scarey. Fire on an island must be like on a ship, no place to go. I can see how your calm demeanor along with Margaret and Frank would give others confidence. Hope Sandy and Braveheart weren't too disturbed. Poor Gerry. How can I possibly find anything to compain about with the cross he is carrying.

Alexandra, the card is a hit! The two year old wanted to see from where the sound was coming.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Christi - enjoy your signals to rest. To sleep. I enjoy mine! Remember that it is your acceptance of your condition and the joy you experience getting stronger that will make you better - faster!!! I have received a number of compliments since my surgery: "You look so much happier...lighter". You are on that road!!!! Keep it up.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Well, Christi, I'm happy that you (and the little one) enjoyed it! We'll be waiting for you to sing it too!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Alex, the two year old is my great-granddaughter, Erin Elizabeth. Must be a mistake somewhere, I can't be old enough for a great-grandchilded. Now she can certainly take your mind to happier thoughts!

Carol, are you already planning a trip? or just RJ there? mumble, mumble, no way I can even go around the block yet,muchless take a trip and adventure, mumble, mumble.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Christi, for the first time in 6 weeks, I had a Sunday to myself. I took easy all day: a smooth, hazy, lazy, relaxing day. I even smoked a cigar to your speedy recovery while reading a good book and enjoying the warm Florida breeze in the shade.

Take care.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

That is great,Polarbear. I have had 3 rather long naps with the hope that I would awake and this would be gone. Mike says he also laid down for a short while and awoke to my motions and musings. When asked what I was doing, informed him that I was picking tomatoes and we didn't have very many red ones yet. ??????

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

At least, you were in a happy place: in the sun, surrounded by tomato vines. It will come soon enough. Don't despair.


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