More pics?

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

That is good to know that I am still sane! LOL I was telling DH earlier about things people are going to send me in the Spring and he said do they realize you have a DH in this, too! HA HA HA I just told him I can dig holes with the best of them! LOL

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

That's one good thing about the banana trees, they don't have to be down real deep. You might want to keep yours in a pot. You could try both....we have plenty to experiment with! If it dies in the ground, I'd just send you another one!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Well, in the mix of pots I got today there are some REALLY pretty ceramic ones that will hold large plants! So long as I don't have to worry about the roots busting them that is? I think I actually got 4 of the large ones, so there's my big pots for my big plants! LOL I just can't wait to have my own bananas growing here in Missouri, it just boggles my mind! LOL I was going to ask if I will always be this excited over things like this, then I remember reading from all of you and the excitement doesn't fade! :) Oh, DH is going to build me a fairly large green house behind the garage/wood shop, so I can always plant them back there and build that around them! HA HA HA Well, I have to help, but that is ok since I get something so nice out of it! LOL

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Great husband! Sounds like a keeper! No, I don't think it really energy level does, but not the "love". They are such a joy to see bloom, and then with the bananas, flower and fruit! Can't think of a better thing to be addicted to!

Did someone mention bananas?

Thumbnail by
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

It is so exciting to be a gardener, especially after having a black thumb for years! LOL
Well, I have to get ready for my son's surgery on his hand, will try to be back later.
Hugs to All,

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Tammy, hope all goes well for your son today.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Jenny! I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers, my nerves are a bit on edge. :)

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Thoughts are with you!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Tammy, sending positive, healing thoughts for your son. I would have been jumping up and down to get pots like you describe! Out here, all we can get at the store are basic plastic, all the same terra cotta color. If someone is selling a plant in a real pot - ceramic or anything other than plastic, it will get twice as much as any other plant. Pots are so heavy, that their shipping costs are prohibitive, so we gardeners are always on the lookout for something cool that can be used as a container...we get very creative at times! Send me a d-mail with your addy so I can send you these seeds.

Anyone else want some? Kim?

Yokwe all,

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Shari I will have to pass..I have no greenhouse.
Thank you so very much for the offer. One day :*)
I have to stick to things that I can drag to a spare room or the basement LOL.

Is it possible to get a mould and make your own pots ...I have about 15 large cement pots that were made by an elderly fellow passed on.He had a mould and made all of his pots I suppose cement weighs a ton but once you had a large lot you could make a lot of pots.Most of the older Italians make their own pots from moulds and whitewash them could decorate them any way you wanted to though.You would need to seal them inside if you wanted to plant acid loving plants other than that they grow wonderful sage and geraniums etc
M I hope all goes well for your son will I am sure.
Happy gardening everyone

Thumbnail by
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Chrissy, its an idea some of us have thought about, but it never came to be. Lack of room and supplies is the main problem. We've thought about doing it up at the hobby shop, but they don't want us playing with cement up there either. And yep, it weighs a ton! Almost easier to order a pot than to order cement! So, for the near future anyway, it will be coveting our neighbors cute coleus containers.

That is a shame ..although there is the sand cement ratio ...I thought you might have your own sand.There is a new product or two such as the paint on sandstone or painted terra cotta textured finish. Our farmers do things with old tyres ...I have seen them cut in a way that resembles swans (painted white of course).Hmmmm I am going to give this some thought ...funny how you don't think these problems exist in paradise.:)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I am working on the tire idea myself. And we get these "test" concrete cylinders - round tubes of solid concrete about 18 inches long and maybe 5 or 6 inches wide...set those up in various configurations for I said, we get creative! Lots of driftwood and sea shells...

But another creative mind working on the problem is sure a plus! Thanks! Can't remember if you have a delonix regia...royal poinciana or not. If not, would you like some seed pods?

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi all, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, they are greatly appreciated! Everything went very well, but he ended up with two screws since it was broken all the way up his hand. He says it hurts more now than before. He was starved, but then wasn't able to eat but about half of his Sonic after all the medication. He has already gone up to bed since he was still so sleepy.
Hugs to all, Tammy

Oh, HURRAY for me and my pots! :)
Shari, will get an email out to you on the address and such, and thanks SO much!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Glad to hear that he came through okay, but sorry that he is in so much pain. Tell him to think of the "Bionic Man"...he'll be better, stronger, etc...

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Shari, I will be sure and tell him that as I am sure it will give him a chuckle at the idea! LOL

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Bwwwwhhhaaaa/ Here I go to work for a few days and you just run off and leave me. Took 15 minutes just reading the new posts on this one thread. Good for you! Home a little early today but for the next 8-9 days I'll just be working, working, working. Don't you feel sorry for me? That's ok. I'll be alright. Don't worry about me. BBBwwwwhaaaaa....

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Dear Christi - so what are you doing so early in the morning, that is keeping you from us?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Twice a year I work at the World Trade Center registration desk. Not hard, just really long hours. When you are used to getting out of bed around 9 AM, being at your desk at 7 AM is a killer. Runs about 8-9 days but today my super told me she may need me a couple of days or more for the apparel market that runs right after gift market. I'm just so good they can't do without me. Only 17 miles but because of the traffic it can take over an hour. Just depends on what happens between here and there.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Sounds like fun! Do you get a chance to wander around and look at stuff? I used to love going to things like that in Denver. If you ever get a chance to go to a metaphysical fair you've just got to check it out! Some waaaay cool stufff is to be found between all the kooks and flakes...and it is soooo much fun to "people watch"! DD and I had a ball trying to figure out which tattoos were real, and which were "painted on for the event"...its a hoot!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

These are buyers and sellers. They have just come off a big market at Atlanta and are dragging. Two days after Dallas the Las Vegas Market opens. I have done that and it is the pits. Market is a killer, literally. Lots of heartattacks. It's nuts that there are only 2 days between all the different markets. Product must be packed up and shipped and pray it gets to the next destination in time for you to unpack and display. THERE IS NO GLAMOUR IN ANY PHASE OF IT. Really, really hard work. When you go to Macy's, just think how much work went into getting that purse on the shelf for you.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Isn't it strange that so many people see the garment industry as glamorous, when as you say, it is really grueling work? My niece was a model in Europe for years, magazine covers - the whole shebang...though she traveled extensively, she never got to see anyplace, and worked her behind off constantly...she kept asking "where's the glamour?" Though so many young girls aspire to is NOT fun!

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

And for no apparent reason, LApalms suddenly tosses this foto in....

Thumbnail by LApalms
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Ha Ha! Nice pic to get us back on track! You will find that this bunch of folks are masters at going off topic!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

LApalms, is that a garden area in front of your house in the middle of your driveway? It's really pretty and the palms look so very healthy!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)


Hypertufa!!! Also PAPERCRETE. There is a super Hypertufa forum....and a thread about Papercrete.. Both processes create YOUR OWN MOLD of a pot...that you can juggle it is so light. In place of sand you use vermiculite or perlite or is wonderful. .... day when I have more time I am going to create all these will be amazed!!!!!!!

Not today, tho.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Carol, I have been interested in the hypertufa too, never got round to it yet either! Saw some toadstools someone did, they were so cute - that's my first project if and when!

Hope you are feeling better after your spill, had a little drama of our own on Sunday - we went to some friends house for dinner and we hadn't been there but 10 minutes when I had an asthma attack and was rushed to hospital via ambulance, sirens going and everything! Very dramatic! Unbelievable that there is no hospital or urgent care in Napili or Lahaina and you have to go along the coast road all the way to Kahului. Somethings are not so good about living on a small tropical island.

Christi, don't work too hard and wear yourself out at the Trade Center!

A hui hou

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh Jenny, sure hope you are OK! My daughter had asthma as a child but pretty much has outgrown it. She has an attack every once in awhile. They can be scary. Will keep you in my prayers! Take care of yourself! Aloha!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Jenny and Carol, hope everything's okay with your little incidents.
Christi, traffic can get you unnecessarily stressed out. But the most dangerous thing right now on the roads are not offensive drivers, but cell phone users.
Bad back here and thanks for that info on Papercrate.
Blessings to all. ♥☺♥

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Hi Brave Heart's Mom,
Nope not my house. This is several miles south of here towards San Diego. I'm not sure what the building is, I guess you could say I couldn't see the building for the palms.
Actually I'm living in a 15 story hotel in downtown Los Angeles near a hospital I have been in and out of for the past year and a half due to some bad health luck. I'm doing pretty well now but not gardening much these days, yet.
You know, those Royal palms just thrive here, and it just kills me that they are not marketed more by home depot and the other big box stores like they do with king palms and caryotas (fish tails), and plumerias etc. They normally are acquired at places like Jungle Music (see their web site) and specialty places. It's a shame.
The zone 11 sections of SoCal should be awash in Royal Palms.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha LApalms, just wanted to say "get well soon", a year and a half is a long time to have ill health. Hope you will be able to get back to gardening soon.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Jenny....The day before i leave for Borneo I am going to a workshop on Hypertufa... from Janice's book on container gardening. I have been dying to do it!!!

Why don't we make it a project to do when I am there?????? We can all learn together. Do you have a corner of something in your yard where we can mix cement and stuff and make pots and toadstools?????


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

OH is catching up with us!!! Hope you are OK Jenny!!!!

When I get back i have to have a series of tests (MRI etc.)...MD thinks my back/hip situation is pinching nerves in my back. Now I must learn to "walk softly and carry a big stick".

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Bummer, Carol. So, do you think you are a candidate for surgery?
Anyway, Kel who thinks with his left brain told me that he had sites bookmarked just for that certain creative project for the garden! It's hypertufa! It's wonderful he won't be griping on an extra activity!
Blessings to all!

This message was edited Jan 16, 2008 5:04 PM

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

How did this thread slip past me...
gorgeous brugs..and fun pictures..and..LApalms cracking me up!...
That red palm is very cool.
Jeanne..what might I have? I too like that birthday is in june....LOL.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Randy, made a note of that! LOL! Mine was Dec. 30th, so thank you for all of the plants you gave me for my birthday.....and the brugs to come! LOL!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

"the brugs to come"...must be special delivery, eh Randy!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Carol, yes, yes, yes! I would love to have a go at some toadstools, certainly have a corner to try it in! Wonder if Christi want to try too?
Hateful to have a pinched nerves, hope they don't give you too much trouble on your trip - Bon Voyage!

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