I'm sending you a big Bouquet of Spring Flowers

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Alright already!! It was my first time...I will do better this time:)
My first crocus blooms...

Thumbnail by kimarj
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

LOL Kim!!! :) Pretty Crocus you got there!!!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks! I really like them.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Welcome! It is so nice to watch them pop up!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

All of my cannas and callas are in plastic pots in the somewhat heated basement. They are just thrown in there, no dirt. I reeeeeeaaallly hope they make it this summer.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Pepper,it is probably safe enough now to plant them in the ground,if a potato is safe ,I'd say ears would be too!
I brought my caladiums outside,in there pot,getting some of that sunshine.

Kim pretty color combo you got there!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hey Don, did you get your results yet?
Wanted to share this cause I think it is so beautiful:


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Tammy, it is true...you have to drive the train!!
Sometimes, the rail forked off.....

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hey sweet Jaye! Hope you are back up to par now!!!
Hugs and sweet dreams! ♥

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Sweet dreams to you too Tammy. Quit worrying so much..everything has a reason.. HUGS!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Can't help but worry bout my friends ya know! :)
OK, Imagonenowbye! LOL

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Love Patsy Cline!!!!
Saturday!!! Dr. Appointment 9am.
Spring is in the air! 50* this am!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Our sound is messed up so I didn't get to hear the music, darn it!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Article in today's Dallas News about a chip that can be implanted in the back to interrupt pain signals to the brain. I may be checking that out as I could hardly walk yesterday.

Good luck, Don

I know how it feels.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I would plant my cannas out but with the unexpected snow and freezes still possible I would rather not. I have no way of covering them to keep them protected. But May isn't that far off so not too much longer now! :~)

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

One of the sure signs of spring in our are is when the pecan trees bud. Today was the day. Hallelujah!


However, the winds are horrendous.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Winds are here too,but from the cold north!!!!!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Windy here too! But nice and warm!!!!

Christi, sorry to here that you're having problems. Mine's finally easing up. Hope yours gets better real soon.....YOU TOO Tropicman!!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing better as well! Here's a picture of the daylily bed that about did me in.....There's still room for a few more, so may add them later!

Aloha and Yokwe Y'all !!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Looks great Jeanne,did you have to fight the roots from the tree?
Remember they will multiply pretty fast.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Beautiful yard, Jeanne. Look at all those babies still waiting in their pots. You and I will soon have no yard...only plants. I'm looking forward to that. Hope you are better as well.

Princess Kilikina

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

TM, The roots are much further down, plus this is a raised bed, so no problem.

Christi, most of the daylilies in the pots are my seedlings. I'll probably wait until they bloom to see if they are worth keeping. We'll make a bed there eventually.

Over the winter the weeds almost overtook the yard, so we put out Scotts Max weed killer, feed for the lawn and ant killer, then reseeded the grass. Except for planting some seeds that I have, I think I'm almost done purchasing for awhile.
I think I'm to my limit for now.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Jeanne, Aloha! Don't forget to show us the blooms on your daylilies, I would love to see what you have created from your own crosses!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes please do, I would love to see them too.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh, you will get to see them! I will be so excited. I've waited all this time....over two years for them to bloom!

My red amaryllis has scaped! The white and pink azaleas are still in bloom! They are so pretty. Yellow Jasmine still blooming.


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Hello everyone!
Don, how goes you at the doctor's?? Christi, wow...pain diversion, electronically...amazing! Is that in an experimental stage? Hope it would help you, shall be praying hard, sister!
And btw, no buds on my pecan tree...*L' Bummer! More days lying in wait for TRUE spring.
Jeanne, I too look forward to your blooms. Love all lilies here, so far 2 beds set up for Asiatic lilies and 1 more for daylilies. Am neighbour here to Marietta Gardens and Roycroft.. and I still look for the UFOs on eBay.

This message was edited Mar 30, 2008 10:15 PM

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, Jaye. Nothing yet. Just an article I read in the paper about the chip in the spine. Sounds like it could be a winner for a whole lot of folk. So glad to see back, babe. Feeling better?


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Hi All,
Well here what the MRI says,multiple levels of disk disease,as deterioration,misalignment,bulging ,2 pinched nerves on both sides of the spine,he wanted me to see a neurosurgeon,and he wanted me to be on a25lb weight restriction .

Diabetes,was bad enough he doubled my amyorol and metformin.
He wanted to put me on that new drug,with what looks like a pencil type thing I forget what its called,but it was not insulin,but it's expensive and some insurances won't cover it yet.

I have to go back in 2 months to see how I'm doing,then make a decision on what I need to do!!!!

So How 's Jaye doing.
I might have to look on what Christi's talking about pain diversion!!!!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Christi, thanks for asking. It's been a yoyo battle and being very careful not to appear too much in public.
Bless your heart Don! Lose that 25 pounds and more, that would help you out.
I was told to lose weight, until doctor realized that 3/4 of my meds' side effects are weight gain and fluid retention! Well, had my bloodwork done last week and my cholestrol med is doubled, and my insulin increased. Blood pressure's the only thing on the positive side.
We want you alive for a long, long time Don. I know you'd do the right thing.

This message was edited Mar 31, 2008 8:41 AM

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Yes I do want to live a long time,lots of things to grow yet,the 25 lbs was all he wanted me to lift at work!!!Like thats going to happen!!!LOL
Yes he wanted me to lose about the much weight as well,my blood pressure wasn't too bad as well,138/80,little high but not bad.
Well off to la la land!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Not suggesting anyone follow my lead, but I tried every brand of cholesterol lowering drug out there. None of them lowered my chol. but they did make me feel like I had the flu and my legs cramped something awful. I refuse to take it . I'm going to die anyway and I'd rather not take a med that makes me feel like I want to die now. Two docs said almost the same thing. I could eat carboard and water and still the chol. readings would be high. Bad genes.


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Poor you Christi! I can't take Lisonypril (Sp)...lethargic effects. Then when I was prescribed Zetia, worse. Doc said it's supposed to go into the bloodstream immediately, but instead it weighed down my old bones!! I couldn't move an inch! Right now it's Lipitor and am fixing to ask the doctor to switch to generic Zocor. Difference is price...Lipitor at 140 and the generic Zocor at 25.
My cholestrol did go down for a while until I became more resistant to insulin.
You are so right Christi, only the Lord can heal us!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I feel great 99% of the time. Just when I challenge the back, then I can't walk. 1%

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

TM, did you get hit by the bad storms? Any tornadoes in your area?

I consider myself lucky to not have any health problems. Just a back that has fits every now again and bad knees. Rather have those than health problems. Been there done that too many times when little. :~)

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Glad you finally know what's wrong TM, but sorry it wasn't better news. The docs will get you going in no time if you just do what they say.

Tornados all over the place today around here. 3 inches of rain in 20 minutes, washed out part of our road and driveway, Good thing we have 4x4s or we would be screwed getting out. One touched down about 30 miles from here

Everyone stay safe.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Robin, glad to hear from you. I was wondering about you too.

We had more wind than anything. Lots of semis blown over, siding blown off houses, lots of limbs down. Trees too. I had a tree down on a road that leads to work and I stopped and cleaned it up quite a bit so that a bus could get thru in the morning. It was blocking 3/4 of the road. I got all but little pieces and the main trunk. Better than before though. :~)

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

The thunder was so loud,it rattled the windows,lots of lightning as well,heavy down pour.
Christi,I was on Zocor for years,and it never would get my cholesterol levels down,so I switched over to lipitor the most you can take 80mg a day and it has been working now .
Bad genes here too!!!! Yes I have leg cramps and sore achy muscles too.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Well Don, I'll stick to Lipitor then. I was on 40 and got increased to 80. Kel and his parents are on Zocor, worked for them.
It was in the 40's yesterday, drizzle and today, 70's. I'll take the switch in temps than the bad weather y'all are getting.
Like yours Don, all my plants are having a "root" hold outside the GH!!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

36* now but feels colder with the north wind a howling,couple nites in the 30's and days in the low 50's,feels like winters back!!!!
Couple more weeks and maybe I can start taking plants outside...

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

lol Same here don, the weather is awful. 3 inches of rain in 20 minutes, tornados all over the place. We are still floating around here. The rains took out part of our road and driveway. Most work the me.

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hello All !!
We need to take care of ourselves and try to listen to the doc..I know it can be hard :)
Now if the bad weather will just go away we can play in the dirt and feel better.
Be well be safe be dry!!
Kim....hey that pink is sumpin huh?

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