Canna #3

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

There is nothing off topic over there. lol

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

... what chat room? Gosh.. I would love to find a chat that does not go into illegal stuff and sex.. it is sooo boring... rather really talk plants and gardening! LOL


Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)


I'm sick (really sick, not hungover) for the first time in over a year and feel like I could crawl somewhere to die. I did manage to get some things in the ground from the roundup and other places I've been...plants are still everywhere and I need about 5 healthy people to hang out for a week to get this place into shape

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

You will see on the right hand side of your homepage when the chat room is open. It's only on certain days and times. Look above where you see the part about a new DG market coming. There is a blank area above it and that's where it will be. :~)

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Trop, sorry you are so sick, I'm dying to garden ~ wish I were closer to help you out. I hope you recover quickly, Force the Fluids - soup, soup soup!!!

Tammi - I have been in the chatroom when it has been all garden talk and fun, but this time I only last a couple of minutes.

The gold finches have returned (so cute) .... my daughter had a friend over yesterday,,, she looked at the birdfeeder in the back and asked "Are those birds real or fake?" ha ha ha ha... so funny.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yes, trop do get better!! Don't overdo it. Course now that I have said that you will. lol

Red, funny about your daughter and goldfinches.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

lol, Red, made soup last night, I'll let you guys relish the thought of vegetarian chicken noodle soup

yep, it's been real cute overworking in the heat, hacking and dragging myself about ....I have managed to get some more roundup plants in the ground but the planting will never end this year...I swear everything in the greenhouse multiplies overnite

there's a bird building a nest in my greenhouse, in a pot with agapanthus...I'm going to leave it although i had big plans for that agapanthus this spring, I'll get a picture if I ever get around to it. just saw the mom for the first time today

what's up with the Pauls? and we never saw vadap's short cut..

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

did anyone ever find out what happened to ginger? did we run him off? I still have cannas to plant.. they are going to die if I don't get them in the ground!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I saw he was over in Australian Gardening earlier this year but that's the only place I have seen him.

My cannas still need to be planted too but it won't happen til my dad gets the tiller over here and it quits raining.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Pleeeeeze send the rain this way... we got a few drops 2 nights ago.. just enough to put mud splotches on my windshield. Did not even get the driveway wet. My water bill is going to be terrible and my grass still looks dead. It rains all around us but we don't get it... I mean all around.. 15 miles south, 40 north, 20 east and 7 west! You can actually see the storm clouds split in the west and go around. It only rains here when it is a really BIG storm.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

The storms come from there so I will tell them to hit you first. lol

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Got me some more cannas today at a small DG gathering. They have the purple leaves so they are possibly Tropicanna. I have at least 3 now to go with my alive but maybe dead cannas in the basement. lol

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Happy Mother's Day !

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Happy Mother's Day to you and others!!!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Ditto! Did you all call your mommies- or visit for those that live close? Had our Rky mtn get together at the Denver Botanic gardens spring sale yesterday. Bunch of goodies. Will post later, as I'm getting caught up planting all the winter-overed goodies, so I can get to the new goodies. Just taking a lunch break right now. Hope you mommies on here have a great, relaxing day!!! Paul.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

thank you Paul. Sounds like you had a great day!

We had a nice dinner with James family - and visited his grandma. He's back off to sunny CA this morning. Have I mentioned this is a bad time to be selling a house ?

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I went to moms and moved some cannas for her.. she wanted "more of this type here and some of that type there? Most are easy to dig but man! Those red stripes have DEEP roots! I dug some at my house before I went over there and by the time we settled down to watch some TV I could hardly move.. I was sore all over.


Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I got spoiled in the morning with breakfast in bed (with the daughter, it was cute) and a new outdoor ipod/speaker nice.

then in the afternoon we started to clear out the garage because we're having a yard my behind off but now I have a little seed/planting much room

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I started planting cannas today. Got only half planted and the holes dug for the other half. Now have to beat the mud off of the grass chunks before planting the rest of them.

Glad you all had a great weekend!!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow, everyone was busy ! Tammie, your mom is lucky you helped her out, hope she fed you well! Pepper, how many cannas are you planting?

Trop, I had a nice little breakfast made by the kids as well (actually it was ginormous, lol) they had to help me eat it. Sounds like your garage is clean, how great - I have a terrible time keeping the garage from getting cluttered. Have you started seeds?

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

My garage is so cluttered I have 'paths' to get around.. time for a HUGE garage sale. We had Texas Burger for dinner that night.. everyone was too tired to go out to eat and no one wanted to cook.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Whats Texas Burger ? Armidilo ?/??

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

... just your average 'road kill'.

Actually it is a fast food like burger king but with much better food at better prices. They even have the best REAL scoop icecream.. tastes like home made. You can feel the fat in it on your lips... love it!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I think 20 not counting the Tropicannas.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

know what you mean about the garage "paths"....going to be the same story in the daughter's playroom

I am so wishing I had thrown away so much stuff years ago

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

ha ha ha - Texas Burger sounds like Burgerville here - fantastic shakes & in season the walla walla onion rings totally ROCK!

Good job Pep - not too shabby!

Trop, you need to give it all to a pregnant friend, if there's one to be found. Or a daycare. It's going to be gorgeous here today - 84, I'm going to pull weeds out of all the beds and Vincent wants to go to the girls school and collect some tadpoles for our container pond.

We're having another open house on Sunday, hopefully someone will be out looking, we dropped out price - there are just not many buyers right now. And I know Oregon is better off than alot of places. knock on particle board, keeping my fingers crossed.... I actually saw a house listed this morning in San Jose on a huge lot, the house is probably a mess - but the schools are really great, nice neighborhood... and all that dead grass & clay for mommy to play in! But, I've seem to be incredibly unlucky lately - why does that happen?

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I would gladly give it to any person who would sort it all, I'm not sure I've got the patience for the playroom this time around's almost time for me to move the water tub out of the GH...the daughter loved the tadpoles last year.I have two and they always seem to be really crowded, but I'm hoping I get to see some of the nymphaeas bloom and that I don't kill my lotus....again

Red it is so hard finding a home, I really wish the best of luck to you, don't give up

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I killed 2 lotus this year.. finally have one beginning to grow.. a tiny leaf is opening in my little pond.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I killed a Chawan Basu lotus last year a dger gave me at a RU...she was kind enough to send me several more tubers this year and so wfar they're putting out lots of leaves. I have two tubs and this year I'm going to put the lotus in one and try not to crowd it out with other plants. water hyacinths took over last year...sure are nice when they bloom though

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Am back in town and Happy Birthday Red!!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank YOU !!! It's Sophia's birthday, too she's 11. sob, how did that happen?

I like the water hyacinth too, even though I have to keep pulling them out and toss, they just spread so fast.

We did have a few showings on our house this weekend, but no bites.... too many choices right now, buyers market for sure. I have a feeling we'll still be in Oregon when school starts.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

What does water hyacinth look like? Just got some parrotts feather.. love it.. as do my little fish. I don't know why, but my water lilies are just not blooming. Lots of leaves but so far only 1 bloom. Today is our first day of summer! Temps for the next 4 days are expected to be 100 or more each day. Oh, goodie..making up pay for the nice summer we had last year.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Happy Birthday again Red!

mr. phicks, you're really on the ball with the birthdays, not too many people notice...btw I am definitely getting your xanth mailed this week, trying to make some room in the GH

Tammy this is the water hyacinth I have, beautiful invasive:

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Guess it can't be too invasive if you only have a 120 gallon pond like I have. LOL it is very pretty.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm always skeptical of the term invasive because our conditions are so variable here....but....actually, it can be quite a gorgeous little monster, they grow and reproduce so fast. I had one15 gallon water tub, and had to get a second one...they pretty much took over both and I gave lots away. I love them but I can see why they're listed as invasive in so many states and illegal to mail

they make good compost, however, you always have to toss some of them

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

yep, we';re always plucking them out and throwing them in the corner (lazy composting). Our largest tadpole (originally named Tad by Olivia) is growing like crazy, he's way ahead of the others.

I'll post some blooms later - taking Vincent and his friend to "Pump It UP" ... I will battle any & all 5 year olds in the obstacle course!!!

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

101 and 6% humidity.. can you hot and dry?! I am soooo glad my A/C works well.. forget the electric bill, I will worry about that when it comes. My poor plants and yard outside look 'half baked' LOL The cannas are taking it in stride though.. tough plants!

My dogs can't understand why I will not leave the back sliding door open for them like I ususally have it. No way am I going to try to keep this house cool with a door open. It is like opening an oven.


Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

oooh, that Tammie is HOT to Trot ! I wouldn't open the door either. It was 97 here on Sat - we had a 5 day heat wave. Now its been raining mostly today and 63.... weird Spring!

I got side tracked and didn't post any bloom pics - decided to paint our bedroom, I like it - color is "glass" looked gray-green in the store, but more gray-blue in real life. goes nice with our chocolate brown stuff, tho.

post some pics tomorrow! did anyone ever find some pink cannas? I haven't had any luck around here, but haven't been to Al;s in a while.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I think my local wally world has some. I know they have Princess Di for sure but I remember seeing some pink varieties. And don't ask which ones cause I don't know. LOL

I painted my room a blue gray color last year or the year before. Sherwin Williams Blue Satin. Very soothing color.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

RTP, I missed your b-day! I hope you had a great one, and the little miss, also! I have been so busy between gardening, and other stuff, that I haven't been posting here. I think I have a pink canna, but will have to check. They are finally all poking through. My Pretoria is doing the best, and that is the one I truely wanted most. I got Wally dahlias, and they are already 1 1/2-2 feet. Our last frost has passed, but this is Colorado(it has snowed in June!!). I did put out my tomatoes last night. YEAH!!! Brandywine, Beefsteak, Souix, Reisentraube, Dr Carolyn (from DG), and Sweet 100s. Tons of other stuff going on. A new bed in front yard, and thinking of taking 350 sq ft of grass out of backyard, and xerra scaping(to an extent anyway). Trying to talk myself into it, as if I didn't have enough projects going on. One thing I have no desire for is any ponds. LOL Anyhow, request of new haircut pics are filled.

Thumbnail by vadap

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