What's in doing in your part of the country??? Pt.6

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Just checking in to say "Hi". The Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival http://www.chamberfest.com/english/festival/index.html kicked off tonight and I'll be volunteering at 32 concerts and attending a few more over the next two weeks. Won't be spending much time on the computer.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

YAWN .... gotta love being 'on call' NOT !! Ahh well, my choice .. I could have said no ..

Ann .. sure sounds like you'll be busy for a bit .. hope it's 'Enjoyably so' :-)

Everyone have a SPLENDIFEROUS Saturday !!!

Off'n runnin ..............................


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ummm, dahlianut, those links aren't working for me for some reason.

Susan, check out the Calgary Horticultural Society website. The website is www.calhort.org. There's information there as to the various locations you can purchase the passport to the winning gardens; I think most of the garden centers are carrying them. The passport is basically a little booklet that has the addresses to the winning gardens; that's the only way to find out where the gardens are and you have to show the passport at each garden to prove you bought the pass. They're $20 for non-members of CHS.

There are also bus tours of the winning gardens, one today and one tomorrow, but you had to sign up for them a while ago I think.

I'm going to be on the bus tour today with dahlianut - maybe see you at one of the winning gardens?


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


The passports are sold at the Garden Centres, think Plantation or Golden Acres is closest to you. The passport is good for today & Sunday. A little confusion of the Jo-North-South. I will be @ Carol's this morning & home this afternoon and tomorrow all day.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Too many Jo's here!

Im in the paper today! A nice shot of me and the dogs!

Here's another garden shot - front yard this time.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Oops clicked the wrong button

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Victoria Harbour, ON

Hello everyone, can't stay and chat...company coming to pick up 150 wine glasses..omg stayed up till after 10:30 completing the last of them...

Tomorrow I have a baby shower, making table and chair set but am waiting until I know if it's a boy or girl..it's the cutest chair set and I WANT to paint it for a girl..but have to wait so did her a diaper cake..still need a few trinkets and a tray so off to the bakery and home depot...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Oh my Betty .. the Diaper Cake is awesome :-) Have seen it done only once .. and one time I saw a Kitchen cake for a Bridal Shower .. very creative .. have fun at the shower and good luck re the table and chairs :-)

I now know why I prefer midnites to days when working in a hospital .. day shifts you are OVER RUN with 'other' disciplines .. OT, PT, Dietary .. on and on .. and they all want the RN .. luckily .. on Hospice you only have one to 2 patients as their care is pretty complex .. I'll think twice before saying yes at 5:30am .. otherwise .. the day was good as both my patients were amazing folks with totally wonderful families .. purdy tired right now .. but .. my best buds son is getting married next weekend and she is buzzing out with his future Mom in Law from Cranbrook BC so she can look at our property .. AND .. DH fielded a call from the Westie breeder .. Lilly's Mom, Missy, is going to be bred for a Spring 2009 litter .. YAHOO .. he put our name on the waiting list .. wish us luck .. one Westie is pretty much a trippy time .. 2 should put us 'over the moon' LoL

Off to shower and straighten up ..(the house)



Thanks for the link, Grow-Jo, and yeah.......... Dahlianut, the links didn't work for me, either........ hmmmmmmmm Well, won't be able to get the passport, sorry ladies.

WONDERFUL news for me! Y'know how I tried to germinate the Datura Inoxia, and thought I failed miserably? Well, I had thrown some seeds in the back of my berm, and then planted Datura Metel there. Today I discovered about 25 Inoxia!!!! I pulled them all up, gently of course......... and planted 15 of 'em and DH has gone to get more soil so I can plant the rest!!!
These are the largest of the Dats (grow 3-4'), and I'm Thrilled. Cost me $30 for 1 Metel this spring, and lovely GrowJo gave me one, too (what a sweetheart!)!
Now I have enuff, when I get them to be larger than 2-3", that is lol - to give to friends (hello Calgary/Edmonton DG'ers!) to overwinter!! Just be careful gardeners........ they're toxic, so you don't want your pets eating them!! Apparently they're good houseplants too! I've planted them @ the back of my berm, last year, and they were a 'hit' with the neighbours.

Boy am I happy about this!!! When they get big, I'll actually have something people will want to trade for!!! Before this, all I've had were the common variety garden stuff :-)))

This message was edited Jul 26, 2008 1:50 PM

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Little thunder storm just rolling thru...hopefully no hail, the lilies just opened this weekend. Susan, you don't need a passport to see my garden. I didn't enter the competition.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Odd, don't know if I saved the site, but Friday while surfing the web, an article showed a list of toxic plants..lordy, I had almost everyone in the garden..surely not???

Tallulah isn't it wonderful to get such a surprise...I'm almost tempted to go to Gatrix Lily farm tomorrow but maybe I should wait for next weeks paycheck????

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Huge crack of thunder over the house a few minutes ago! We all jumped!
A bit of rain and no hail here - mostly just noise.
Had about 500 people thru the garden today.


Thank you Jo - I'd like to come by tomorrow, if that's ok - and would you like some Datura Inoxia seedlings? I have over 40 of the lil darlings....... :-)

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Susan, tomorrow is fine. I never say no to a gift plant....thanks.

We just got a bit of hail. I'm glad I moved some containers in sheltered locations. My lilies are just starting to open, so I hope the frost cloth helped from damage.

This message was edited Jul 26, 2008 7:10 PM

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Although small, it hurts when you get hit in the head

Thumbnail by joannabanana

Ouch...........on getting hit in the head!
hope your lilies are ok.

I hear we're supposed to get rain tomorrow aft. Regardless, I'll be there :-) How's about 2pm-ish?

S'funny, when we got the rain - it rained on the front 1/2 of our house, facing south, but 3/4 of the way across our deck, it stopped, and we never got any rain in the back yard LOL Dry as a bone!!
my DH says South Calgary gets hit worse with hail than we do, in the NE..........
From the sounds of it, SW Calgary would have gotten hit worse than you did.


Oh wait........... too many Jo's is right, Fancy........
Joannabanana - JoNorth invited me over, cuz - as Fancy says, you're on the bus tour tomorrow, right?
So, Grow-Jo invited me over, right????? (I'm sooooooooo confused!!)
Grow-Jo - as I've never been to your place, I'll need directions. Please D-mail me.

Joannabanana - you'd asked me to your place cuz you said it had Changed A Lot since I saw it, but you're not there I thought, tomorrow..........

Ok - hope I've gotten things straight (in my forgetful mind, that is!!)

Yikes - just read backwards on the thread. I'm going to Joannabanana's tomorrorw.
See you there!!!! (now that I have everything STRAIGHT!)
(oh my poor head......... filled with THINKING.....siiiiiiiiiiiiigh)

This message was edited Jul 26, 2008 9:51 PM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Enjoy your day everyone!!!

Mother Nature not sure what she wants to do today, so plan on shortening brothers jeans he sent over until she decides..need to do some planting as I've picked up another car full of shrubs and perrenials this week and they are sitting looking pretty in their new home, waiting to be planted...

Would love to do some decorative painting on the table/chair set I have in the secret garden, but that I could do inside if it's raining at least until Baby Shower time...

Made a commitment after looking at all the lovely lily's on 'Best Worse and What did I learn thread' promised myself that on Friday after giving my wallet to SIL Suzanne and keeping only $50.00 I'd pay Gatrix Lily Farm a visit..I've only 4 lily's in the picture frame garden so need mega more...

This get addictive doesn't it...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


I think you good to go now. See you later.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ya see Jo South that's why I run around with a box on my head. H*a*i*l hurts!!

Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Hello everyone
Betty, I just watched the weather network and it says you guys are gonna get hammered today with thunder storms. Those are big hail stones Joanna, hope your head survived. I noticed my brugs actually have blooms this morning, but they havent opened yet. Ive never grown them before, so dont know what to expect. It actually rained here this morning, very lightly for about 5 minutes. Im off to the local nursery, as I bought some more perennials 2 days ago, but got very itchy and started swelling up. Not sure if I was bitten by something or if Im allergic to these plants.

Hope everyone enjoys there day..cheers!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hiya ..

Gosh .. I hate to say this .. again .. but TBay is havin another kick butt awesome day !! Gonna be near 28C .. sorta windy .. but that's okee dokee ..

Watered at the cemetery this morning with my landscaper bud .. I mostly just walked the cemetery and admired her work and crativity .. Lilly didn't mind :-)
Will have to post some pics of her gardens there .. beauteous fer sure ...
The Ivory Silk trees are winding down .. BOY do they smell delightful .. am putting one of them on my 'tree wish list' ..

Gosh .. that hail is something else !!! I fear it .. DH had a fairly new truck that got pelted with it in a freak summer thunder storm a few years back .. the damage was repaired (as best the auto shop could) but .. the truck never did look 'smooth' again ..

Have a super Sunday everyone :-)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

"Ya see Jo South that's why I run around with a box on my head. H*a*i*l hurts!!"

I dunno, dahlianut, I think if my hubby saw me doing that, it'd be his excuse to have me committed!! LOL. But I fully respect why you do it. Ü


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Supper company is gone .. and I am about DONE .. had a couple here today to look over the property with their photographer .. they are getting married in a few weeks and have chosen to come here following the service to have their wedding pics done .. kind of exciting .. had 2 couples do so last year .. it's the trees they want in their backdrops ..
we never accept money .. I will accept a small donation to the Hospice Unit though .. works out fine ..
Smiling here .. last year a bride had 'to go' while here .. I haveta tell ya .. it was QUITE the deal with her dress and the bathroom .. her Maid of Honour earned her title that day !!!

An awesome day here .. and hope it was where you are as well .. course .. if ya had to wear a box on yer head .. I would imagine it might NOT have been LoL



Another box-day here - hailed in the NE this time, and really dumped some rain.
Go figure......... had to be fair to both ends of the city, eh? Yesterday it was the south, and today it was the north of Calgary
I was lucky - no hail damage on my property, but I sure felt silly after I brought home some plants - 'watered in' the new plantings lol Bet my neighbours were thinking I was "one crazy lady" (they're right!)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Storm missed us, was out doing some planting, gosh I don't know how those shrubs and perennials get into my car...should report it I guess..in the meantime as I worked, sky got dark, win came up and I felt drops but by the time I put my equipment away it had moved on..lucky if we had 10 drops...watered everything tonight..did some weeding, had the baby shower this aft. - put some decorative painting on 4 chairs for out in the secret garden, something primitive to match the area so I'm just plain tuckered out..another week I go back to work for a rest....

Night/night everyone!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Lovely and cool here this evening, but it was humid and threatening earlier this evening. We brought the crowd in early for the 7:30 concert I was working at. We try to avoid that, particularly at that church because it gets quite hot in that particular church and the longer everyone is inside, the hotter it gets. But we don't want them to be caught in a deluge either, though the deluge never did occur.

Worked three concerts/events today - two back-to-back "meet the artist/master class" sessions at 11 am and 1 pm at the University facility and the evening concert. Tomorrow, I think I will take in the first 30 minutes or so of a noon hour concert before I head out to usher at a long 2 pm concert. Since that concert has an intermission, I think I'll just stay downtown and get a bite to eat somewhere because as stage manager I should be at the 7:30 concert about 2 hours ahead of time. And if I can persuade DH to collect me, we'll take in the "late night at the legion" event after the evening concert. Music in a lounge setting.

Have a good night everyone.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Another 500 or so people thru the garden today. But we did not escape the afternoon storm which came in about 3 pm Thunder, lightning and rain first and then suddently hail and we herded all the people in the back yard into my porch. Fortunately it did not last long and there was no damage. It cleared up shortly after and people kept coming thru until closing time. I had opened the front door for the gatesitter and volunteer to get out of the rain with their paperwork if we got dumped on and still be able to see people coming thru - it slowed down a bit but not by much!
I suspect some part of the city got hailed on again pretty hard.

The dogs including my new foster who has been here just a week were in the yard almost all day both days - the foster apparently appointed himself official greeter- and they were all well behaved in fact my two slept most of the morning today and were much admired!

This is Ben the new foster - he is a wonderful personality and it won't take long to find him a home.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Oh my CArol .. 'Ben' is a handsome fellow .. has a very kind face .. do hope he finds a good home ..

Sounds as though your weekend went well with the tours .. all be it the rain factor .. the one blessing in that was that it was short lived ..

Supposedly another beautiful day here in Thunder Bay .. a bit cooler .. 23C .. actually, to me, that's a perfect temp :-0

Hope all goes well for you Ann re the concerts .. sounds wonderfully relaxing (Being part of the audience) :-)

How did everyone like your cake at the Baby SHower Betty .. betcha it was a HIT!!

Smiling here .. just had a quick BOO at Dave's weekly Gardening Journal .. have found a whole new use for the abandoned Kiddy Pool in the shed :-)

Enjoy your day, AND, your week :-)


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" where do you find the Daves Journal..off in search..

I never saw so many people at a baby shower..almost a wedding..lol..they had to have several trucks to take it home..imagine...as for gifts she started to open when she got there at 2:00 and at 5:00 was still opening and most had left...only problem was, because of so many none were able to see the gifts she received...

Hit Canadian Tire this morning in Vaughan, funny how they all sell their products in the greenhouse differently..in Midland, barely a savings, in Barrie maybe 25% off and in Vaughan 60 to 80% off.. of course had to purchase a 4' shrub called ceegee now not sure if it's a hydrangea ??? poor memory, know it's in my car and I got it for $8.00 lol...was running out of time, had to scurry to work but they also had a lilac tree called 'varieties' not the 'common' so must go at lunch to see if I can purchase a couple..do you think it means the tree will have different colors??? hm that would be interesting..

Glad you all enjoyed your weekend, everyone seemed to be extremely busy..thank goodness for the work week, we can rest...

Highly doubtful though, already planning what I'll get up to for the long weekend... me bad!!!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

There is a Pee Gee Hydrangea. I can't find Dave's Journal either.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Hmm Don, maybe that's the one I purchased..will have to look at the tag when I get home..bought a lilac tree, 2 forynthia's at lunch..just can't resist...

Girlfriend Dianne called to remind me Kempenfest (over 300 craft/art exhibitors) are on the Barrie waterfront this weekend..guess you all know where I'll be Sat. morning..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Umm .. I opted to have it delivered to my email every Monday morning .. have been doing so for about 6 months .. I tend to think I filled out SOMETHING way back when .. I may have deleted the current one .. but will try and post a saved one if I have any .. they're GREAT !!! :-)


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

OKAY .. I don't have any saved .. but .. if you are on Dave's HOME page .. look to the right .. you'll see a list of articles .. they were the ones in the weekly Newsletter .. :-)


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Found it, thanks. Some great tips there.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

This is way too funny. I get the DG Weekly Newsletter but I thought there was now some fabby Dave's Journal in the Journal Section that I was missing so I've been hunting around looking for it. ^_^

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I was looking all over the place too!

Have been reading those articles ever since they started!

Or is there really a Daves Gardening Journal somewhere?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I promise next Monday I will save it and post it .. the kiddies swimming pool scenario is just TOO excellent .. stuff a rope through the hol on the pool, and pull the pool along (empty) as you fill it with your garden scraps !! It slides right along the grass .. not a problem.
As well .. the pinning a plastic grocery bag to your gadening clothes before you do 'deadheading' .. keeps both hands free :-)



North Saanich, Canada

To opt in to the newsletter, go to the MY TOOLS tab at the top of the home page. Then on the right hand side you will see NEWSLETTER. Click on there, and you can opt to have the newsletter e-mailed to you once a week.


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Newsletter was under my Preferences. Said I was alrady signed up to receive it. Hadn't noticed???

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