Christi's thread.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Where will you go in the Med, Sylvain?

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

The company's name is Mediterraneal Shipping Co. (MSC). We will be going to the caribbean, 7 days out of Fort Lauderdale visiting St. Thomas, St. Martin, the Dominican Republic, and the Bahamas.

We are very excited.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sounds super!!! Enjoy!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Have fun Sylvain!!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Sounds like a great trip Sylvain! Enjoy!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

22nd cruise - WOW! The ship sounds huge! You must be very excited Sylvain, it sounds like a lot of fun with super ports of call- we do expect pictures you know!

Christi, so glad to read that you are feeling better, fancy little Erin being two years old - time does fly! I bet you had a wonderful day with her, I know how much you love her.

Jeanne, glad to read that you are planning the new layout for the garden, I am sure it's going to be better than ever! What heartbreak for all of you who were visited by Ike, but how very like Texans to pull themselves together and get on with the job. Such great spirit.

I have just started to make Bokashi. Both Katiebear and Carol are using it, so I figure if those two gals are doing it, it has to be good! Lots of info over on the soil forum - anyone else trying it?

Aloha to all

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Jen...gotta tell you...I love the Bokashi. Am going to call you tonight...

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Bokashi? Is that like poi or some kind of other hawai'ian delicacy?

Maybe I am writing nonsense here but I HAVE tried poi and I was not enthused. I will try anything at least once, within the stricts limits of good taste and manners.

Sylvain, a.k.a. Pu'ole.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh My My My My My...

I just looked up Bokashi on Google. OK, so it is not a hawai'ian delicacy. Sorry about that, everyone. I should have asked first; no offense intended.

So sorry.
Sylvain, a.k.a. Pu'ole.

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

I've been doing Bokashi since February. I've gotten triple the expected amounts of growth where I've buried it. It's good stuff!


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Just got off the phone from Carol who gave me so many good tips on the Bokashi...what a sweetheart!

So glad to hear of your good results, Mary - I have my first lot "cooking" now! Can't wait for the two weeks to be up - it hurts to throw the table trimmings onto the compost pile when I could (and will soon) be pickling it. I bought the bran as a starter and was rather horrified that it cost $55.00 here on Island (others on the mainland paid around $15.00), and it was full of boll weavils to boot. Those that didn't escape by running up my arms got mixed in with the EMI as well - Lord! I might just end up with boll weavils on steroids!

Pu'ole, I would say that poi is an aquired taste, it doesn't do much for me but I have learnt to somewhat like it as it is served at every luau here and it is the pride and joy of many Island Aunties, so one eats it and enjoys it anyway! There is a very interesting thread on the Bokashi about making balls of the stuff and using it to neutralize the waste that fish produce, but I rather expect that you keep your aquarium pristine, unlike my garden ponds - gotta try that too...Katiebear is presently clearing the streams going into the Baja with Bokashi balls among many other things.

So many mad scientist things to do, and so little time...

Aloha to all.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

You are going to keep on until I have no choice but to join the Bokashi Crusade. Glad everyoe is having such good luck. Would definitely be thrilled with the weavils though. Will have to look into this phenomenon.

Going to a book review/luncheon today and the weather is gorgeous.

Jen, all of the cuttings you sent are thriving. Morning Glory tree is even blooming as is the brug. yeah!!!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

So glad the cuttings are doing so well for you, Christi! We are getting into autumn here, evenings are a little cooler, and the trees are dropping a few leaves. It's an interesting thing we have here - the trees drop some leaves and grow new ones at the same time! I have never seen anything like it before I moved here.

My Bokashi has been percolating for almost a week now, and I am dying to look into the bag but as its supposed to stay airtight for two weeks, I am not going to even peek - it's killing me! The weevils worry me a bit - hopefully they will die instead of getting nice and fat on the bran.

Aloha to all!

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Long time since my last post... but I've been thinking of you!
Wishing Christi complete recovery, and lots of hugs for you all, for being here for her!
And strength and patience for all our friends that met Ike... I'm thankful that you are all safe.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, Jen. Alex. Meant to say WOULD NOT be happy with the weevils. Fingers don't stay up with my thoughts.

Bet you are really busy with studies, Alexandra. Keep at it, girl.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi all!

We are still in the reorganization phase. Probably won't replace the canopy until Spring. Planning on covering the swingset frame with plastic for some of the plants for the winter as a "makeshift green house". I saw it done by one of the DG'ers last year, it'll work.

The yard crew came back again Thursday so most of the actual "clean up" has been done. With no canopy we have a lot more sun on the patio so things had to be moved to a more shaded area. At least with the crew cutting back the Mexican Fan Palms there was room under them to put other "house plants", temporarily. Most of them will have to be "over-wintered" under the swingset.

The patio area has been defined by the Hawaiian Schefflera on both sides and then Majesty Palms on the front edge. That is temporary as well, as we usually store the majesties in between the house, shed and fence for the winter....but that is still a few weeks away, and we have a little more organization in that area before anything else can go there.......

Some of the distressed plants that I had gotten from Lowes for $1.00 each awhile back could not take the added stress of IKE (wind and rain), and then the heat of no canopy. The got cooked.

Randy has a wonderful attitude that has stuck with me, and I repeat to myself often....He was originally talking about papaya seedlings and trees. He said, "Some things you have to treat like annuals." So that is my thought on the things that were lost.

The Bible says (paraphrased) "Some things are for but a season".....

Most of the plants that I treasure the many banana trees, Palms, Hibs, Brugs, Plumies, pineapples, etc. made it. Those that didn't are in the minority and can be replaced. There'll always be more plants marked down at Lowes!

Some things will be different about the garden. I guess it's a time for a new beginning. Preparing for the winter just came a little earlier than normal. It's all good. We are blessed.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I forgot to mention that today we had in bloom: a double red hib, single red hib, peachy orange hib, and the yellow with red ctr hib! They knew their "Mama" needed cheering up!!!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Greetings to all! Aloha!!!!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Whenever I feel down for any reason, I think of the many who lost everything...some even lost family members who refused to leave.

Puts my "problems" in perspective. You have a wonderful and inspiring attitude, Jeanne.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Jeanne, so glad to read how your garden clean up is coming along, it sound as if you have been really busy. I just know it will be prettier than ever next year, and I was so pleased to read that your favorites made it through all the winds.

Did your Mom's place have a lot of damage too?

Hi Christi and Alexandra ^_^

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Jen, No, Mom's yard had a very large branch down in the back yard, but that's all. She has a few daylilies under one tree, and they were fine. No roof damage that we can tell. She just had a brand new roof put on last year.

We went thru this after Rita, but at the time the Canopy was brand new and could be repaired. It took awhile, but the garden was back eventually, and that is how it will be this time. It's just discouraging seeing things battered, and then stripped when it was so LUSH three weeks ago. However, with all the work the crew did now there shouldn't be as much to do in the Spring, that's for sure!

The shed hasn't been reseated yet, but plants had to be moved to even get to it, so it's one step at a time. It was hard to know where to start. It's coming together.

Our homes are structurally sound, and we are all fine, and that is what is important.
Our prayers go out to those that lost everything, and or family members. The death toll in Galveston keeps growing, and the number missing growing also.

Again, we have much to be thankful for!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I send truckloads of positive energy to all our friends who were affected by these hurricanes and tropical storms. May your situation return to normal swiftly and with the least heartache possible.

Take care, all.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Jeanne, that's a beautiful cheer your hibiscus are bringing! And thanks for sharing. I have just two left, all others bit the dust, no hurricane here, just me and the desert! I think I'm becoming a serial killer...
Aloha, Jen!
Christi, you keep up the good work!

Hugs and best wishes for everyone!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Raining here for the third day and we have had over 10 inches so far. While wandering around DG I came upon this thread and really didn't remember very much about it. This past year has been both good and horrendous. Of course, we all know now that Ike almost took Galveston off the map and many of our very best friends have had a struggle rebuilding. I am truly grateful to all of you for the many prayers and good wishes as, we, like the geese, can't get through this life alone. Saw the surgeon a few weeks ago and am officially released. Would never have believed that I could be this healed with an 8 inch ladder installed along my spine. MIL is 91 and she fell and broke her ankle 3rd week of March. She spent 4 months in hospital and rehab and is now home again. April 14th was the darkest day of my life. Our 25 year old grandson, Aaron, drowned. Many of you already know this and have once again "flown to the ground" with me to stay until I am once again able to fly. Today is Mike's birthday and we are resting in our nest. I'm sure many of you have had both good and bad experiences this past years as that is the fabric of life.

Never did explain several hours after surgery Mike was my nurse and heard the "death rattle". Called for help and code blue was the result. Causes one to contemplate just how fragile the thread of life truly is. The magic of the internet has brought me into the presence of people who are the best of the best. I am lucky to have you at my side.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Greetings from sunny Florida.

Christi, this is the first thread I consulted this morning and BAM. Right there, Jen (BHM), is telling you are going under the knife. I pretty nearly fell of my chair! I told myself "Dear Sweet Precious Lord, has she not been through enough since last year?

My heart broke and a big lump formed in my throat. Then, I realized I had forgotten to check the date, August 6, 2008. I realized my mistake and came to my senses . May you keep goofing off with us on DG for a very long time to come.

Here's a picture of me in my aluminium foil hat to keep the aliens from reading my thoughts.

Big kisses.
Pu'ole, A.K.A. Sylvain.

Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Actually laughed out loud. Pu'ole, you are a scream. Can hardly wait for your visit this coming Spring when Shari is here from the island. I believe I shall print out your pictures and line them up so I can look at my friend often. One of a kind...and that's a good thing.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I too had terrible thoughts of OH NO!...then check the date. As you say Christi - the fabric of life. And to quote Ringo Starr - "I get by with a little help from my friends". This mortal coil would truly be heavy were it not for dear friends and family with whom to share both the good and the bad.

Love in fluffy clouds to you all...


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm a lucky soul.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Christi, so happy to hear that you have been officially released!

Pu'ole, you always make me laugh!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Christi, so glad that you are doing well!

We're OK. Yesterday I wanted to go to MAAS Nursery in Kema / Seabrook area as they used to have a beautiful carved wooden macaw on a swing that I wanted to get for the patio. Fortunately we called ahead and they said that they had lost everything in Hurricane IKE, so we didn't go. They have replenished alot of their stock but not that.

I found a couple of red macaws on a ring online but they were not as pretty as the one down at Maas Nursery on the swing. I guess I'll wait and get one next Spring. I can still watch around here until then. Awhile back I got a red figurine for the table at Hobby Lobby. I could look there also.

Galveston is slowly being rebuilt, so I might be able to find one down there also.

We finally got the old wishing well painted a light brown. Now it needs glued together and a new floor. Little by little the garden is coming together.

My Mom has shingles on her face. Please keep her in your prayers.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Be sure she takes Neurontin or whatever else they are giving now. I had shingles last summer just before the surgery. Very painful. You might consider getting the vaccination, too late for me. My nephews 5 and 7 have had chicken pox last couple of weeks even though they had the vaccine for children. The virus on the run right now.

Will definitely be praying for her.


...and you.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Christi! My grandson got chicken pox a couple of years ago even tho he had the vaccine. then his mother got them also. She had never had them.

Mom is taking Valtrex and a cream for the spots. So far she just has a few spots. It could be alot worse. Thanks for praying for her.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank goodness. It can be really painful.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

keep us informed how your mom is doing, i keep her in my prayers. after i read a lot of this thread, it sounds like a lot of us have had a rather rough year. But we must remember whatever happens, the Lord is ultimately in control, and He knows what he is doing, though we don't always understand.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

westraad, I have been absent from the TZ for awhile. So glad to know we have a new friend. My attitude has not been good since loosing my grandson. I am often ashamed to be so selfish when I know I am not the only one who has great grief. I shall stay away from the subject in the future.

We have had a brutal summer with some 30+ days over 100 and no rain. Two weeks ago tomorrow it started raining. Since then we have gotten 17 1/2 inches. Way too much in such a short time for this area. Lots of flooding all around us but we were never in danger.
The brugmansia's have drooped in certain beds because of too much water so that gives us heads up on what needs to be raised with more soil. Other tropicals are relishing the humidity and growing like mad now that we have reached the Fall Solstice. Helps prepare the roots for the inevitable freezes that will soon follow.

Are you from Mozambique or did you move there? You will see I am a nosey one. Always wanting to know more about my friends. Since I am smack dab in the middle of Texas, you might ask what I am doing on this thread? Because I have many wonderful friends here. We love each other.

Princess Kilikina aka Christi aka LouC

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Hi Christi,
Oh, it is so hard to lose someone you dearly love! it is understandable that you don't understand why, Christi, and i am no counsellor. all i can say is that i am so, so sorry about your loss, and that i keep you in my prayers.
i don't mind at all answering your questions, i'd love to actually. i am a south African with a Dutch heritage, fifteen years old. my family and i have been missionaries in mozambique for the past 11 years, and we work with the children here who are the most neglected. Mozambique is a poor country, yet very beautiful. it was in civil war for many years, until it ended in 1993. the government now is extremely corrupt. But i am glad we are living here, we enjoy it very much. South Africa is not a third world country, but is actually very developed. but we will never return, our home country has changed too much. it has an extremely high crime rate, the latest statistics show 18,000 people are murdered a year, mostly whites. the burglaries have risen by 45% in the last year. it actually has the highest crime rate in the whole world. and next year they are going to hold the World Soccer Cup here!
well, feel free to ask any more questions, and i also have made wonderful friends on this forum, the folks here are great.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Will pray for your mission, Isaac. That is true unselfishness. 15? goodness, would have never known. I have a granddaughter that will be 15 Jan. 2010. She is very involved in dance and goes to an advanced ballet school. Hope today is a good one for everyone.


Lead in Sleeping Beauty, June 2009

Thumbnail by LouC
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Delightful granddaughter, Christi. You must be very proud.

Big kisses from Delray Beach, FL.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Sylvain. She looks just like her grandmother--------on the other side. hahaha

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Hi Christi,
thank you for your prayers.
Yesterday was such a good day for me, i had three friends visiting me. one was from Texas, another from South Africa, and another who lives here. we had a nice swim in our pool, and then went down to the beach. i had had malaria this last weekend, so was too active, and i so tired last night i didn't get onto DG at all!
beautiful granddaughter! my mom LOVES ballet! she used to do it when she was a teenager, but was in a car accident and broke her back, so she had to stop. even now my mom has a lot of back problems, but she still loves to watch ballet movies, etc.
i am going to be 16 on the 14th of October, looking forward to that. i asked my parents if we could go visit the botanical gardens in Maputo for my birthday, but i don't know if that will happen. its 3 hours away from here, and it in the week, but we will have to see!
i will post a picture of myself next time, so you can see what i look like, i just don't have a recent on on hand now.
hope you all enjoy your day!

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