What's in doing in your part of the country??? Pt.6

North Saanich, Canada

Oops. I forgot the My preferences tab. Don, you don't get a newsletter once a week?? I think mine came yesterday.


Well, here it is........... about to bloom :-)
Think this one is Datura Metel Ballerina - might be yellow, or white. The bud is yellow, but it may pale to cream when it blooms.......
S'funny, but the leaves look like Inoxia, not Metel....... I had Inoxia last year, and got some seedlings this year, but I bought & rec'd a gift of Metel this year and the leaves are vastly different.

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
North Saanich, Canada



hahahahaha awwwwww ggd - wish I could give you one of the "babies" I found in my garden. Found about 40 of the lil darlings.........!!

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
North Saanich, Canada

I hope to try them again next year. I grew some beautiful datura a few years ago. Last year was just a disaster. I don't think they would do all that good this year either as we haven't had a whole lot of heat!! Last year there were plants at all the nurseries, this year can't find any!!!!!


All I can do is hope my brugs perform! I even had some brugmansia perfume in the air tonight!!! WOO HOO!!!!


Yeah, couldn't find these in any of the nurseries, either........... until I found the Metels. Really love them - got a ruffled purple one, and it's lovely.

I understood the Daturas were scented, but the Brugs weren't?!?!

North Saanich, Canada

Nope, brugs have a wonderful scent!!!!


my purple Datura Metel
dunno what variety it is, though........ any ideas?

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
North Saanich, Canada

Nope, no idea. Here's one of my whites from several years ago:

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada


Thumbnail by ggd

oooooooooooooh ggd - the white, prolific one looks like mine from last year - Datura Inoxia - love it, love it, love it. Kept deadheading it, and it rewarded me with a long flowering season.
It's the one that I got so many seedlings from!
I can hardly wait until they're big. Little concerned about what I'm going to do with so many though. I still have over 30.
I'm giving some away, cuz I know they're also house plants, but I'll have more than I can reasonably give away, too. I know I can't courier or mail them - too delicate.....

North Saanich, Canada

Save some seeds!!!!!


I'll try!! I saved some this time, but I've never kept, or germinated them, before.
I found that I'd kept a whole bunch of pods. Don't know which ones are good.......
Do you know how to tell, ggd?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Mornin all :-)

Purdy fleurs .. am going to have to keep my eyes opene while scouting out the local greenhouses for these 2 types of plants .. Datura and Brugs .. any idea what they are 'zoned' as ? I'm 3a ..

Hopefully everyone who wasn;t getting Dave's weekly journal has now found out the mechanism with which to do so :-) You won't be sorry .. the articles are very informative, and the pics of the gardens and flowers are awesome .. this week it's an Impatiens from South Africa .. take your breath away with the colours !!

My granddaughter's 10th BDay today .. taking the family out to Applebees for lunch .. looks to be a good day weather wise .. seems we have a sorta wet day encroaching upon us from the west tomorrow .. RAIN we need !!!

Kinda 'STINKY' in here at the moment .. 2 skunks had a wee altercation on the patio under the kitchen window, which, was OPEN !!! Came out at about 0515 and was assaulted by 'Eau de Toilette Skunky' !!! The HEAVINESS of it is just disappating now .. Lilly is groomer bound this morning so am reluctant to let her out ..

Enjoy your day everyone :-)


Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

I think that both Datura and Brugmansia are only hardy down to about zone 7 minimum, depending on the species and cultivar. Datura, at least here in Ontario, are generally grown as annuals since they're pretty easy from seed and flower in their first year.

Looks like another beautiful day here on Ontario's West Coast :-) Sunshine, blue skies, and just enough breeze to keep the humidity in check.

Company coming for coffee and donuts (they're bringing the donuts) this morning and to take a tour of our new landscaping efforts. It's really starting to come together now. I should have some photos to share over the next couple days. LOL Taking the pictures isn't a problem. Getting around to posting them is. I'm resisting spending too much time on the computer so I can get the garden work done.

Have a fantastic day everyone!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Looking forward to those photo's Ginny...I'm off to look for the Newsletter...let's hope I find it...

Was sent some seeds from Maryland ..Datura's, I've quite a bit growing that I have no clue what they are..I guess you could say I'm not really a gardener as I don't know the names, but I do love gardening just for seeing flowers/shrubs in bloom...maybe I'll learn..got that beautiful gardening journal on a swap made especially for me, never saw one so beautiful, even little plastic pouches, pens, tabs to mark and save seeds for next year..I found it too nice to mark up but guess it's the purpose so should do so...

Sunny here as well, calling for a few showers tomorrow and I guess it will only take a few drops to break the record for most rain in July...we're almost in August, Michaels has Halloween things out, grandson NOAH told me the other day (he's 10) that he was going to have nightmares that night, asking why, he said "just saw all the school stuff in Walmart-that's enough to have nightmares" lol..it's coming..

So guess we'd better make the best of August...

Yep, one of the 4 shrubs I purchased yesterday was PeeGee Hydrangea, already about 4' in size..I'll not get flowers this year...

Question..I many/many butterfly bushes, some are as tall as 8' but no signs of flowers..is it because it's still too early????


I'm in zone 3b, and grew these Dats successfully last year. These this year I grew from seed......... new adventure for me.
It's difficult to find Dats, unless they're Metel, or an even smaller cousin. Inoxia is the largest of them all, in Dats.
Both Dats & Brugs are very fragrant.
I grew Dats under an overhang, facing due South, and they loved it. Very sheltered. The tender seedlings don't like strong sun, but once they're bigger they're very hardy, as annuals.
I brought one to the office, and giving them to co-workers. I hope to be able to grow one to full flowering size @ my workspace.....

Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Ahhh, the rain has finally arrived here..its been over a month now. I just got home from work, and for the first time in a long time, dont have to water anything. I did water before I went to work last nite and noticed so many blooms that I hadnt even seen before. I lost sooo many of my seedlings earlier this year, as the weather was so wacky.

Ive got red picotee morning glory and noticed that my brugs have huge buds, but no flowers yet. Ive never grown these before either, so really looking forward to seeing what there like. I think I can overwinter them here on the deck with our milder temps outside, but will have to make sure. They've really taken off and have lots of separate shoots from the main stem. Ive never grown Dats before, are they similar?

Now, I have to go for a run again..ugh, before I get to bed......Im so tired, but gotta keep at this. Im trying to stay healthy and have some marathons Im entering in the fall and also have this job Ive applied for..have to be top shape.

Hope you all have a wonderful day today

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Grew some Dats from seed last year. Ended up poisoning my cat :) The plants are VERY toxic. After I planted them outside (caged), they bloomed, but wasn't impressed with the presentation. Too hot here for them, I think. Afer having Brugs for a few years, I much prefered them. That was the end of Daturas for me.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Wow, you haven't had the rain and here if we get any amount - even say 50 drops..lol..we'll break the record for most rain that fell in the month of July..so mega rain...however, I did have to water last night..some plants were looking mighty droopy...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Don, is kitty ok? Friend brought me a nice bouquet of flowers and included were catails..because of they are about 3' high I put the display on the floor, noticed last night Missy had her head in the vase drinking..later than evening she was sick to her tummy, so lifted them and found it a new home .. just hope she doesn't decide to find their location...could have been tragic...everyone is gabbing about brugs..don't think I've seen them here in the nursery..I'm zone 5 so perhaps that's much too cold so they don't carry them...will check it out..

North Saanich, Canada

Daturas are usually grown as an annual as they definitely will not take the frost. Brugs won't take frost either,but can be overwintered in a garage, basement etc. We have another building on our property that isn't heated, and I keep them there, giving them a bit of water once every month or so. All the leaves fall off, and sometimes some of the stems get a bit yucky. But trim them off in the spring, and they get going again. My large brugs have been in the same pots for several years. Last year I root planed them and repotted them in the same pots and they have done well.
Both of these plants are toxic and that's one of the reasons I grow brugs. THE DEER WON'T TOUCH THEM!!!
Lots of people grow brugs in the ground, and just cut them down in the fall and they often come back in the spring(at least in warmer climates). I have never grown them in the ground.
Don, when I grew my dats a few years ago, they were grown in full sun and absolutely loved it. It was pretty hot that year and they grew tremendously.
Here's one of my brugs last year.

Thumbnail by ggd
Victoria Harbour, ON

Beautiful, almost tree like aren't they..I'd better not go in search then, you have no idea what I do to indoor plants...lol

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Kitty was fine after a weekend stay at the Vet's getting a system flush. He was a pretty sick cat, I was terrified I would lose him. Took him several days after coming home from the Vets to completely recuperate. His eyes were dilated for 4-5 days after. I had the seedlings sitting on a window sill and blocked off for inquisitive =^..^=, but an errant spent leaf fell on the floor without my knowledge, and he chewed it. Took only a matter of minutes and he was showing signs; disoriented, stumbling and then finally lethargic to point of losing consciousness. It was scary.

Brugmansia are beautiful flower with a wonderful scent and in zone 5, should do well as an annual. Overwintering inside works well if you can stand the bug infestations. :( Had them for 3 years or so before inside space requirements (or lack of) in the winter, sealed their fate. Enjoyed them, though, when I had them.

Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Well..I didnt last too long running this morning...was on the trails and hit a tree root, from a stump that was growing up and didnt see it..and took a total head dive....OUCH!...that really hurt, and my knee isn't very impressed right now either. Its already starting to swell now..oh oh...already had surgery on that one..yikes

Great pics Glenda...and Ill try to post some of the brugs that you sent me..they are doing just great now..gotta go and get some frozen peas and elevate my leg now...enjoy your day!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

I agree, ggd, Dats and Brugs do love sun, which is where I grew them. But we tend to have extended weeks of 30C+ (often 35C+) with minimal precipitation, down here in the southern interior, and the Dats just didn't seem to be able to take that heat. Just never got full or lush, even though they did blossom. Even when I grew my Brugs, they had a Northwest exposure, and they thrived.

Betty, Brugs do grow to be small trees, and they are lovely. Just a little complicated. Definitely do some reading.

Edited to mention that the Brugmansia Forum here on DG is an excellent resource. :)

This message was edited Jul 29, 2008 10:40 AM


The Dats I grew in Calgary (3b) were about 3 1/2 to 4 ft tall - like a small bush I guess - and were in a sheltered-from-the-wind area, facing south. We had some days over 30c, but they still seemed to do well. I'm a constant waterer, so maybe that's what they needed - watering @ the roots. Anyway, this year I have the seedlings, so I'm going to see what happens.
Maybe I'll get more seed pods & can start them in the late winter so I can put them outside in the spring once they're big enough.
I seem to have the right micro-climate in my front berm.
I wish I'd had the digital camera last summer so I could show you some of the pictures of them. Some of the neighbours are still talking about them :-)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ah Syney, sorry about your fall..will it hamper your being able to do your planned run???

It's bedtime, will move us over..

Victoria Harbour, ON

Welcome, take a chair and share your day!


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