She's about to....#5

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Very nice--Isn't Palm Bay just south of Clewiston? It has been a very long time since I was down that way.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

not familiar with clewiston, but from the map looks like palm bay is north. Palm Bay is near Cocoa Beach, Melbourne area.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

(clapping for James!) Hey Hotties... James (you are a hottie, too, I'm sure) I'm so glad to see you here. I've been checking to see if you've updated your thread with a bloom pic, too! Welcome to this crazy nutty Hottie Thread. We get wound up and fiesty once in a while, but we're ALL pretty harmless, cept I'm not sure about Mother Rainey, Melissa said she gets kinda bossy sometimes.. but that won't hurt, I've been bossed around many times by my sisters and Mom. Thought I'd check in before lunch.. I wish FL was my 2nd home, heck I wish it was my only home! KS is okay too.. Louise that is a gorgeous orchid!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Yikers you are so right. The is a Palm something just south of Clewiston on the west coast. I'm confused. Sorry!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Well AuntB I have been slaving to finish the downstairs area so will have room when it's done! Come on down!!!

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Good morning all. Getting ready to go back to work but just stopped off to say Hello and check on everyone.

Beck, I cannot believe you're getting a new 'puter and did not wheedle a camera in the deal. Sis, come on!! :))

Welcome to Laverne, Rainie, Louise or have I got that mixed up?

James, I would personally like to welcome you with all of your experience and tell you these ladies have talked about you before. (It was nice talk!) I guess you can be our official Hottie Hunk to go with the Hottie sisters! (I, for one, am only hottie when I've been working outside in the heat) but we have fun with it.

Most of us our brand-new to brugs and are just beginning to learn from the ladies who are gracious enough to teach us. I started out with 1 in May and now have 8 and I still don't know if I can grow them yet. Sometimes I think being pregnant for nine months was easier than brugs! At least I thought I knew when that one was going to bloom. Tee hee...

All right, Doe! Spreading that brugie love already. Good for you :))

Back to work, my vacation was tooo short. Lov ya, Peg

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Welcome. James! Don't be surprised at anything here!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I swear my brug babies have grown three inches in this heat! Unreal. I wish my veggie garden was growing that quickly!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I wish mine would grow some buds! (brugs, that is!)

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Me too, but mine are infants, I have never been the most incredibly patient gardener in the world.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Peg! That is brilliant... Hottie Hunk, I like it. James? Wanna be our Hottie Hunk? (gee, hope we didn't scare him off) Peg, I'm sorry you have to go back to work, it'll be better once the first day back is over. Marion, don't be slaving, wait till I get there and let me help.

Okay, we have Hotties all over the nation (and a Hottie Hunk in Pensacola-I hope;) ..... I'm going to Fort Jackson in South Carolina next month.. Drew's GF is graduating boot camp. I think we're driving... and I just know there are lots of cool plant related things (and maybe a Hottie or two) to see on the route. Anybody have any ideas for botanical gardens/ nurseries/ or Hotties that might be along our way? I thought about going back thru Raleigh, NC to take in Plant Delights Nursery, not sure, yet.... Neither one of us can afford it, but we're "splitting" the cost (probably me 90 him 10, lol) and I do need more Disney Reward Points, haha. Lauren (LuRu) has a younger brother graduating a couple weeks before her and her parents could only afford the trip once. So Drew and I will be Lauren's family when she graduates. I'm very proud of her, she'd never even been on an airplane until she left in May, now she's down there growing up all on her own. She's her platoon's leader. We miss her. So anybody gots any ideas?

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Hey guys, hottie Clemen reporting herself, abandon all of you today, sorry, had a lot of things to do!

Welcome James, nice to see you among the hottie group!

So, i'll catch up later, need to go see what will be for dinner, see you tonight! Clemen

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Hey, you hotties, look an elephant ear bloom for you all!

Thumbnail by happgarden
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Oh Joyce, I LOVE it! They are so exotic (almost erotic!!!) looking! Is there more buds? All my EEs are waiting in pots for the berm I thought I'd have built by now. I still enjoy them so much. Hi Clem, how bout pork chops for dindin? So, I've invited AmandaTaylor7 to "come on down" (check out the Hotties).. Amanda is certainly a Hottie and she's been busy with school/work and family and now has some DG time! We helped Amanda get her brugs going strong, she thought they were going to die... it was and numbered thread, much like this one. Lot's of fun and info, I thought of her when all you Hotties wanted some pointers... So if she posts (and doesn't JUST lurk, Amanda! lol) give her a big ol Hottie Welcome! I have to do some work-work, (argh!) -TTYL!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

EE grows like wildfire here in our zone, the nice thing about them here (for me) is that most of them are hardy. Joyce, I like those kind (still don't know its name), but I like the 'thicken' leaves and yes they look very 'tropical'ish'. Bonnie, hope we didn't scare James away. lol. James, we're a fun brugs-luvvas group. Really, you've got my words on this. lol.
Bonnie, hope you have a good trip. If I were anywhere close to where you're heading for I'd certainly meet up with you half-way.
Clemen, have a good evening. See y'all later. Hiya Peg and Meg. and Beck. Geez, it's all your fault guys/gals, I could never get your names straight unless I meet you all in person one day.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Actually there are two blooms on the ee and it looks a lot like Peace Lily bloom on steriods!
Couldn't get both blooms in the picture without showing all the junk sitting around....LOL

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi again, Aunt B, marinating some chicken to cook on the grill and baked potatoes and some salad! Come over and have dinner with us will ya?
Hi Kim, have to go to your thread later and posty something before you guys foget about me, LOL. By the way ee's over here do not overwinter, they hate the cold when they freeze, SOooooooo, I dig all of mine up and to the garage they go.
Happgarden I love your pic, mine have never bloomed over here, maybe because the season is so short!
Sorry Peg, back to work, yikes!
And Hi to everyone else tonight! See ya later, have not been able to collect the pollen yet. Clemen

And where is Melissa, I brought Baby brug from 2nd home to my real home, I'll have to see how I can send her to you, will try tomorrow ok Missy!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Happ, do you put yours in the ground? I have kept mine in pots. Actually same pots last four seasons. Poor things are breaking the pots. I did find some cheap larger pots for them, so just need to do the dirty work.

Thumbnail by lavender4ever
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hello James, welcome to the Hotties group. Do you have any pictures to share?
I am new to brugs, thanks to JanLynn. She got me hooked. I got my first one in June, and now have 9. No blooms yet. I also have lots of seedlings just popping up, so anxiously waiting for something to bloom...If all the seedling make it, I will have plenty to share. They are Monster white angel trumpets, and double purple devils trumpets.
Ladies don't work too hard in this heat.
Linda Kay

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Louise, those are HUGE, mine are just coming up, I have them in the ground all over my yard, LOVE THEM Clemen

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Clemen, Mine were smaller when I let them go dormant. I kept them growing this winter indoors, enough to keep some leaves on and they took off in size this year.

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hello Hotties!!!

Welcome James {{{HUGS}}} I'm super new here, but from what I've seen so far all these ladies are really super helpful. And me and my Mama Rainey aka LorraineR actually DO like each other...hee hee hee

Clemen- I'm here, just been busy these past couple days. The heatwave has finally subsided for a bit, yesterday was in the upper 70s and today will only be in the mid 80s!!! Totally unheard of for Santee in July!! I need to take advantage and finally get some work don ine the garden BEFORE the sun goes down ;o) I can't wait for my new brugie're gonna have to help me name her since she's a noid. I like to name my plants that I receive from fellow DGers after them. Can I name her Clemencia?? or HottieClem??

You ladies and gentelman have a wonderful day and try not to get into too much trouble ;o)

~melissa, lissa, missy

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hello Hotties!!! Welcome James : )
lt just got finished raining really hard for too short of a time...this is no brug but smells intoxicating noid lily.
See the sad brug leaves : (

Thumbnail by kimarj
Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Melissa, if you LOVE me, no CLemencia, ok, just Clemen or Clem, I hate my real name, yikes, I cannot believe my parents chose that name, grrrrrrrrr. no whahever you hear me..........Love ya, Clemen

Kim, you sent the rain here, we were waiting all day , went for a walk with 4 legged son Copo and DH and all of the suuden boom!

Louise I see your secret, Aren't you loving our hottie thread????

Night night everyone, gathering pollen tomorrow, I think! I hope!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Nighty night!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh clem, you have to take pictures if you can, give us a tutorial on the pollen collection.
Good nite
Linda Kay

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Linda Kay, Love ya, Clemen

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Nite Linda Kay, Louise and Clemen.. Mmm good dinner! Please Clemen tutorialize us on hand pollenating, please. Kim that's pretty! Kimbob, how bout that Halo Peach? Is it flarin out yet? I'm a tired Hottie. Guess Lorranie and James skeedattled. lol Come on back, James you should have some new blooms to show us, hey? (maybe he posted on his thread) ...... We won't call ya a Hottie Hunk, if you don't want us to. Ranie?? Mawissa, where'd she go? Peg, hope you survived the first day back. (((((Joyce))))), I'm lovin that monster white girl!!! Look who visited my herb container..

Thumbnail by AuntB
Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

I love EE's and have a lot of diff. ones, but never knew until I saw a bloom today that they bloomed!!! I've grown them forever. Wonder why they never bloomed.

I went to a friend's house today, (ha ha Beck) and got a ton of plants and lo and behold, there was a little brug, so now I have 3.!!! Since they are babies, they won't bloom till next year, right?

You have to hear my EE story. (I'll make it short and sweet, which for me is hard, I say in 1000 words what most people say in 25) I planted 4 two years ago and they grew to 10 ft. tall, with leaves 2-3 ftl wide. Decided to move one. When I dug into the ground, I realized I had gone through something. Got the dirt off, there was a 2 ft wide and about 3 ft. long bulb!!! I almost had a heart attack. Anyway, had cut it in half,by the time it was out of the ground, I was bringing out chunks. Planted the main one, threw all the chunks in the hole, dog scattered them all over the yard, chewed on them a little. This year, I have EE's all over the yard. I think every little chunk came up!! Still finding them in odd places. Anyway, I swear that bulb is an alien pod. I have a picture of it somewhere on my computer, will have to find it and show it to you.

No matter what Anjl says, I'm really a sweet, quiet, timid southern belle, unless someone threatens me with a stinkin frog!!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

So who's in the bakgorund Aunt B?????????????/ I see something cute behind the grass????

Lorraine, you visited Beckie today, I am sooooooooooooo jealous, I want to visit too, she is so far from me though, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Night night hotties, everyone is quite tonight, gotta go and attend hottie hubbie, Clemen

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Exciting news, I have a bloom getting ready to open on a brug. The bloom is on the pink (can't think of the name that Bonnie gave me). The brug is a little undressed, it lost alot of leaves because I had it outdoors in a storm and the winds ripped off alot of the leaves. But, there are going to be blooms.

This is my second year for the ee that is in bloom, but I have managed to collect about 10 ee's. I will be in trouble this fall when I have to bring them in. The one in the picture is taller than I am. They are all in pots because I am too lazy to dig everything up in the fall.

I am sad, my plumeria's don't look good. I don't think they liked being transplanted! They had better perk up! They were so pretty before I decided I needed to transplant them. Don't know why I didn't procrasniate (?) like I usually do.

Thumbnail by happgarden
(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

Is my brug sick? we've had alot of heat lately, but all the other brugs are doing fine.
all are in the same area....?
this is my brug with the buds on it! suddenly got all droopy on me!


Thumbnail by 1AnjL
(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

oh no it does look sad! did it dry out? Too much fert? If it is either one of those I would flush it with lots of water. If it is rot from too much water you need more expert advice than mine. hugs

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

well, it hasnt dried out...and its getting same water as all the other brugs....
havent fertilized this week. I have been fertilizing with liquid MG once a week, and feed them all at the same time....could it be pests? I looked but couldnt see anything on it.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Hottie Sis's!!! Finally.. we are settling down in the motel... and since I know nothing of the wireless stuff they offer.. I am just now figuring this!!

Bonnie...if you call going to the Dr a great day.. I am having my best!!.. well.. dh went today my turn tomorrow.. I read the radiologist report.... lol like I know how.. but it said I have a dessicated dick and a herniated 5mm disk... goodie..huh?? I'll find out what he says tomorrow... well actually today..but he was supposed to do the MRI on the upper back and neck and he did the lumbar.. and that part hasn't hurt lately.. wonder what the part that hurts would show??

James!! Sooooo glad you visited us.. PLEASE come back as we could all use your knowledge!!

Yeah.. I like Clemencia!!.. hehe

No Lorraine went to Emma's house.. but I would let her come to mine too!!.. All of you are welcome!! Clem.. just think we could go to Beaumont and you could reminence!!!!

Lorraine..I got 5 caladiums for 5 cents each... hehehe.. had to rub it in... BTW .. what did you get today??huh??

Peg.. I have spending LOTS of money lately.. hehe.. gotta take it a lil slow now.. but as soon as I get the new puter hooked up, and learn the scan thing.. I am going to see if my old camera will take pics!! I do need help on planting lots of this stuff.. cause I don't even know what most are much less where to plant!!

anjl.. I remember reading on the curled leaves but don't remember what causes it.. sorry

YAY.. Joyce!! hope she blooms soon!!

kim very pretty lily!!.. wish I didn't love them all!!

gonna check out a lil more and then going to bed.. Nite hotties!!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I don't know about brugs, but in some plants it can be caused from a tiny insect in the roots. I read that somewhere, but you'd have to take it out of the pot to find out.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

"Some Plants To Go" check plant trading someone is trading some brugs, I got Isabella, but there are still some left.

Dang the pictures loaded extremely slow, hope it is DG's problem and not mine! This week at work has been a living nightmare, wireless quit working, another computer lost it's harddrive, stuff was run with the wrong date, dsl lines down in Tulsa, you name it and the computer gods have been in an up roar! Makes for long ugly days.

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Well it is not a Brug but it is my first cutting of a plumeria and it rooted and I just transplanted it into this much larger pot.

Thumbnail by pensacolagarden
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Good mornin' to all. It's impossible for me to catch up with all y'all posts. lol. If I can be of any "service" please dmail any of your sistas that needs some tips on gardening....

Love all the posting, don't get me wrong, just so many and can't possible catch up.

See what did I mean by James has it made! He's the master gardener! Look how healthy that plumie look for him? WTG my friend.

Clemen, thanks again for your pollen donation, I can't hardy wait to see thos passi. making fruits this season. The native passi. I've they're self-compatible, thus bees will help pollinating them, I'll post flowers when I see them.

Ok, ready for new brug's blooms? These are young brugs. thus FFO (First Flower Open -- a term used for young perennial typical few first blooms -- subsequent blossoms are more roburst and numerous compare to when the first make flowers when come of age).

Here is....Halo Peach's FFO.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

James that is a beautiful specimen! Congrats, I got mine a year ago, it was already rooted, it is going to bloom. Joyce, what is yours acting like? I mean transplanting didn't seem to phase mine. I watered it in with superthrive and sprinkled some osmo, and feed it 20-20-20 every other week or so... Do you know what kind you have, James? I didn't make it to the forum home to look for you brug bloom pic. Lorraine, I'll believe all the "syrup" about yourself until you prove you wrong. Beck, Drew is a computer geek, if you need some help. And Lowe's for the 5 cent caladiums? (I'm going after work, dang it I don't need any more, but that is a steal! lol) (Hotties, can't pass up bargains!).. I fizzled out on the love seat last night. Drew's friend had a kidney transplant a year ago, his little bro's have the chicken pox, so he's at our house for that duration and Mel's friend from out of town is still here, so it's pretty unquiet at my house this week. Happ that is Pink Beauty, like Clem has blooming so pretty... thanks for the plant trading tip, I'm NOT looking, lol. AnnMarie, how long has your brug been in that pot? Does it look really dry when you water? I think it's time to pot up so it can store more food and water, between feedings and waterings... it will leap in growth.. EE lovers, here's a bloom I got last year from BWilliams Pink China Colocasia...

Thumbnail by AuntB

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