she's about to .....#2

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Ok folks the other room was getting way to long : )

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Wow, we've got so much more room now, more Brugs!!

Okay, we're going to play... WWWFWP.

I'll start...

Who: Peg (MerPeg)
What: Female, 52, I think??
Where: Midwest City, Oklahoma.
Family: Married (second time), one grown daughter
Work: Medical transcriptionist
Plants: Impatiens, any daisy, hostas, and now 1 brugs, Dr. Seuss.

Officially a hottie from this site.

Anyone else want to play and get to know each other better?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I'll play the "Getting to know you" game!

Who: Kayjones

What: female, age is 58

Where: Lee's Summit, Mo.

Family: Widowed as of April 17th, 2007, three grown bio-sons, one unmarried stepson
and two adorable grandsons, ages 4&6

Work: retired as of Feb. 14th, 2008

Plants: all things tropical and unusual and require that I carry them indoors for the winter!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Ok Meg, trouble maker: Cmdelg: Clemen (lovely lady hehe)
age: well was born on the first day of summer, not 45 yet??? Guess!!!!! HEHEHE
Profession: In the insurance industry for a loooooong time along wtih Hubbie
Family: 3 babies, two teenage girls and one 4 legged one, named COPO, the love of my life
Plants: Anythyung that gives me flowers, and brugs and brugs, and now growing daturas and lots of new vines!

So he is a pic of my brug with two more buds to open soon!!!! Pink lady!

So I guess no new thread from me, kim did it again, hottie, hottie girl!!!!

Thumbnail by Clemen
(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

Edited technical problem

This message was edited Sep 29, 2008 11:49 AM

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh Mary, aren't doggies the best kids???? Clemen

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

wow clem! we have something in common !!

Who: Annmarie (AnjL)
What: Female, Just turned 40
Where: San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Family: Married (second time) 1st anniversary coming up on 6/30!!, 8 kids (3 mine, 4 his, 1 foster daughter) only three kids at home :o) one grandson 6 mos old :o)
Work: Insurance Industry for many, many years
Plants: 11 Brugs, but no blloms yet :o( way too many types of flowers to list them all! LOL! basically, if it flowers, and smells nice and will grow in my yard without me killing it...then I have it! Roses, iris, daffs, hyancinth, mums, camellia, hydrangea, hibiscus, Glads, Lilies, day lilies, calla lilies, canna lilies, butterfly flowers, MG, JM' get the idea... :o)


Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Good Morning All..

Welcome Mary Abbott and Kay Jones. We had to move our last thread because it was too long, but feel free to go back and read it and really get to know us. Tee hee!! We are newbies just starting out with brugs, so kind of grouped together to learn more and have had so much fun doing this.

Our mentor and brugauthority is AuntB. We'll hear from her later. :)))

Back to work, Peg

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Good morning. I'm a lurking newbie --don't post much. Reading and trying to learn.

Who: Marion (Abbisgranma)
What: Female will celebrate the 47th anniversary of my 21st birthday in September.
Where: Havana, Fl
Family: Widowed 09/04; a daughter and a son. 2 granddaughters, 3 cats
Work: Will busybody count? If not, retired; Chairman of a garden festial held in the spring each year.
Plants: No brugs yet but hoping!! ferns, hostas, walking irises, impatiens, anything that will grow in the shade. Starting to landscape yard where recently moved.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Hottie, hottie, hehe! Welcome all! Clemen

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you very much Clemen.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

TY.. for enlarging our gathering place.. this is soo nice, for us dial

I am Becky... my Momma would call me Rebecca Anne... when I was young..hehe
I am 56yrs old
married for the 2nd time. Have 5 living children.. 2 for me and 3 for DH. He has 2 children that have passed.
two dogs... they don't know that word and neither do we.. they are our kids.. WeGe.. and PeCe.. I know weird names.. long WeGe is a rat terrier/feist..DH's "kid" .. mine is a Pom.. PeCe
My Momma.. the other love of my life is in the nursing home
Live in Colmesneil,TX.. and have a home in Petersburg, TN. LOVE to go camping in out 5th wheel , and fish!

My loves for flowers (this year.. subject to change!).. is brugs.. hostas and daylillies!!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Forgot to add we have 6 Gkids and 2 and ..

welcome Kay and Mary... stick around.. we are just now really having a ball on this thread!!

WTG! Peg... good idea so we can get to know each other a little better!!


(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I'd like to be a member of this group, too!
Marital status:DIVORCED!!!!
Children:3 grown 2g, 1b
GGrand:1,1 month old girl!!!
Boy Friend:ONE
Likes:Flowers of any kind, Brugs especially, first timer!
One Cat, Marmie, orange tabby, between 25 and 30 lbs.
My brugs are leafing out. I have pink and yellow, and am getting more pink and a peach!

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Oh, Audrey, you already have your membership. :))) We lov ya!

Okay, I am having envy here, some of you are getting your brugs and grandchildren. and greats? Hmmm. I have a feeling the brugs will be easier for me to get than the grandchildren :) My daughter is happily single and a perpetual student, so no thoughts of family there yet.

I also have a dog (whisper that word). He is an 11-year-old blue heeler mix. We don't know what the mix was but he is 70 lbs of my dog. He stays with me all day and moves from room to room with me. I finally taught him that I could go to the bathroom by myself. Yes, he uses doorknobs and also has been caught opening the frig. So far he has not raided it, just stands there in the cool air. :)

Thanks everybody for playing the game! But I should have added that this is optional in case anyone thinks we are being "busybodies," Abbis, you should have no problems handling that HOA if that is your profession. Run for HOA president and then change it!!

My brug is getting leafier and leafier but not much taller. Maybe I will win the prize for the widest new brug?? Peg

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Peg.... where's the option?... we are newfound "sis's" .... we gotta catch up on lost time!!..hehe

love ya'll..

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Beck, sis, we have to talk us some hostas here. I just got word from a coop that the ones I ordered are already 2 ft. tall. The grower sent us mature plants. Wheeee! I may not have enough room...

mpabbott, are the double brugs harder to grow than the singles?

Clem, those brug pods are just adorable. I am so happy for you.

Okay, Abbis, I've got to ask..what is a walking iris??

Anjl, with all those smells, plus the brugs, you will have the nicest smelling neighborhood in town!!

Doe, I'm still getting d-mail from flood victims. So far, so good. I know you are still busy posting there, too. :))

Got to go get the gray cut out of my hair. If I keep it short it does not show so much. :)

Talk to ya later, Peg

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Peg! I'm no brugthority lol... just know what I've tried and how it worked and I'm willing to share. I've learned all I know about brugs from gardening forums from people like us, and what works best for me in my zone from trial and error.. soon YOU too will have experience be offering helpful hints to newbies.. Thanks for starting thread#2, Kim and thanks Annamarie for posting the link on the old one...
Okay, I'm kinda busy trying to work on my IA/WI flood list (Audrey-Doe41 was so sweet and has taken part of my load on that one), I'm trying to get some plants boxed up ;) and to the post and I'm at work right now. I'll give you my "info" later, (hopefully today) I like that, then we get an idea of where we're all at in this stage of our lives. Nice idea! I'm so enjoying being part of it. Clemen, nice little buds you got going on there (lol sounds funny)... are those your first buds??? Find some patience, it might take longer than you think. But you will be in awe with their beauty and smell.
I wanted to let you all know what happened with the greenhouse frame... My sis pulls into the drive-way, I went to the door and knocked, I waited, knocked louder, waited some more and knocked even louder and waited some more... they must have gone to a Father's Day celebration or something. But I do have a house # now and I'll google and see if I can find a phone number... when things calm down a bit... I've not given up, just a time issue.. You ladies have a great day, I'll try to check in and post my specifics.. Hugs-B

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Peg, first nope not interested in prez of HOA--have much more interesting things to do!! Chairman of the garden festival is time consuming being I'm in Havana and it's in Gainesville---starting in September will be going down monthly for committee meetings. I love it especially the contact with the vendors from all over the country.--would hope so after 18 years of being involved.!

Walking Iris--that is what I was told they are. Think they might also be called Apostle Iris- after they bloom the stalks bends down to the ground and it will root starting a new plant. Guess I should look up the correct name for them. Moved a couple with me and they are just not starting to do their "thing"! The bloom only last a day or so, is soft yellow with purple throat--atleast mine are.

Keep all the great info coming as I hope to announce one day that "I have a brug!"
Grandchildren--know the feeling; daughter is singel-to independant and son was married 9 years before I had one. Almost had given up hope.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

ooohhh Peg... now we are what goiwer did you buy them from.. 2' is unheard of.. I have just the place lol.. and will pay you if you run out of room!! I want a cutting of that Dr Suess when the time is

abbisgranma... I never heard of walking iris before I joined DG.. traded for some, and I have the purple and yellow.. I think there is also a blue! Aren't they neat??

Kim.... You started this thread, and got us but where are you?? Hope we haven't offended anyone.. cause we did kinda change the thread...

auntB.... .you are our brugathority.. what ever you know is way more than we do.. so you have us under your power regardless of what you think..hehe.... give me some of those names..please and I will contact them. I tried and Marilyn said ya'll had gotten them all. I looked through my trades and I called 1 that was in WI and TG she was ok.. damage but ok! We have to help you so you can get back to the greenhouse venture!

Please know for the sis's that are widowed.. I am soo sorry.. I can only guess how ya'll are carrying on.. but great work girls.. I am proud of you!!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Beck, yes the iris are neat. They are considered invasive by some but I don't think I could every feel that way about them. Just be so happy when mine are better established. Blue ones? Oh my. Will have to see if I can find some.

Hope AuntB takes us all under her wings 'cause I can see this can become addictive--fast!

Thanks for your kind words. Something I don't wish on anyone but sooner or later it happens. It is one day at a time!!

This message was edited Jun 16, 2008 6:01 PM

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hey i'm here just busy : ) I will catch up soon!!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Girls, don't forget we are the hottie group, remember??? Will catch up with everyone later, have been working a lot, but love you all!!! And yes the pinkie brug now has some more flower buds on top............Cant' Wait guys and to share with everyone. I love staying in tocuh with everyone! And this is a pic of Mama brug last year, right now she is only leaves and leaves! , Clemen

P.S. Marion do you want some brug seeds?

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Hey, what color brug seeds do you have? (I'm not Marion, slip her some snake eggs!)

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Audrey Pink Beauty, but Marion does not have any? Hottie Girl! Let me know! Clemen

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Clemen, if they come with good instructions, I would love some!! Just a note tho, I will be going out of town soon and won't return until June 30th. Daughter has convention at Disney and I get to go and lounge around while she is in meetings!!! Ah, the benefits of having grown children now!!

I really like this idea of being a hottie. As I tell my children: "I may be old but I ain't dead!" Besides both granddaughters thinks Grandma is hot.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Who: Bonnie
What: Female, 53 almost
When: Aug 5 (b-day)
Where: Eskridge, KS- Gateway to the Flint Hills-want to move south zones 7-11 would be great, I would need a job, though.
Family: married 19 yrs, divorced, still single (after all these years) 3 adult children 2G, 1B, oldest & youngest live with me, my middle child is my grandchild hope.... she's in a serious relationship so maybe in a few years I can start whining pathetically, that's my plan anyway.. (Son is only 19-Aug4) and oldest isn't interested in children) I love the young ones, so much energy and wonderment.
Garden: As a child my mother and both grandma's loved flowers, they all liked different things but yet they all had some of the same things, I don't smell a geranium today that I don't think about Grandma Henry.. she kept them growing on a enclosed porch and a cool bedroom in winter. I was in awe at how they came from the dirt and were beautiful...the same dirt I was told to not get on my clothes, the same dirt I dug slimey squigglely worms from to fish with, it grew those beautiful flowers.....I wondered how God did that.. and so much variety...each one seemed perfect, it was amazing to me. My mom had 13 siblings and all my aunts and some of my uncles are garden geeks... (I really had no chance to not play in the dirt) I've had big veggie gardens, and little veggie gardens.. my dirt is rock and clay so I keep many containers and I constructed a small raised bed from scrap lumber. The vegies are mixed in with flowers and most are compatible. I am able to find good earth in places around the edges of my property. I grow brugmansia, tropical hibiscus, hardy hibiscus, passionvines, jasmine, plumeria, night blooming cactus, Grandma Henry's hen and chicks-well, descendants of, hosta, iris, canna, elephant ears, voodoo lilies, pineapple lilies, tiger lilies, day lilies, tulips, daffodils, allium, hydrangeas, clematis, coneflowers, herbs, few veggies, water plants, annuals and house plants, oh and my big philodendrons and palms at work.... something I've never tried is a ginger or hoya... I don't need to fear you all think I'm daffy (right?), I just get a lot of personal growth and comfort growing plants..and talking plants and I love sharing my trials, tribulations and experiences. So, (GULP) I have called myself a mother hen before so I'll tell you everything I've have tried, and things I've read or know and didn't try.. Fire away with the questions, I'll be around DG somewhere, so shoot me a d-mail and get my attention... I have a bad habit of getting caught up in threads and not getting back out there to see what's the chatter. I have so many favorite forums, I took the Plant Trading forum totally off my Favs List... (didn't help myself, there...just strike up trades or begs on other forums..woe is me, I give up.. I'm a plant nut. ;)

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

You GO Marion! I like that "I'm old, not dead".. I'm going to remember that and use it later.. Have a great time and heck, wear some mouse ears and have some chocolate! Borrow your daughters laptop, you can check in on DG when you get bored

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Way ahead of you! Have several sets of mouse ears (granddaughter insisted), always have chocolate around and it's my laptop and I have already told her she can't use it. She is going on school business ----representing the HS where she teaches on a Model School Convention --she can use their laptops!!! I'm also stingy about my laptop!!!!! LOL

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Clem... I am HOT alright.. just got in from planting some of my goodies from the RU.... need a shower bad.. but gotta rest a few before I head anywhere to do TTYa'll L

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

I wrote that lil HOT message about 7:30 but forgot to send BOY ya'll were busy chatting away..

BONNIE...I still have plant trading as 1 of my favs.. but heck.. you have it all...wanna trade?? WOW when you have a get together with aunts and uncles.. you really have a bunch!! Wish my family was bigger.. My Mom had 5 bros.. but most are gone now.. and us "younger" generation just don't get together like we did when we were kids.. miss that..Man.. I think I would die if some of the kids came back home.. it's been 17 yrs.. just DH and I... We are getting that same grandson in the a.m. They live in TN and is staying with us and other set of granparents..(my ex!) for a month..

Marion... WOW.. you have fun for all of us!!.. yeah.. no one touches my laptop either..last time grandson got on.. he wasn't supposed to get online but did... well that was the last time it worked.. and last time anybody used my puter


Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Need d-mailers for Illinois and Missouri... If you can help, go to the Weather Forum and check in with Marylyn.

Lov ya, Peg

(Cathy), MO

Good morning everyone. AuntB told me about this thread last night. I got a few brug cuttings last fall from 3 very generous DGers, so am anxiously waiting for my first blooms this year too. I don't post alot but do try to keep up with the threads when I can.

Who: Cathy
What: Female, 53
Where: Rich Hill MO (about 65 miles straight south of KC).
Family: Divorced, 2 great kids, 5 grandkids
Work: IT Specialist
Plants: Too many!!!! LOL

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Good morning Cathy, look at that we're the same age! I wondered where Rich Hill was.. I've probably been close many times. Marion, you are on it, your own laptop! I bought (still paying for) a laptop, for my son for college, he's home now and I know when he goes back in the Fall I'm going to miss using it. But I'm moving the pc (in his room for now) somewhere in the living area, I don't like to be segregated from seeing outside. We're so opposite, he likes his room dark, loves dreary weather... not me, open those blinds and let the natural light in and although I do like storms, rainy dreary weather can work on me after a few days.
Becky, we have a reunion every June, only a handful of my over 50 cousins come, and it's always the same ones.. I doubt we will keep having them once some of the sibings pass, but I go when I can, it's such a busy time of year for me. We just can't seem to ever get a huge turn-out, maybe we should tell them it will be the last reunion ever and more would show up... so, now what plants are you wanting? I forgot to mention 2 banana's I got this year... I don't have everything, my batplant died and I don't have roses.
Posting a pic, kind of shows the progression of blooms opening.. Going over to weather- Audrey, I'll take fewer names this time! :) -Bonnie

Thumbnail by AuntB
(Cathy), MO

Rich Hill is right on 71 hwy. It's one of those "blink and you'll miss it" places!

Mine were all cuttings last fall. How long before you think they will bloom? This fall?

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Welcome Cathy, I have 6 cuttings too! One old brug that blooms like crazy and three new ones that I acquired this Spring. One of them starting to bloom.
Since this is my first time with cuttings, can't give you an answer, but I think they need to get establish first and show some nice growth. Send us a pic so we can see the progress. I know my cuttings will not bloom this year, or maybe I've been told, because I got cuttings from the Y.

Wow ladies you have such big families! I am one of six and we are all spread all over the country. Do not see each other much, Do get together though for Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve!!! Lovely time for all of us!

Marion, I'll send them when you come back from your trip ok, just remind me!
Beck, I though I posted a pic of my old brug, which I think it is a Dr. Seuss, wil do it tonight, I'm not home, It if is, well you may get a urprise sooner than you think, hottie hottie!
Meg, I'm glad your brug is getting better
Aunt B, thanks for all of your advise!

My pink brug ahs another bud, saw it this morning, 4 so far hehehe, happy hottie girl! Have a nice day everyoone! Clemen

Kim, where r u?

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh my the lovely pink about to open. Yes, seems we all are from large families--my Mom was one of 11 and all got together every year until my Grandmom's 101 birthday.
You can't imagine how large those gatherings were!!!!

We had the last gathering the weekend she turned 101 and her remaining 6 children all went to the nursing home and took her chicken 'n dumplins'. In her usaual way, she went down the list who was there and who wasn't--spicy old lady!!! Ate her bowl of dumplins', went to sleep and that was it!

We have tired to get together since but it just doesn't work out to well. We are so few now, only my Mom and her 1 sister left, cousins scattered and with the price of gas! Oh wee!!

Keep the pic coming! Clemen I will let you know when I return home.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Ok, sweetie! Clem

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Ageless ; }
Phila, PA
I work in the food biz..right now teaching ServSafe
I have about 6 brugs had more but they made it to brug heaven..I try my hand in plants that don't live here : )
I am very quite lol!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Kimie, you sneaky one, you are like my uncles, I do not even know how old they are, I only know how old my mami is lol!!! Hottie girl!!!!
So kim what do you think of Saint Joe's U over there, My daughter is college material by this fall, any advise as far as that school will be appreciated it, my nephew, that lives there said there is no campus life, is that true? Clem

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