Canna #3

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Whew!! Busy here! Getting ready for the upcoming holidays, trying to get some succelents planted, picking tomatoes, aand hoping my new batch of cannas don't rot. My last batch rotted. All but one.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

you are picking tomatoes already? wow, our strawberries & raspberries are just ripe, like one or two . We are at a hotel now... gotta go back when they are done loading the truck. I woke up last night on a panic that we are actually moving. I'm putting on a brave face for the kids, and I am excited ... but filled with anxiety today.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yep, one mater yesterday, and several more today. lol

Good luck on the move. Hope it goes smoothly.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

wishing you and your family the best, Red!!

a few blueberries are blue but not quite sweet yet

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

mmmmm, love garden tomatoes - store bought are so bad (especially with salmonella) you are lucky.

We are at the airport right now, managed to make it through the last couple of days somehow. We have an appointment to look at a few houses tomorrow, I'm looking forward to it - hope they aren't too stinky.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I killed my blueberry plants. The package said don't plant til May yet they were selling them in March. So I waited til April and it was too late for one and the other one may be alive but at this point don't really care. lol. I'll get me some new ones this fall and plant directly in the ground with lots of mulch so I don't have so many weeds. lol

Red, I hate stinky houses too. :~)

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I do feel for you.. flying? I would think you would be driving to your new home in vehicles packed to the gills with plants you are trying to take with you. My brother drove from the FL keys to Galveston with his truck loaded with palms and other plants because the movers would not take them.. that was quite a site.. some were rather large! He said next time he would pay someone to deal with the palm frond in his face the entire trip.. she wanted those inside so the wind would not ruin them... he then had to fly back to the keys and sail his boat to galveston.. that was a major trip.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have to laugh at the part about the palm frond in his face. That would drive me nuts and I would say it's not worth taking it down there if it won't leave me alone. LOL

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

ha ha ha ha ha - I did send some plumeria's (that had rooted & leafed out) they were supposed to be here Friday,,,, not yet : ( I don't think I'm holding much hope they'll make it, but you never know. I gave away alot of plants to my sisters in law - they both love to garden and don't have any extra $ this year, so that feels like the right thing.

There have been lightning fires here, so very smoky, but this afternoon its breezy and has really helped - you can see the blue sky again.

We looked at several stinkers today. Oh well, can't find a house the first day you look. All the people we met were so nice, tho - gotta love that. In some neighborhoods in Livermore all the neighbors get together and make their own wine. I'm liking the sound of that.

Good luck with your blueberries Pep!

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

WE GOT RAIN!.. SOME REAL RAIN! It is still sprinkling as I type.. it has been litely raining for almost 4 hours.. I have a little over 1/2" in my rain gague and since it is raining so slowly, it is soaking in and not all running off! It does not sound like much but this is more than I have received at my house since december so for me, it is real exciting. I was at my parents when it started.. we all sat out under the covered patio for over an hour just watching it rain.. sort of like watching paint dry but it was exciting!!! LOL


(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Still sprinkling here! Rained all night.. slightly over 1 1/4" of rain at my house.. my cannas are finally going to grow some. This is so wonderful. They banned all fireworks in every county around... caused all the businesses to close because they could not sell them. Now we get enough rain to wet everything.. it is too late , I know.. sadly, I hate to see peoples business shut down. I personally don't do fireworks. I did the real thing when I was in the Jaycees... we did all the major displays in the area.. they still do. Those little things sold in the stands lost their charm after setting off the largest one ever done in this area... I got the honor .. it was a 12" shell and the percussion of it taking off almost knocked me over. Those were the days! We would be almost deaf for an hour after the show..took all day to set up.. sometimes we set up days before... yep, those were the days!


Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Yeah Tammie ! I'm so happy you got a nice slow soaking !! No rain since December, that would be something to watch.

I can only imagine the damage to your ears, I bet it was so exciting to blast that off.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)


Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Yeah ! We made an offer on Sunday on a house in Livermore, CA - The back yard is all dirt & weeds, not a plant to speak of and will probably take 4 years to get rolling, but I'm happy our search is over.

Living in a one bedroom apartment is ummmm, too cozy ?

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

congrats red.....1, and you've got areally full house anyway...I think I'd end up in the car after a day or two

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

ha ha ha ha - so far okay. I took the kids to Great America Theme Park for the whole day today, so they are nice and tired now. The Spongebob Squarepants 3D Movie Ride was a total riot!!!

Not hot enough to do the water park, but maybe next week.

What is everyone doing for the 4th of July ? An old fashioned bar-b-q sounds so nice to me. We usually go to the beach, but don't know what we'll do this year?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

On the 4th, I will probably be running errands. On the 5th we have fireworks at work and I will be working til 11pm that night. I start work late afternoon. We will have thousands of people there.

Congrats on the house!! Post a pic if you get a chance.

Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

Redtootsiepop, Congratulations on your new house. Livermore is a nice town - and is the home of the University of California Radiation Lab (my nephew graduated in the field of physics from there.) That area isn't really all that far from the ocean - probably the best be would be Santa Cruz-a little southwest. The boardwalk along the beach used to be neat. Northwest of Livermore, across the Hayward bridge and over the coastal hills is the town of Half Moon Bay. I used to go there a lot. In each of those places, the water is a little warmer than found here in Oregon. Hope you have a great weekend. Dotti

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi Dotti

Thanks for the info... if not for the GPS I would be completely lost. We'll definitely check out Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay. Livermore does seem great - people are really friendly (probably from all the wine) ha ha ha .

Pepper, is that a fun night to work with the fireworks?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My job won't be fun since I am the one to keep every thing half way decent but otherwise it would be. I am hoping we can sneak out and catch a few fireworks but we may not have time.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

... got the plumerias in the mail yesterday.. of course all the leaves fell off, and half the soil they were in. They are out on the patio, we'll see if they make it.

Try to sneak in a few fireworks Pepper !

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We should have time to watch the fireworks, then we will rush back in before the crowd comes thru. There should be 4-7000 people there. It will be a mess. lol

Hope the plumerias make it. If I had room for them I would grow them myself but I don't have any place to keep them during the winter time.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Happy 4th, everyone!

I have heard they are so great, but I am trying to stay away from plumeria...I need no more addictions that will keep my GH full, I am curious though cause I've never seen a real-life bloom

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Happy 4th of July !!!!! Hope everyone has a great day !

*One plumeria is shriveling, the other seems to be holding strong - I'm going to have to wait it out.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Hey guys, Happy 4th to everyone!! Just about finished with getting my Class A CDL-yeah! Most has been rehash, but has to be done. Test out next Wed. Off today and back at it Sat. Sister is coming through town tomorrow, so should be nice. Haven't seen in a few years. Me, Rhonda and brother doing up brats and accessories tonight.

Red, hope your offer goes through so you can get back to gardening. : ) Kids at great america, how fun(in a good way). I haven't been on a roller coaster in years.
Pep, Hope you get to see some fireworks. I'll more than likely be in bed. Up at 5:30 Sat.
Trop, how can you have to many addictions when it comes to plants? Unfortunately, mine isn't to a specific plant, but all plants in general. LOL

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I too am adicted to plants.. I'll try anything to see if it will grow here. I am working today and all weekend.. time and 1/2 today is nice since it is a holiday.. brought my computer to work with me.. that is why I am able to be 'chatting' now

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

How nice you get to see your sister - and good luck on your test!

Where is Phicks? and has he eaten any of his spuds yet?

Tammie - how are your plants after your night of rain, I bet it helped them out quite a bit.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We scared phicks off. He gets scared easily. LOLOLOL.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)


Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Start a new Thread Paul

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

so, have you harvested any potatoes yet? We used to grow them -when I was a kid-

those little new potatoes were the best, used to fry them with butter salt & pep, yummy!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Yup All Gone Yum Yum

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

We had 4 days of nice lite rain.. total a little over 2". Everything is sooo much happier and growing.. one of my "tall 9ft cannas" is blooming at 5 ft instead of 4 like some were a couple weeks ago. My magnolia tree has green leaves again.. they were all brown and dead.. it is more a small bush since this is its second year. Rain sure makes everything grow sooo much better. We are also having very cool temps.. in the 80's! We had I think 18 days over 100 during june and most days were 987 and 99 if they did not make it to 100... it was still 93 at midnight a few times!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Canna #4 has now been started!! Come on over before these ole computers croak on this long thread. :~)

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