Christi's thread.

Hooray for Christi! May her pain be GONE! Back pain is the worst.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Jen thanks so much for getting the info to me. Mike is no doubt exhausted. I know sitting at the hospital is no walk in the park. I am so glad he let you know as soon as he did and that he knows and can tell her we are all rooting for her recovery!
Note to Christi.. I hope your wound from Hannah's bite is healing; as well as the heartache of having to put her down. She enjoyed lots of good loving years with you, and it was time.
As for your healing, don't rush it, the longer you rest the better it will mend. I do hope your pains were lessen with the surgery and you regain your mobility soon. Look forward to your postings.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Hello Chisti, I hope you will have a fast recovery and be good as new.
Your friend,

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Just goes to show how much we all mean to our dear Christi. Mike calls Jenny who lets us all know. And some people say that DG is just a gardening site. Wrong!! We all worried about Carol, and now we all worry about Christi. We see each other through storms, and tears and shared joys. Thank you Mike for realizing that we really wanted to know, and thank you Jenny for sharing the news.

Yokwe everyone!!!!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I just missed a call from Mike. My DH told me when I got home that he called and said she didn't get a room until 12:30 last night. Today has been a struggle to adjust the pain medication, and Mike said she is in ICU now. They try to arouse her from the anethesia and the pain is very bad and they have to medicate her again.
My DH just had back surgery (1 fusion) on the 6th. When I got to see him, each time he started to wake up he also was in a whole lot of pain. He would ask for something for pain and they would give him something else. That went on all night, but the next day when I went to see him he was awake, had eaten some and drank coffee. Not that the pain wasn't there, it was just that they found the right complex that gave him relief.
Christi had her surgery so late in the day, and it was such an extensive surgery it will take time. Being under anethesia so long it may take a while for that to leave her and the pain meds reach the level of relief. After two back surgeries myself, I can say the drugs right after surgery made me feel worse once they level those out she can rest better.
I am believing that this is a temporary situation and the pain will be easing up for Christi. God never gives us more than we can bear.
(((Hugs & prayers for Christi & family))) Sheila

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Your right Sheila,
pain is worst coming out of surgery and waking up from anesthesia.
I called earlier and left a message...I'm sure Mike has his hands full.
He definately is one of the kindest souls I've encountered.


Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Christi, my good thoughts go for you. I think it's normal to have pain after surgery, but that's why pain medication was invented... just hope that soon there'll be no pain!
Mike, hang in there! It's a tiresome job to be sitting and waiting, but I'm sure Christi is well worth that!
I'll have you in my prayers for a great outcome for Christi and patience, strength and health for the whole family.
Thank you to everyone that brings news to us!


Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

May the Lord be with you and help you during this stressful time.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Shari... people say that DG is just a gardening site? Be there heretics and blasphemers in our midst? Point them out to me! I shall put them to the question until they recant, much like the Spanish Inquisition did long ago. I see ourselves as a virtual, global, benevolent, non-hierarchic order of like-minded people. I will accept no other description.

I hope that Christi's pain goes away quickly. I, myself, am hypersensitive to pain. The whole family, on my mother's side is like that. I don't do pain well; bring on the strong drugs! I can do heavily medicated - I don't mind. But you don't want to be around me when I'm in pain. Christi, you remain in our prayers and thank you, everyone, for relaying the info you have.

Take care, all.

Nevada, TX(Zone 8a)

Just now seeing this thread. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy and painless recovery.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Anyone heard from Mike today?

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

LouC...prayers and positive thoughts for you and your DH.


(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

Well see what happens when I go looking and just sent a Damil out to find the right place.

Mike just called me and said she is still in ICU ..she did walk a lil bit but they are keeping her in ICU to watch her in case there is a reaction to the meds she is on now.
they are hoping she gets into a regular room soon and he said maybe come home Sunday.
Once she is in a regular room he will stay there with her but tonight he is at home.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Sylvain...I agree with you completely my friend.

Thank you for all the updates, I'm sure Mike has his hands full keeping the rest of the family updated. Randy - I know whereof you speak as far as coming out of the anesthesia...after my last surgery I thought I had slept on and off for several days, and finally was awake enough to ask the nurse what day it was...I had only come out of recovery a few hours before!!!!! I had the daunting thought of going through everything I thought I had already done! Yuck!!! With all these positive thoughts, Christi will be right as rain in no time. Keeping her close to my heart....


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

In the waking room after my hernia operation 5 years ago, I heard 2 lovely asian twin nurses talking to me. I was quite groggy but there was (thankfully) no pain.

And there they were, 2 of them at the foot of my bed, calling: "Sylvain... Mr. Forest... Are you OK? Are you awake?". I told them: " Please only one of you talk at one time. I can't listen to both of you at once". They, they said: "But Mr. Forest, I'm alone here". I put one hand in front of my left hand and wouldn't you know it, she was right! That might also explain the 2 clocks on the wall. Ah, the wonders of modern medicine.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yes....I was thinking today of her first 'walk'....argh. The nurses were too small to help me - I am nearly 6' my room mates' husband was my balance!!!! Good for Christi!!!! What a soldier!!!

(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

I am on the phone now with Mike and I am calling the hospital as soon as we are done to see if I can fax this thread to them for Mike or the hospital to if you read this hurry and post as I am printing it out at 11pm CST and faxing it to the hospital

This message was edited Aug 14, 2008 9:18 PM

mulege, Mexico

Hi Christi, You take it easy, let people wait on you and take your time healing. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Relax and heal.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Christi!! Hang in there, it will get better and you will be back on here sooner than you think!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey Christi...Just remember...inch by inch...everything is a cinch!!! You will feel better each day!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Christi!! Sending gentle hugs and wishing you a speedy recovery!!


Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey, Christi!
Get well soon! I miss you, and everyone here does too!
Gentle hugs, good thoughts and wishes!
goofy Alexandra

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Christi...I know you will hear saw my surgeon today for the 3 month xray and review....he said I am above the curve and doing great and I saw my screws in my back and I thought...YAY...Christi will get there soon and will be so happy!!!!! ----- Thinking of you our dear friend....


(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

ok at 11:41 pm the fax is on it's way to the ICU unit to Christi
Instead of sending 14 pages I only send her the posts that were entered after her last post August 11, 2008
4:55 PM and I removed my posts to make it smaller page wise so it was 3 pages total
I am also going to share what I said at the beginning of it as I know some of you were already in bed or busy else where

"Mike called me Thursday evening with the update and I thought what better way to let ya know what is going on then to send you your thread on DG….. See you can run and you can try to hide but I will find you one way or another… LMAO…but then Mike did help me by giving me the number to ICU so I could call and get a fax number. Make sure you thank Lindsey as she is the one that gave it to me and said she would make sure you got it.
Now I know this isn’t everyone as it was after 8pm when I posted so I am going to step up here and let you know that Everyone is praying for you and sending you wishes for a speedy recovery BUT that means you BE A GOOD GIRL and DO what the doctor and nurses say."

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Love you Christi!

Thanks everyone for keeping us up to date - I didn't want to keep bothering Mike, he must be very tired.


Rats! Cross post, I missed it!

This message was edited Aug 14, 2008 7:01 PM

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Thank you, Phyllis!
Wishes for a good rest for Mike, return in the regular room and then home for our Christi, and a happy weekend together at home!
Sylvain, you are something! yep, the marvels of modern medicine! Carol, I'm so happy that you feel better!

Positive thoughts, everyone, for a better tomorrow!

Thumbnail by goofybulb
Dallas, TX

Oh my , I dont know why i am just seeing this thread. Which Hospital in Christi in? Is she still in ICU? Why is she in ICU?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Sylvia, she had back surgery and is still in ICU cause the docs want to make sure she doesn't have a bad reaction to her meds. Otherwise she is ok, just really sore.

(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

My Pleasure Alex I thought it would really help her spirit being able to see what she can't get to right now.
I know alot of friends are here and when ya can't get online to talk to them you go through withdrawals and get depressed.

She is at Baylor Hospital (Truett Hospital ICU Rm 403) but they are hoping to move her to a regular room soon.
When I called last night to get the fax number the nurse said she can take phone calls but she was asleep

I believe her home address is in the ...oh shoot forgot the name of it but it is the spot where you put your addy here on DG. ....if not I do have it but you will have to dmail me for it if you want to send her a card or such*S*


Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

The DG Address book, under extras.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I wonder if I have the right number for Mike...Christi gave it to me last week..going to have to double check.

(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

RJ mike has her cell with him but dmail me if ya want.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

As much as we want to speak with Christi, please refrain from calling her for another day or so. Having gone through this myself and with my husband, what she needs is rest right now, hopefully sleeping a lot. When she is awake, she is in pain and unless someone is there, can't turn to answer a phone easily. Contacting Mike on the cell would be best.

This message was edited Aug 15, 2008 9:34 AM

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

ooooohhh...I'm calling HIS cell...
For you Christi! These are opening this morning, and a gloriosa dangling in..

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Beautiful offering RJ!

(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

Rj Mike said last night the grandson had his cell ...LOL

anyway just got a message on mind from mike and he says 1:21 friday afternoon .... she is doing wonderful wonderful wonderful .....she has been up walking down the hall.... into the bathroom , sitting in the chair eating we are on the downwards roll so hopefully will go home soon.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

VERY good news, thanks for passing that along Phyllis! Like I said you know you are going to be sore and hurt, but the pain killers they have to give you at first can be the worst. Until the swelling starts going down and the antiobiotics take over they have to do that. Glad to hear she is on track!
Good days are ahead Christi!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)


Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Beautiful flowers RJ!
Phyllis, thanks again for the update. Great news, let's hope she comes home quick! Does this mean she's out of ICU?
I'm not planning to call (those phones must be ringing like crazy anyway), but I believe an email or regular mail can give her just as much encouragement and pleasure.
Christi, I'm so happy on the progress! We are all waiting for you to get home and sign in! In the meantime, prayers, positive thoughts and gentle hugs,

(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

Ya know I never thought to ask when I talked to him.
He handed the phone to Christi which I was not planning on ....and I didn't' ask her either
she is not focusing to be able to read so Mike was reading the posts to her, she was happy to have it.
she is horse of course and they are watching her blood pressure so I did not keep her on the phone to talk I told her to do what the doctor says and make sure she has help not to be stubborn and try to do things herself. LOL

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