She's about to....#5

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

My surprise was the bloom pic. And I'm guessing Peg put everyone up to it.. am I right?

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Happy AuntB marble day! I think I heard the President declare it on the radio this morning!!! LOL.......Can't believe we could be that quiet!!!!!

AuntB go to Parks Seeds and look up summer poinsetta.

Monster is blooming pretty for you, I am so glad. Now all the rest of you Hotties have something to look forward to. It won't be that long. I got those sticks in the fall of 07, maybe September or so I believe and it grew just like a weed, but I forgot about the sun room. I take that for granted. The front of my house faces south and it is all glass with a dark red quarry tile floor for heat gain. Which I am sure aided in their growth.

Beck, yes it is the sweet gum balls and it does work for me. Maybe my slugs are just more sensitive. LOL...that is all I have used on the hostas for a couple of years. As the hostas grow I have to move the balls to the outer edge, you can't let the slugs get to the leaves. I haven't tried it on the brugs.

This message was edited Jul 7, 2008 9:06 PM

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

My lips are sealed, my fingers are crossed -- thus can't type GOOD. lol. Me NO telling. lol,lol.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

AuntB, poor Meg..................Noooooooooooooooo, couldn't be. hee, hee, Clemen, maybe it was you all along hahahahahahaha

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Meggie, I'm sorry. Clemen, it WAS YOU! You little stinker! I love ya! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((Clemen)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) -even if it wasn't ya get a hug anyway!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

AuntB, you klnow, it will be a mystery FOREVER AND EVER, HAHAHAHAHAHHHAH, Clemen and loving it! And three hundred hugs for ya and all of my hottie ladies, hee, hee!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Joyce, thanks, I really love that poinsetta, very stunning in a pot... I will for sure check out Parks for sowing next spring. You girls have brought me so much joy and fun, honestly, I'm feeling very warm and fuzzy inside... Thank you. Kimbob, was it you?

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Forever? Clemen, come on. Kimbob, uncross your fingers and type what you know.. lol

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Clem, sweetie, I like my work, it's just my hours are weird. But for gardening, there is nothing better than getting off at noon... I can go play in the yard, take a nap, go swimming and get supper started. Tee hee, I have to work to support my "habit.".

My yard is still in transition, just getting going, but already people in the neighborhood are talking about it. Nobody does flowers around here. Boxwood shrubs, a few trees and perfectly manicured grass... very, very few flowers....We also have the only vegetable garden. I had always planted in the backyard, that is our "special place" but this year I went out front. Cars slow down to look... and I do not have anything as nice as what some of you post pictures of... yet..:)) If I can get as pretty of a yard as some of your pictures, there will probably be plenty of carwrecks in front of my house. I have no gardening neighbors, so I value so much the time I get to spend with you... and the fun we can have, like today!! Too good.. Lov, Peg

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

My mom stopped by for a bit! She's looking at my marbles, need to go fill her in.. lol I'll check in before I hit the sack.... You guys are the greatest! I'm so thankful for you all!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

ok this is the guilty party! Hands up! LOL Clemen

Thumbnail by Clemen
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

What a cute pooch : ) no way!!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Clemen, what an ADORABLE little friend! How could I find fault with THAT guilty party? -I gotta go... Momma's here! (I still think it's YOU, Miss Clemen. lol)

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Kim, no pooch, my son ok, no kidding here, ha, ha clemen

Yeah not so innocent. lol

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

I was wondering why it was so hard to find marbles now I know. Enjoy AuntB--you certainly shouldn't run out soon. What a card!! LMHO

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Oh, Good Lord. I just went from merpeg, peg, meg, peck and now "Meggie". LOL.. Nite, seriously!!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

MAN... I am LOLing soo much I am nearly peeing on myself!! WTG Hotties.. we did it!!!!
Bonnie... I had a ball looking for your marbles... I wanted the cateyes.. since I penned that silly poem... nowhere to be found!! And the PO man and lady had a ball with the idea of me sending you your marbles... she wrote the "fragil " on the bubble.... and I told her I would tell you she was sooo concerned that you get your marbles back safe!! I bet we all have some similar stories about your marbles...hehehehehe I am wanting to make one of those gazing balls too.. but I have ALL my MARBLES ... ty ty VERY much!! Did I just say that??WHEEEEE .. well almost ALL

AWWW Peg.. going back to work already?? I hate it for you!!

Kimbob... me no speaky de

joyce... and kimbob...wonder why some slugs don't like them and some do?? go figure... I am going looking for them and put them around my hostas and see what they do here... maybe they would deter my crazy pom from trying to pull up all my flowers??!!

Clem... what are you plotting now???..hehe

Melissa... remember to not keep them very wet at first... like I did!! Bonnie says some like full sun and others need a lil more shade... course at first they need more shade to get settled in the new pots. You will have to do a trial and error with yours to see which they like better. And you have to try and remember full sun to someone up North.. might mean part sun for you. I hope I am NOT confusing you!! I do have ALL my marbles..hehehehe.. sometimes

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Nite Sweet Dreams!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Beckiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, trouble maker you! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzClemen

It;s not Copo

Thumbnail by Clemen
Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

santeelady I'm glad you asked the questions, I'll be watching for the answers.
AuntB. I love the fact that you have your marbles back. you deserve everyone of them, your generosity is appreciated by everyone.
And to the plotter of the marble deal, good job, and thank you...
I love this thread, but do not respond much because LOL, I cannot keep up. Love , hugs and thanks to all.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Clem..LOL.. you are the one with the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's.. silly sweetie!! NO.. tis not I.. I am way too nuttie to pull this sweet shindig off!! I sure would have loved to be a fly on the wall when our Bonnie got the first look and realized she finally had all her marbles back!!! rotf!!

Faye.. awww... come on... we are a lil like.. a good ol soap opera.. watch a couple times a week and you can catch up.. lol catch my drift??

Bonnie.. didn't mean to make you think I sent you the gloves.. just forgot to tell you..hehe.. them the gloves you got from your co-op anjl??? Those are really NICE!!!

Nite Kim!! See ya tomorrow... I am soo wound up now...LOL TY for a great way to almost end an evening!!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Here's how it came down tonight my dear brug Hotties: Drew and Mel had them all displayed, on my bed. When I saw them ALL I said something like "OMG! What are they all? All marbles?????" Drew says " I think so, Mom"...Before I could ROF, my hiney hit the bed and I collapsed in laughter, kids laughing with me.. then the tears of joy for the genuine love and sharing they resemble and the fact they are marbles and the whole humorous side.. stories WILL be told for years to come. The post lady said to Drew "There's about a dozen packages back here, what ARE they all?" He told her, "Well, maybe...Marbles?". Then he told her "Mom's garden forum buddies felt sorry for her, she lost all hers" She thought it was HILARIOUS and a very nice gesture. I will have sweet dreams tonight. Thank you so much! It's been a very exciting joyous day! Talk to you tomorrow.. (boss is out of town again... : )

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi everyone. Our dear friend Beck told me to come and visit you on the brug forum , but didn't tell me which thread! So I came and went through a lot of threads, (except this one of course) and never found her. Now she's trying to make me look bad and I want everyone to know, IT'S HER FAULT!!! She finally told me the thread, and here I am! Ya'll are having way too much fun without m e, can't have that

I had never seen a brug until a little while back and now I understand what all the fuss is about. I know why Anjl and Lissa were having such a fit wanting one. (By the way, ya'll know they are crazy, right?)

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

hey Mz busybody Lorraine.. don't you come over here FINALLY!!! .. and start giving me trouble!! I am a NICE girl over here, and I don't want you messing up my good thing!! And just cause I am known as beck over there.. lol.. I am soooo thought of over here.. I get to use my REAL name.. Becky!!! OK I am shutting up!! don't all ya'll pick your legs and feet up cause you think it's getting "DEEP" in here...

( ya'll KNOW I luv ya'll right???)

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

BTW... Sooo glad you finally came on over Lorraine.. and all my sweet hottie nuttie sis's... when we get Lorraine and anjl in the room at the same time??? well it's kinda like Bonnie and meg... peg.. merpeg.. beck .. Peck.. Rebecca... all rolled into one .. LOL.. gotta love it!!..hehe

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Good Morning Sunshines! Lorraine, Beck5711 ;P warned ya bout this brug thing we all have over here, right?...And your still in?! Welcome Home Hottie! So glad you found us! (Poor thing, never heard of a brug!, Beckie! :) Better think about it, Lorraine..... Here's an example: I posted a pic of my blooms from this evening. I couldn't go to bed without checking them one more time... the whole area around it smelled it's sweet citrusy soft scent. It was a brug growers thanks. I will visit and have coffee with it early in the morning. I hope it doesn't rain OR storm. (so, Lorraine, do you like flowers?) Okay, here's the "deal".... I'm pretty sure there is enough marbles to make 2 gazing balls, I hope if I offered one to the Mastermind of the plan, I wouldn't have to make it into a fire hydrant for Copo! I won't get them made until I'm suffering cabin fever this winter, but I do believe I have a couple naked bowling balls... We'll work out delivery later... (Although dear Marion sent a BIG bag of red ones! That isn't what I had in mind for the red ones) Come on Hotties, fess up, please? It's hard to get a pic at night... but I tried. This is my Joyce's Monster Brug.. (((((((Joyce))))))))

Thumbnail by AuntB
(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

oooh! I love that monster brug! is it yellow and white? uh oh... I may NEED another brug! lol!
went to wally world tonight to buy bigger pots and realized I need 14 of them!! how did I wind up with 14 brugs??!! it all started with just one about a month ago! lol! I think I really have enough for now... or I'll quickly run out of room on my 'walkway' and need to knock down a few rooms in the house to extend the walkway! lol!

Lorraine... are you following me?! LOL! I was hiding from you!! ugh! lol!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

oneanjl, you need to get them outside. They like the warm weather and sunshine. And make sure you feed them, they get hungry.
AuntB, I am so glad you liked your marbles, as well as the family and postlady!!! LOL We all had a great time sending them your way.
Hope everyone has a great day. it is still raining here, and I am loving it. My plants are loving it. Just a real light rain, but plants are so happy.
Welcome Lorraine. Glad you finally found us.
Linda Kay

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Good morning hotties, off ot work I go!

Oops I can't forget, WELCOME LORRAINE, another nuttie hottie, YIPPIE! Clemen

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Good morning everyone, M.W. is one vigorous Angel! Welcome Lorraine, I'm so happy Bonnie has had a terrific day yesterday. Becky's advices on the young brugs is well taken. Sorry I didn't get around to answer some of the question yesterday. I was too busy fertilizing mine, and checked into the 'puter to see how Bonnie got tickled pink.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Good Morning Hotties!!!
WecomeLorraine : )
Off to work...sigh

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Mornin Hottie Sis's!...
Are ya'll still as high as I am for pulling our lil fun prank on Bonnie?? We did a good job sis's!!

Yeah.. anjl... you know you have to lead Lorraine around... so why wouldn't you think she is following you?? hmmm..? LOL

Bonnie... Ohhhh I can only imagine the beauty and fragrance!!

OK... you poor girls that have to slave away the day working at that %$@! job... I feel for you!! I'll think about you while I dig in the dirt!! hehe

Ty Kimbob... it shows ya'll are teaching me something and I am actually retaining it!! ... so the memory aint all bad!! lol

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Phew! Only 9:40? Feels like it should be noon! Got my Monster White time this morning. It's been busy at work but, I'm taking a break. I left all my marbles laid out on the table at home, (makes it kinda scary at work, now don't it? lol) so I can really get my creative thoughts rolling, when it's less hectic! Had a quick visit with Mom last night, (told her they were out pretty late, lol).. Kimbob that is a very good description of my feelings! Tickled pink, I am. Well, the phone won't stop, here's a morning pic... the blooms are white but the "indentions" (what are those called?) look yellowish greenish when the blooms are fresh. As the bloom matures, I think it will be a solid white, unless the temps get too high, then they'll have brown's not too hot or humid out right now, so I hope it's cooler than yesterday.

Thumbnail by AuntB
(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Mornin all. Hello Lorraine--they addicted me so you are a gonner from the word "go"!! I am watching my like an over protective mommy but still growing and looking good.

Oh AuntB dear, nada on the red marbles. IF I had found some red ones you bet that is what I would have sent but no such luck!!! Guess again. LOL

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Bonnie, Monster White's are beautiful! I love all white blooming brugs, I've a sauvolens its blooms last summer looks very much like MW, only difference? Maybe? My S. brug's blooms closes off during day break and only opens up at night.
Good morning to you Marion, hope everyone's day is a good one. This is 'Milk & Honey' this early morning, these and several others remain open all day long.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Gotta go check and see if I am going to get any blooms soon. LOL Morning' Lily_Love.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

:) Oh, my goodness, Marion and I even left the marbles Audrey sent on my desk, guess I need to bring more in from home... confused? me? It's getting to be a constant state! LOL Like I said, very hectic in my house last night, All the marble excitement flowed all evening, each kid had a friend over, they were so excited for me, trying to visit with the "children" and the thread, I barely tasted dinner (Drew grilled burgers) and Mom showed up AND my first brug bloom of the season which was my first ever bloom on JMW! What a lovely day! I think I'll just keep floating up here, come on up, it's grand!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Beck, you sure your a Newbie Hottie? You're passing out directions and suggestions like a pro! Have a great day playing with the worms! My new "marble" gloves will stay clean today, I'm on cloud 9!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Mornin' ladies! Seems like I just can't hang on to y'all! I lost you again! I'm gonna click watch thread this time!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Marion, over all I think we're going to have a good year with brugmansia. Last year due to nation wide drought and reccord heat, there were very fiew blooms....
I felt for brugs many moons ago, but this spring is my first spring to have spring - summer blooming brugs. Last winter was the first that successfully hand pollinated some. It's a wonderful reward with the long wait for the plant to grow...

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