She's about to....#5

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

OH MY, yeeeees! He IS a HHHottie! Thanks for posting pics of both beauties, Clem. And I sure hope I didn't scare Lavender or Lorraine away... Anjl, I'm sorry you can't visit here during the day. Sometimes you just have to jump in the middle and be confused.. lol It's becoming a way of life for me. lol Clem are you pollunating? :) I mean your brugs! lol I need to figure out the parts... I was looking up the skirts on the blooms to see if I could do it with out further instruction. There is no "fuzzy" stuff... do you know? Hi Marion! I wish I coulda helped you today. Anjl, you the one with paint on your legs? Try nail polish remover with acetone... You gots to be able to wear your hottie capris to work, it's more comfy.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol! i sure wish the nail polish would work :o( but no avail. I think I'm stuck with painted legs til it wears off! (I wont do turpentine! lol)

is anyone else having problems with the site tonight or am I the only ;lucky' one... seems to take forever for threads to load... etc...

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I am here!! It took me awhile to catch up on all the hottie

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Hee, hee,pollinating or doing something else, lol, leave it to your imagination, LOL, Clemen

Oneanj, I had a problem with the site at work, not at home though!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Yippie, SHE IS HERE HOTTIES, Louise is here, AuntB, we did not scare her.............Thank God, Welcome Lavender4ever, i always told you I love that screen name. AuintB where are u, she is here..............Clemen

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Was a l o n g day at work. What could go wrong, did go wrong, didn't even get to go to lunch. Not fun.
Then on the way home it was raining, plants needed it but that meant I didn't get to go play in the yard.

BP's are looking the same, went to the PO after work and they have some tube like boxes that I think will work for the BP. Will send out Monday.

Think a couple of my plumeria's got sun burnt yesterday.
Brug blooms are still a growing...yeah. Someone gave me a triple several months ago. It is growing but not very fast. Finally found the correct spot in the garden for the snow bank and it is growing and the leaves stopped tip burning.
Bonnie, I didn't think the Monster White had a very strong smell. Loved all the white blooms tho.

The memorial garden sounds beautiful. Helleborus, hardy fuchsia are two plants that bloom.

In my shade garden course I have hosta, astillbe, hydrangea, peonies, iris, daffs, coral bells, ee's, and caladiums. The peonies, iris, daffs, tulips grow before the leaves pop out too much on the tree. The iris is late blooming because of the shade and I might not get alot of blooms but because it is so late and the sun doesn't get so hot it will last extra long.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh forgot, I know this is the brug thing, but one of my ee's is blooming!
I will post picture tomorrow.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Happgarden, so happy for you, zzzzz for me now, Clemen

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

nighty night clemen!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Nite Hot Ones!!!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Oh, darn it. I had to do some laundry (domestic chores..ewe) and look at my pretty marbles. I knew I should have come checked it sooner! Good night tired Hotties! I'm so glad you stopped in Lavender4ever, Welcome to the Hotties and the thread. So sorry your day was grumpy Joyce. EE blooms? Let's seem em! MW had a sweet scent, but I think Versi has much stronger more wafting in the air scent... wafting? is that a word? It's getting late, but I wanted to post more pics of my marbles. I'm so sorry, Peg and Clemen, I discovered yours weren't in the pic so here they are and the cat's eyes are wonderful Peggins, :) I do have a marble collection from childhood... somewhere in this household. I will check out the marble games, too Clemen dear!
edited to check for evidence of AuntB confusion

This message was edited Jul 8, 2008 10:35 PM

Thumbnail by AuntB
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

So in effort to TRY to keep things less confused (IF that's possible), I've started a special "Hotties" section in my journal. It's my book little green book I take to work and to nurseries. It's my research notes and flower names, etc. I'm still in the planning stage on the HBB.

Thumbnail by AuntB
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Good night Sweet Hottie Brugluvva's.

Thumbnail by AuntB
(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Howdy... to some and Nite to some!! I can't believe I have been away all evening!!.. went to see my Momma in the nursing home.. course walmart.. and Lowes... now this lil checker likes me.. and she is real good to me I got some petunias.. coleus.. caladiums..lcolumbine..oh heck I don't remember what all I got.. but when you are getting plants for 5..10.. 25.. 50.. and 1.00 EACH...LOL I get all I can get in the car!!!..hehe Yep.. I really scored... Then got home and DH had burned the PEAS..BAD.. then I unloaed the dishwasher.. and one of those shatter proof glasses SHATTERED all over the kitchen....!! I have had a BAD

TY for the help on the different plants!! I think I have lil hellabores that I got in a trade.. so that will be great! And the hydrangias...I got an oak leaf hydrangia at the RU.. that is perfect!! Ty again.. if I ever get a camera.. I will post my lil flowers for ya'll to see...

I'll have to really catch up tomorrow.. WELCOME Lavender!!

OH.. and try to NOT let anjl and Lorraine in the room at the same time...LOL.... fur will fly... hehehe

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Now Beck, that's not true. We are always nice to each other. HAH If you can't find things for your garden from all these ideas, there is not hope for you!!! I love the pictures of the brugs. Someday, I'll have some too!!!
Aunt B, you asked if I was feeding it anything. I haven't yet, just planted them last Saturday. What should I use? All I know is good ole MG and Osmocote. (I spelled that wrong)
And by the way, Anjl does have a few names, Lucy and Shirley being two, the other's I can't repeat in polite company.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

well.. I just got through unloading the car.. with all my goodies.. did it by had to get them out and at least give them a good drink of superthrive and fish emulsion...P..U...!!!! LOL.. that stuff stinks..but the plants love it!! My lil memory garden is already looking pretty good.. but I am a crammer.. and want all seasons with blooms in it... I have one end.. the far end that I have saved for last.. so maybe I can work on it when we get back... I am excited.. and was soo surprised that I got several things all of you suggested to me.. we must have esp!!

I sure will miss all of you until I can get online tomorrow evening!! TTYL!!.. NITE!! Hottie Sis's!!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

Beck! Surely Rainey and I can be in the same room without fur a flyin!!!
but that would be cause I picked on her soooo much, that I've picked all her fur off! tee hee!


(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL anjl... that's what I meant... not that ya'll fight.. except fuss all the time.. which I get a kick out of!! That's what keeps me rotf!!! But you gotta admit.. Lorraine can give it back pretty good.. and so can I ..hehe

OK.. this time I AM going to bed... NITE!!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol, I dont fuss with her.... I just ruffle her feathers some.... well I guess to the point that she has NO feathers left! lolol!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Lorraine is a skinny lil thing!!..LOL

Mornin Hottie sis's!!

Off to see Houston!!! Just had to check in.. and ain't nobody here yet...?? OK.. I'll just tiptoe out real quiet like...(love ya'll)..hehe

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Good Morning Hotties! Becky, WHAT a deal you found! I need to check out my Lowe's, (like I need something else in a nursery pot to plant somewhere).. Do we need to take up a collection? We want to see pics of your lovely memory garden. "fur flyin'/feathers rufflin" You Hotties are home! Annmarie, did the newly potted adjust well? Not much wilting... perky looking.. do you see new growth? Once you see it's pushing out new leaves, start with your MG & osmo..1/2 strength at first, then a week later, 1/2 strength again, then 3 or 4 days later at full strength, kind of ease them into a regular feeding schedule. I feed mine 2X a week when they have the full feed bag on. That's just how I do it. Let them adjust and show new growth, then start filling their plate. I thought I may have given the JMW too much food (which I didn't think was possible) some of the older leaves have brown edges... but upon further research, I've decided it was those darn spider mites it had after I brought it in the house for storm protection. They've been long gone, but I think they left their "legacy" behind on the old leaves. The leaves it's grown since are just as purty as can be.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Becky! You have a great day. I'm trying to post and get my work done here.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Good morning! Shaping up to be another humid day here! Time to go out and do garden chores before the day reaches my melting point! Hugs!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Good morning to all. Clemen, P.B is beautiful! Catch up more later everyone.

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Good Morning Hotties!! I am at work......I feel so naughty ; }

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

You bad girl! lol Keep doing it, that feeling will go away. :)

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

lol. Naughty hotties.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

ROFLWU my dear Bonnie. Hiya Kim from Pa. where are other sistas? At work too? I'll check back later when y'all return.

p.s. ...."She's about to...." ok, here is 'Halo Peach'.....getting ready....push, push, push. lol.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Just checking in to smell the lovely flowers! Need to clear my head of paint smells!!! Ahhh-so much better.

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

lol I can relate to that I hate the smell of paint.......

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Bad part is--my son is doing the work, I do the painted to a limit--he has redesigned part of our project and some of the stuff I painted yesterday is now going to have to be ripped off!!! ARRRGHHHH!!!!!! Well atleast the labor is cheap!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Mornin' glories! Another hot one here! Supposed to be a "cold front" come through any time now, wish it would hurry up!
My brugs are all growing. I snagged a neighbor Sun. and gave her a cutting I had extra! She's amazed at how fast it's grown! I think I started something!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Wooohoooo, James! Lookie, lookie, everyone look who has came to visit us. James how are you doing? Did your double blooming brug. drop its second skirt. Hey sisters, I am speaking 'brug lingos' and there is no pun intended. LOL.
Welcome James.

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

No not yet but it is beginning to I can not wait............James

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Sure glad you explained to this newbie! LOL

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Well, okay allow me to intrduce James (penacolagarden) to us sisters...James is originally from NY, luckily relocated to the sunny State of Fla. where he grows beautiful brugs in his lovely garden. He also grows daturas like some of us. And boys, doesn't James have a green thumb in the garden. So let's all give a hand to welcome James here. Clap, I hear an 'echo' clapping hands?

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

clap, clap here. James you aren't all that far away--well now that I think about it, maybe you are! This newbie will be glad for any and all input along with the others----a hand with the painting too!!! LOL

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Welcome James! A special hello to all the Florida folks! I consider Florida my second home. Not a snowbird, but have family there and have been going there every year since I was a teen. Florida gardeners are especially tenacious! I think everything that is indigenous to Florida either stings or has stickers! I landscape my Dad's yard and have redone it several times while in the huge learning curve there! Seems like anything you plant there that does well, takes over and the other stuff just melts away in the heat.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Where in Florida Lavender?

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Palm Bay is my second home, I also visit my Aunt in Tampa alot. She was a shell collector club member and crafty person, so she dragged me to every beach on the Gulf side from Tampa , south. This pic is the orchid I affixed to my Dad's tree near the porch on it's second year with blooms. I made the basket it is planted in out of native grape vines.

Thumbnail by lavender4ever

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