What's in doing in your part of the country??? Pt.6

Victoria Harbour, ON

We as Canadians have to get all the gardening in that we can..all know what just around the corner..then what..sit a visit the photo albums..lol..plan next years garden...I'm already seeing slight changes, almost fall like..any of you experiencing the same...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

shhhhhhh shame shhhhhh that's swearing.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

JUst got back from the Zoo - had to be there at 730 for TV interview on some morning show done locally - promoting the Hort. Society and the Garden Competition. Of course I had to drive across town but left rather early in hopes there would not be much traffic - not too bad coming or going. I hate driving in heavy traffic - never had a car until 10 years ago and always either walked or bussed to work.

Got home, walked the dogs - almost home, lady walking down the street with black dog ( looks like a dipsy doodle!) off leash - as she gets close she hollers its not her dog! So she grabbed the leash for me, got him home, had an almost unreadable phone number tag which I called - turns out he was left in the yard of a house down the street and the lady to whom I was talking was in Radium, BC! She phoned hubby at the airport and he called me and said he would be here in half an hour.
In the meantime I have crated him in the kitchen as he wanted to play with my dogs and they were not happy about that and he kept wandering into the flower beds - not a good thing to do with open gardens weekend coming up!

P.S. Dipsy doodle is my term for all these designer crosses that are poodle -somethings. Actually turns out he is a Porty - Portugese Water Dog with a summer shave!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Know the kind...my son has a Labradoodle or something of the type..beautiful dog though..so your are now dog sitting..lol..kind of you..hope no damage to your garden though...

Although I get off at 1:00 today HWY 400 is usually still bumper to bumper..never ceases to amaze me, roads are never empty!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I won't do it. You can't make me. There is no up side (well maybe flannel jammies and sheets).

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

A contest to guess the first snowfall - in which particular location would that be?

Anyway, I'm with dahlianut! I refuse to think about it until October at the earliest and you can't make me 8-p

Victoria Harbour, ON

It is hot and so muggy with the smog laying low to the ground...news just said with humidity it feels like 36...thank goodness I've the a/c on...guess we just can't win...did any of you get that thunder storm last night...I can't recall the last time that it was so loud, each crack and you'd wonder if it hit your house...lightning wasn't as bad..poor Sailor was going absolutely crazy...she howls when the phone rings, sound bothers her, but this, omg she didn't know where to hide...couldn't hide under the bed, because that's where I was...lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

jUMPIN IN ... Hallowe'en .. LoL ... usually we get a 'ROGUE' snowstorm then .. which is why snowsuits for kids are big enough to fit OVER their costumes :-)

Me and 'hissy fits' .. I gotta tell ya .. if the feelings inside me right now .. were ever to SPEW forth and land smack onto the Service Manager he might be looking for another line of work .. but .. as much as I want to 'let'er go' .. I know once I get in there .. I'll take one look at the guy and stand there as if struck deaf and mute at the same time :-( which is why .. I will take DH with me .. I'll root for him and hope his Scots Heritage (red hair and freckles AND temper) don't coalless and cause a HUGE ta doo .. I sorta think that as the day wears on we have both sorta calmed down a bit and have gotten our ducks lined up.
We plan to head into town around 3pm.

Stay cool !!!


LOVE the 'Dipsy Doodle' term :-)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Checking in to see how you made out "M" ... sometimes just having a man around will do it...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well .. I WON!! WOOOO HOOO .. Gord (DH) was sorta being less assertive .. so .. I spoke up .. I told the service manager if I receiving NOTHING for my money .. I wanted an income tax receipt to use as a charitable donation to Canadian Tire .. he froze .. blinked .. stepped back .. repeated what I had said .. I concurred .. and he just said .. here's your refund.
DH was speechless and I simply took the money and walked away .. kinda like the Ikea ad on TV .. "Start the truck .. start the truck" !! LoL
Sometimes ya just think and come up with a solution :-0

I guess what we'll do now is look for a plac ethat KNOWS what they're doin .. I would never suggest Cdn Tire for auto repairs !!

There ya have it ..


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi folks,

I don't think I've written anything today though I've checked in a couple of times.

The DGTwins have gone back home to their parents and our house is getting back to normal. ^_^ We went out to a Japanese restaurant tonight and they took a pic of the family and gave it to us. A nice touch! Though they forgot the MISO soup! I told them I'd come back during the Chamber Music Festival which starts next week when I'll be volunteering a lot and running from church to church in the downtown core and that I would come in for some sushi and wanted a free soup. They made a note of my name. We'll see!

I've started a thread on the Hosta Forum about my gardens and the garden tour last evening. Sandy came during the tour and has more pics taken during it. that she'll post later. You'll find it at http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/878675/

I hope you all have a good night.


Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Good for you ~M~

I had a similar experience with Cdn Tire, and turned out to be a nightmare for me. I had some electrical work done on my car and had to pick up my DH at the airport in Toronto...a few yrs ago. This was at nite and very snowy as well. As I was driving down the 401, I lost all of my power as I was driving..lights, power steering... everything, and that Hwy is sooo busy. I managed to pull into a weigh scale and almost lost my life as I was in the fast lane and had to crank my steering wheel to get outta the way of those semi trucks etc..I think I almost had a heart attack.

I too was reimbursed for some of it, not as much as I thought I should get back as I had already spent over 2 thousand at that point., as I had already taken it in there 3 times prior to that incident...but that was also with alot of patience and finally just lost my temper..which takes alot for me.

Beware of Cdn Tire for auto repairs as they dont do a good job and are very hard to deal with and always make you feel like its "your fault"..hmmm

Im finally off for 2 days and then back on nights again. I slept most of the day as I didnt go to bed until about 0930hrs after a 12hr shift..Ive already done all the laundry, cleaning, watering and I think Im gonna have a nice quiet nite, as Im still sleeply and tired.

Hope you all have a great weekend...cheers!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

They don't call it crappy tire for nothin. LMAO M. That is the BEST!!! I can just picture you beetling away like the Ikea lady ^_^

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Ann .. what an absolutely beautiful picture .. I hope you frame it and display it .. your 2 grandkids are adorable :-)
Hang tuff re the soup ..

Yeppers .. quite the experience with Can Tire .. their credibility has sunk to an all time low for me .. I simply cannot fathom the gall of repairing (but not repairing) someones AC and then being so nonchalant about its having to be re repaired for a CASUAL $350+ more !!
Sydney .. I can't imagine your terror when you lost power on the 401 !! That highway would HAVE to be a LAST resort for me (if I was driving)

Ahhhhhhh mids .. gotta love'em .. and I do (did) worked'em for over 15 years .. always consider myself so fortunate to have been able to see so many outrageously beautiful sunrises over Lake Superior and the Sleeping Giant .. and .. like you Sydney .. after mid #4 and days off begin .. you tend to push the envelope and not go to bed .. gosh .. I don't know how the heck I did it !! :-) I am so casual now and ONLY do Hospice ..

Will have a boo at the Hosta pics a bit later .. I already know they're wonderful :-)

Have a splendiferous Saturday everyone (Dragon Boat Races here)


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good morning,

Looks like a lovely day here, albeit maybe warm. But not rainy like yesterday. After breakfast I plant to get out and hit garden centres looking for bargains. ^_^

Re Canadian Tire, we've used them a lot for tires, but not for other things of a major nature. But driving either European cars or antique toys, they aren't the place we'd likely go.

Hope you all have a great day.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

LAST pic of my 'Purple Poppies' .. NO I did not pull'em all out last weekend .. I just couldn't do it .. always felt I would feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around and see Dorothy and ToTo from the Wizard of Oz standing behind me LoL .. they are such beautiful flowers and I would SO like a dress or a top in that colour .. have come close ..
I guess nobody knows the 'true name' for them ? They are terribly invasive .. but even DH likes to see them in amongst the veggies in his garden.

Happy shopping Ann .. I did manage to purchase a long forgotten and withered PINK Bleeding Heart from Zellers last week (60% off) that needs a home badly !!

I am really OFF now :-) (PROCRASTINATION )


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" how wonderful you got the money back..I as well can imagine the IKEA scene..lol...good for you! Love those poppies...if you get seeds could I have some??? Please/please???

ViolaAnn what a photo perfect picture of all of you..they are just so adorable...any more travelling in store..seems you are always off to some location enjoying? lol

Dahlianut, yep that's what it's called, must say though as far as purchases they've been wonderful to take anything back and exchange it...

Syney..sounds as though a good sleep will do wonders...you work long hours don't you???

Just got back from garage sale hunting..3 hrs. in this heat..but Kathy, lady who has taken it upon herself to cut my grass each week doesn't drive and she so enjoys garage sales that I thought I'd treat her and take her out..

Needed a bunch of glass item to make my 'swap' piece, bought some but not enough, now I must go in search of more - perhaps the $$$ store....

What I did enjoy though is driving through town looking at everyones yards..I'm particularly in love with one in Midland..will have to take my camera this aft. and see if they will let me capture some of it's beauty..not only the flowers but yard art...

Excited about picking up tomatoes/cucumbers..now sandwiches for lunch..yummy/yummy...

Enjoy the day...

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

I told the service manager if I receiving NOTHING for my money .. I wanted an income tax receipt to use as a charitable donation to Canadian Tire

Priceless! You go girl!!! Even my DH said he was going to have to remember that one :-)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks Ginny .. it was either that or start to 'BAWL' very loudly !!! Since that would have made my mascara run, it was a LAST resort !!

Betty .. isn't it just wonderful to drive around and look at other's 'gardening works of art' .. gosh .. spent some time doing that today myself. It's pretty obvious that HOSTA is extremely popular .. all kinds of beauteous species .. some of the beds are spectacular ..

I have my grandkids tomorrow .. I best get myself ready for bed .. that is an ongoing joke between DH and myself .. I'll get up from my desk to go to bed at lets say 9 .. if I am in bed by 9:45pm it's a miracle !! Find things to put away, play with Lilly, set up the coffee for the morning .. makes me nuts !!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend .. storms a comin here (or so 'they' say)


Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG everyone..there is a home in Midland, I must past it each and every time I go to town..not on my route but I make sure it is..it's my kind of gardens..very country/english...just absolutely breathtaking..

So after the party I was attending, I just parked my car in their drive, they were sitting enjoying a cool one but had the wheelbarrel close by as they were working on all their gardens..well I introduced myself, camera in hand told them just how much I admired their yard..asked them if I could take photo's..shucks I had forgotten to charge my batteries..now that's enough to make one scream..managed I think to take 2 photo's but there were so many different areas to it that these 2 won't do it justice...

All the rusted metal art was purchased but he does birdhouses out of jerrycans, metal jugs etc. and had metal roofs...well I had just the thing in my car, some copper, so gave it to him..wouldn't you know, he said he's make me a birdhouse..that got me excited...lol...

Anyway, I was invited back for a tour and I'll make sure my camera is charged...

On the charger now so I'll post the few I did take tomorrow...

Tired after a long day, so off to bed I go...
Gab tomorrow and will respond to the posts I've missed...

Night everyone...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

OMG!!! All it takes is initiative :-) Good for you Betty and I sure am looking forward to seeing the pics .. I'm sure the home's occupants are tickled pink .. PLUS .. you scored a Hand Crafted Birdhouse !!!!

The TBay Garden Tour is today .. besides increasing Hosta gardens throughout the city, we seem to have several homes that have gone to great lengths to construct 'Japanese Gardens' .. foot bridges, waterfalls, rockery, and Trellis .. as I will have the kids I won't be going, but will hear back from friends .. response last year was .. and I kid you not .. BORING :-( I guess after 2 years (2005/2006) of visiting these gardens .. we expected something different .. I'd LOVE to see and Olde English Garden.
If anyone has visited is living or has lived in Winnipeg .. well .. there is an English Garden in Assiniboine Park .. absolutely outstanding .. along with some bronze sculptures by a fellow called Leo Mol .. beautiful !! If you're ever there in summer do go .. actually I have visited at various times of the year and gone to admire the scupltures. Assiniboine Park is awesome.

I best get my bustle hustlin .. I tend to sort of 'semi' kid proof the house before the kids come .. don't have to do that much anymore as Brooklyn is 10 and Austin is 7 .. maybe I'll get a pic or 2 today :-)

Enjoy your Sunday everyone .. stay safe and ..................SMILE :-)


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

POO BAH!! Can everyone say "HUMIDITY" ?? After a night of rain and thnderstorms we have it .. and I am NOT going to moan and compalin .. cuz .. simply put .. it is NOT snow !!! And .. my hair could use MORE curl !!

Yesterday with the kids was awesome .. tiring .. but awesome .. we pruned (lifted) the large Evergreens backing against (over Lilly's fence) it's quite amazing how removing ONE limb will take enough weight from the tree to raise it .. we can see the back of the property much better now.
I did take some pics, but have yet to download them ..

I am awaiting with baited breath for my 'DEER SCRAM" order to arrive .. this morning Ma Doe was munchin DH beet tops :-( .. haven't been actually OUT to see the damage .. kinda don't want to ... I found out about Deer Scram from a forum on Daves .. I am expecting miracles :-)
A friend installed an electric fence around his garden .. well .. I guess the voltage wasn't high enough .. the deer either jumped it .. or went in between .. 'BZZZZZ BZZZZ be darned" !!! His garden sustained moderate damage .. and he has turned up the voltage .. I am kinda not really in favour of 'OUCH' methods .. if the odour from this Deer Scram will keep the deer at bay .. we'll be happy ..

Monthly trek to the 'Stoopid Store' today .. most commonly referred to as the 'SuperStore' .. we gave it the former moniker after going there during a $1. sale .... they were missing 80% of the items advertised !!! Very disappointing .. but .. as I am cooking Chinese food tonight .. THAT is the store of choice .. AISLE 14 :-)

Hope everyone has a most auspicious week .. enjoy .. and do NOT forget to smile :-)


Victoria Harbour, ON

Running late, be back when I reach the city..then I'll have all the hours of today to gab..lol

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne - someone who came to see my garden last Thursday said he had MANY Hostas at his cottage. I asked him how he controlled deer and he replied that he put shavings of Irish Spring soap out among them and that it works very well. It's worth a try.

Supposed to rain here, but the day is dawning sunny. I should try to get the new acquisitions planted somewhere in the garden. I got a couple of perennials - NOT on sale, when I visited my local Hosta nursery with a question. And I scored a reasonable number of cheap annuals at Loblaws garden centre which closes down this week.

Also busy with some sewing projects. Want to get as much done as possible because the Chamber Music Festival starts on Friday and I'm volunteering at over 30 concerts in the following 2 weeks.

Have a great day.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann you sure are a busy lady...thanks for the info on the Irish soap shavings..Judy (Seedtosser1) has lost many of her plants to deer, will have to post the info..

Dark sky and light rain for today..rained ever so lightly most of the day yesterday so I managed to get 50 of the 150 wine glasses I have to paint for a wedding done..not particularly impressed with the color and design but that's what they wanted...

"M" don't you hate the ads that say 'while quantities last' and really they only have 2 or 3..sometimes it's a ploy to get you in there...

Posted the photo's of the garden (4) and thought I had posted them here..funny, friends followed me to the location so they could have a look, when I visited with Ann yesterday she said she didn't like the 'busy/busy' look it had in such a small area...omg, but I love it...so maybe I'll dream and work to do a bit more in my yard but not as much as theirs..lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

The lovely scent of Irish Spring is wafting through the house .. and I do so love its fragrance .. DH is deciding where to put it and has decided to wait til my 'Deer Scram' arrives tomorrow (I just tracked it and it says it'll be here Tuesday). Guess we'll be doing like an experiment to see which is most effective ..

True to form .. the SuperStore had a fabulous deal on Red Pepper and they all went over the weekend .. truck arrives tonight .. arggggggggggggggg ...

Very overcast and ominous here at present .. but no boomers apparent on the radar .. the bugs are crazy bad outside though .. never a good sign ..

I best go and start chopping the veggies for supper .. lots to do ..

Hope to put up a pic or 2 later .. will pop over to look at yours Betty :-)


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" tell me again what a 'deer scram' does???

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Here's the link to the website http://www.deerscram.com/
Apparently all that has to be done .. is to shake the granuels around the area you want the deer to SCRAM from :-)
For us it'll be the veg garden and the young trees that are presently caged in unsightly contraptions made from chicken wire :-( We have a Weeping Willow, 2 Sugar Bush Maples, an Elm and 2 Lilacs encaptured !!
We'll see .. the Scram emits and odour not really detected by humans .. and it is purported to be SAFE for your family pets to be around ..

First round of supper done (DH eats early as he goes shooting (targets) Monday ... my friend and I will eat later after the 6pm news .. (my addiction) :-)

Still haven't uploaded the pics :-(



dunno how your garden would look, but I read that you take the prunings from your rose bush, and cats won't go into the garden - suppose it would bypass the hard hooves of the deer? Or do you think it'd help?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Mornin :-)

Tallulah I have watched a BIG BUCK .. jump a 3.5' fence without being 'on the run' I walked out the back door .. he was standing about 100ft away .. I startled him and he just kinda 'POPPED' over a fence we had .. they are wonderful jumpers ..
Betcha the rose thorns would work on bunny rabbits though ..
I'll be keeping you all informed after we use it. The Does have been about , sporadically, but not fawns as of yet .. they'll probably show up in August. From then on the herd out back increases as the days march into Autumn.

Going to be a nice day in TBay today .. yesterday was pretty OK :-)

HAVE TO wash my floors today .. a MONUMENTAL task as the house is ranch style and I pretty much have about 800 sq ft of laminate to do .. it's NOT the washing I deplore .. it's moving all the furniture !!!! Hopefully DH will be home today and help me .. he tends to SCOOT when I get the wash bucket out LoL

Hope everyone has a better than best day :-)


Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Heh ~M~

Your so lucky to even be in that environment..you have no idea...living in the city sucks most times!! Too much money for everything and no peace and quiet.

Heard from DH yesterday and hopefully will be home early next month/by Army standards..

Hope everyone has a great day!!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good morning,

Cloudy in the Nation's capital today.Will spend the morning sewing and doing other indoor projects before it gets busy again next week.

Hope you get to do what you want today.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Se Marilynne was the floors .. NOT :-( See Marilynne start to wash the floors and then stop to do laundry and then stop again to post some pics. See Marilynne's DH decide today is a good day to go to the local Strawberry farm and pick strawberries .. ergo .. the floors can wait another day !!

3 pics ..

First my Asiatic Lillies :-)

Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Brooklyn and Austin posing in front of the Elephant Ear Rhubarb .. it went to seed in a heartbeat this year !!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Brooklyn and Austin helping Lorna, my bud the landscaper, 'raise' the evergreens.


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

One more .. Austin finally decided pruning would have to wait til he gets a bit taller .. and .. stronger !!

Sydney .. my nephew is a Lt. Col and will be going back to Afghanistan for the third time soon :-(
He's stationed in Ottawa now .. had been in Belgium for 5 years.


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

Adorable "M", love the lily's..bought a few more on Canada Day and they are in bloom however, there is no 'fragrance'..the ones that do have are yet to bloom...must be the type...

Thanks for the link, will pass it on..

Ann, what are you sewing??? Do enjoy sewing but it must be after gardening and before fall crafting..lol..do have some machine embroidering to do of Austrilian flowers for Laura who is quilting but that's not work..machine does all of it on it's own..just change threads..

Sydney480..you will be so relieved to have DH back on Canadian soil..will he have to return..guess you'll be looking for a 'furry' soon after his return???? people ask why I travel 100 miles everyday to work in this (concrete city) and it's because when I get home I have such beauty right in my backyard and Georgian Bay just 1/2 miles away..worth the drive...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Off to bed .. going into work around 0400 ... weird hour I know .. but myself and 2 other nurses are 'specialing' a patient over the next 24 hours .. I'll be on Hospice til noon ..

My Deer Scram arrived .. BUT .. I have to GO to the UPS office to pick it up .. AND .. I OWE another $22.00 in brokerage fees !!! This stuff better work ..

Was able to get 2 strawberry pies baked .. one was kinda messy :-( forgot the cornflakes in the bottom of the crust to suck up the juice ..
DH picked 2 baskets .. THAT is LOTS !!! The baskets are 3 or 4 litres .. lets put it this way .. I had over an hour + of washing and hulling and slicing .. but .. for the ONCE a year treat .. it IS worth it :-)

Night night all !!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Betty - I'm doing PJ's. DD in Vancouver asked for some new ones - hers are threadbare. I thought I'd made her several pairs, but she says only one. I have a pattern that has rather long shorts and a loose top. Quite easy, loose and comfy. I make them in 100% cotton, usually on sale and I'm on a roll. Will make her 3 pairs and me 2. Should keep us going for awhile. When I do a bunch at a time, I can save on time reading the instructions.

And when I finish those, the Food Cupboard with which I've worked needs to have the Roman shades which I made about 1992 replaced as they are rotten. I brought one home and I've had the fabric for awhile now but just haven't gotten to them. They are big, but quite easy. Not too many rings to sew on as they have dowels in the fold pockets which help them function.

But I didn't get too much done today. Our church is sponsoring an African refugee and she has a number of appointments for which we've provided transport. I picked her up from one today and we stopped off to get some groceries.

And then I stopped by the car body shop to get the turn signal light assembly on my car replaced. Somehow my right front fender got pushed in and the light got snapped off. Not a mark on the fender anywhere except the bumper was sticking out a bit. I was blaming it on a tow back in June when I lost my coolant, but they said no - someone must have hit me in a parking lot. A little muscle on the fender and it looks fine - or fine enough for an 11 yr-old car, albeit one which is almost pristine.

Marilynne - don't you LOVE those brokerage fees? I try to avoid couriers if I can for things coming from the US. I hope the Deer Scram works.

Have a good night, everyone.



Ok - not a gardening topic but..........
I've been working @ this wonderful job for 3 mo, as a temp - they finally posted it (said, to be seen as fair, that they had to post it internally even though it's not a union position and it's exempt), and I had the interview today. Two others interviewed for it, but then my Boss & I are Very Sympatico, and he is a wonderful person to work with......
They got my references after the last interview, and set a time for the decision before my Boss goes out of town at the end of day, tomorrow.

I KNOW I'll get the job, but I'm still "on pins & needles" until I definitely get the offer letter!!! I'm one of those "missouri types" who believe something when it happens and not before. Guess you'd have to know my boss & I in order to know that my gut feeling is right on about my getting the job. Gotta tell ya - been here in Calgary for 2 years, and this is the first "real" as opposed to temp job I'll get & it's my Dream Job!!!!!

Thanks for letting me go on & on & on about this "non-gardening thingie" lol


This message was edited Jul 22, 2008 7:57 PM

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