More pics?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, there are all sorts of seriousness, levity, confusion, directness, revelations - which for all these reasons brings a host of folks to the table here.. I prefer the levity crowd myself, but can put my shoes on and walk a mile in the other categories.
Your right Chrissy, we do have it a bit easier in our climates, but think I'll refrain from diatribes and Falwellisms...not for me!

My Mom use to grow killer mean they will grow here too! I'm on it..I love them. LOL...I'm not the only one that doses off at the computer!

Going to check out the tire containers..they sound cool.! papercrete too..sound interesting!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

We definitely have fewer "black eyes" and "flattened toes" her in TG than in some of the others, eh Chrissy? But for the most part, the conversations in the whole site are fun and interesting. There are just a few that take it all more seriously than others.

mulege, Mexico

Hi - Shari is right. I made a typo.

I really like the tirecrafting because it is very low tech. And Charmaine is definately into the dirt cheap stuff so it's interesting.


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Terima Kaseh Shari! (Terima=Accept ---- Kaseh=Love) But used as thank you in Malay.
Thanks Shari! But I still can't access the tire craft link ! Urrgh!!!t!
Carol, selamat=Safe. Use that in greetings.
The actual word for "good" is "bagus". Pretty soon we'll be donning sarongs and speaking a Tropical language...with a hibiscus tucked behind our ears! Randy too!
Randy, it's not those big florist variety that he grew. The blooms are pretty small.
Lengthy diatribe? That always have been proven to waste one's time, when it's over! You can't convince fools!
(Did I just say that! Lolol)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL..okay..Mom grew huge ones in Washington State.

I couldn't get to the tire craft either

mulege, Mexico

I just double checked: it's Really.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

ooh..yes BD is June 7th..full fledged Gemini...and have the capability to live up to the reputation!

I'll check the tirecrafting again..

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

For some reason..I had to go to google ..but got this probably won't work either..but will test

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Randy, yours worked!!! Thanks Katie!

mulege, Mexico


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

HAHA...I am 27 - Cancer. Us Juners are a good lot, eh?

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Katiebear, thanks for the neat inspirations and Randy thanks for the link! Those tire ideas are very cool and so very useful. I remember when I was a kid, my dad got the Mother Earth News and they had several articles over the years about recycling tires in creative ways. Of course, my favorite then was the giant playground made with recycled tires!
Jaye, I'm looking through my sarongs for my favorite orange one... I'll be ready for the Tropical Language classes!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes..June babies rule...hehehe...only 20 days after me..

I can see the tires have possibilities..

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey, April babies rule more! LOL. Born on Tax day here. hehehe

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

uh huh...something about a bull I hear!...heheheh

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

nope, May babies rule, go Gemini's!!! lol
Gonna try those tire links now, could not get the others to work.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Great ideas! I remember my sister (In the pacific northwest) used to grow potatoes in a stack of 3 tires....planting the potatoes then putting on another tire, filling it with dirt etc. and planting more.... Then to harvest, she would just take the tires down one at a time...leaving the pototes in the 'tires' for storage. She could control the water and also the tires absorbed a great deal of heat to grow.

I thought at first it was 'Po White Trash' looking...but with time I began to appreciate the concept.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Well did you see how you can fix them up and not really tell what they are ...

Also thought they would make excellent retainer walls like in the pictures

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

YES....I did!!! Have seen them used as retaining walls and for embankments too....but they DO biodegrade eventually....especially with alot of freezing and thawing!


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Did you read that article a couple weeks ago about making the stepping stones with real leaves, or mosaic...that's something I'd like to give a whirl!

Day two of chicken soup...I removed all the bones from the soup...
Added most of the vegetables today....will add the papaya and okra already taste wonderful...the key is putting the fresh herbs on the that steamer or strainer...that way you can lift them right out..

Kalani Kai

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Carol...your needed on the Jade Vine Question thread!

Rj I grow mums no trouble in fact I forget they are there most of the time until they pop back up again the"stoole" expands every year and the plants just grow wider and wider in Australia they flower in time for mother's day and bought for that day Italian relatives get very upset though because they believe them to be a funeral flower.
Good luck with the pots everyone! sounds like fun
Hope everyone's colds ...sore backs ... sore arms etc are all on the improve ...what on earth is going on?
Nothing much is happening here just the same old rain ...grey skies cool temps and storm cells.
Hope your weather is kind to you all won't be long now until your Spring rush is on.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Good morning everyone. Hope you that are in the cold zones are staying warm! :) And those in the warm zones are staying cool! :) It is about 20º here, so I guess I won't be playing in the dirt! LOL

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Selamat Pagi!
Chrissy, I have a problem with a certain plant. Not to offend visiting relatives, I had to restrain myself from growing Michelia champaca or the "Joy" tree. Those flowers are used only for funerals!!!!!!
Most Asians are superstitous, and I sure don't want them to fear any 'omens' when visiting me. It's bad enough they have to fork out beaucoup dollars just for their flight tickets!!
You take good care of yourself too Chrissy!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Jaye, too just gave me a great idea for an article! Plant superstitions! Here sage is considered very good luck, cleansing of evil spirits and prevention of bad dreams...

Could you both give me a little more info on your respective "taboo" plants? I will happily give reference to you both in the article. And did you know that originally Plumeria were considered to be associated with death as well?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That's a bummer about flowers and me all flowers are joyful and for life.

Chrissy, your still having a rainy summer!? I saw that cork screw vine picture of was stunning...I think I'm going to let mine grow lower to the ground like that... that thing is voracious..I planted one last summer and it was all over the brug trees.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Howdy Randy! How's the soup? I have a corkscrew en route to me, hoping I can keep it alive till you come out and touch it with your magic thumb! (See, I will "guilt" you into visiting if given half a chance!) ha ha.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a) guilt needed...We have profit sharing on Feb 14th...going to fix the passport..
When you went back home...did you go to GUM to get to KWA? or did you take the island hopper from HNL?
The soup is delicious...I tried something new today...I fried the turnip greens, papaya, okra and leeks in palm oil, and white wine before adding to the was delicious...I actually just had a bowl of the fried greens and was soooooooo good. Wish you were close enough to come over..I'm having a bunch of friends over tomorrow to induldge in the soup. Poor Christi..I wish I could have her prop her feet up and wait on her this weekend...she has been working very hard at the DFW market!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I know. I miss her. We take the island hopper from Hono. Only the one stop at Majuro. The greens sound good...I love anything with papaya. Never been fond of turnips though...I'll tell you that story some other day. JB just got home and we are off to do some shopping and chores. Later gator!

Rj I read on some of the forums that Texas was rained out one summer a year or 2 ago and I was wondering if you could tell me what happened to your Brugmansia pods I have over 60 on my two trees in back (the ones I crossed myself) and they are lovely and bulging but need to ripen up a bit ...I have removed the papery stuff to prevent moulds and bugs from forming and now my concern is that they may rot or drop ...or not ripen ...our temps are hovering in the low to mid 60F every day ...grey sky ...inches of rain.Since this is the first time with brug pods I am a bit scared something might go wrong ...any clues? sorry to be a pest ...and I agree with you no flower is bad (well maybe some triffids) :)
Hi everyone else move over I think I am in the wrong country at the moment ...someone stole our Sun this Summer.
Pass the soup around ...heaven you should start a thread about flowers that provoke fear or adoration I am sure a lot of people will have something to say about that.Shari I am sure there will be lots of folk lore on that subject :)
Lou golly take it easy mate!
you too 77
pepper stop running everywhere
to all the dreamers keep dreaming

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Ha ha ha ..Shari :)

Oops of course I will contribute ... LouC sorry the C went poof!
Great idea for an article indeed, I need a day though to dig out a book or three.Also forgot to say here have a sugar banana :) (previous pic)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Shari, don't confuse Turnips, with Turnip greens...I hate turnips, but the turnip greens are tastey..I change the greens every time..sometimes it's collard greens, spinach or kale...

Chrissy..your never a pest dearest!...
In fact it was only 6 months ago-- the rainiest summer on was like a rain forrest.. and my brugs did produce an unusual amount of seed pods. I let some of them just fall, but I did keep some of them...when they were not green looking anymore, or they looked like they were splitting open I would put them on a paper plate with paper towels and try them out in the kitchen where it was nice and dry..since I'm cutting brugs down at the can guess I haven't tried growing any of them.

Thanks Rj :) so they did ripen? not rot? * trembling* ps I measured one snail flower stalk today at 11inches!

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Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes..they sure did...had to keep an eye on them though..because if they do open'll have to take them down asap to avoid the mold..

Thanks mate I feel a whole lot better! :)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

It's actually the rainy weather that's helping them go to seed...they originally come from rain forrest climates...

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Oh Crissy, what a picture! Can you see me drooling? LOL I am looking out my window at my poor frozen corkies, just hanging there breakin my heart...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

ooh the weather outside is frightful! it's cold, blowing and rainy..

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Shari, don't know if it's any interest to you for your article, but locals (and some haole) burn sage before going into the ocean for protection from the ancestor shark...

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