She's about to....#5

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Evening AuntB, I didn't know you had been losing marbles. That is one pretty plant.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Perfecta, Joyce? Here's what Aunt Naomi calls summer poinsetta, is there more than one? (really, I'm outta here)

Thumbnail by AuntB
(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Joyce... sweet gum balls?? Lordy... I have millions... well I better go but if they are still there and anybody wants some I can send ya bunches!! I'll LYN!!

Bonnie... LOL welll maybe.. just maybe you wil find your marbles after all! and Hey.. I have been checking out the bowling ball gazing balls... covered with marbles.... neat idea.. you'd "always" know where your marbles are...hehe

Clem.... gotta wait a while since DH bought me the new puter... always something I am waiting on...maybe I want toooo much!!

I haven't been worth 2 cents today...hope I feel better tomorrow..

Peg... how nice... I wuldn't mind the warpaint and frufru.. as long as I don't have to cook!!


Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hello Hotties!!

Baby Brugie Update!!!
I got my Painted Lady that won just now!! Whoo Hooo!! AND
My two surprise baby brugie's Cassie's Curls & Lemon Twist are ready to be introduced to the outside world!!! DS Christopher helped me get their pots ready, hoping that the Painted Lady would be here in a day or two. Of course I forgot that the nice lady I won her from only lives about 35 mins. from me, so I got her today...yippeee!!
*edited to add proper names

I will be repotting in 9" pots with drainage holes. Now I get full sun durng the peak hours of the day approx. 8am - 5 pm. And my current temps are in the 90s mid- upper. Now I would like to transplant them now. My surprise babies from feloow DGer SunnyG are Cassie's Curls & Lemon Twist, and have been on my fridge for a couple days in the 4" pots they were shipped in. The Painted Lady arrived only wrapped in wet paper towels and saranwrap, so I want to get her repotted ASAP.

Once, repotted:
1. Where should I keep them...inside or outside.
2. If inside for how long?
3. If outside during what hours of the day?
4. How much water is needed? and when/how often?
5. What kind of fertilizer if any? and when/how often?
6. Be prepared for a gagillion more questions!!LOL!!

Thnak you all so very much. SO far I have had a pretty good green thumb *knock on wood* with everything I have planted this year. I have a black thumb for berries..go figure ;o)

I'm gonna repot and leave inside 'till I hear back from my Hottie Sis'
~melissa ;o)

This message was edited Jul 7, 2008 4:17 PM

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

FYI in relation to the effectiveness of using sweetgums balls to deter slugs/snail. It didn't work! I had a thread here this early spring, and pilot-test it myself with my baby brugs' seedlings. Nope, zilt, nada, zero effectiveness. The darn slimey pest scrawled right over the barriers of the thorny balls and got to my seedlings come sun down.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b) now we move to plan B?

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

...Yup, mine is to 'GIT' the slimey critters at all cost! ROFL.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Take a look at THIS:

Thumbnail by AuntB
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

LOL, you're gonna be one busy hottie sista!!! I don't know about the packages, but the table looks just like mine. lol. Happy gardening, Bonnie.

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Wow!! whatcha got????

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

My precious Hotties'! I'm overwhelmed at the mass response to my marble loss. I don't think I even asked anyone to help me find them! Yes, Marion, I lost my marbles years ago, you knew that. lol Drew and Mel had the packages all layed out when I got home... and Peg, Drew said he'd already gotten the mail when I had him let yall know I was having internet problems... he had some splainin to do for the post lady! lol It's amazing what a group of people can do once they set their mind to it.. I haven't opened them, yet.. You guys! (over $50 in postage!) I'm laughing and crying! Going to change clothes and open! Ya sure ALL these are mine??? I didn't think I had THAT many to begin with! ((((((((((((((((((((((((HOTTIES))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) - Big hugs to EVERYONE!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Kim, could you help out Melissa with her potting questions? I'm busy! lol

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

well if was me I would put them ouside give them dappled sunlight.They like lots of water but not wet feet give them half strenth fertilizer for now..I use fish emulsion and MG then bloom booster.

This message was edited Jul 7, 2008 7:41 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

AuntB, you gotta show us whats in the boxes. We are just anxiously waiting to see what ya got!!
Linda Kay

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Is it Christmas? Sure look like it at AuntB's. Did someone forget to tell me and I don't have my tree up? LOL

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Linda Kay, you know what's in one! No, No, Marion, don't put the tree up. It's an early b-day! All of you Hotties, I can't get over it!!! I wanted to tell Peg, I usually try to milk my b-day to a month long festival!!! It usually starts on my b-day. This year, it will wind down on my b-day! (8/5) I have so many nice cards and notes, Beck sent me a pair of new NICE gloves, I was thinking it was time I got a new pair and by golly I got some as a gift! And I was after Peg and Clemen for ganging up on me and you were ALL in on it!! LOL So it was a group effort! And ALL the marbles!!! I've decided I'm making a special bowling ball with them. I'll call it my Hotties Gazing Ball, everytime I look at it I'll think of you all. I've got all colors, sizes, and shapes, Joyce even sent plastic bouncy marbles! Clemens marbles came with instructions to play games... (may have to play a few games before I glue them on the ball.. Your gifts are precious and even if they aren't all MY marbles, I'll treasure the Hotties gazing ball forever! I'm really touched you guys. sniff sniff..You are a sneaky bunch of Hotties and I love you all! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO So now, when IS the HOTTIE Bruggers Convention?? I want to meet you all in person. (didn't get the pic centered very well, too excited)

Thumbnail by AuntB
(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

Melissa, congrats on your winnings! I think you should remove all those ugly box bushes and plant Brugs in front of your house!!
I too was told to do fish emulsion and miracle grow food. I use the liquid MG. (and mine now have buds! whoo hoo!)
Do you run your AC during the day? that may not be a good thing for the Brugs, but I'm sure one of the experts will jump in and let you know :o)
oh, and yes, pot em right up! Mine are in 8" or 10" pots for now, will move them up to bigger pots soon.

Aunt B... do tell.... What is in all those packages?? post a picture!!! (please?!)

the poinky balls for slugs come from the liquid amber trees. I too have bunches of the poinky balls as mulch in my beds. I never thought about slugs not liking them, I put them in there to deter the kitties from using the beds as their potty box. (oh and it works too!) maybe I dont need the sluggo anymore?! lol!
Okay, I have forgotten everything else I read! lol!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

AuntB, so funny and i am laughing so loud! and postage and all, but we made you happy, nuttie sis and hotties we are, so GUESSING GAMe, whO thought of it!!!!!! Guess and you will get a prize!!!! HEE, HEE, hint, it was not me!!! I just played along..........Clemen

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

wow Aunt B you have lots of marbles! tee hee!

I love the gazing ball idea! please post pictures when you get it completed!

let me know if the gloves dont fit... I have other sizes :o)

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

hmmm... I'd be scared to guess... you all may ship a bunch of marbles! tee hee!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Not me either!!! Did you like the card ; }

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

AuntB....I had a harrowing experience looking for your marbles. They were on their way to China...they don't need your marbles there!!!!
You are loved and using Kimbob's favorite command; "Group hugs!"

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Oh, Annamarie, I was so overwhelmed I put the gloves on Becks box! They are perfect! Kim, I want to take a pic of the card and post it, HILARIOUS! And such a "Hottie" card, too! It could be considered a little risque, I don't want to offend anyone. The kids were cracking up with me! What do you think Kim? Clemen, I think I have you "pegged" wrong (trouble-maker, ornery, trouble twin) You don't instigate, hmmmmmmmm Peg? Gots to be Peg, she's been vewy, vewy quiet this week...

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Jaye, the dish you sent the marbles in is lovely! I'll treasure it too! Yes, Group hugs ALL round!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)


(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Well AuntB, now you can go all over the place, and not have to worry if you lose a few marbles, cause we know you got plenty at home.
Linda Kay

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

AuntB, Bonnie, I'm not sure you have found ALL of them yet. I'm trying to count.. but we had fun doing it and glad you enjoyed the joke... And, I was not really trying to mess with Drew, I just wanted to tell him to go get the mail! And, he and Mel did an excellent job on their own.

Thank you, from all of us, for all of your support and brug wisdom from the "hottie sisters." You are the Queen "marbelized " hottie. And, if you lose all of them again... we may just keep them.

Love, Peg, Merpeg and Meg...

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

ROFL with all you hotties, nutties sistas. (((((((((((((group hugs))))))))))))))) You guys are should I say 'supperb'!!!
Have a good night Peg, merpeg & Meg. and everyone else. LOL.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

(((((((((((((((((((((Peg))))))))))))))))))))))) I knew you weren't trying to mess with Drew. He's a good lil prankster himself.. he played right into your plan! Mel couldn't believe it when he rang the door bell cause his arms were so full he couldn't open the door! Tremendous! You guys can sure keep a secret! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. (((((((((((((((((((((HOTTIES))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I have a surprise, for you now!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

uh oh

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

It's my Joyce's Monster White.... and I DID get to smell brugs tonight! Ah... perfect ending to a perfect AuntB day! Thanks to my hottie friends here! They aren't fully open, but I stuffed my honker in one and pulled the sweetness in! Heaven, I'm in brug Heaven! The pic is only a token of my appreciation for your wonderful friendship. Here's to the newbies, the oldies, the in betweens- All you ha ha HOTTIES!

Thumbnail by AuntB
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Kim, I'm posting your card, too funny for us not to share.

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Lucky lady!! I have a cutting of this I glad when I get some buds around here!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I tried and tried and the inside would just not take a readable pic.. finally put it on the floor cause the shadows were in the's the front

Thumbnail by AuntB
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

The inside says "Just a little card to say "hi."" There's a little head to waist shot of the shopper with a bubble caption " Oughta get a couple of cherry tomatoes, too" LOL That is a great card!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

AuntB, don't start trouble now, NO MORE SECRETS ok, hee, hee, CLemen

So who is the guilty one, come on guess??????????

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Uh, oh!

If she's already lost her marbles again, I ain't doing this again. I found out that marbles, shooting marbles are now collection items... It was a hoot for me trying to find marbles... Everybody thought I had lost it.

So any one that has real-deal, old-time playing marbles, you may be sitting on a gold-mine, seriously...

Bonnie, we had such fun, while you was accusing me and Clem, just knowing what was coming...Sorry you missed out on that fun, but hope you totally enjoyed this.

And now, my vacation is over, and I have to be at work at 3 a.m., again...

Lov ya Bruggie sisters. TTYL. Peg

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh Peg, back to work, yikes, Clemen

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Kim, I think I have blooms on that one this early because Joyce kept her in her sunroom all winter. Although, I think my one lone bud on Peach Versi will open tomorrow...he stayed in my cool well lit basement all winter. I've got the magnifying glass out (and a ladder), I keep checking Maya all the time.. She's usually my first bloomer... Melissa, I'm with Kim on the brug care... get them babies outside. If we haven't helped you with precise enough answers try us again, it's been pretty exciting this evening.. but I want you to feel confident you are doing the right thing.

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