Canna #3

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

i was just reading about it in my beer lovers guide says fruity aroma rated at 2.0

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

I would say more bitter than sweet - but an intoxicating mix, to say the least - It really is delicious. I probably only have it 4 or 5 times a year, but every time I do the first sip always makes me say "mmmmmmmmmm"

They also have a ruby ale that is good, and Terminator Stout that is black and creamy (total beer food) Oh, I will miss McMenamin's : ( .. some of their pubs are restaurant/movie theatre, take your dinner & pitcher of Hammerhead into the theatre (they took out every other row of seats, put in long tables) ....... we would have to walk home back in the old newlywed days, walk back in the morning to get the car. Good times - at least in the summer!

ha ha ha - I got everyone's attention with beer talk !

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Its Rated at 2.1 the nebraska bitter is rated 2.9

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

A beautiful spring day in the Rockies! And a great weekend coming, which means great gardening weather. Spotted some hostas and miniature foxglove coming up. My tomato seedlings are about 8" high, and still have 4-5 weeks before putting out. May have to try the wall-o-water this year.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

getting thirsty over

good to know you have nice weather vadap, I feel like we finally had our last rush of winter and it's been busy trying to get things planted, cleaned up, etc

have fun hostessing your man's birthday party tommorrow, Red!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It rained yesterday, then today it has been misting off and on all day. I have a RU at my grandma's tomorrow and the yard is so wet it's like a bog. Standing water everywhere, and now thanks to me and another person staying the weekend in their camper ruts in the yard. I was reeeeeeeeaaaallly hoping it would dry out in time but it's not gonna happen. But will be warm. High 60s and 70s.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

oooh, warm and humid.. yuck! I'll stick with our 90's and dry.. humidity the other day was 13%. It was in the single digits a week ago. 30% here is very high and if it reaches 70% it is raining. It does cause me to have to water a lot though. My water bill runs anywhere from $30 up to $150 during the year. I have my first 3 hostas to survive the winter and come back.... two are about 6" high and one is just sitting with the tips of leaves poking out of the ground about 1/2".. teasing me since it is the prettiest one of the three. My cannas are growing like weeds... I have lots that are going to need digging.. they are spreading out of their areas where I want them... LOL.. life with cannas. Going to be a good show this year, I am going to let them grow then thin them so next year will be sad.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I just checked my cannas this morning and they look really, really dry so I don't know if they survived or not. I am gonna have my canna bed roto tilled and my blueberry bed done also here pretty soon so I will plant them and see what happens then. My callas have sprouts on them already. lol

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

you might try misting them and putting them in a little warmer area.. I have some from the co op that are growing in the dark box and in plastic bags! I bought too many and don't know what to do with them all.. stupid me!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Spring is definately here. Cut the grass for the first time this year.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I will probably plant them outside pretty soon. I need to get my dad to till up an area cause I have too many cannas to just plop them in the ground. lol. Most are freebies from work so I have no idea on colors. Can't wait to see!! If they make it that is. lol

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

oh, everyone is getting busy ! James party was a blast, we had plenty of Hammerhead (and working guy's ale, which everyone slammed pretty darn fast, I didn't even get to try it!)

It snowed on and off all day on his birthday - which for this area is crazy, it doesn't snow in April.... makes it memorable I guess.

Vincent and I are taking it easy today, we both have a nasty cold.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

aww...Red, hope you feel better and bummer about the Hammerhead, I was eagerly awaiting a full status report :)

found some phegelius ('s)?) today, total score for these parts. Heading home for the week for some relaxation, is the exciting thing is I'm planning some work on the back yard at my folks place. My mom has been wasting her time watering hydrangeas telling me colocasias won't grow

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I heard about the snow over there at lunch time today. A coworker's daughter is over there to interview for a job.

Not much going on here. Work, riding lessons, and getting ready for the Iowa RU next week. Gotta call another member who I was gonna ride with and see if she is still wanting to go. If not I am driving there myself. :~)

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Hey Red, cheers to the old man, and sorry to hear you and Vincent are feeling bad. Get well post haste!!! Snowing this late in the season? I heard 2 garden talk show guys(local) saying things are about 2 weeks behind around here. I can vouch for that. Forsythias were late, daffs are still getting off to a slow start. So much for global warming! Trop, grats on the score!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

not to pretend to be knowledgeable but weather extremes and unpredictability are part of the global warming trend....ok, that's enough

my daughter isn't feeling well so had to delay going home awhile...and I just picture it being this perfect day on the coast...

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I live in the midwest so extreme is normal. If we have too many nice days in a row we get supicious. LOL

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

personally I find life without hurricanes a little dull...

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Not Me i Lost My House During the Last Hurracanes

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I did not realize you lost your house.. I remembered you had a lot of damage.. how are things going now? I know you grow a LOT of absolutely stunning plants. I like our weather most of the time but right now the storms that have hit this area have caused a lot of hail damage. Odessa is in a spot where most of the storms go around us so we only get about 1/3 of the storms in the area.. you can actually watch a storm front approach and then split and go around most of the city. The west side of town gets a lot of the weather but here on the east side we only get the wind. The city is only about 6 miles from east to west.


Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

wow, paul, I dropped that comment quickly before heading out and immediately re-thought it. In NC we have lots of damage but the last few years has changed the way I look at th storms...I guess back when we always got false alarms evacuation was a quick way to clear the tourists out

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Still wet and busy here. Too wet to till and in some places still to wet to plant. Am busy trying to get ready to go to the Iowa Ru but my uncle hasn't returned my calls so I don't know if that trip is gonna happen now or not.

Oh and really busy at work now that spring is here. People coming in bigger crowds now and we are getting ready for the Chapungu exhibit to open up. Gonna be a huge draw. :~)

So what's everyone else up too?

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Hey all - been slow here, spring is no fun if you can't garden : (

we got a Wii on Saturday, and we played constantly all weekend, I woke up with a sore right arm on Sunday morn, my first wii injury. But I am getting better at "fake" tennis. lol

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

It is soooo dry so far this year... we have had .9 inches of rain total since december... everything needs water. No matter how much I water with the sprinklers.. it never makes the difference a good rain makes. My cannas are growing well though.. need to thin a few later today.. wish me luck.

That Wii must be fun.


Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm holding my ground, absolutely no
been busy since I got back from the beach...juvenile deliquent week sure was fun there hanging out with one of my best friends, it was ridiculous. still recovering. trying to get plants ready for a roundup this weekend and we're going to see Lou Reed tonight...should be cool

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I WANT A Wii!!!!! But then you guys would never see me on here after that. lol

Tammie, we are just now drying out from all the rains we have had but we are gonna get hit again on Thursday. Some strong storms but I am hoping no flood warnings or flashes go out.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

did you notice that was a point 9 inches of rain total since december... not even a full inch.. and that was divided into about 3 different .. damp events...well, it really did rain one night.. the night before easter and again 2 weeks ago for about 10 minutes. I want some of that rain. My grass looks DEAD... and I am watering almost every day.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

You live in Texas. Texas is notorious for being stingy on rain in most parts. lol

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Trop - sounds like a great week, everyone needs to be a delinquent sometimes!

Tammie, it's so wet here - bleh, I wish I could send you a big huge rainstorm. I got an inexpensive cedar tree yesterday (for privacy from neighbors) and was going to put it in, when I was taking everything to the backyard HUGE HAIL STORM - arg, I'm used to being out in the rain, but I'm not planting during hail storms. I may try today, we'll see if I have any luck..... need to get it in before the open house Saturday.

Pepper - the wii is a blast, we let the kids go crazy on it over the weekend (so did James & I lol) but now we have a time limit. I hate video games, but this is great because your moving all over the room - we have to move the coffee table ! I can't wait to get the nunchuks sp? so we can try boxing!!!!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Lou Reed was awesome....prophetizing stories of love that ignores you and leaves you lifeless and empty in that robotic, yet somehow passionate monotone.....

it was great

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

monotone=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs for me. lol. All types of them. I try to stay awake and fail. Every single time. lol

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Lou Reed is cool (was the lead singer of the Velvet Underground pep, figured way before your time), monotone and all, and the dudes like, in his 60s and you could see every thread of muscle in his arms...working out after cleaning up seems to be going well for the guy. One of my friends is a sketch artist and was drawing him, she got some cool pictures of his arms, I laughed cause I thought only I would notice something like that.

kinda chilly here, a dger is coming over with plants (yay!!!) and getting things together for a roundup this of these days the weather will stabilize and I'll get some plants in the ground.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Ok, it's snowing, so I get a short break from yard work. Still so much to do with planting season here. Will start hardening off most things this weekend.

Thumbnail by vadap
(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Temps in the hight 80's and low 90's here... and you have SNOW!???? Hard to comprehend. Sorry to hear that. My plants are already growing so nicely. It is difficult to imagine not even being able to leave them out yet.


...very windy today.. have picked up turned over pots several times already today.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

LL, not so bad, and we need the moisture. We've had less than you so far this year. It is all staying in the mountains, which is filling up our resevoirs. 5th driest march and april on record on the front range. I have lots of plants (roses, daylilies, perrenials) sitting on the back patio, waiting for me to get caught up on the hardscaping, so they can get planted out. All my warmer season things (cannas, dahlias, lilies, etc) are still under plastic in teh garage. Lots of shoots peaking through, but another 3-4 weeks before they go out.
Just got my haircut after 2 yrs and 8 mos without one. Donating hair to . Here's a before pic.

Thumbnail by vadap
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

good for you Paul, been trying to talk the boyfriend into it for years

where's the after picture?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I reconize Velvet Underground. I may be young but I like old music. lol.

Tornadic weather around here. Gonna be a busy night.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Tornados skipped me but hit the city pretty hard in places.

Sooooo......where is everyone???

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Hey, wow Paul, nice hair! Thats great you gave it to locks of love. Glad you didn't get hit Pepper. I've been negligent checking into DG lately : ( ... the chatroom is open, I'm going to give it a whirl !

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

ok - all the chatters were talking about growing *pot-ted plants, if you get my drift, Mary Jane! So, I politely called a cab and went home.

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