Canna #3

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Here's the back

Thumbnail by vadap
Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

And this is my best girl.

Thumbnail by vadap
(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Hair looks great and she sure is a sweetie! How much of the bed does she take up at night? My three take up enough for 6 of them.. they think they have to spread out.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I agree!! Hair looks great!! And love the dog. :~)

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

nice new cut ! Thanks for the birthday wishes - thats ALOT of grass to take out, I say GO FOR IT!

Your dog is so cute, and looks quite well taken care of.

Got to put another coat of paint in the bedroom.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

not sure how to type a whistle noise, lol, I think it looks nice, and I'm sure you already think it's more manageable. especially in the heat, lol.

that dog is so pretty, looks like a fox

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Thanks guys, especially trop for the 'whistle'. I won't tell Rhonda. ; ) Sushi is a daddys girl for sure, and I'm the most strict- go figure. She's a Shiba inu, japanese for 'small dog'. The akita is the 'large' version. LL, she has her own beds: 1 in the bedroom and the other in the living room. With 2 cats, she stays on teh floor, except when she has been particularly good and gets to sit on daddys belly. RTP, my pink cannas are Dawn Pink. I got them in a co-op. With the heat that we have had lately, all my cannas are taking off. Can't wait to see them bloom. The weather has been strange(per norm). It got really hot over the weekend, and then cooled of yesterday and today. When that happens, the wind cranks up and we get thunderstorms, hail and tornadoes(like yesterday up by Ft Collins). R's nephew graduates high school tomorrow, so Sunday and Monday are planting days. I have so much to get into the ground. Hope you guys have a great Memorial Day weekend, and don't forget to thank a veteran, and remember those that laid down their lives for our freedoms.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

We just had the kids take a dollar from their banks to donate at Fred Meyer's.

I am so exhausted, 14 girls over for Sophia's bday sleepover (they barely fit in the living room, two moved onto the kitchen floor during the night, which is wood, lol ) I got a couple of hours of sleep..... all the girls were picked up by 10 am, then we get a call that someone wants to look at our house (ARGH ! - streamers, balloons, candy - those girls were PIGS!) so had to pull it all together. We did, but am now going to grow a couch out of my rear end.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

I had to work today and since we had a wedding and reception last night I had to clean up from it today. It wasn't messy thankfully but there was alot of furniture to move plus doing regular cleaning. I am beat!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Pepper, I hope you've recovered ! Sounds like alot of work. I was just refilling the hummingbird feeders, I thought one of the little guys was going to poke me in the head!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have recovered. lol. Next weekend I will be working 12 hrs on Sat then a few hours that Sun. lol. It will be that way all summer long unless we get extra help hired on.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Wow, what a week! Pep, I'll be working 12 hours ea. day Sat and Sun, but no pay! I'll be gardening, and building the neighbors fence that attaches to mine between the houses. RTP, you already have hummers? Way to early around here. Putting lots of plants in ground to make them happy, I hope. Trop, big blow-out on BnP. My first order since last Oct bulbs. Hope everyone is having great gardening weather! May get my cannas out this weekend, along w/everything else!!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My cannas are planted but the dormant ones are taking their sweet time poking their little green heads up.

It turns out that this upcoming weekend shouldn't be 12 hrs after all since there's not that much going far.

We also have hummers and have for awhile. Orioles too. But our oriole feeder broke so they are mad at us right now. lol

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

My hummers have been here for weeks.. they are costing me a fortune in sugar... price of it keeps going up. If it were just me.. a 2 pound bag would last me a year.. just bought 10 pounds for the hummers! My mother has cannas starting to bloom.. I could not believe.. mine look so stunted. It has been so hot and no rain... up to a whole 1.1 " since december.. that is short over 10 inches so far. I decided tonight to just pay the high water bill and try to get some things growing better. Temp was 102 today humidity 12% tomorrow supposed to be even hotter... oh goodie! Have already watered the yard twice this evening.. everything was dry within 20 minutes of it finishing.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yikes!! It will be like that in July and August here. Don't look forwards to it.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

102 !!!! holy cow! We had one fluke, 100 day, but that is it so far.

Our hummingbirds here are Anna's - so they stay all year round. I go through more sugar during the winter when nothing is in bloom for the poor little guys ... they fight like crazy with eachother - I have feeders all over, so the females can steal a drink, the males "guard" their feeder. Now the salvia is blooming, clematis, verbena, etc., they are a little friendlier to eachother. So fun to watch. Lots of goldfinches right now, too.

Pep, what do you feed the Orioles?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We either feed sugar water or store bought oriole food. I am thinking though it's just sugar water but in a feeder they can use.

I had a little bit of fun yesterday. I spilled tea on my keyboard and ruined it. So today I went and got a wireless board and mouse. Had a bit of trouble getting it working right but I think I finally got it. I hope anyways. The mouse and noisy space bar are gonna take getting used too but it's better than my old ones.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

noisy space bar??? lol

I hesitate to say this, but someone is kinda maybe interested in our house... but who knows, I'll believe it if we actually receive an offer..... we're keeping our fingers crossed and our underwear clean!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Good luck Red, I can't even imagine selling this place. NC is being developed so quickly that if we sold I'm not sure where we could move that we'd actually want to live

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Underwear clean!? I surely hope that is a daily occurence. LOL Keeping fingers crossed for you, too. It's so overbuilt here, that work is really suffering. This time of year, I should be hitting 55+ hrs/wk, but have only broken 40 once! As soon as one foreclosure goes away, another pops up.

pep, I got the MS wireless board and mouse yrs ago, and yes the space bar is loud than the other keys. You do get used to it, and the comfort and ease is worth it, he says while drinking coffee, feet proped up and the board in his lap. LOL

Trop, know what you mean. I had hoped to move out of this place last year to move closer to the foot hills on the west end of town, at least. Looks like another year or two here. Moving out of state to Montana, Idaho or Washington look like the good options these days.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

thanks - yes, I am keeping EVERYTHING clean !! We had another call this morning for a viewing (I was on the treadmill, very sweaty and had to stop to clean up in a big rush) So, it had been terribly sloo o o o o ow w w w w w, but seems to have picked up. There are alot of new homes here, too ... however, our house is smaller than almost all of them which hopefully will work in our favor (more affordable).... theres a monster house down around the corner that is 4100 sq. feet, no yard at all.... but a nice view of Mt. Hood. It's been on the market about a year now. Blech, I really am tired of living this way tho -

Last day of school coming up soon - next Thursday, How about you Trop?

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

hers is next Tuesday, she goes to this awesome summer (day) camp where they have a lake and go canoeing, cabins, ropes courses, etc. It's pretty cool but a long drive every day.

vadap had a birthday yesterday...I wanna hear what he I think I should have ordered a big fat gemini medallion with a gold chain...

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

LOL, no thanks, I don't wear jewelry, and only a watch for work! I did spend about $120 on plants, both BnP and Bluestones 50% off sale(ended Sunday). Me and Rhonda went to breakfast and saw Indiana Jones(those that are old enough to have seen the originals, this doesn't measure up at all). My brother got me $100 in gift cards to Pappadeauxs resturaunt (my absolute favorite). Other than that, a quite day. Don't need much when you get old! Just more plants!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

sounds like a pretty sweet birthday to me!

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I'll take that any day..breakfast and rest... buying plants... cool

I haven't even checked yet if I am working on my BD this year.. last year I did and it was an absolutely horrible day. I cried when my mother called to wish me a happy birthday. She and my father were out of the state for a couple weeks. I invited everyone at work out to dinner my treat because I did not want to just go home alone.. everyone turned me down. I was new there.. had only been there 2 weeks and they had treated me like dirt that day. ...just looked.. yep, I work this year too! 14 hours of he**.. what a day! Oh, goodie... something to look forward to.. hopefully my parents are not out of town again. I get lonely. I also work the 4th... not bad.. they pay OT which for me adds up to about $43 per hour.. and 14 hours.. that will be a great day.

Temps here have been 101 - 106 every day for the past week.. cooler today.. only 99 or 100! Still no rain and none in sight. Plants are even praying for rain now.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh Tammie, that is miserable!

Vadap, that sounds like a perfect day relaxing and getting new plants, plus your bro was good to you!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Well, the wireless went kaput on me so I have to wait til next weekend to get it working right. Just bought a standard today so am back in business again.

Happy very late brithday vadap!!!

Storms hitting us again. KS had tornadoes but it appears they won't cross the state line so we will only get hail.

Working lots though we can no longer have overtime til further notice. Attendence is waaay down so therefore no money. :~(

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

anyone have plans for father's day?

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Hey! Well, we did accept an offer on our house - hopefully it all goes through. They want an early close, tho so we'll be out by the 27th (ACK! lots of details to take care of- I'm freaking out just a bit)

So we will be living in a one bedroom apartment with 3 kids and a cat who hates to be locked inside. I think that will motivate us to find a house quickly, ha ha ha.

Can you get a tranquilizer from the vet for cats -for the plane ride? He is going to howl the whole dang trip, and I'm not such a great flyer myself .... it takes aLOT of concetration to keep that plane in the air.... I don't need the cat to distract me from that.

Fathers Day we are having James & his brother, kids over. What about you Trop?

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

well, yesterday morning I cleaned out the shed for my he'd like that, now he can find all his junk. I'm trying to get him to tell me something cooler than t-shirts and socks for a takers yet. Tommorrow we're heading home so I can make breakfast and all that good stuff for my old man Sunday morning as he requested, lol. He asked for a specific present (something for his camera) so made it easy this time

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Probably will have my brothers come over and we will grill if it isn't raining.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

RTP, congrats (keeping fingers crossed for closing)! A new garden looms in your near future.

Pep, thanks! Hope you don't have to buy a boat to commute. Sorry to hear that work is slowing down (or is that a good thing). Same here for constructon. I start school on Monday to get my Class A license. Lots of local carriers are hiring drivers right now, and they pay as good or better than driving concrete mixers.

Trop, more yard work. Have been at it all week. Tons of hardscaping. I'm worn out, and my hands are killing me. I've got to many plants that need to get into the ground. I've only put in half my cannas so far. Others are going into a new bed that I just made.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

no rain here.. again. This makes 6 months with rain only once.. 1/2". Tonight, we had a huge thunder and lightening storm but not a drop of rain. What a tease. It did set off a huge fire.. don't know yet if it burned any houses but it was near a lot. My poor cannas are growing but nothing like last year.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

No boats needed around here, just north and way south of us. :~)

Tammie, maybe this upcoming week you will get lucky. We have a dry spell coming so maybe you will get all of our rain. Cross your fingers!!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow, everyone has been busy ! Hopefully you'll get some rain, Tammie.

Trop, I bet your breakfast was good, hope he enjoyed it. We had dinner here last night, mexican food plus a delish pineapple, mango, raspberry,blueberry & strawberry fruit salad Sophia made. Hello antioxidants!!!

How long do you have to go to school to get your Class A license? Pay attention to the teacher! lol

Did you grill with your bros, Pepper?

It looks like everything is going thru with the house (they better take good care of my garden : ( - The backyard had only grass when we moved in, I planted everything back there, except the weeds of course. It is hard to leave, but hopefully we can find a large lot..... I'm convincing James we need lots of land, who cares about the house!

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Be sue to take cuttings or dig starts of your favorite plants! You put a lot of work into the garden.. and finding all the different plants is a BIG job! You deserve to keep a part of what you did.. and in a short while, even you would not even be able to tell what was dug or disturbed.

Off to my parents now.. going to pick up some BBQ ribs for dinner. Just embroidered a shirt for dad.. put a golfer on it .. just a line drawing .. nice design for a golf shirt since golf is about all he is interested in anymore.


Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Our movers won't move any live plants - into California it's a big no-no. So I kinda at the starting over point, .... which is sad, but I learned so much here -mostly by error : ) My potted phygelius & mandevilla will go to my mom, she loves pink everything.

For my birthday I got a gift certificate to Annie's Annuals, so I'm looking forward to spending that.

Trop, I've heard crinums don't like to be disturbed, but I think I may pull a couple of bulbs out and put them in my suitcase - do you think it's worth a shot? Here in Oregon they have justed started peaking out , maybe 1-2" of green is all.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Crinums may not like the roots to be disturbed but they're really tough, you won't hurt them. It might set back the blooms a year or two, but they might like your new spot better. I'm so obsessive I can see this scenario of digging them all, drying them and shipping them so that they would be waiting for me at my new you can store them for months as long as they're dry

this sweet one opened up for me last night, trying to id it

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Trop - very pretty-you've convinced me..... I'm digging them up for sure... you know I only planted them in the fall so the roots can't be too extensive yet, should be easy to get out. And we are waaaay behind here it's been so cold, they are just breaking ground.

My husband drove around looking at houses today, we're going for the really ugly houses on big lots (because we can't afford a big beautiful house on a big lot) ha ha ha. And , of course good schools are top priority.

Hopefully we can remodel and make it home soon enough.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

.....crickets chirping.....

hey everybody!

Red, I wish for the best for you, I think when your crinums bloom you'll be happy you brought them, good luck on house hunting

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