She's about to....#5

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Kimbob, I still have 2 lil baby seedlings hanging on... I'm sorry to say, I got neglectful in all my reorganizing back there.. but scooped them up in time and put them in the neonatal nursery, I haven't given up hope. The poor little brugglings.. Dear Audrey, SO Glad you found us. There is starting to be more activity on the forums as the growing season progresses and bloom pics are being posted. Just click the thread watcher, and we try to post a link of the new thread, on the thread before towards the bottom.. (I want to say the thread watcher helps me, but I do cross post to the wrong forum from time to time) But that isn't surprising, is it? lol

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I can't believe I haven't posted 'Eternity' bloom here....but rather late than never? lol. Stay tuned folks, there are more coming our way. lol.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Girl! How many brugs do you have blooming?? Love the pink on that one! Kim as is arj, I've meant to tell you what a cute way you started this thread with the Price is Right.. I could hear the bells and clapping!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Bonnie, like I said, my love for brugs went back to some years past. But last year, I went over the edge. lol. I've many....thus lots of my little seedlings got suffered from malnourishment. lol. They need bigger pots and soil, and fertilizer, and water.....which sometime, I can't handle them all. lol.

Here is my FFO (first flower -- to Open) 'Halo Peach'. A one year old cutting roughly.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

I swear.. Bonnie..I just got started with the babies in April!! I am trying HARD to remember all I read, and what all our sweet "mentors" are teaching us!! Since I AM over the 50 group.. I do get but then I did that in my 20's too!But between you and Kimbob... I am high up there with you!!!... floating with my chest out!! .. humph.. well wrong description... gota look down to find my chest..LOL Ty for the compliment!!

I figured you better get back over here Audrey!! You have been missed!!

It's sooo quiet with Clem working.. wonder if she can visit us like Bonnie?? Hope she doesn't have to work everyday!!!

Back 2 it!! TTYL!!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Kimbob, CONGRATS! You'll be smelling it up out there tonight! Oh it looks great, so fresh and healthy! Beck, how's the play dirt movin round for ya, haha (work dirt is more like it)? Getting some things accomplished? CLEMEN! You who!! We miss you...

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

LOL, just checking in and someone is missing me already, Hey Becki, love ya. Yeah, just came back from lunch and had to stop and visit my hottie sisters.
Kimbob, I am going to try to collect pollen today, what should I do? Any quick hints?
Audrey, good to see you back!
AuntB love that bloom, I bet smells heavenly, my pink beauty is looking so gorgeous, she has a whole bunch of buds opened, can't wait for my variegated one to bloom, the buds are two tone too, so cute!
Abbisgrannma, keep my fingers crossed for you, ok, positive thinking......
So I'll leave you all now, gotta get back and do some work before I get fired, hee, hee, Clemen

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Clemen, last fall I picked fresh pollens on brugmansia and used them immediately. But if you want to collect them for storage, here is what I do:

Use a twizer, pick out the stigma with fluffy pollen on them. Catch those with a coffee-filter. Allow them to dry in room temp. Then pour the powdery substance into an airtight jar and keep them in the fridge. Bring them out to use? Use a long Q-tip and dab them on the anther of the blooms that you want to cross them. Bonnie? How am I doing with that crash course? ZZ (Joyce) where are you? I need some reinforement help here. lol.

p.s. ooooh Clemen, same thing for the Passi....if you collect some pollens, will you share some with me? please, please.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Oh thanks for checking in, (we like multiple bloom pics, too :) My PB waits until August or September to bloom, but I do love that shade of pink... (I think I love them all)... Quick hint for Collecting.. pollen: Wear perfume, comb yer hair and put on a pretty smile! (sorry, being a smartie)... Don't get fired! Running out to get some food... have a great afternoon!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Gee, and I was proud to get my two little brugs at the round up. Once I actually saw one blooming I was a goner anyway.!!! Maybe ya'll can help me keep the little dears alive. One is a Georgia Peach? and I'm not sure about the other. I need to take grow brugs 101

Yes, Anjl, I'm following you and I know now why you were trying to lose me. You have 14 brugs and I don't even hav e a cutting? Shame on you!!

Since I'm here, does that mean I get to be a hottie too? Sure been a long time, don't know if I can remember how to be one.!!!lol

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Boo Hoo, I don't have any blooms! They're just growing like crazy! I have 2 in some pots, gonna have to separate them!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Yes Lorraine, your here, so that makes you one of the HOTTIES. I have 9 brugs, but all brand new. No blooms yet. Everyone has told me to take cuttings in the fall, after they bloom, so email then, and I will share. Wish I could help you now. I am looking for some double or triple brugs, but they have a bigger price tag on them. Just think, a month ago, I had none, and now I have 9 plants. I also have a bunch of seedlings, but I don't think they will produce this year. I may be wrong, and happy if I am.
Keep lurking, someone may have some for you.
Welcome to the Hotties group.
Take care
Linda Kay

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Lorraine, go to this post. she has a bunch of babies, and may be looking for a good home. never hurts to ask. That is how I got mine.
Linda Kay

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Kimbob, that is a short, very understandable explanation of how to get "jiggy" with brugs! lol But I've never done that before, I thought I may try it this year with a mini pink I've been babying for a couple years... I don't know what to cross with, maybe whatever is blooming at the time. If some of my baby's would grow faster...... (I need to talk to them more, like Marion does) Gordo has a 3 inch bud on another brug thread, and I want one of those!!! (not grown out enough to pass a release test, yet)

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the tips, ya'll, but I will learn a lot here to prepare me for more brugs. Now, I need to keep the two I have alive. I planted mine in the ground, they are about 2 ft. high. I noticed ya'll were talking pots, should I pot them up? Also, they get part sun and part shade, Ok?

See, told you, I'll have enough uestions for awhile. (My q keeps sticking) And heck, it's just fun to be a hottie after all these years. Remember, the day some one was staring in your direction and for the first time you realized they were staring at your daughter or someone beside you.? Oh, the end of the hottie phase. On to the ma'am.!!!
Oh , there's something feasting on the leaves. Is there a particular critter? I don't think it is grubs and haven't seen anything else, although have seen little things hopping from leaf to leaf on other plants.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

BTW Lissa, did Mother Rainey tell y ou that it was ok to play with these folks?

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Bonnie.. Kimbob.. Clem... since ya'll are our master brug gardeners... I been reading that the "new" babies .. seeds might look like Momma .. or Daddy or Uncle Joe.. wow... wouldn't that just be tooooo neat.. and exciting to know you might be producing a "clone".. but don't know who??? LOL.. Keep talking.. I am getting excited..COURSE.. I still have to have a BLOOM first!!!

Lorraine... everyone here keeps telling me PATIENCE!!.. so I am passing it on!!.. OH.. that felt sooo good!!

No.. I am not digging in the dirt much today.. have the garden to tend to.. making tomato juice.. stewed squash.. and peas for supper... now the tomato juice I am going to can!! and the squash.. I am cooking a big ol pot full and will freeze the rest..course the things I have been putting off.. you know.. washing clothes.. dishes.. etc...YUCK!!

BUT... since I have your attention on the dirt digging.... wanted to run something by my hottie sis's.... was going to ask ya'll last night.. but I wanted Bonnie to have center that was sooo fun!!...OK... I am starting a memory garden... Yesterday was my older brother's B'day... he was head injured and lived for 23yrs. and passed in 2004... he was more like my baby than my brother, and my Momma kept him home all those years!!... My Daddy had numerous health problems.. fell and broke his neck and passed 3 days later in 2003.. 11 months apart.... I lost my Daddy and then my Brother... my Mom has Alzheimers.. and is in a nursing home now... I have told some of you that I have been a caregiver all my life... now this year is the first year I have been able to do what I want to do, and I have been enjoying every minute!! Well heck I am telling ya'll my life history... hehe.. but I want ya'll to know how much this memory garden means to me...I have mentioned the "flower bed" to ya'll but I need help to make it very special.... It is around 4 large trees, and is very shaded.. has 2 openings, and I have a very pretty water fountain in there.. daylillies.. hostas.. gingers.. some impatients.. verbena.. coleus..Lorraine gave me at the RU.. and I few more things...NOW.. I want more color.. everything is more green.. I also have a swing my Daddy gave me and chairs in the middle.. so it is kinda like an oasis.. very secluded and peaceful... so naturally you see why it is special to me?? I want more plants that are perrenial.. no fuss.. can ya'll help me with ideas??

Man.. I just wrote ya'll a book..hehehehe

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

OK, Hottie Lorraine! It's official! Once a Hottie, ALWAYS a Hottie! Just cause gravity is against us, don't make us a COLDIE! I'm not familiar with winter care in your zone, but what part of the day are they getting the most direct sun? About how many hours? Do you know what kind of brugs you have? Are you feeding them anything? LorraineR, does Melissa need permission? Melissa, are you a child Hottie? And who is this "Mother Rainey"? Some storm goddess?... you two related? (Doesn't matter, You are both Hotties anyway, I'm just curious!) lol

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Beck, Let me ponder on it. I do understand how special your memory garden is. I've often thought of getting hosta with the same names or names that remind me of loved ones who've passed. You want some color in shade, preferrably blooms, right, and perennial?

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Beck, try heuchs, shasta daisies (some of them can do shade) or some rose bushes for some height interest. Or go with bulbs, tulips and daffodils spring, daylilies early summer, caladium summer, and add some mums for fall. Yes, caladiums will come back every year for me if planted deep enough. What flowers did your dad like? What was in his yard that he enjoyed?

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Guys, I'm home, but jezzzzzzzzz, can't you stop the chatting already, I can not keep up, Kimbob, thanks for the info, will try tomorrow in the morning. See ya later, gotta go do some errands and cooking! Clemen

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Oh, yes, Peg, those are excellent ideas. I have a sweet autumn clematis in part shade, I think it grows in total shade. It'll get pretty big, even here where it freezes to the ground... might take over in TX... but it's covered in white blooms in late summer and fall. Hydrangea? They have some really colorful easy ones out now and the blooms last a long time. Clemen, you are such a whiz! Work, brug talk, checkin in with us, running errands, cooking..... When do you find time to swoon over your brugs?

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm in the same zone Beck, atleast I think I am. What about the azaleas or camellias?

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

hey you gotta keep Macho Man happy, lol, Clemen

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hello Hotties!!!

Well, I introduced my brugie babies to the outside world today. The temps have dipped quite abit, only in the 70's here today....I can finally turn the AC off!!That will make DH happy.

Bonnie- Mother Rainey is a goddess, yes...hee hee hee. No she's my Mama Mentor, when it comes to flowers. I'm a veggie gardener and Lorraine and AnjlL got me into flowers over on the Mixed Nuts thread. So Mother Rainey or Rainey as I call her bosses me around all the time!! It hurts my feelings too...sniff sniff....hee hee hee I'm totally joking ;o) I'm a baby gardener (apparently) only 32, so Rainey is like a Mom to me. I call her Mama Rainey and she calls me Lissa ;o) Wow that was a lot of info for just our names huh?

I'm still way behind on the threads. Had a Dr. appt today and still have abunch of gardening to do. Hopefully I will be keeping up a bit better by the end of the week!! TTallYhottiesL!!
~melissa ;o)

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Boy, I can tell it rained! My body is aching, especially my right elbow and shoulder! Where's my Bailey's? Time for my meds!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

My knees did good today, Audrey. I think I've lost a little weight trying to keep up with you hotties and work and brugs and blooms.. That is probably why. They really ache in winter. I have osteoarthritis, but not bad enough to replace, yet. Nice to look forward to... A friend gave me this idea, I tried it and it helped tremendously. For about a month, I did this a.m. and again in the evening before bed. It's liquid pectin like for making jams and jellies and cranberry juice. I poured about a half a cup or more of the juice in a glass, squeezed about a TBL of the pectin into it and stir and drink. I think the cranberry juice helps neutralize the tartness of the pectin. Now I just drink it in the morning.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Lavender4ever, where r u, we are waiting for ya, hello, aunt b call her! Clemen

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Lavender4ever! Hotties!! (We got another one!) teehee Nice teamwork, Clem ;) I got brug scentS in my garden tonight...

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

I cannot believe! I have not seen a bud since the begining of this thread..but the lillies smell yummy : )

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

hi hotties! ((hugs))

Taters, my brugs ARE outside! tee hee! I was joking about knocking down the house, so I could have more room from brugs in the garden ;oD Although it may take me a real long time to talk DH into THAT idea! lol!

Oh, Aunt B, Melissa and lorraine are just trying to confuse you! melissa is Lissa, Santee, and mawissa...Lorraine is Rainey, mama rainey, mama, Laverne, Ethel, and a few other names! tee hee!

and me? I'm just Anjl! lol!

it is soo hot here! I think Lissa sent her hot san diego weather my way!! ugh! gotta go check on my brug babies :o)

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Melissa, thanks for the explanation, I really was curious. She sounds like a good teacher. Kim, you are going to have tons, soon. The loner P.Versi is smelling up the whole deck! It's a little stronger than MW but MW kept herself pretty in the rain today. PV is already peaching up!

Thumbnail by AuntB
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

WELL! MAWISSA! LORRAINE! You two! LOL Good Grief! I'm dense, too!! LOL You must learn, no one has to TRY to confuse me! I get there all by myself! lol Anjl, Thank you my dear Hotness for not letting me go on in the dark! ((((((((Anjl)))))))))

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Wasn't going to stop tonight--just lurk but the picture stopped me in my tracks. Oh my it's so pretty.
Later, I have been priming molding all afternoon and at last I can say it is all primed--me as well. Later Hotties.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi oneanj, have not said that to you in a while, sorry, love ya, Hottie Clemen

Lavender where r u????????????// Aunt B, did you scared her away, lol!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol abbisgranma... i am STILL trying to get the white farm & barn 9oil based) paint off my legs! painted moms new lil picket fence while I ws in WA on 6/25.. and this darn paint wont come off for nothin! lol! and its SOOOO hot here I wanna wear capris to work, but cant with all that paint on my legs! lolol!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

yes lavender... where are you?!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi clem! and thanks! I've just been poppin in here breifly... hard to keep up with you all! I cant check in at work... so takes a long time to catch up at night! lolol!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Ok lets start again, the missing word word was HI, Oneanj sorry again, here is a pic of my pink beauty tonight! Clemen

Thumbnail by Clemen
Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Oops now I do sound like the foreigner, hee, hee, Clemen, can't speak, see no evil, speak no evil, trouble maker!

Then Again, I was not born here, I am naturalized and loving it sisters! Clem

Hottie brother in law from Spain!

Thumbnail by Clemen

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