More pics?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Happy Birthday Jeanne...

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you Randy! Since he's digging them, I'll be glad to go pick them up! Then they are going into pots until I figure out their permanent locations!

This message was edited Jan 16, 2008 7:25 PM

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Lucky you Jeanne! I'm sure RJ's plants are to die for!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL..right Jeanne...just like I was...they're still lined up by the fence 5 years later in pots waiting for a permanent location...
Thanks Heavenscape...but if you listen to the plants...they say..yeah...we got that Rj trained purdy good...

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Yep, and I bet if I listened to your soil, they'd whisper the dirt angels that live there!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Ooooo, I'm sick!! Here I go, buying more brugs off the net, trying to extend the collection, still having less than green thumbs!! Lucky Jeanne has RJ for a neighbour!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Heaven...don't BUY brugs...what are you looking for?

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I'll second that! Lucky me! I appreciate it very much! Randy is a good Mentor!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

RIGHT!!?? Why on earth are you buying brugs? Alls it takes is a branch in the mail! As a matter of fact..I have to post the picture....I was picking up on the side of the green house...I missed some brug branches last time I trimmed...and there on the ground amidst the leaves ..the trimmed branches I missed lay rooted on the ground where I had left them...!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

It's that magic soil you've got! We want to see pictures!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Late catching up.
Carol, have been battling serious back condition for sometime. Try not to think about it. Sciatic nerve has been pinched and Oh, Momma. What a hurt! Three epidural shots later I can tolerate it. Going to see the spine doc next week. Sure don't want to ruin my trip. Probably gonna give into surgery when I come home. bwhaaaa. I'm a chicken. Mainly because I know of too many that have come out worse on the other side.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I do sound foolish, don't I??
Well, that's my illness. When I fall in love with something, it will become an obsession. I want everything!!!!! Bad thing is we're sitting on 4 acres, hence plenty of space. So far, I have Heloise, Jamaican Yellow, Adeline, New Orleans Lady a NOID---- bidding on Serendipidity and Puppy Love!! It's just not only brugs, I have a penchant for dahlias, daylilies and all tropicals!
Yes, I'm to join the Plantaholics Anonymous!
1. I admit I am addicted to plants and have no control over it!
Blessings to all.........and me!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

oh...I hate that...that comes and goes on me..more so when spring and summer are here and I'm doing heavy lifting in the will keep me up all night in misery.
I'm taking an "off the shelf" remedy for antidepressant amitriptilyne, but works on the nerves. I get hot poking needle sensations in my arms over and over ...the next episode will manifest in another location on the arm...I've considered surgery too, but after both hips...I'm still holding out. I hope you feel less pain...xoxo

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Sorry Christi, we cross posted! At one time I was treated by a chiro for bad back. Worked for a while.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

heavenscape - your preaching to the choir back driveway is stuff full of plants that have no place to go...! How are Dahlias? I am about to plant a bunch from seed...I have been growing zinnias the last couple years and thought Dahlias would be complimentary.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Randy, check the changing colour dahlia on this!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

ooh...those are very rich! I look forward to trying them..hope it's not too hot here for them. I was surprised how well zinnias do...!
Is it me? or does some one seem grumpy....go to the last 6 posts...
I'm figuring there's a nice guy there, that's probably farmed for years and years..a bit older, and has no time for dumb things! ..ROTFLOL .I almost spit out my black eyed peas I was eating! .

This message was edited Jan 16, 2008 8:45 PM

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Christi...I had horrible Siatica for years. Finally went to a Sports Med. MD who found one leg shorter than the other...most folks have one shorter. A few tugs and I have never had it again. Sent my boss who would be hospitalized with it to him and he too found relief. Check it out. Mine is degerative discs (too many horsebackriding accidents) and arthritis. MRI will tell him what he needs to know...I will do anything to avoid surgery unless they want to replace the hip!!! In the meantime... life is wonderful and I am lucky to be here!!!

Heavenscape...send me a dmail with your address and i will send you a collection when i get back from Borneo:

Creamsickle, HUGE double peach, 2 double whites, Maya, Peaches and Cream, Pink Delight, Golden lady, Rothkirk, some odd seedlings. Why don't you try to grow out a pod of seeds? I have one getting ready on my Pink Versicolor Wild Form....then you get to pick and choose and get excited about new babies etc....

Randy...I hear you about the brug prunings!!!! I have to make sure when I toss them in the bush they don't fall on the ground!!!! Same 'problem' with Gardenias!!!

Anyone else craving Brugs....let me know.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I've been wanting Maya for a while...and you have shipped yet..stick in branches...!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Nah....I think he is just practical!!! Same O'O'malemale happened in Hoyas about a Beer Formula. Those who swore by it got their knickers all twisted when everyone didn't jump on the stage and clap..... Formulas depend so much on where you live and what you are dealing with...and it is nOT the same for everyone!!! I happen to think he has a the time other figure out if it is regular asprin or baby asprin...buffered or not....can I use city water? rain water? heavy a spray and should I hold it in my left hand or my right hand....he has his plants sprayed and 'Pau'.

HAHAHA we do dig our heels in, don't we????

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

By the way Carol,
I was trying to figure out this that you posted on the other thread...



a huge Komodo Dragon made (by you) out of hypertufa?

Full sun?

Jamaican Dwarf Heliconia?

I hadn't read email for a couple days...and was kind of lost.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh I can't believe you actually said "Who's Jerry Baker"...Randy, you are BAD!


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

hahahahaha...I know..I'm still cleaning peas off my screen from laughing so hard...I just had this mental picture in my mind!....

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Randy....those mind burps were thoughts for the front of your house!!!

But then, Black Eyed Peas smeared on a screen sounds like fun!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh, are we talking about the actual legume??? I have visions of the musical group smeared all over my pooter....hmmmm.....any butterflys re: Borneo Carol??? I would be soooooo excited!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

more tears...stop Shari!!! ROTFLOL

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Okay Carol...thanks for the suggestions...and now don't laugh when I saw this huge Giraffe covered with ivy at River Oaks statuary and nursery today and had discussions on how that and a Tiki God would look very cool in the garden!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Randy, you are incorrigible!!! "Who's Jerry Baker"??? I am one of the millions that made him rich!!! Lololol!!
Carol, terima kaseh....I'm sure you'd surprise me well. Will be praying for a safe trip and hope that you find lots of rare orchids.
Blessings and laughter for all!

This message was edited Jan 16, 2008 11:57 PM

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL..oooh that guy...and to think I thought he was talking about a plant guru dude...

Here is copy of Chicken soup recipe I'm currently making...some have asked for it. Of course all you cooks know you can streeeeetch, add, subtract..and it probably taste just great.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks Randy - PEANUT BUTTER! I trust you....Planning on making it next week when my family blows into town.

That is funny ...I remember a bunch of us being told to rack off and one girl was tossed off by admin on a Jerry Baker thread ( by the way we have never heard of him here in Australia and our plants thrive on manure ,blood and bone and mulch) ...when I first joined ...shari was involved too, so we went off and started a thread in garden talk that went on and on as we were joined by many who feel a little scared to say boo some of the forums where they seem so serious about stuff ...the first thing I noticed when I joined daves garden was all these folks sweating tears of blood about how to treat this or that ...and I thought then ... geez they need to relax about the gardening ...more plants are killed with too much kindness than almost neglect after all .However then I realized after looking around that most are not blessed with easy climates and deal with many other difficulties that cause these anxieties ... so be nice ... poor things. Rj you are so funny ...about our tomato growers here I don't know why but all the Greek ones use asperin ...just 1 tablet as a side dressing for each tomato plant, I know not more than that except that they are wonderful gardeners and swear by it.
I hope you are all happy and excited and enjoying your warmer days as Spring fast approaches ...we have yet to see the sun this summer.
Take care chrissy

Great recipe ...I thought I was the only one that thickened soup with a bit of peanut butter goes so well in curried soup dishes too.
thanks ...chrissy

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Randy...tomorrow I am buying two roasters for a dinner on Friday. FerSure making your soup when I clean out the fridge in hungry just reading it!!!!

You didn't answer me....June ?????? is your birthday?

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Selamat pagi (Good Morning)
Helping sister Carol with her Malaysian phrases!
Randy, I fell asleep @ the 'puter and just read your recipe. Will have to look for palm oil online. Yes, I've used peanut butter as a thickening agent and it makes instant satay sauce too. BTW, my grandad's favourite flowers to grow back in Singapore were zinnias, decorative dahlias and chrysenthemums. Guess we associate dahlias with cold climate as the Dutch are reknowned for them. I read that the Mexicans in the late 1800s had sent a box to the Dutch!
Chrissy, I used not to be too anxious about my plants, until I joined DG. Sometimes too much info can make anyone insecure! Now I am just better informed, and it's up to me to choose the method to help the plants survive. I hope I have enough common sense too!!!!
Thank you again, Chrissy, for sharing your experiences with brugs.
It's looking more like winter here! Off to the GH with a cup of hot Ovaltine!
Blessings to all!

mulege, Mexico

Back to the subject of pots, I have made beautiful large pots from tires which are still attached to the rim. Painted them terra cotta color and no one knows iti's a tire unless I tell them. Directions are at I got the jigsaw the owner rrecommended and a large bunch of his specially modified blades. I help clean up when someone dumps a load of tires at the dump.

It's possible to make hypertuffa with little or no concrete. Can you get lime? I'll see if I can relocate my internet source for this information. (I changed computers.)


mulege, Mexico

Lots of information on papercrete and stuff that doesn't use concrete at The owner's name is Charmaine and she actually makes a lot of pots and stuff using different mixes so she's a good source for hands-on information. I've gotten books and tapes from her.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Thanks Katie....I'm going to check out that site!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Selamat Petang (Good afternoon)
Katie, I checked both links, nothing. Tirecrafting sounds interesting!
Blessings to all!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Selamat Petang Jaye! I think there was a typo in the link...move the "c" before the ".om" works fine for me that way.

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