Staynot Gladomeer (Thread 4)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

This is a great gathering of assistance, we will surely be able to locate Staynot with all this army of those willing to assist!

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

I went out to the garden and stumbled upon a very high-level confab in progress at my place. Apparently, since I hosted Staynot, my place is considered one of the "command centers". I happened to have my camera and got this shot as the meeting was called to order by the Senior Gnome. The two fairies were present as interpreters, both having their translation books in hand.

I've never seen such a meeting called with so many varied creatures here, so this must be serious.

The Staynot look-alike is a representative from the Searsings clan; looks just like a long-lost twin!

Thumbnail by LariAnn
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

That does look serious. Thankfully a snake is helping. Good for checking out varmit holes in case a varmit has nabbed Staynot.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Well, the snake bothers me but I am glad they have joined. Just tell them the property here has been thoroughly checked. LOL

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I have an "in" with a nefarious group of n'er-do-wells. Guess where the next annual convention is gunna bee .......

I'll give you a clue: NOT on my monarda!!

Thumbnail by WNYwillieB
(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Is that the Beetle Brigade?

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Those are bad to the bee-bone beetles!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh so it isn't Paul, John, George and Ringo?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OMG are those the infamous evil JBs WNYwillieB?? (I don't think we should say their name out loud cuz they're so scarey).

Also what about the Ents everyone? Although they are verrrrrrrrry slow to rouse they have the BIGGEST network of all methinks. Has anyone stirred up their Ents?

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

My ENT is busy but he is the only one here. Where is Jaye when we need her?

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Popillia japonica or JitterBug. Thee infamous, indeed.

(I prefer to not associate such a nasty bug with a word used to "label" an entire population / country)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Good point WNYwillieB.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

The Airforce has been notified!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Th Marine Corp amphibious unit has been notified. General Fredrick Froggy reporting for duty!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

That's a big frog!

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

The Navy is present in disguise. The submarines are made to look like Koi.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Pirate Frog was once a nice lad like yours but somewhere along the way he took a wrong turn. Oh well, he is assisting with the other swamp critters in the search so I guess it is okay. Leave no rock unturned!!

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL does he sail on the Black Tadpole?

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Why yes he does. So glad you knew.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

What does everyone think we should do at this point? I don't want to give up on poor Staynot, but maybe we should have a fill in until we hear back from Slipperman. Anyone have a Knome that has been itching to get on the road and could fill in?

Any ideas would be great. I would just like to get this up and going again.

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

I think a fill in would be appropriate. Then maybe when Staynot shows back up they can meet up and travel together.

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Yes, let's use a fill in (although Staynot can't be replaced!) I'm missing my travelling gnome fix!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

How about this. Those subscribers interested in sending someone on a trip, dmail Shadowpaige with a picture of the one you want to send. Then he will pick the next traveler. He can draw straws or flip a coin for the decision. What do you think?

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Sounds good to me. I only have the one gnome large enough for traveling and I will have to speak with him, I don't know if Bailey is much of a traveler, but I will see!

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

It's a dangerous world out there! I wouldn't think of sending out a gnome without a weapon to protect himself from abduction!

Thumbnail by ByndeweedBeth
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

My Staynot look-alike is very shy and when I proposed the idea to him, he went and hid in some ferns! I think the whole Staynot affair has him totally spooked. I think he is too young to go on the road just yet, even though he looks older than he is, he's just a little boy gnome.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

O dear this isn't sounding good. On the up side, I went out tonight and Stumpy (who is bilingual in both Ent and Human) obviously has taken it upon himself to try to rouse an old Ent to help. I think the Frog Prince is just there for moral support cuz he doesn't speak Ent. ps I have a sneaking suspision that the bird figure in the background is artificial cuz it never does anything fun.

Thumbnail by dahlianut
(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Excellant idea. My gnomes are having a meeting now to see if there are any volunteers.

Eugene, OR

This is more fun!!! Poor Staynot doesn't realize what a great support team he has. A fill in sounds fine and I like the idea of them meeting up somewhere. I have a big smile thinking of all the troops that are gathering for this quest. I'll speak to my friends tomorrow, I'm sure they'll want to help.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Ok, please send all pictures to my dmail by Monday night and I let everyone know who I pick. Then we can start by that person sending it to the next person on the list. Then when we hear back from Slipperman we will decide what to do at that point.

Eugene, OR

I spoke to my friends this morning, they are all eager to assist in the search for Staynot. They are ready and willing to do whatever is necessary. Don't mind the lads looking a little laid back, they always get that way when in present company, but they straighten up when the task begins...also had a request from a gnome at Jerry's to be allowed to join our quest, so he came home with me.

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

After much review, I believe we should to with ByndeweedBeth's Knome. At this point I to feel we need our Knome to have some protection.

If you would contact Sheila_FW and get her address we can get our Adventures going again.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Yea!!! I am excited to start again, but still wonder where our Staynot is.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm surprised no one has called in a psychic .....

Glad to see that the sojourn is back underway!!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh do we have a name for the newest traveler?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I can't believe I keep spelling it "knome" when it's "Gnome"

When we get a name I'll start a new thread and link everything together.

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

I'll leave it up to the group to name him...any suggestions? I'll get Sheila's addy and get him going!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

If he is a distant relative of Staynot, how about Lingernot? Any other suggestions?

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

He is of the tough northern resinous he is virtually unbreakable.

Thumbnail by ByndeweedBeth
scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Since he is strong and solid, we will have to write the places he visits on his base. I'll send along a silver marker for others to do that, too.

Thumbnail by ByndeweedBeth

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